InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Lie ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

White Lie

by White Trinity

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(A/N:) This is quite an odd fic that I thought up like, two weeks ago. I really like the plot, and I'll eventually give you guys a bit of insight. But right now, I'm giving you guys the prologue. And please try to pay attention as it is like, the basis of the story ( in a sense). Whatever.

Anyway, in this story there will be ( probably) many new characters, and maybe some characters from the anime/manga you might not see at all. Don't be surprised; a girl can only put so many people in a fanfiction...

So, please feel free to review ( of course) and enjoy the prologue.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and co. But this plot and all of my characters belong to me.

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Shinohara Kumiko settled back into her chair in front of her computer, her foot twitching impatiently as she typed the last few sentences of the document her secretary had left for her. She was a magazine editor, specifically for the teen magazine Cuti. How very respectful for a woman her age...

Well, she wasn't all that old to begin with; 23 wasn't considered old. She was actually quite young, with dazzling blue-grey eyes and long raven-colored hair that fell beautifully on her shoulders. Even in her business suit, you wouldn't be able to tell that she was 23. Most people believed she was still in college.

That really amused her. She could fool most people with only a glance, her appearence betraying her actual maturity. If she could look the way she acted, she'd be at least 40. It was kind of sad when you thought about it. But that didn't really matter to her; at least that was what she told herself.

She repressed the familiar, painful hitch in her chest as this thought lingered in her mind. It was sad. It was sad how people portrayed her as a playful and young editor whereas she was sort of the opposite in her mind. The bad version of her was still there, in the back. She willed for it to go away, but even now, five years later, the memories of her past were vivid, relentless to give her peace.

It made her heart wrench in despair because she wasn't who she wanted to be. In fact she was many people, having gone by many names, living many lives, and even now she wasn't herself. She didn't really believe she could ever be herself.

In truth, she shouldn't even exist. At least not this way. Her person wasn't real, but she was. She was sort of a nameless being, still searching to find herself. Lost in the thick fog of everyday life and holding on to whatever truly made sense in her present time. The person she was now would probably fade soon and she would have to live a new life.

She sighed as these depressing thoughts ran through her head. It really wouldn't do for her to think this way. She still needed to fool the world. But truly, she was the fool.

She typed the final word and then her intercom, linking her to her secretary, buzzed. She pressed the flashing button and spoke, "Yes? What is it?"

"Miss Shinohara, there's a Dr. Kurosawa Megumi on line 3 about an appointement later this afternoon." Kumiko gave a small nod, knowing full well her secretary couldn't see her. "Alright then. Thank you." She released the button and grabbed the phone. She pressed on line 3.

"Moshi moshi. This is Shinohara Kumiko speaking." she said into the receiver.

A calm voice replied, "Hello Miss Shinohara. This is Dr. Kurosawa. I'm calling about your three o'clock appointment this afternoon."

"Yes. Is there a problem?" The woman on the line didn't respond for a while. Finally she spoke, "Not at all. But I read the sheet concerning your problem. I'd like to extend the appointment."

Kumiko was slightly surprised, but thought nothing of it, "That's no problem. For how long, fifteen minutes?" The doctor chuckled.

"No, two hours."

Now it was Kumiko's turn to be silent. Two hours more? The appointment was already three hours long.

Kumiko glanced at her day planner, "Kurosawa-san, are you quite sure? Our appointment is already long enough as it is..."

"No. It is essential that it be five hours long at least."

Kumiko let out a small sigh and grabbed a ballpoint pen. She flipped the day planner open and crossed off a line under the present date.

Dinner with Ken at the Cherry Blossom Garden.

She made a face at the day planner and closed it. "Alright then."

The doctor seemed pleased with her compliance, "Thank you very much, Miss Shinohara. I'll see you in half an hour."

"Sayonara." She closed the phone and sat back in her chair. She glanced at her wristwatch and decided it was time to go.


The same thoughts that had been running through her mind at work were still buzzing in her head.

Who was she? That question resonated, lingered... It never seemed to go away. It kept coming back, like a mantra that was lodged in her head forever.

She shook her head, trying to rid herself of her thoughts. 'This is exactly why I'm going to see Kurosawa-san.' She crossed the street and walked towards the address she'd written on a piece of paper before leaving the office. The building was very big, but Kumiko was sure it wasn't all for the doctor. 'People obviously share the building.'

