InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I Close My Eyes ❯ Death's Sweet Kiss ( Chapter 1 )

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When I Close My Eyes
Chapter 1-Death's Sweet Kiss
The girl's cries rang through the ears of the mortals and demons alike in the surrounding vicinity. It pierced not only the sound barrier but into the hearts and souls of the witnesses to the mortifying shriek. She ran in front of the oncoming target as the echoes from her cry subsided. The claw pierced through her abdomen as her eyes widened from the shock of the impact. She knew what she had done and yet her actions still shocked her; the pain spread throughout her body as her expression remained and she felt herself fall to her knees.
An equally sorrowful shout came from behind her when she felt the claw slipping out of her body. She began to fall when muscular arms caught her before she touched the ground. Kagome realized that she was being laid down onto his lap as he ran clawed fingers through her hair, not only trying to comfort her, but mostly himself. The blood began to pool onto the ground and surrounded the two youth as the stayed there together. Even the great demon watched as the hanyou held the mortal girl in his arms as she began to slip into the darkness.
She whispered his name slowly as a smile crossed her face, it was weak but it was all she could offer through the pain. His eyes were watering, he could feel it as a tear slipped down his cheek and fell into her blood.
Inuyasha-Please Kagome don't leave…I…I love you.
Her eyes grew bright and her smile widened as she brought a hand up to his cheek and pulled him closer to her. He lowered his face down to hers in a heartfelt kiss and she dropped her head in exhaustion. A tear slide down her cheek as well and formed a drop at the side of her head and fell into her pool of blood.
Kagome-I love you too, forever and always.
Her eyes fluttered shut and her body fully relaxed in the comfort of his arms. The smell of death hit his nose as the realization of her absence finally settled in. She was gone. Kagome was gone. Yet he was still here and what did his life mean now? That was it, it didn't have a meaning without her, he was nothing now.
He let go of her lifeless shell and stood up with his bangs covering the pain in his eyes. A last tear fell from his eye and landed right on the completed Shikon Jewel around her neck. The pureness of his tear purifying the jewel from the tainted aura it had been given in the presence of Naraku. He unsheathed his mighty Tetsusaiga and raised it above his head, in preparation to strike.
Inuyasha-Kagome, you death will not be in vain.
In one swing of the hanyou's sword the dreaded evil in their lives was dead, Naraku was gone. It seemed almost too easy, but then the realization that only with Kagome gone did they kill Naraku. The dead lay scattered on their battlefield in the castle hideaway that Naraku had rebuilt. Kikyo, Kohaku, Kagura, Kanna and Kagome. (A/N-all the k's apparently ^-^) They were all nothing more than lifeless flesh now. Inuyasha walked over to Kagome's body and picked her up from the blood soaked ground and began running. His friends understood, Kirara transformed and Miroku, Sango and Shippo jumped onto the neko youkai's back as she took off into the sky after Inuyasha.
He ran faster and faster with the dead body of the woman he loved within his arms with the stench of her death suffocating him. He picked up on the scent he knew all too well and followed it gaining speed with each passing step. Inuyasha reached his target; there stood his brother with the imp and the little mortal girl. Immediately Sesshomaru picked up on the aroma of a dead body emanating from the girl in his half brother's arms. The Inu Youkai turned around to fully face his little brother's pleading expression as his friends landed behind him watching in awe.
Inuyasha-Sesshomaru, will you help me?
Sesshomaru-What makes you think I'd want to help you little brother?
Inuyasha-You wouldn't under normal circumstances, but please are you willing to help me save her?
Sesshomaru-Does she really mean this much to you? Making you beg for her life from one of your rivals, she has complete control over you even in death. You are a fool for loving her.
Inuyasha-You say that, but I think I'm a fool for letting her love me, after all…that is what killed her.
Inuyasha paused to look at the limp body he was holding. Even in death she was as beautiful as the day he met her. She was everything he needed and yet she died, it just didn't make sense to him. He shot his head back up to meet his brother's gaze.
Inuyasha-She does mean this much to mean, and if she has control over me in death then that means that I shall be her slave for all eternity.
Sesshomaru-Very well, I shall help you Inuyasha in light of the fact that this is what our father did for you mortal mother. It was for your sake and it's exactly the same reasoning this time around.
He drew the Tenseiga but something didn't seem right, he couldn't see the messengers sent from the underworld to claim this girl's soul. There weren't any, all he could see was the glowing coming from the Shikon no Tama hanging from her neck. The light began to blind him and he tried to block it from sight with his forearm until the pain it brought to his eyes caused him to drop Tenseiga. The illuminating glow subsided and he realized that this girl's soul was too large to save. He couldn't summon her back even with his sword. With a sincere look of sympathy Sesshomaru turned to his brother silently telling him of the lack of hope this situation now held.
Inuyasha-Why can't you?
Sesshomaru-Her soul, it's too large to summon back to earth. I'm afraid there's nothing that I can do.
The hanyou turned towards his friends, and took off once more. Running even faster now he wove through the forest until he reached his new destination. There it was; the very thing that had allowed them to be together, the Bone Eater's Well. Inuyasha found it fitting that now it would be the very thing that would separate them forever. Once more his friends had followed and stood behind him watching his very actions. He laid her on the lip of the well and stood back for a few moments. Miroku stepped forward to utter the words to lay Kagome to rest.
Tears flowed down everyone's faces as Inuyasha stepped forward and once again took Kagome in his arms. He climbed into the well and held onto one of the vines that clung to the stones on the sides as to make sure that he did not touch the bottom. When he reached the end he gently lowered the girl onto the bottom of the well while still holding fast to the vine. He noticed the Shikon No Tama still glowing brightly as Kagome was enveloped into the ominous purple warmth of the magic of the well that transported her back to her era. A final tear fell from Inuyasha's eyes onto the rapidly disappearing body of his love.
Inuyasha-Good bye Kagome.
He uttered the words to the deaf ears of Kagome as she was completely consumed by the light. Inuyasha thought `She's dead…and I might as well be too. Death would bring me comfort to see her, but then what would become of…' He cut his thoughts short as he climbed out of the portal and walked beside his friends back to the village. The hut of old Kaede was in sight and as the group slowly approached they could see the elderly priestess emerge from her humble residence with a backpack by her side and something in her arms. Inuyasha came closer and took the blanket from Kaede and unfolded it to reveal the sleeping face of a baby.
Kaede-He hath been sleeping for a long time.
Inuyasha-He's a deep dreamer like his mother.
Sango-But his ears belong to you.
It was true, the baby had triangular ears formed on the top of his head, but with the difference of black tips to them and the ends of the strands of his hair were blackened as well. The young child's eyes fluttered open to reveal a black pupil surrounded by a tender brown, he had his mother's eyes and Inuyasha was grateful for that.
Kaede-Have ye a name for the child Inuyasha?
nuyasha-Kagome and I hadn't worked out the details, we were currently trying to determine that but…she liked the name…