InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do I Stand ❯ Where Do I Stand ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: no I don't own inuyasha

AN: this is my first fic it's sort of angsty though I don't know what came over me to write this fic, but anyways read and review and please if there is anything I need to work on please tell me ^_^

Where Do I Stand

Throughout my whole life I have been shunned away by people, wondering if I ever belonged somewhere, at all. Many were disgusted just by looking at me, giving me insults that would damage me more then any scar or wound could. Those people were disgusted of me, because of what I am…

a hanyou …

a filthy, dirty, disgusting hanyou …

When I was younger I didn't know the meaning of that word. But it still hurt, because that was what everyone called me in all their insults. By then I asked my mother what it meant, though all I got for an answer were her glassy tears that shattered against the cold hard ground. I tried wiping them away but when I did I could feel them burn me, burn me to my very soul.

After she died I learned what that word meant. I learned why humans and youkai were disgusted of me. I learned why every being on this earth hated me. And I hated them back with as much hate that could muster. They left me alone, they left me all alone, so I could rot in my own misery, and every time I tried to run away the darkness always seemed to catch up to me and block any hope of light.

This is how I feel everyday, whenever someone who I thought cared about me, gave me pain because I knew they only cared for me out of sympathy, never out of love. I guess I craved love more than anybody, because I never really had love in my life and whenever it was there, it always got snatched away from me by the darkness.

Yes, I have a light now; "she" is my light, "she" woke me up from this pain. Yes, she is my light that will shine through the pain of darkness… at least for now she will. How soon will the darkness take her away from me and blind me once again? I do not know, that answer…

My whole life I have stood in two different places at once. I have stood in pain and happiness. I have stood as a human and a youkai. I have stood during love and hate.

So tell me will I ever stand in one place? Will I ever stand in a place of my own choosing? Actually where do I stand right now at this very moment?

Just tell me god where do I stand in this world?

Where do I stand in this life?