InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Customer ❯ Conversational Skills ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Conversational Skills
Kagome sat in her small kitchen eating her favorite vanilla ice cream with caramel topping.
This picture wouldn't be as bad if Kagome was eating from a bowl.
But no, Kagome was eating from the carton.
Well, what else was she supposed to do? Her father figure just fired her. She was jobless!
No it wasn't like fact that she was jobless that bothered her, it was the fact that her, `father' fired her!
So, here she was eating from the carton…and she played on eating it all.
Kagome was soon brought back from here thoughts when she heard a car door slam.
`Sango's home.'
Sango was fucking pissed. How could Myouga fire her?
Yeah she heard all right. It spread like high school gossip threw out the hotel.
After she spent the morning at Miroku's, Sango decided to get at least an hours work in.
But when she got there, she was very surprised to find all of the maids in the locker room talking about Kagome, and some guy named Inuyasha.
Well, long high school drama story short, Sango gave Myouga a piece of her mind.
Before Myouga could respond to anything she said, she left.
`Now I'm probably fired, great.'
Sango got out of her car and slammed the door hard.
Walking up the steps to the apartment her and Kagome shared, she braced herself for a long night of consoling her best friend.
Kagome put back the ice cream. She didn't want Sango to worry after she told her.
Kagome heard the front door open and slam.
Not 2 seconds later, a very angry Sango burst into the kitchen.
“Kagome? Are you Ok? I heard what happened!”
Kagome had a feeling she knew. But she couldn't say anything for the simple fact that Sango never did stop talking.
“…I yelled so loud. I swear Kagome, you would be so proud…”
Well, Kagome caught that last part.
Sango jumped.
“Uh, what?”
Kagome stepped closer to Sango, “Please tell me you didn't go and talk to Myouga!
Sango stepped further away.”Uhhh, no?
Kagome screamed. “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?”
Sango winced, `Crap, don't cuss!'
Sango went wide-eyed.
She didn't think about that.
Kagome fell back into the ketchin chair. “Ok, this is what were gonna do. Your gonna go back and talk Myouga into letting you keep your job. I am gonna get whored up and try to find a job waitressing.”
Sango look at Kagome oddly for a minute, and a sparkle hit her eye. “Oh, Kagome…I know about this one place who is hiring singers, Club Demons, I believe it's called.”
Kagome stared at Sango for a minute. She knew she could sing. She used to be in a band in high school. But they decided to go there separate ways after graduation.
Kagome got the directions from Sango, and soon found herself getting ready for the job interview.
Sango sat in her car, ready to go back to work.
But before she drove off, she took her phone out of her pocket and quickly dialed a number.
After about 3 rings, someone answer.
“It's Sango, I figured out what you meant. And well, she took the bait.”
Kagome decided on a black bra and white tank top, with a black mini-skirt. She slipped on her buckle boots, applied black eyeliner, and black eye-shadow, and mascara.
Finished off with clear lip-gloss.
Grabbing her keys and hairbrush, she quickly ran out the door and into her car.
Brushing her hair on the way to the club, Kagome soon found herself in the club parking lot.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I can do this.”
Getting out of her car and locking it, Kagome walked to the club's entrance.
Bracing herself for the unexpected, and slowly opened the club doors.
Yes, Yes, im leaving you here. Haha. Anyhow. Wonder what's up with Sango.
R&R PPL! Please! No Reviews, and ima think you hate the story and ill stop!