InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens when Inuyasha meets Barney ❯ Demon Purple Dinosaur ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What Happens When Inuyasha Meets Barney
I hope this is of some entertainment to you. I had this story on, but they erased it like twice so I rewrote it and moved to media miner. Please enjoy.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha, or any of its characters, and thank GOD almighty that I don't own Barney.
Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango and Miroku are getting ready to rest up because the next day they were surely going to find Naraku, and Kill him.
Sango: It's been a long day, but thanks to Inuyasha's nose, we finally found Naraku's lair.
Kagome: It's best to get some sleep now so we'll be at full strength to fight.
Shippo: I can't wait `till he's finally destroyed. It would get rid of my nightmares.
Miroku: And my wind tunnel will disappear. Damn that Naraku...
Inuyasha: I got dibs. I will be the one to kill Naraku.
Miroku: You are not the only one he's done harm to.
Sango: I say we all kill him.
Shippo: I'll do what I can too, but I'm just a kid.
???: No, Lord Sesshomaru will be the one to kill him.
Kagome: I know that annoying voice..
Sango: Isn't it that stupid Bird-Toad Jaken?
Jaken: I'm an imp!!
*Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Rin come in*
Sesshomaru: I will be the one to kill Naraku. Don't get in the way, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: So you've been spying on me!!
Sesshomaru: Stupid Inuyasha. You know that I have a better sense of smell than you do.
Well don't get in the way of my Tetsusaiga, or I'll kill you too. I ain't stoppin' just `cause
You're family.
Rin: um… May I suggest something?
Kagome: ADORABLE!!!! XD
Inuyasha: No you can't.
Kagome: Inuyasha, SIT BOY!
Inuyasha: *falls to ground* x.x
Kagome: *walks over to Rin* What did you want to say?
Rin: I thought that since you all want to go after Naraku, maybe you should all work together.
Jaken: Stupid Girl, can't you see that Lord Sesshomaru clearly hates Inuyasha?
Rin: I wasn't talking to you, Master Jaken >:P Seeing as all you do is stand around and watch every body else fight as you cower in fear. Infact, if it wasn't for the staff of two heads that Lord Sesshomaru gave you, you would be nowhere right now.
Sesshomaru: You know she does have a point..
Rin: I did it! I finally told Jaken off!!!
Jaken Haters: Yay!! Go Rin!!!
Jaken: Lord Sesshomaru, are you going to let her disrespect me like that?
Sesshomaru: Why not? Can't you fend for yourself? You know it's kinda sad, being punked by a kid.
Jaken: T.T
Sango: Well you gotta admit, this is entertaining.
Shippo: Yup. But I can't help but agree with Rin. Maybe the best way to defeat Naraku is putting all our strength together to make sure he's dead.
Rin: It won't be too bad, but I do have one question. Why can't you two just get along?
Inuyasha: *Gets up and brushes off* that's something that just never happens, kid. I'll consider working with you if you cooperate, but after we kill Naraku, we're right back to being enemies.
Sesshomaru: I think Rin's Right. Why can't we get along?
Inuyasha: What- what did you just say?
Sesshomaru: You must be imagining things. I said nothing.
*They all feel strong winds. A tornado comes their way and Koga appears.*
Koga: Kagome. Hope that mutt hasn't put you through any trouble.
Kagome: Oh boy…
Inuyasha: Who you callin' a mutt?! Scrawny wolf!
Sango: Where are the other wolves that usually follow you around?
Koga: They all died of freight.
Miroku: What? What are they all scared of?
Koga: There's a big purple dinosaur coming this way!
All: O.o
Shippo: Purple dinosaur..?
And he danced around singing `I love you, you love me' and that's what killed my pack.
Inuyasha: So you ran around with your tail between your legs.
Koga: You would too if you heard that thing sing! It's torture!
Miroku: A purple singing dinosaur… it must have been sent by Naraku.
Kagome: Do you think it has a sacred jewel shard?
Inuyasha: Either way, we have to kill it.
Barney Haters: Yay!!!
Sesshomaru: So then I guess we find Naraku.