Once she reached it, she pushed the door open and headed towards the elevators. Beside them, there was a large board that indicated what was on each floor. Her finger trailed until she found what she was looking for, "Kurosawa Megumi, psychiatrist."

She pressed the button and got into an elevator when it opened its doors. Heading up to the 8th floor, she couldn't help but wonder if this would really help. She knew that Kurosawa Megumi was a well-known psychiatrist, but she was having second thoughts.

'No Kimiko, you will go through with this!' She scolded herself mentally for even thinking about chickening out; after all it did cost her more than a little bit of money. And not just that; she had to get rid of these thoughts that threatened to drive her insane.

The doors opened and she walked down the hall to the psychiatrist's. She pushed the door open and walked up to the receptionnist. The young receptionnist smiled up from her papers, "Konnichiwa. How may I help you?" She was short with light brown hair and green eyes. She looked at least twenty.

Kumiko smiled back. "Konnichiwa. My name is Shinohara Kumiko and I'm here for my three o'clock appointment." The girl flipped through a thick book which Kumiko suspected was the appointment book. She then found her name, "Ah yes, Shinohara-san. Please follow me, Kurosawa-san is waiting for you." She stood and led Kumiko to a door down a highly decorated hallway. They reached a door and the girl opened it, motioning Kimiko to enter.

Kumiko walked in as the girl closed the door. Doctor Kurosawa was sitting in her chair, smiling at Kumiko who was bowing, "Konnichiwa, Kurosawa-san." The doctor stood and bowed also, "Shinohara-san, it's a pleasure." Kumiko made her way to the seat opposite Kurosawa-san. She took this time to study the woman; she was quite beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She wore a more casual-looking suit, but she looked quite respectable in her outfit.

"Shall we talk?" Kumiko nodded and leaned back into the chair. This woman didn;t waste time getting to the point. "I want you to be as comfortable as you need to be, okay?" Kumiko hesitated a bit, but relaxed and took off her vest. She put her purse at her feet and took off her shoes, pulling her feet up under her.

She noticed Kurosawa-san's grin and smiled sheepishly, "Is this too comfortable?" The woman shook her head, forcing down her laughter. "That's fine, Shinohara-san. But for this, we need to drop the formalities. Please call me Megumi." Kumiko thought about this for a moment; of course the patient needed to feel comfortable, like they were speaking to an old friend about their problems. If not, then the whole session would be pointless, she figured.

"Okay. That's fine," she said. Megumi nodded and grabbed a notebook that she flipped open, along with a cute pink pen. She fixed her glasses and made herself comfortable.

"So, may I call you Kumiko?"

She froze, "Well, that's just it. That's the reason why I'm here." Megumi stayed silent.

"I'm not exactly Shinohara Kumiko. I'm also Ishikawa Yumiko and... Higurashi Kagome."

Megumi nodded, understanding fully what she meant. 'This should be quite interesting...' she thought. Kimiko/Yumiko/Kagome stared at Megumi for a while, as if to see if she believed her. After all, she wasn't actually herself, or even the other people she had claimed to be. All she knew was that the one person she'd felt was mostly her was Kagome. She was Kagome.

Megumi stretched. This woman, this girl, had lived through a lot and her past seemed to be troubling her. She needed to get over everything in her past in order to fully enjoy her future. Or else, she thought, she will never be able to live normally. She will never find herself amongst the three.

"Go ahead, Kagome. Tell me everything, from the beginning 'til the end."

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(A/N:) Well, there's the prologue. If you're slightly ( or really) confused, it's okay. You're not a total idiot. The whole point was to make everyone confused. In the first chapter, everything should start making sense and it should click.

Also, in this story, I'll be referring to Kagome in many different ways, so if you're lost, come back to the prologue and things should, and I say should, make more sense at whatever point in the story you're at. And you should get the first chapter next Saturday, if not Sunday. I'll try my best to finish every thing up as quickly as possible. As for the lenght of this story, it should be pretty long, but loaded with stuff, so don't panic. This isn't one of those long, pointless and neverending stories.

And, that's about the size of it. So, see ya ( and review guys! More reviews, quicker updates!) !

--White Trinity