InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves of the Night ❯ The Promise ( Chapter 1 )

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Rin sat quietly as she waited for her master to return when she heard the wolves in the distance. The sound made her shiver. Rin hated wolves. She had been killed by them once and Sesshomaru had revived her with Tenseiga. Ever since he had watched over her, after all she was an orphan.
thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Sesshomaru came walking down the beaten path toward Rin and Jaken.
Rin." he greeted wearily, setting himself by the fire.
my-lord." she replied, curling up in her kimono to keep warm.
night wore on and the demon lord lay awake. Tired as he was, he couldn't find sleep. He starred at the small child.
wolves howled again and Rin jumped awake, and began to shake with terror.
here, Rin." Sesshomaru said with out realizing it until after it was said.
my-lord." she stood in front of him.
beckoned for her to sit beside him. He allowed her to lean against him. The tiny human girl had goose-bumps running up and down her arms and legs. The wolves piercing howl broke the night silence once again.
Rin, your safe." Sesshomaru felt Rin snuggle against him.
she fell asleep he made a promise to her, "I'll always care for you Rin, I promise."