InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishmaster ❯ From One Master to Another, Part Eight: Naraku, Part One ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ayame ran as fast as she could through the dense forest. She had been on her way to found Kouga when a familiar yet nauseating stench had greeted her nostrils. Looking up, she had seen Kagura fly by. In the wind demoness's hands was an all-too-familiar inkpot. Dread had filled her as Abu's warnings entered her mind and the realization set in: Naraku would soon have Inuyasha in his grasp.
'I can't let that happen,' she thought as she ran. 'I can't. I'll never be able to forgive myself.'
She didn't have to wonder how Kagura got her powers back. Naraku had done it. Somehow, he'd gotten the woman away from Abu and infused her youki back into her. And if Naraku had gotten Kagura away from Abu . . .
'No!' she mentally shook her head. 'He can't be dead. Abu can't be! He's still alive and searching for that inkpot. Well, I'll get it back for him. If it's the last thing I do, I swear I will.'
Being a wolf demoness, Ayame naturally did not like humans. They were noisy, smelly, and, for the most part, untrustworthy. Kagome, the human Kouga had declared that he loved, had been all right. She didn't smell nearly as bad as most humans and she had a kind heart. Most importantly, though, Kagome had understood that Kouga had made Ayame a promise and had insisted that he keep it. Most human females wouldn't have done that, not with knowing Kouga's position in the pack. Abu, however, had been completely different. He'd been extremely nice to her, offering to help her with her dilemma. Granted, she had to help him in return but he'd been very pleasant about everything. He'd explained things to her when she hadn't understood something, instead of treating her like some dumb youkai. Abu didn't fear her. He respected her, not just as a female but as a youkai healer as well. He'd given her pointers potions and which herbs would work best when he didn't really have to. All because he liked her and respected her. That was more than what she could have ever said about any human, including Kagome.
'Too bad Kouga couldn't remember the promise and I gave him that potion,' she sighed. 'Oh well. I did what I had to do. The survival of our tribe depends on it. As for that inkpot . . . don't worry, Abu. I'll get it for you. I swear it.'
Ayame ran on, dodging branches but being careful about not being noticed. The last thing she needed was to be caught. If that happened, well . . . it would be disastrous, and she knew it.
'Maybe . . . just maybe . . . if I can get my hands on that inkpot, I can do something about the sacred jewel. Get it away from Naraku. Something, anything . . . so Kouga will live. Yeah. That's what I'll do.'
With that thought to keep her going, Ayame continued her chase of the wind demoness, praying that she wouldn't be too late. She didn't want to think of the consequences if she were too late. They were simply too horrendous for her to comprehend.
She put on an extra burst of speed. The fate of the wolf tribes depended on her.
* * *
Inuyasha lay across his bed, doing his best just to try and catch his breath. Now he understood the reason for the first time he'd not been able to step onto the floor of his new abode. A battle had taken place. A battle between Sesshomaru and someone else . . . He only knew it because he'd witnessed the battle between his friends and Kagura. He'd actually been able to see the blue-ish white energy as it made the floor crackle to life and creep its way up the walls. The only place he'd been safe had been his bed.
'Is this what this woman meant by a battle was brewing?' he mused. 'Did she know that Kagura would get her powers back from Naraku? And that he'd send her after me?'
Somehow, he knew the answer to that question without the voice having to tell him. Of course, the voice hadn't spoken to him at all since the battle had begun. Strangely enough, he missed it. The mysterious woman had been someone for him to talk to while he remained imprisoned in the inkpot.
'She must be coming for me,' he reasoned. 'That has to be the only reason why she isn't talking to me now.'
That thought alone scared him. He didn't want to be taken to some foreign place. He wanted to go back to the way things were before he had his powers. He wanted to travel with his friends. As crazy as it sounded, even to him, Inuyasha missed his friends. He missed his brother, he missed Myouga . . . hell, he even missed that stupid wolf, Kouga. They were everything that had been good and bad in his life. Every single one of them had given him a purpose, a new reason to not give up and be so bitter about his life. They had given him so much and he had to repay them for that, for the love and friendship they had given him.
