InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ YinYang ❯ Travels ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: More updated goodness. Enjoy!
Remember: It's hard to find a cute and funny way to say I don't own Dog-Boy at 2 o'clock am.
Reminder: You know the drill by know. E-mails and reviews with comments/questions are always welcome.
Chapter Six: Travels
Kagome sighed in vexation. They were at it again, just like they had been since they started traveling together.
“Oi, brat!”
“What do you want, baka?”
“Hey, don't call me a baka, brat.”
“Then don't call me a brat, baka!”
“Will you two cut it out?!” Shippou yelled from the relative safety of Kagome's shoulder. “You've been at it for since we left the village three days ago. At least come up with some better insults or something.”
“Shut up runt!”
The sound of the two inu-hanyous yelling at the fox kit caused the rest of the group to burst out into laughter. Inuyasha and Iza glanced at each other, shrugged in unison, and continued walking down the road, bickering all the while.
“You can really tell they're related, can't you, Kagome-sama?” Miroku commented. He continued to smirk even after he had stopped laughing. “And here we thought having one Inuyasha was bad. Now we have two.” He paused, one hand on his chin as he observed to the hanyous down the road. “Fortunately though at least one is female and quite lov…”
Sango's hand connecting to the back of the monk's head was enough to stop that train of thought. “You idiot. If you think Inuyasha's protective of Kagome-chan, I'd like to see you try to lay a hand on his sister. Your curse would be cured in a most unpleasant manner I believe.”
“But, Sango…“
Kagome could only sigh and shake her head. It seemed like Miroku would never learn.
“That guy just can't take a hint, huh, Kagome?” Shippou commented. The youngster was once again displaying his uncanny ability to practically mind read whomever he was closest to at the moment.
Kagome smiled and patted the kit on the head. “You know, Shippou-chan? Maybe you should give your teasing a rest for a bit. There's only so much Inuyasha can take, even when he's in a good mood.”
Shippou wilted a bit. “Yeah, I know.” Then he visibly brightened. “Can I tease Iza instead? She's a lot more relaxed.”
Kagome paused for a moment, with her forefinger posed thoughtfully on her chin. “I don't see why not. Iza-chan is more likely to tease you back than to hit you.”
That was all Shippou needed to hear. Without another word, he leaped from Kagome's shoulder and hit the ground running. Watching him scamper on all fours towards the retreating backs of Inuyasha and Iza, Kagome couldn't help grinning. `That's gotta the cutest darn thing I've seen in a while.'
“Kagome-chan, where is Shippou-chan going?” Sango asked, trailing a, once again and probably every time he opened his mouth, unconscious monk strewn on Kirara's back behind her.
“Hm? Oh, he's just going to go play with Iza-chan some. Hopefully Inuyasha won't lose his temper.”
“Oi, runt!”
`Spoke to soon.' Kagome thought in an exasperated tone, as she broke into a jog in order to save the fox kit from the Wrath of Dog-Boy.
><><><><><><><><& gt;<><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><
Later that night…
After a long day of traveling, the Group finally decided to bunk down for the night. Kagome recognized the area since they passed through it almost ever time they left the village. This spot in particular was especially familiar to the young miko. She sighed wistfully as she waited for the hot water kettle to signal it was ready. When it whistled, Kagome broke her train of thought, poured the boiling water into the little Styrofoam package, and looked around for a certain someone, who she spotted quickly enough.
Careful not to spill, Kagome crossed over to where Iza was leaning against a tree. “Here, Iza-chan. Some authentic ninja food.” Kagome handed Iza a pair of chopsticks and the steaming cup of instant ramen. “I wasn't sure which flavor you'd like, so I made you Inuyasha's favorite.”
“Thank you, Kagome-chan. It certainly smells good.” Iza sniffed the broth before daintily scarfing down the noodles. Her gaze flickered up when Kagome giggled. She swallowed the last bite of ramen before questioning the girl. “What is it, Kagome-chan?”
Kagome waved her hand in a dismissive manner. “Nothing. It's just that you and Inuyasha are so much alike it's a wonder that Sango-chan and Miroku-sama didn't notice the resemblance sooner.”
“Hmm, yeah,” Iza managed around the cup as she sipped the rest of the soup.
Four days ago, after their little chat, Inuyasha had entered Kaede`s hut and calmly introduced his sister. The monk and slayer's jaws had dropped unceremoniously to the floor, while Shippou just shook his head at the statement. The kit then wondered aloud how anyone could've missed the way that the two smelled and looked so much alike and that he had known all along. That comment had earned him a bonk on the head, not from Inuyasha, but from Miroku, who muttered a `so that's what you were bugging me about' under his breath.
Sango had quickly recovered her composure by saying that they should have guessed and that Iza was even more welcome to the group. Miroku had eventually given up trying to get information out of the fox to innocently (yeah, right) smile and nod his agreement. Since that moment, Iza and Inuyasha had been almost inseparable, quickly learning as much as they could about one another in such a short time. This of course resulted in the continual squabbling that had been going on for three days.
“So you two are obviously getting along just fine,” Kagome continued, having fetched her own bowl of noodles. “We hardly ever see you apart for more then ten minutes on the road.”
Iza grinned in a silly manner. “Things are going wonderfully, Kagome-chan. You were right about him. He heckles me all the time, but I still feel like he wants me around.”
Kagome grinned back at the hanyou girl. “Told you so. But I'm still glad you're traveling with us.”
A companionable silence fell between the two girls as they finished their dinner of Ramen. Iza glanced over at the miko next to her and debated with herself. `Should I tell her? It would probably be better if I did, plus I did promise that I would. But Inuyasha will probably get mad if I do.' Iza frowned at her brother's reluctance to burden Kagome. `Ah, forget it. I'm going to tell her. Inuyasha can go jump in a river for all I care. But I should let him know we're leaving first.'
Having come to her decision, Iza looked up to find her brother. There he was, pounding a fist into the monk's head. Turning to her companion, she said, “Kagome-chan, is there somewhere nearby where we can talk? I have something I want to tell you.”
Kagome peered up at Iza, a slightly confused expression on her face. “There's a hot spring a short ways from here. Come to think of it, a bath does sound good right now. Sango-chan may like one, too.”
Iza nodded, “Right, but I'd prefer to speak to you alone, if it's no trouble.” Kagome shook her head. “Ok. I just need to let Inuyasha know where we're going.” With that, she stood and trotted up to the hanyou, who was now beating up Shippou.
Kagome tilted her head and frowned, considering the situation. `To sit or not to sit? That is the question. Whether `tis nobler in the mind… okay. I have got to stop reading Shakespeare before coming back here. It just fits too well.' Iza was heading back towards her, a contemplative look on her face and Kagome`s bathing stuff in her hand. `I wonder what she needs to tell me. Hopefully not something bad.' Then it hit her. “Oh, she must have told Inuyasha. Oh goody. That means I get my information.' She had to force herself to keep from bouncing in anticipation as she led Iza to the promised hot spring.
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