InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Customer ❯ Car rides home ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Real short chap)
Chapter 8: Car Rides home-
Kagome sat in front of the plasma TV. In the back of the club. It was 2 in the morning, and it felt like people were still arriving. She wondered if she was ever going to get some sleep.
She was waiting patiently for the bands next performance, which happened to be 3 songs every hour or so.
Speaking of hours. She also felt like the last time she ate was 24 hours ago.
Standing up and stretching, she headed to the door to the front of the club.
But before she could touch the handle, Kouga burst through.
“OH THANK BUDHA!” He screamed, grabbing her hand.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Kagome said, freaked.
Kouga stopped quickly, and turned around to face her. “One of the bands didn't show up, we have to play again. COME ON!”
Kagome ran to the stage to get ready. Before the lights turned on, she gave a blank stare at the audience, and thought, “Well there went my food.”
The lights came on in a full burst. It was so fast and bright, Superman would have been proud.
Inuyasha's breath caught in his throat when he saw her.
She was beautiful.
During that night he called Kikyou and told her that they were over.
She surprisingly took it well.
He thought it was because of the fact that she had the hots for one of Kagomes band members. Some guy with long black hair.
For some reason, he already hated the guy.
All thoughts were cut off when Kagome started to sing one of his favorite songs.
(My American Heart is a guy Emo band, so they say her, when it makes since to say him, or whatever. So just work with me here!)
And the phone, it rings without her voice
but I can't wait, I can't wait for the truth
Cause I know it won't come from your lips
and the sound it makes its way down through the hall
and into my, into my room,
and I don't know what to do
cause I can't wait, I can't wait for the truth

Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound tonight
(Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound)
cause the sound still sleeps
the same with you away

Don't wake, don't drown the thoughts you like
(Don't wake, don't drown your thoughts)
because everything is fine without you

And I finally found the nerve to hear your pulse is gaining
pulse is racing, over and over again
(over and over again)
over and over again she said
I won't begin to ask you why you're leaving
(why you're leaving)
why you did those things you did
why you said those things you said

Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound tonight
(Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound)
cause the sound still sleeps
the same with you away

Don't wake, don't drown the thoughts you like
(Don't wake, don't drown your thoughts)
because everything is fine without you

And your lights go out,
yeah the airs so much easier to breathe
and my last farewell to you
might as well be said right here, right now

Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound tonight
(Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound)
cause the sound still sleeps
the same with you away
Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound tonight
(Don't sleep, don't sleep so sound)
because everything is fine without you
(Song is called Don't Sleep by My American Heart. Wanna hear? :  )
Inuyasha smiled after the performance. He was pretty sure he was going to love having her here.
Kagome got the weirdest feeling she was being followed.
After the performance she grabbed a bite to eat and left for home.
Sure she was in her car. But the same car had been behind her for a while now.
No she wasn't going crazy…at least she thought she wasn't going crazy.
“Don't crazy people think there normal?” Kagome wondered out loud.
Then mentally smacked herself. She must have been crazy, she was talking to herself.
Taking a left to her apartment, she was to caught up arguing with herself to notice that the car took the same left as her.
Yes, I'm leaving you here. I hate this chapter. I think it sucks.
So, im sorry if you think it does to. More to come soon…after I finish this stupid Science report. And personally she is crazy if she was arguing with herself…