'I'll find a way to get myself out of this. I swear I will.'
* * *
Kagura glanced at the inkpot that she had stuffed into her obi. Within her grasp, she had the means to her freedom. She knew who lived within the inkpot itself, having experienced the hanyou's new powers first-hand. But she didn't dare run off with the inkpot. Naraku would hunt her down then kill her . . . after he tormented her and made her beg for death.
'The bastard isn't going to give me my freedom, even after I give him the inkpot. I just know it.'
She let out a heavy sigh, her mind troubled. Kagura desperately wanted her freedom. There wasn't anything that she wouldn't do to obtain it, either. Even it meant going back . . .
“Dammit, I wish there was a way I could be truly free of that bastard Naraku,” she growled, lifting her eyes to gaze straight ahead. “Once and for all.”
* * *
Inuyasha tilted his head, as the tingling sensation of his powers kicking in began to fill him. Had he heard that right? Kagura wanted to be free from Naraku?
'I don't get it,' he thought as he automatically granted her wish. 'He created her . . . does he not treat her right?'
He'd have his answers soon enough. They were nearing Naraku's castle . . .
* * *
“Come on!” Kouga called out. “I can track her! She's heading back to Naraku! I can smell it!”
As everyone scrambled to follow the wolf, Miroku found himself running alongside the youkai monk that had been seeking him out. Ryu, as he had introduced himself as, just kept his gaze straight ahead and wore a grim look of determination. He reminded the monk of Inuyasha, especially when the hanyou had his mind set on doing something. The resemblance had been so strong that Miroku felt a pang of pain. He missed his silver-haired friend greatly and he wondered what could have happened to Inuyasha to caused him to disappear as he had.
“I was sent to find you, you know,” came the soft comment. Miroku nodded. Ryu has said as much before.
“Hai. So you have said. The question, though, is why.”
“Because of this Naraku person,” Ryu answered. “The Seer of our order has prophecized it. He will kill you in the final battle . . . and it cannot be allowed.”
“What? I . . . die in the final battle?”
“Hai,” Ryu nodded. “You die. Because Inuyasha has disappeared. Without him, the final battle goes to Naraku.”
“What about Sesshomaru? Surely, he'd be able to defeat Naraku. He is powerful enough,” Miroku pointed out.
“Sesshomaru needs Inuyasha to aid him as well. Without the Tetsusaiga and its abilities, all is lost. Naraku has simply grown to powerful and if he gets that inkpot . . . well, I don't need to tell you what will happen then. Two of InuTaisho's sons are needed to defeat him. That is why I'm here.”
They both fell silent at that moment and continued to run. As they did, Miroku kept glancing at the youkai monk. He had more questions that he wanted to ask but he didn't dare. The three glowing stripes on the male's right cheek kept him quiet. Miroku hadn't noticed them before and the fact that they were there now unsettled him greatly. Those and the fact that Ryu's aura somehow seemed to grow stronger and more potent than any other youkai Miroku had ever encountered . . . with the exception of Sesshomaru, of course.
'Can we really trust him? He's full youkai and a brother to Inuyasha. If he's anything like Sesshomaru . . . then if we are to encounter Inuyasha at all, he could end up killing him.'
Though the thought entered his mind, Miroku seriously doubted it. For some reason, Ryu just didn't strike him as the type to simply kill a person for simply being what they were. It was just the opposite.
'What a strange set of circumstances that brings him to me,' he mused. 'Very strange indeed.'
* * *
Naraku smirked as Kagura entered his private audience chamber, the deep violet inkpot clutched her hands. She bowed the instant she had entered the room. For the first time ever, she had not failed him. Of course, she had made a wish using the inkpot. He knew as much, had felt it the moment she was no longer in her grasp, and had seen it in Kanna's mirror.
