InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Willow ❯ willow 2 (pg-13) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inuyasha went to follow the girl, but she'd already disappeared. He couldn't even smell her amidst the forest trees and wildflowers. He looked everywhere, but she was no where to be found.
"Willow!" he yelled and got no response. He was so distracted looking for her, that he didn't notice the root sticking out of the ground. As he fell, he felt something grab his arm and hold him steady. He turned his head to see a tree branch that hadn't hung that low before and heard a girlish giggle in the distance.
At the bottom of the hill stood Willow, completely soaked and up to her waist in the stream below.
"I tripped over it too," she laughed.
"Don't do that," Inuyasha growled as he made his way down the hill.
"Do what?" she asked, looking into his amber eyes.
"Don't run off like that, okay?" Inuyasha grabbed Willow's hand and helped her out of the water.
"Were you worried about me?" Willow stared in surprize.
"No, but I had to go after you to make sure you didn't kill yourself."
"I didn't want to be in your way Inuyasha, but thanks for saving me," Willow hugged the half-demon, getting him just as wet as she was. Inuyasha just laughed when he finally took a good look at her.
"What's so funny," she asked.
"It always something. You know, some girls at least try to be ladylike. No wonder everyone thought you were strange. When I met you, you were covered in dirt, now it's water," Inuyasha snickered.
"Quit laughing!" Willow yelled.
"Stupid hanyou," she mumbled.
"What did you say?" Inuyasha glared at the girl.
"You heard me," Willow turned and stalked off.
"Fine! Go, see if I care."
'Just as well,' he thought. 'She''s useless anyway. Still I can't just leave her here.' He followed her once again and found her further downstream sitting by the edge. At least she wasn'tcrying. It bothered him when she cried. He went and sat beside her.
"Hello Inuyasha," Willow said flatly.
"Willow..." he started to speak, but she put her finger to his lips to quiet him.
"It's okay," she said. "Sorry I was so mean to you. You're not a stupid hanyou."
He hurt when he saw the sadness in her emerald eyes. He gently brushed the hair from them and she shivered. Willow turned quickly away.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, let's go okay?" Willow got up and walked off once again.

"Hey, wanna see something?" Willow asked as she watched Inuyasha trying to start a fire.
"What?" he grumbled. She watched silently until the she saw a tiny spark. With a slight move of her hand, the spark flared into a small fire. Inuyasha jumped back, startled.
"Watch it would you? Hey, how'd you do that?" Inuyasha stared in surprize. Willow only smiled.
"So how did you end up here?" Inuyasha asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, I walked," she answered as if it was exactly the answer he was looking for.
"That's not what I meant."
"I, well, uh, where do you want me to start?" Willow paused a moment as Inuyasha stared at her through the flames.
"My mother was a nymph and my father was human. She disappeared soon after I was born. My father raised me on his own. I didn't have any friends, so I spent a lot of time alone. I awakened my power quite by accident. It started with a ripple in a puddle or making the grass sway a little. As I became more powerful, the people who had made fun of me, started to fear me. They thought that I'd turn and destroy them all. For my fathe's sake I left. I went back once, just before I met you and found the village destroyed. There's also well, there you have it. Story of my life. Your turn," Willow bit her lip, fighting back tears.
"Nothing you'd want to hear about," Inuyasha responded.
"But I told you. It's only fair," Willow pleaded.
"Fine. My mom died when I was a kid. I didn't have any friends either. I've been on my own except when I went to find the shards of the Shikon Jewel and..." he trailed off." Inuyasha was silent.
"Are you okay?" Willow asked.
"Fine," he mumbled, a single tear slid down his cheek. Willow fought the urge to take him in her arms. She placed her hand on his cheek and turned him to face her.
"What's wrong?" she asked as she wiped the tear away.
"Stop it! It's just that, well. Why are you bothering me?" he snapped.
"Never mind. Just remember that if you need someone to talk to, I'm not going anywhere soon."
"Whatever," he mumbled.
'We have so much in common, so why can't I get through to him. He's so stubborn and rude, but somehow I can't help but like him,' Willow thought to herself. She fell asleep staring up into the tree that Inuyasha was perched in.

Willow opened her eyes to find Inuyasha, lying next to her staring at her.
"What?" she asked, surprized to see him so close to her. Only then did she realize that the haori he wore was over her like a blanket.
"You were shivering," Inuyasha shrugged.
"You're sweet, whether you admit it or not," Willow giggles as she gave him a hug and handed his haori back to him.
"Whatever," Inuyasha muttered, visibly holding back a smile.
"Let's go," Inuyasha stood to leave.
"Where to?" Willow asked as she followed.
"To visit some old friends."
"My goodness, you have friends?" Willow smirked.
"Oh shut up," Inuyasha growled playfully.
"Why don't you make me?" Willow challenged. Inuyasha lunged at the girl, knocking them both, lauging, to the ground. Inuyasha looked into Willow's emerald eyes and saw something he didn't recognize. He'd seen it somewhere before, in Kagome's eyes. He was never sure what it meant.
Willow rolled Inuyasha off of her, breaking his thoughts.
"I thought we were leaving," she smiled. She grabbed his hand and pulled him up. The girl leaned close to his face, "so let's go."
Willow smiled brightly and turned to walk away. Inuyasha ran after her. They walked in silence, side by side.
Suddenly, Inuyasha looked worriedly up at the sky.
"Are you okay?" Willow asked as Inuyasha quickened his pace.
"I'm just in a hurry to see my friends," Inuyasha responded, still staring at the sky.
"You're lying," Willow gently grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn around.
"Stop it, you stupid wench," Inuyasha pulled away fiercely.
They were still walking when the sun began to set. As it did, Inuyasha began to change. First his claws just shortened, but then his hair turned black and his dog ears completely disappeared.
"So that's why you were in a hurry," Willow said as Inuyasha flopped on the ground.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" she asked, but got no response.
"Fine then," Willow sat and built a small fire in the clearing where they were. She looked up to see two pairs of eyes staring back at her from the bushes. Her eyes widened as tw snake demons slithered from the brush.
Inuyasha instinctively drew his sword only to remember that it was useless when he was human. It was too late. One of the snakes wrapped itself tightly around him and the other dug its fangs into his shoulder as he struggled to get away.
They both let go abrubtly, leaving Inuyasha sprawled on the ground. Willow sent lancets of flame from the fire she'd built spiraling towards them. They both retreated somewhat and she rushed to her friend to be sure he was alright. He grabbed her hand, but she laid it gently on the ground. Willow stood and slid her hand through empty air, creating a whirlwind around Inuyasha that the demons couldn't penetrate.
They turned on her instead. With a snap of her fingers the very tree branches wrapped themselves around the serpents, holding them firmly as Willow sent the flames through them over and over, until nothing was left.
Inuyasha watched through the whirlwind, only able to see the flame and her eyes. The green orbs burned with anger and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Suddenly, the wind vanished and Willow sat, exhausted, on the ground next to him. She took him in her arms and held him tightly as she tried to catch her breath.
"I guess we're even," he said quietly as she ran her hands through his hair.
"I suppose," Willow smiled as she lay down so that he could use her as a pillow. He was so tired, he didn't really notice. he just instinctively curled up next to her and fell asleep.