InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ YinYang ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N- Hey Guys. Took me long enough, but here is my redone YinYang. It's longer and, I at least think, much better than my first draft. Enjoy!
Reminder: I may have watched all of the TV episodes, read most of the manga, and own a whole heck of a lot of merchandise, but Inuyasha remains not mine.
Remember: E-mail or review me with any questions, comments, etc.
Yin and Yang
Chapter One: Surprise
The early afternoon light filtered through the dense leaves of the forest, creating a golden sanctuary out of the petite meadow. Birdsong and the movements of forest animals provided a serene lullaby designed to lull even the most ornery of beasts into contentment. Fortunately, the visitor to these woods was neither ornery nor a beast. In fact, she was quite lovely and non-beastly. Well, most of the time at any rate.
Now since the reason for her presence had yet to show themselves, this visitor had no other option but to enjoy the lazy quiet of the afternoon from her perch in the meadow's surrounding trees. `I wonder-' yawn `when he'll show…' All train of thought was dropped as the visitor sank into the peace and near quiet of her environment. Not a moment had passed before-
The visitor was jerked awake when the abrupt sound of flesh hitting dirt rang through the quiet forest. `What the-?' She glanced around fleetingly from her hastily regained seat (she had nearly fallen out of the tree) just in time to see an angry young woman stomp out of the woods off to her right hand side. The young woman- `No, miko,' the visitor corrected herself- was wearing an obscenely short green and white kimono and seemed incredibly angry about something. A closer inspection revealed the miko to be carrying scrapes of yellow fabric tightly clenched in both fists. Suddenly a blur of red came racing from the same place where the miko had just emerged.
The miko stopped dead center in the meadow, in response to the call for attention. The red (and white, the visitor could now see as it slowed down) blur was almost upon the miko, when the girl shouted, “OSUWARI!”
The following crash was even louder than the previous one and the visitor watched as birds and small animals fled for their lives. Cringing sympathetically at the smoking crater created by the subduing spell, the visitor acknowledged that her quarry had finally arrived. She watched as a silver-haired, red-clad boy struggled to rise from the depths of the earth that the young miko had sent him. `Remind me to never get on her bad side.' The visitor stood from the crouching position she'd adopted after her near tumble and stretched her slightly cramped muscles. Once the tension in her back had lessened satisfactorily, she returned her attention towards the forth-coming battle between (if she had learned anything about these two) the most stubborn teenagers of all time.
“Damn it, Kagome! How many times are you going to flatten me today?” By now the inu-hanyou, so confirmed by the twitching dog ears atop his head, had dragged himself upright and the two teens were facing off, each trying to burn holes into each other by mental power alone.
The miko, Kagome, crossed her arms over her chest in a defiant manner, physically daring the hanyou to argue with her. “That depends, Inuyasha. What possessed you to claw my bag to a million pieces?”
Inuyasha turned his head away, thus losing the staring contest. “Feh. I was just looking for something to eat.”
Kagome sighed, “Well, you could've asked if you were hungry. I would've made you some ramen so you didn't have to shred my backpack.” She looked forlornly down at the scrapes of yellow in her hands. “Now I have to go home to get a new bag.” She began to turn, as if to leave, only stopping because the hanyou had grabbed her by the shoulders and whirled her back around to face him.
“Oh no,” he stated, with a slightly patronizing chuckle. “I'm not letting you go back that easily, Kagome.” He dropped his arms. “Who knows when you'll return?”
The miko`s gaze visibly darkened, “Inuyasha, let me go home.” The warning tone in the miko's voice caused the visitor to flinch and any creatures brave enough to have stayed after the earlier body-to-earth crash landing to scamper for cover. The hanyou, however, merely folded his arms and took a step back. The visitor blinked in amazement.
`How can he still be standing after all this? Either he's dumb as a rock or he's used to these threats.' She examined the scene unfolding before her. `Or maybe it's a little of both.'
The power struggle between Inuyasha and Kagome continued as neither would give ground to the other. Insults, threats, and posturing flew between the two combatants until it became almost painfully obvious that they'd had this argument before. Not that that stopped it from having entertainment value. After a few more moments of pointless abuse the visitor sighed resignedly, `Guess I should go confront them before she leaves. Wouldn't want to deliver bad news to him without that subduing spell around. I'm not in a mood to fight.' She rolled her shoulders one last time and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. `Here goes everything.'
