InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What If? ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi All!
Here's chapter two…again, please don't judge me on this…. I was like 17 when I wrote it and posted it.... And just a warning, Inu's a bit OOC…sorry....
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Inuyasha, created by Takahashi Rumiko.
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What If?
Chapter 2
“NO!” yelled Kagome, sitting bolt upright. Taking a deep breath, she looked around. Wait a sec, I'm still in the feudal era. That was just a dream.
“Hey, you okay?” said Inuyasha, coming over to sit beside her. “Yeah,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “Just a nightmare. The same stupid nightmare I've had for the last two weeks straight.”
Inuyasha frowned and put his arm around her shoulder. “So that explains why you've been so tired lately,” he said. “Wanna talk about it?”
Kagome put her head on his shoulder, sighed, and said, “Do you remember when you fought Goramaru while the rest of us were caught in his poison cocoons?”
“Yeah,” he answered, “To tell the truth though, I was rather worried about you guys for a while.” Kagome was a little surprised at that, but decided not to worry about it. Shifting into a more comfortable position, she said, “Well, the nightmare I've been having is the same one Goramaru gave me.”
Inuyasha looked at her, more than a little concern evident in his amber eyes, and said, “And what was that?”
“First, I have a question for you,” said Kagome, “Why do you think you can pass through the Bone-Eater's Well?”
“Huh?” said Inuyasha, a little confused at this seemingly random question. “What do ya mean? It's `cause of the jewel shards, isn't it?”
Kagome answered him, though still not looking up at him. “No, I don't think so. At least not with you, anyway. See, full demons can't go through the well at all, even if they have a shard of the jewel. Shippou's proof of that(1). And most humans can't go through at all and I have to have a shard of the jewel to pass through. But you don't need a shard to go through in either direction. I think it's because you're a half-demon. It's the only thing that makes sense.”
Inuyasha, a little startled by this, takes a moment to respond. “Oh,” he said, “I never thought of it that way.”
Kagome finally looked up at him and said, “But you do realize that if you can pass freely through the well, other half-demons can, too. And that means Naraku.” (2)
“What!” cried Inuyasha, very surprised at this idea. Kagome settled back down with her head on his shoulder and said, “That's what my nightmares have been about - Naraku coming to my era. They really scare me because you aren't there. But I always wake up before the end.”
Inuyasha looked down at Kagome and pulled her closer to him. He didn't like the idea that Naraku might come after her in her own era. Who knew what kind of havoc that bastard could wreak before Inuyasha could get there himself?
Inuyasha placed his head on top of Kagome's and said, “I swear, if that ever happens, Kagome, I'll be there. I promise.”
Kagome, nearly asleep again, just mumbled a `thanks', then fell fully asleep, with Inuyasha's arm around her. Inuyasha followed suit soon after. They stayed in each other's arms until the morning light peeked over the tops of the trees.
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So, like I said, there's the second chap. Here's a few notes.
1 - Shippou is a full demon, yet cannot pass through the well even with close to half the jewel; See episode titled Naraku's True Identity Unveiled.
2 - Naraku isa half-demon; it's Onigumo's heart that keeps him so; see episode titled Kikyou, Captured by Naraku.
One other note, Kagome is a full human, yet she cannot pass through the well without a jewel shard (See Go Home to Your Own Time, Kagome); yet Inuyasha, a half demon, has been seen passing through the well without a shard many times, the most noticeable of which is in the episode Terror of the Ancient Noh Mask- there, Souta had all of the shards, yet Inuyasha was still able to pass into the modern world from the past.
Thus, that is my reasoning for the theory explained in the story, and I stick by it. Yes, the Kotodama rosary may have something to do with it, but the half-demon thing makes must more sense in my opinion.