Rin: Before the demon purple dinosaur comes and kills us all!
Jaken: Girl, you don't even know what this is about!
Kagome: Why don't you just lay off? You're constantly nagging at poor Rin.
Jaken: well if she didn't act so stupid, then I wouldn't have to be so harsh on her
*Tokijin goes through Jaken and kills him.*
All look at Sesshomaru: O.o
Sesshomaru: What? I swear it slipped! Yeah that's it, Tokijin just slipped out of my hands and killed Jaken. Right after he said his last annoying words…
Rin: Lord Sesshomaru, I can't help but feel that you did that on purpose.
Inuyasha: So spill, Sesshomaru.
Sango: Yet it still keeps its entertainment
Sesshomaru: Okay FINE! I admit it! But wouldn't you do the same thing? Come on, back me up here!
Miroku: Well it does seem a bit quieter… -_-
Shippo: Shh. Hear that? It's the sound of silence. Such a beautiful sound…
Rin: So… All in favor of Jaken's death, say I
All: I
Sesshomaru: *takes Tokijin out of Jaken*
Jaken: Lord Sesshomaru… Why?
Inuyasha: Holy Hell! That thing is still alive!!
Sango: Hiraikotsu!! *Throws giant boomerang and cuts Jaken in half.*
All look at Sango: O.o
Sango: What? None of you can say you weren't annoyed.
Koga: Let's go get Naraku
*They all fallow Inuyasha, Koga, and Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha: Here it is. Naraku's lair.
Sesshomaru: And after we find out the secret behind the evil singing dinosaur, we kill him.
Rin: I'm getting scared, Lord Sesshomaru. Isn't Sesshomaru the one who abducted me in one of the episodes?
Sesshomaru: Then stay here, Rin.
Inuyasha: Shippo, you stay too.
Shippo: Aww why do I gotta?
Sango: A lady could use a strong man like you to protect her.
Shippo: Okay, I'll do it! ^_^
*They go inside Naraku's lair*
Kagome: What the-?!
Inuyasha and Koga: What is it, Kagome?!
Kagome: Look at that. *points to the ground*
All: *GASP*
Kagome: O.O
Koga: `Home sweet home' ?!
Inuyasha: Why would Naraku have a home sweet home welcome matt?
Miroku: Maybe Naraku isn't what he used to be.
Sesshomaru: Maybe Naraku is… Nah.
*They walk deeper into the castle*
???: What the hell are you doing in this castle?!
Inuyasha: Kagura?!
???: No I'm Kanna
Kagome: Can't you tell?! I mean Kagura and Kanna's voices are done by the same voice actress, but at least someone with common sense with common sense could tell
*Note: Janysse Jaud, you rock!! (Voice actress of Kagura and Kanna.)*
Sango: Can we get back to the story already?
Inuyasha: Where's Naraku? Tell us and I won't kill you.
Kanna: You know that every thing you try will be repelled by my mirror
Kagome: But I thought that I destroyed it in that episode when you tried taking my soul
Kanna: You did, but Naraku gave me a new one. Duh, he's the one who created me… Is it me or did that sound horribly wrong?
Koga: Definitely Not you
Sesshomaru: Wait a minute, in that episode, didn't Kagome break the Mirror with her arrow?
Miroku: Yes, but how do you know? You weren't even in that episode.
Sesshomaru: Duh! I was back stage.
*They all get ready to fight*
Inuyasha: Last chance. Were the hell is Naraku?
Kanna: Do you really want to know?
Koga: Duh that's why we're here!
Kanna: Then go down this hall and take a right. Still… You guys don't look like you're ready to see him.
*She walks off*
Kagome: That was easy
Miroku: Too easy…
*they all did what Kanna said and went down the hall and came to a door.*
Sango: I guess this is the room that Naraku is in.
Inuyasha: This is it, everybody. His is when we finally kill Naraku.
*slams door in*
Kagome; What is going on here?!
All: O.o
Sesshomaru: Is he making… Cakes..?
*Naraku turns around*
Naraku: What brings me to my home?
Sango: Why are you making cakes instead of getting ready to fight us?