She jumped lightly to the ground and began to cross the open meadow apprehensively and silently. Though she really needn't have bothered with being silent. The two teenagers wouldn`t have noticed a full out war happening on top of them, much less a complete stranger sneaking up behind them. Only a quiet `ahem' right next to one of their ears brought their attention back to the world at large.
Needless to say, both Kagome and Inuyasha were shocked to find that someone had been watching their argument, never mind the fact that neither one had even sensed this new entity until it was right on top of them.
Standing before them was a beautiful young woman. Midnight black hair flowed to her waist and warm woodsy brown eyes sparkled with amusement at their facial expressions. The soft smile gracing her lips, as if she was inwardly pleased for having sneaked up on the two, complimented the pert nose and sculpted face. She seemed petite, but that may have been the bulky style of clothing she wore, royal blue haori and hakama in the same style as Inuyasha's fire-rat robes. And this was not the only similarity to the hanyou. For nestled in her black mane, barely discernable from the rest of the mass, were two adorable, fluffy little doggy ears.
Now normally, finding a hanyou, even another inu-hanyou, would not be such a terrible shock. However, this young hanyou girl, for she could be no older than Kagome, would cause each and every one of Inuyasha's small pack to look, stop, look again, and stare. In other words, she was what Inuyasha would have looked like if he were a couple of inches shorter, black-haired, brown-eyed, and female.
“Hello,” the girl said (she prayed they wouldn`t notice the faint shaking of her hands or the nervous tremble in her voice). “I hope I'm not bothering you. You both seemed really intent on your…conversation.”
Kagome, always the first to recover her senses, shook her head to clear it of her astonishment and smiled at this new… development. “N-no, you're not interrupting. At least not anything important.” Glancing over at her companion, she saw that he was still in minor shock. She continued her introductions without the aid of the comatose hanyou, “My name's Kagome and this dog-boy here is Inuyasha.”
`Dog-boy' heard this and glared at the miko out of the corner of his eye.
The girl giggled (a little bit from relief) at Kagome's joke. “I am Izayoi,” Inuyasha's ears flicked. “But most everyone calls me Iza. But you don`t need to tell me who you are. I already know.”
Kagome's smile faltered only a bit, before re-affixing itself on her lips. “Oh? And how do you know of us?“
“Well,” Iza clasped her hands behind her and rocked back on her heels. “I've been kinda keeping track of you and your pack's travels.” Kagome's eyes widened marginally. “I have discovered quite a bit about all of you actually. In fact-”
Inuyasha, having finally regained use of all motor and higher brain functions, decided that this statement was little too much like a threat and took the conversation into his own hands. Naturally this meant pulling out his big sword and attempting to bisect his intended opponent in two. Growling audibly, he stepped in front of a stunned Kagome and pointed the transformed Tetsusaiga at this newly perceived danger.
“Alright, who are you and what the hell do you want?” he spat out. “Did Naraku send you to spy on us?”
Instead of the usual reactions of either cowering in fear or pulling out an equally big bad weapon, Iza just met Inuyasha's death glare and sighed heavily, “Mou, Inuyasha. Don't be so suspicious.” She cradled her forehead in one hand as if exasperated, all the while cursing her stupidity. “Naraku is not behind my appearance nor is he the source of my information.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared back. “To tell you the truth, I have known about you, Inuyasha, years before Naraku was even born.”
If she thought this little clarification would calm down the incensed hanyou, she was sadly mistaken. Inuyasha responded by shifting his grip on the sword so that he was now ready to strike out at his opponent. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he growled. “Are you some kind of stalker or something? Cause believe me, I don`t need anymore of those.”
Iza shook her head and raised her hands in a placating gesture. `I should have guessed he wouldn`t be that easy to convince.' Out loud, she said, “Trust me, I am not a stalker of any kind, Inuyasha.”
The hanyou blinked in bemusement, which caused the sword's tip to fall slightly, “And why should I trust someone I don`t even know?”
“Because the reason I've known about you for so long,” Iza explained, “is that my mother” she pointed to herself “and your mother” she pointed to him “are one and the same. As are our fathers.”
Lowering Tetsusaiga until its tip touched the ground, Inuyasha tried to assimilate this statement. After blinking several times in a thoughtful manner, he managed to connect a few of those loose brain cells rattling around behind his natural instincts and offered up a very eloquent, “Huh?”
“Inuyasha, it`s quite simple.” Iza took a deep breath, 'Here it comes.' “I am your sister.”
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