InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Child is This? ❯ Moving ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~ Sesshoumaru's P.O.V. ~~
When we reached the house my brother and her sisters shared she quickly hopped out and ran up to the door. Surprisingly the door was unlocked and Kagome barged in yelling that she was there.
Taking my time I made sure everything in the car was in order before stepping out. Walking up to the door I was greeted by Kaede who had a small smile upon her face.
“Sesshoumaru-Sama it is nice of you to come today. Kikyo was very worried that there was going to be something wrong with Kagome after hearing her scream yesterday.”
“This Sesshoumaru would not allow anything to hurt Kagome.” Kaede nodded and stepped aside to allow him in. Kagome was on the couch talking a mile a minute about her short stay with me and that I would allow her her night light. Mentally groaning I glared at the surprised faces of her family.
“That's great Kagome. Why don't you go upstairs and start packing with Kaede? I think I need to talk to Sesshoumaru-sama for a few minutes.”
“Okay sister! Remember I said you couldn't yell at him! He is a good youkai!” she stated proudly as she nodded her head towards me, though it made me seem like a pet dog I did not correct her. She then turned to run off and for a moment had to chase down the feeling of my beast wanting to go after her. She was not playing chase I firmly told myself there is no reason to get all worked up.
“It seems my sister has survived well for her first day with you.” Kikyo said amusedly. It nearly made me snarl at her but I held it in.
“I am perfectly capable of tending a young human.”
“Oh? I do not doubt that but I realize its going to be hard for you. I have not seen her talk that fast since before my parent's accident. She learned how to talk at 8 months and was a motor mouth from the word go. She would stream random words together talking non stop. By the age of one she was asking question after question. It never stopped so my parents gave her books and finally she would quit talking but then once she finished she would ask a million questions about the story to the paper it was printed on. She wanted to know everything. After our parents died it seemed as if that perky nature died to but now after one full day with you she is talking a mile a minute again and I am still trying to absorb that amount she said in less than 3 minutes.”
“She will not lack for learning under my care. I have already started the arrangements for her tutors. I am down to the finale two for her training and I believe four were still on my list as home tutors.” Again my brother and Kikyo looked startled. “What?” I asked impatiently.
“Wow bro! You don't stop for anyone or anything do you? I mean yesterday was a big shock and yet you are already assimilating Kagome into your life.”
“I did not realize you could use words with more then three syllables. I do not see how this is surprising. I lost my temper and I have to deal with the consequences. I do not like the fact that this wedding is taking place but now I do not have time to worry about your life Inuyasha for I too now have a mate to look after. I have already explained to Kagome what the situation is and what will happen to her from now on. The mark is irreversible and she has decided to make the best of it. She will be trained by the best and will have as much education as she pleases. She will let me know when she is ready to take her true place at my side. Now if you will excuse me I have my little mate to help pack.”
~~ Kikyo and Inuyasha ~~
“Where is the unfeeling youkai that was in his office yesterday?”
“I do not know Kikyo but for some reason I believe that he will treat your sister right. I am not sure what is going to happen but I believe your sister will have a good life with my cold hearted brother.”
“It is just so strange to see him acting like a concerned father/husband/mate. I had hoped that he would eventually accept us and my family but I guess he has to now. I hope that everything works out for them. Kagome is known to be loud and stubborn.”
“Sesshoumaru is known for being stubborn and quiet.” And together they laughed knowing that if it came to the worst they would help them. After all what else was family for?
~~ Sesshoumaru's P.O.V. ~~
Walking up the stairs I heard Kagome speaking a mile a minute, like her sister had warned, to Kaede about what should she take and what to leave. The first thing she said that had to some was her books and her clothes. After debating a while I watched as she placed three sets of clothes back into the closet for when she came to visit. Kaede was quickly folding the rest of her clothes into her largest bag and there were already boxes on her floor filled with books.
Over all Kagome did not have as much as he would have assumed a child her age would have had but then surmised that her books made up for a lot. As each box was filled he would take two at a time down to his car and load them in the back. 12 boxes later and two suit cases all her things were loaded.
“Sesshoumaru?” asked Kagome.
“Should I leave my computer here? Or would it be possible to get a laptop for me? I have several subscriptions to papers online that I like.”
“Oh? What are you subscribed to?”
“Umm. The Tokyo journal, the kiddy crafts, and a few science things. Just little stuff but I would hate to fall behind.”
“What no glamour magazines?” he joked.
“Nah. That is Kikyo. She has a couple of those and a lot of wedding ones. The mailbox is stuffed full on the weekends from her stuff that I carely get to see if I have anything.”
“Why would you be getting mail?”
“I have two pen pals in America. Both are like me and really smart for their age they decided to take Japanese as their second of third language and their teachers joined my old one and we have been writing for the past 6 months or so.”
“You seem to be one very busy little girl. How about we make a stop at the computer store on the way home and I will get you a standard laptop to work on for school work and your subscriptions until you earn the money to buy a better one. Sound like a deal?”
“But what will I do for money? I can not work yet.”
“No but you can do chores. I see no reason that because you are going to be busy learning and training that you could not also do the occasional chore.”
“You mean like dishes? I hate dishes.”
“I think my cook has that covered Kagome I was thinking more like keeping your room clean and maybe an odd job or two for my neighbors. There is a elderly couple a few houses down that I am sure you could help take out their trash or something.”
“Oh! I get to meet more people then? Kikyo has been so busy the past few months that I haven't seen any of my friends at the park for weeks! Are there kids to play with at your neighbor hood too?”
“There are a few that I will look into to see if they are up to keeping up with you Kagome but for now let us be on our way hmm?”
“Okay! New labby top here I come!” she yelled as she raced downstairs to say her goodbyes. I hadn't paid attention to the fact that Kaede had left but everyone was downstairs and hearing about my latest good deed from Kagome.
“Good day.” I said. Holding my hand out Kagome ran to my side waving to everyone goodbye. I opened her door and let her climb in before shutting it and getting in myself.
“I am sorry I forgot to say thank you about the laptop. Kikyo reminded me of my manners and I feel bad that I forgot.” Truthfully if it had been anyone else that had forgotten they would not have gotten anything from me but I had been as excited for her as she was and it hadn't crossed my mind that she had forgotten to say thanks.
“It is alright Kagome. Just try better next time.”
“Okay. So where are we going?”
“Neocomputers. They are a very reliable store that I purchased my laptop from.”
“Yay! This is the best day ever Sesshoumaru! So what are we going to do when we get home?”
“We will unpack your things in the room next to mine. It shall be your play room until you are older. You may have a few thing put into my room but please no toys.”
“Ahh! Are you not a doll lover Sesshoumaru?” mentally shuddering I shook my head. “Okay so that means what like books or something?”
“Books are acceptable as well as a few pictures.”
“Alright. Will it take long to get to the store?”
“About a half hour.”
“Is it okay if I rest?”
“Yes. I will wake you when we get there.”
“okay..” and Kagome let her head roll to the side and was almost instantly asleep. Chuckling I continued to drive and allowed myself to be amazed once more at how light hearted she made me feel. I reached a hand over and smoothed her hair down so it would become static electricized. She was going to be a handful alright but I wouldn't have her any other way.