Naraku: why hate when you can love?
All: O.O
Inuyasha: Is something wrong here or is it me?
Koga: We came here to talk about the evil purple dinosaur
Naraku: Purple dinosaur? I know of no such thing.
Koga: Then explain why an evil purple dinosaur came and scared the life out of my pack!
Naraku: Let's talk about this over tea
*They sat at a table and Naraku poured them some tea.*
Inuyasha: So what's with the barrier?
Naraku: Barrier to the castle? I changed it, but it should've been there.
Inuyasha: What kind of barrier was it? We got in with no problem
Naraku: Cheap ass home sweet home mat.
Miroku: You mean the barrier was in the matt? How pathetic.
Naraku: Well I thought it looked cute…
All: O.O
Naraku: *Clears throat* So what about the singing dinosaur?
Kagome: Koga claims that there was a purple singing purple dinosaur that came and terrorized his pack of wolves.
Naraku: Well I have nothing to say. I clearly had nothing to do with it.
*Boom!* Came from outside
Sango: Did you hear that?
Miroku: I heard it this time
Sesshomaru: The tea... Look at the tea!!
*They see ripples in the tea.*
Inuyasha: What the hell?
Sesshomaru: I'm going to check it out.
Kagome: Me too. Shippo and Rin are out there!
-Out side where Rin and Shippo were-
Rin: Shippo, what's that?
*They see a purple dinosaur coming their way.*
Shippo: Oh great. I think it's the evil purple dinosaur that Koga warned us about
Rin: But didn't he say that they died of freight?
*She hides behind Shippo*
Shippo: Maybe if we hold still, it won't see us.
*Purple Dinosaur steps closer*
Shippo: Who are you and what do you want?
Barney: Hey, Kids! We should be friends! *says in the gayest way possible*
Shippo: How 'bout not?
Rin: Careful, you don't want it to start singing…
Barney: I know, let's all sing a song!
Rin: Oh no! It's the evil song of death!!
Shippo: Fox Fire!! *throws fire into Barney's face and takes Rin into the castle.*
Rin: But Lord Sesshomaru told me to stay here
Shippo: Would you rather be tortured to death by its singing?
Rin: …
*They bump into Inuyasha and the others, fallowed by Naraku*
Inuyasha: What's going on?!
Rin: Shippo stopped the evil purple demon dinosaur with a pretty fire, right when it was about to start singing!
Sango: Good job, Shippo. I'm very proud of you.
Shippo: ^_^
Kagome: So what do we do now?
Inuyasha: Of course, we kill it!
Sesshomaru: what if we don't have the strength to?
Miroku: Aw come on! You can fight Inuyasha and get your arm cut off, but you can't kill a freakin purple dinosaur?
Koga: Lame-O
Sesshomaru: Hello!! I was being paid to fight him and duh, it wasn't my freakin arm, it was a freakin replica!! Didn't you realize that I have both of my freakin arms?
All: O.o
Sesshomaru: You guys are the lame-o's not me.
Naraku: So… Do we go after it or what?
Sango: You're staying here!
Naraku: What did I do to deserve this? T.T
Sango: What are you going to do, throw cakes at it?
Sesshomaru: Ha! Now you're the victim not me!!
???: Okay, Stop the scene!!
Sango: Authoress, what are you doing here?
Me: How are you, Sango? Look, I have a question. How come every time some one says something nice once in a while, somebody has to turn it against them???
Miroku: It's not like we can help it!
Me: How so?
Miroku: well you are the one writing this story. We have no choice but to say what you want us to say.
*Miroku all of the sudden appears to be wearing a pink bunny outfit.*
Me: Look what else I can do? Now cut to the chase, people!! What's the point of this story if Inuyasha never meets Barney?! Ready?
Inuyasha: Not really.
Me: Who cares? Action!!
To Be Continued….
Sorry I had to end it there. I swear that I'll continue within 24 hours!!
If you want to be involved in the destruction of Barney, e-mail or review me, telling me so. Well The best is yet to come… Please review! ^.^
-Authoress Mei Lynn