InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What if Inu Yasha characters behaved like my cousins? ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha.

Note about the story: Inu Yasha is like my 4-year-old cousin. Kagome is like my 2-year-old cousin. I will be Kikyo, because ever since I started watching Inu Yasha, I told my 4-year-old cousin that I would shoot him with an arrow and pin him to a tree if he doesn't behave. I was just joking about that. (DUH!) Now let's get this silly fanfic started. I can't wait until my cousins learn to read!

Kagome and Inu Yasha were just walking normally, but Kikyo had to watch over them.

Earlier that day-

Kikyo's mom: Watch over Inu Yasha and Kagome. Keep them entertained and out of trouble.

Kikyo: But mom, it's torture! Pure torture!

Kikyo's mom: Go on. They're your little cousins.

Kikyo: (sighs and looks for Inu Yasha and Kagome)

Back to where we were before-

Inu Yasha went over to carry Kagome. He grabbed her around the waist instead of on his back. Kagome began to cry and scream.

Kikyo: Put her down!

Inu Yasha ignored her.

Kikyo: Put her down NOW!

Inu Yasha still didn't listen, but Kagome bit him. He dropped her on the ground. Kagome stopped screaming.

Kikyo: Are you guys hungry?

Kagome: Yes.

Kikyo: Okay, I'll make some ramen.

Inu Yasha: No! Ramen is stupid!

Kikyo: You would be the expert. We'll have rice instead. Don't say stupid. You're not allowed to.

Inu Yasha and Kagome: Yay! Rice!

Kikyo: (makes rice) Your rice is ready.

Kagome: (Shoves rice up her nose)

Kikyo: Ewwww

Inu Yasha: (laughing hysterically) Don't be a silly girl, Kagome!

Kikyo: Don't shove rice up your nose! It will go to your brain if you have one.

Kagome: (shoves rice in Kikyo's mouth)

Kikyo: I'm already full. I don't want anymore rice.

Kagome: (shoves more rice into Kikyo's mouth and soon enough Inu Yasha joins her. This continues until there is no more rice.)

Kikyo: I'm so full. You guys made me eat a whole pot of rice.

Inu Yasha: You're going to vomit.

Kikyo: Shut up!

Inu Yasha: Mom, Kikyo said a bad word!

Kikyo: Your mom's dead.

Inu Yasha: (cries)

Kagome: (pulls Kikyo's hair)

Kikyo: Don't pull people's hair! It hurts. See? (pulls Kagome's hair just to show her)

Kagome: (cries and runs to her mom back in her time and tells on Kagome.)

Kagome's mom: Kikyo, why did you pull Kagome's hair?

Kikyo: She pulled mine first.

Kagome's mom: Kagome, Kikyo said you pulled her hair first. Why did you do that?

Kagome: I don't know.

(Kagome's mom goes back to the modern era.)

Inu Yasha: Can we go to the future too?

Kikyo: Sure.

They went with Kagome's mom to modern Japan.

Kagome: Let's play house.

Kikyo: Uhhh… Let's go to the park! (Anything to get out of playing house)

Kagome and Inu Yasha: Yay! Parky!

Kikyo: This is going to be a long day.