InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what to do............. ❯ ‘feelings’ ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“What to do…”

This is about kagome and seshomaruo, and how he falls in love with her and how will inuyasha fell when she retruns the feelings!

Chapter 1 ‘feelings’

kagomes pov ...
I woke up to fine every one still asleep. I thought I’d go for a swim in the river near by. I gathered my swim stuff and headed to the river. Not knowing the I was being watched by some one in the woods! I slipped into my bathing suite and went for a swim.

sesshomaruo pov ...
I seen that she had got up and I followed her to the river. I watched her slip into her bathing suite. I felt my self blush as I watched I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I watched as she jumped in the river and swam. Then I herd it, something in the wood on the other side of the river bank. Then I seen it, it was a pack of wiled wolves. They got closer to her as she was under water. I didn’t know if I should help her or watch. My felling came over me and I jumped out of the woods as they attacked her.

kagome pov ...
I was swimming then I herd something and popped my head out of the water to fine my self surrounded by wild wolves. Then I seen him, he jumped out of the woods and jumped in front of me as the wolves jump at me. I screamed and got up and ran but didn’t get far when a wolf bit my ankle, I screamed in pain then there he was again in front of me but this time the wolves were gone. He picked me up and set me by the river and cleaned my ankle, then he took his sword and tapped my ankle and it was fixed. I stood up and looked at him and he started to bend down but stopped when he herd inuyasha coming then he took off back into the woods.

inuyasha pov ...
I woke up to find kagome missing along with her bag, so I figured she must have went for a swim so I sat back and closed my eyes, then I herd her scream. I got up quickly and ran to the river to find her standing looking into the woods in bewilderment. I looked at her in confusion.

Kagome … are you ok …?

Yea … I’m fine I … I … just seen a bug that’s all …

You sher …

Umm… yea … sorry I had you worried. I didn’t mean to… wake you…

Its ok are you ready to go?

Yea I’ll be there in a minute.

kagomes pov ...
Inuyasha walked back to the camp. I walked over to my stuff and thought to my self… was he watching me this whole time I was swimming… I dint get it… why did seshomaruo save me… why did he look at me that way… does seshomaruo have feelings for me… but how he hates humans… I don’t know but I would like to find out!

sesshomaruo pov ...
As I walked back to the camp I seen kagome go and pick up he stuff and look back to the woods like she was earlier, what could she be thinking about… to have her so deep in thought… and why did I smell seshomaruo around her! Damn I would like to know why his smell is on her!

sesshomaruo pov ...
I ran back into the woods so I wouldn’t get seen by that mutt inuyasha! I can’t believe I helped her. I can’t believe she’s with that mutt inuyasha! She needs to be with me, and Rin. She could be Rin’s mother and… I can’t be thinking like that… if n e one were to find out that I have feelings for a human, then I would be disgraced.

kagomes pov ...
I looked into the woods I can still feel him near by! I don’t know why but I want to see him again. Inuyasha has been disappearing again lately I wonder if he’s been going to see kikyo again… most likely. He just doesn’t under stand. I walked back the camp thinking to my self. I seen that the other were a wake and songo got up…

Kagome are you ok?

Yea I’m fine… songo can I talk to you alone?

Yea … what is it kagome?

And we walked into the woods. I was going to talk to her about inuyasha and kikyo, and seshomaruo saving me that morning.

Songo… can I trust you not to say n e thing to n e one about what I’m about to talk to you about?

Yea… you can trust me… what is it?

Well I’ve been thinking about inuyasha and kikyo… he’s been seeing her again hasn’t he! You don’t have to lie I already know he has!

Yes he has but he didn’t want you to know…

And I want to talk to you about something that has to do with this morning… well… seshomaruo he … saved me from the wolves that had attacked me! I think he might have feelings for me but I’m not shere though. But I have a feeling that I’ll see him again tonight! So I’ll need you to cover for me if the guys ask were I’m at, ok … can you do that?

You think seshomaruo has feelings for you! Do you really think that he’ll come see you again tonight? But yea I’ll cover for you ok… but I don’t under stand… are you starting to have feeling for seshomaruo to?

I don’t know but I think I might! Thanks songo I owe you one!

We walked back to the camp to fine the boys talking… they stopped talking when we walked up.

You girls ready to go now we have to get to the next town before sun down.

Yea were ready to go…

I picked up my stuff and started to walk with the rest of them gang. I seen that inuyasha every once in a wile would give me weird looks… but I didn’t really pay attention to him. We go to the village right before sun set… and we asked the nice people if we could stay for the night. They gave us a room… songo and I when to soke in the hot tub as the boys ate. After that songo and I ate as the boys went and bathed.