InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Customer ❯ Office meetings ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer::Inuyasha no mine! But… The fuzzy Inuyasha slippers I bought are! Mwhahaha
Inuyasha let the phone ring. It had been ringing for a while now, and yet, he had no desire to answer it.
To say that Inuyasha wasn't in his 'zone' would have been an understatement.
After the performance he went back to his office to do paper work, but couldn't seem to get his mind straight.
Images of Kagome beneath him, squirming and screaming his name…well, that's all he COULD think about.
She was something, that Kagome. She was beautiful, smart, anything and everything that he has always wanted. Yeah, he has only known her for a lil while, but in that little bit of time, he got to know her. The real her. And in that little bit of time he got to realize his feelings too.
No, he didn't love her…it was too soon for love. But, damn, if it didn't feel like it.
A knock interrupted his thoughts.
“Inuyasha?” It was her, Kagome.
He was shocked. She had never came to his office before.
“Come in.,” he announced.
She opened the door slowly, poking her head in.
“Can we talk?” She asked.
He got up. “Sure?” He said concerned.
“What's up?”
She walked in. He noticed she looked nervous.
“I cant go on the date.”
His heart stopped.
She looked pitiful. And he felt the need to hold her. But held it back.
Im really sorry, Inuyasha, but something came up. But I REALLY want to go on this date with you, so can we reschedule?
And just like that, his heart started to beat again.
He smiled. “Of course!” And she squealed.
Jumping up and hugging him. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!” She blurred together.
Jumping back down she quickly kissed him on the cheek “Thanks Yasha for understanding.” She whispered…running out of the office.
Leaving a flustered man in her trail.
“She…She…She Kissed me!!!!”
Boring chap. But yeah yeah. I felt the urge….TO ….write that chapter.
Ok, no boo's. GOD!