'Interesting,' he thought as he rose to his feet. 'He can grant wishes without being unleashed. He certainly has great power. Something I intend to use to my advantage . . . my enemies shall tremble before me.'
“Very good, Kagura,” he purred, moving towards her with a cat-like grace. “I'm very proud of you. Now hand me the inkpot and you may go. Wherever it is you wish to go.”
She glanced at him sharply, suspicion lighting her crimson eyes.
“I can . . . go?”
“Yes,” he nodded, advancing upon her. “You are free to go anywhere you choose and not have to answer to me anymore. I will not stop you nor will I kill you. That was your desire, after all. Could you not tell after that wish you made?”
Her eyes widened and she skittered back until he had her cornered against the wall. Keeping his eyes on her, Naraku grabbed a hold of the inkpot and pulled it away from her. Her arms fell limply to her sides. The wonderful scent of fear filled the air and Naraku reveled in it.
“Yes. I know of the wish that you made, Kagura. Very clever of you. Very clever, indeed. Now go. Before I change my mind about killing you.”
As she scrambled to get away from him, Naraku lifted the inkpot up and smiled. He no longer needed the wind sorceress. With the power of the inkpot and the Shikon no Tama, he could create more incarnations of himself, stronger and more obedient ones.
“Now where to begin, my pet,” he purred, rubbing the inkpot. “So much to do and so little time. Your friends are coming for you . . . though they don't realize it yet. Yes, I know that it's you in there, Inuyasha. And I know who did this to you and why. I find it amusing that your friends don't even know. I can't wait to see their faces when they find out you were with them all along.”
With that, he began to laugh, the chilling sound echoing throughout the castle.
* * *
Inuyasha moaned and writhed as pain assaulted every inch of his body and all of his senses. Naraku's aura was starting to grow stronger with each passing moment. The dark hanyou's intentions for him were not good. He could feel it.
“Come to me, Inuyasha,” Naraku's voice commanded. “Come to me so that I can see you . . . and we can begin.”
“As you command, master,” he choked out, his eyes closing and his body dissipating into that blue mist once more . . .
* * *
Abu felt the water dripping into his eyes as he ran through the forest, the magic carpet strapped to his back. It could only fly so far before the magic that fueled it gave out and had to grow in strength once more. Otherwise, it would disappear into smoke and he'd still be running on foot.
'I have to get that inkpot, though,' he panted. 'I mustn't give up. I mustn't.'
He paused in his tracks at the sound of a familiar female voice and turned to see who had spoken. He smiled when he finally located the source. Coming towards him was Ayame.
“Ayame,” he breathed. “What . . . are you doing here?”
“Chasing after Kagura,” she replied, pausing only to let him climb onto her back. “She has the inkpot.”
“I know,” Abu stated. “Naraku took her back the moment I had reached Sesshomaru's palace. I am guessing he fused her powers back into her and forced her to go after the inkpot.”
“How does he know about the inkpot?” Ayame inquired, gradually picking up speed. “I thought you and I were the only ones who really knew about it.”
“I am not sure, Ayame. I am not sure.”
* * *
“We're almost there!” Kouga called out.
'So I can tell,' Ryu thought, his nose wrinkling in distaste. They were still some distance away but gaining on the wind demoness that had stolen the inkpot. However, that had not been the indication of Naraku's proximity. The miasma had been.
By now, the two-tailed fire neko carried her mistress, the young miko, and the kitsune. Miroku, like most monks, had the stamina to keep going but he even appeared ready to collapse. Ryu came to a halt then grabbed the human monk. Kouga's wolves ran past them as he did. There were several scents on the wind that had picked up, one of them being very familiar.
“Ryu, what are you . . .”
“Hush,” he quickly admonished, sniffing lightly. His golden eyes flashed briefly as he nodded. “Just as I suspected. Sesshomaru.”
“Sesshomaru? What is he doing here?” Miroku panted.
“Can you not guess, Miroku? The final battle is upon us.”