InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who I was ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Who I was: chapter 1 What I was.

I know that once apon a time I was exciting, maybe evan in a different life. Perhaps I was a sorceress trying to learn new tricks every day. I could have been a warrier killing people easily. I like the idea of being a princess but I'm stubborn and would never of married prince charming, the king would have exilled me. Here and now, my life is well, it's boring and insucunificant to anyone. I can imagine all of these things but, I know what I was, I was a girl named Rin.

I traveled Japan with three demans, well actually four but Ah and Un are connected their a two headed dragon deman, then theres Jaken, he's a toad deman and the most annoying deman I've met in my life and let me tell you I've met some demans, he carries the staff of two heads one blows fire but I've never seen the other one used before. Last but always first in my book is Lord Sesshoumaru, he has long flowing silver hair that any girl would envy and eyes brighter than the sun could ever imagine to be.

I came into My Lords care when I was only seven. He revived me with the Tenseiga after I was killed by wolves the same wolves that killed my village. I don't know why he saved me, I'm the only human that he allowed to follow him any where he went. Two years after that we helped Inuyasha and Kagome defet Nuraku and return the Shikon no toma to it's original form. Poor Kagome had to watch as Inuyasha went to hell with Kikyo, but I'm glad he confessed his undieing love for Kagome. Shippo made a wish on the jewel and he became human and went through the well with Kagome to live with her as her son. Songa and Miroku and of course Kirara returned to Songa's old village and rebuilt it. It is now a help and resue village, they dill with any thing deman or human related.
As for us, we traveled to the western lands where Lord Sesshoumaru's castle was and we stayed there. My Lord seem a little sad after the battle not that people other himself and I could tell, but i think it's because Lady Kagrua couldn't be saved. My Lord gave me a room when we arrived in the western lands, he told me it belonged to his mother and that I was to take care of the garden after lady lessons every day. At first that sounded like fun but I found out differently. The teachers were touff on me because I was human and lady lessons peroid are just boring. Many times I wanted to rip Anets head off, She was one of my classmates, there was five of us, Anet, Anya, Lily, Rosintine, and myself. Anet was annoying and couldn't sing, but was always singing, she was deman. Anya was human but she was a pristess and shy too. Lily was a deman but like me she was a happy person and didn't complane often. Rosintine was a deman and Anet's best friend they were just a like in every way.
I took lady lessons until I was thirteen when every thing changed. It was my birthday, My Lord present a new kimono to me and I put it on like always, we took a walk in the garden where I made small talk and got no anwser. We hadn't been walking long when he said " Rin, do you like it here? " It seemed like a strange queastion but I anwsered and anyway " Yes, I do like it here, My LOrd. I like being in the gardens and spending time with Anya. I like annoying Jaken and spending time with you when you have time for me, but I need to be around people my age. " nothing else was said that night as we returned to the castle. When we got to my room he said " Have anything speail to you and some clothes packed for tomarrow. We're going on a trip. " He didn't wait for a responce, he just walked away.
I packed my things I packed my new kimono, a few old ones that were shorter, A book, a fan, the neck-a-lace he gave me for my b-day when I turned twelve, and the pictures Kagome gave me before she and shippo left years ago. After that I desided to get a good night rest.
Early the next morning Jaken woke me up and told me to get ready that Lord Sesshoumaru and I would be leaving soon. " Jaken, aren't you going with us? " I asked, all he did was shake his head in a negative way and walk out of the door. I got dressed in a short midnight blue colored dress and sliped on a pair of flat sandles, grabed my bag and walked out of my room and straight into Lord Sesshoumaru and then to the ground my butt went.