InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Are Not Alone ❯ Bittersweet Memories ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter X ~ Bittersweet Memories

Hellos again, everyone! Now, unfortunately, this is a real turn in the story, as well as something that I'm sure a lot of you have been hoping to avoid; a certain reunion. A reunion of two people that was handpicked by Fate. Darn you, Destiny! Darn you to heck!! (And no, I'm not talking about our friend, Haoku-chan.)


Inuyasha walked Kagome to school the next day, just in case Kouga wanted to show up and harass her again. He also partly wished that he could be anywhere she was, so that was he could keep a closer eye on her. But he could only be near her as often as he could. Even so, he didn't really mind. He actually enjoyed being near Kagome. Even though he still had absolutely no idea why.

Kagome, of course, had completely no problem with this. For some odd reason, she felt comfortable and safe around Inuyasha. Even though these feelings were so alien to her, she seemed to understand them better as they came along.

Their relationship was really progressing. That is, until they hit a little bump on the way...

- - - - - - - - -

As soon as the last bell rang, everyone flung out of their classes and headed for home or their afterschool activities. Inuyasha and Kagome met up at the courtyard as soon as they were excused. The girl looked energetic, but the boy on the other hand...

"Inuyasha? Are you alright?" she asked, waving a hand in his face to try and get his attention. He groaned.

"Uhh...yeah..." he quietly moaned, his eyelids shifting frequently. Kagome easily recognized this. "You must be pretty tired, huh?" she asked. The boy managed to nod.

"Why are you so tired?"

"When I punched out Kouga yesterday, someone saw and I got in trouble for it. The school called my dad. He gave me a three-hour lecture. And by the time I was allowed to go up to my room, I had to do two-hours worth of homework, and only had a couple of hours left to sleep until I had to get up again. I was so close to breaking down in my classes..." he yawned loudly, wiping away the tears of fatigue that sprung from his eyes.

Kagome looked at him with guilt. "I'm sorry." she said. He sleepily shook his head, saying, "Don't worry about it."

"Why don't we skip the session for today? You could come over my house later today to do homework together. You really need some rest." she suggested. Inuyasha looked up at her, grinning a tiny bit. "Sounds good." She smiled.

Kagome asked if she could walk Inuyasha home. He declined, saying he was strong enough to make it home on his own. She agreed, and bid him farewell, heading home. Inuyasha waved, and then turned the opposite direction to his house.

The minute he arrived in his room, his drained body fell to the bed like a stone figure. He set his Naruto alarm clock (Just a little gag.) to 6:30, four hours from then. Resting his head on his pillow, it was mere seconds until he had fallen deep in dreams.

- - - - - - - - -

Kagome was worried about Inuyasha all the way home and there, too. She was wondering if he was getting enough sleep. So, to try and help brighten his mood, she went to work in the kitchen and made a few fresh sugar cookies, which the boy said he liked very much, and even made chibi versions of his face on them with some sprinkles and frosting. She giggled to herself when she was finished, partly anticipating him making a fussing face, and saying something like "Okay, I know I don't look like that." Glancing at the clock, she saw she had less than fifteen minutes before he would arrive to do homework. She decided to try and meet him at his house and surprise him with the cookies. Spreading her books out on the table so she would be ready, Kagome put the cookies on a plate and walked out the door to Inuyasha's place.

- - - - - - - - -

Yawning happily from such a great nap, Inuyasha jumped out of his bed, completely recharged. And it was strange; by the time he got up, his alarm didn't even go off. Turning it off, he grabbed his backpack from his desk and jumped down the stairs, running out the door, ready to meet up with his tutor.

He walked patiently down the sidewalk, content in the quiet atmosphere of the neighborhood. He felt somewhat at peace for a moment or two.

That is, until someone suddenly showed up. Inuyasha noticed, and his eyes got wider and wider as he realized who he was looking at.

"It's been a while...Inuyasha."

- - - - - - - - -

Kagome was strolling through her neighborhood with a great smile on her face, eager to see Inuyasha's expression once he saw the cookies. She was getting closer to his house until she saw two people farther down. One of them was Inuyasha himself. As for the other one...she had seen her before. She hid behind a tree nearby, silently watching them.

"K-Kikyo...!?" Inuyasha blurted out, surprised out of his mind. Kagome seemed startled as well. 'Inuyasha knows Miss Ikijigoku, too!?'

"What? Can you not see me?" she asked sarcastically. The boy regained himself a bit.

"Yeah, I see you...but what are you doing here?" he asked, for some reason not able to find the right words to say.

"To see you. Isn't that a good-enough reason?" she responded, crossing her arms. Inuyasha fell silent for a minute.

He looked away, a bit of a hurt look in his polished amber eyes. "...What do you want?" he asked in a hushed whisper.

"I came to see how you were doing. I heard that you were having some trouble with your schoolwork."


"And is anyone helping you?" she asked, falsely curious.

"Yeah...this girl. She's tutoring me." he answered. Kagome stiffened a bit, knowing he was talking about her.

"Oh really? Who is she?"

"A girl. Nothing more." He responded impatienly. Inuyasha didn't want Kagome getting involved between him and Kikyo. Plus, he didn't want Kikyo to have to try anything.

The girl smirked cockingly. "Just a girl? I sure hope that's all she is." Inuyasha looked back at her, surprised a bit.

"You know how I am..." she said softly as she began to walk closer towards him. "I don't like anyone or anything messing with what's mine..." She came up right in front of him, lifting a hand to grab hold of the sleeve of his jacket. Inuyasha didn't back away or flinch though.

"What's mine is mine, right? So what if it's over? That doesn't mean everything can't matter anymore, right?" She said, softly and seductively. She then began to stand on her tiptoes and closed her lips against his. Inuyasha's eyes widened wider than ever. He just froze, not knowing how to react.

Kagome's, too. She appeared absolutely shocked. She didn't know why, but she couldn't stand seeing her kiss him. She lifted a hand to her face, covering the bottom half.

'So what if it's over?' What does she mean by that? Wait...does that mean that...Kikyo is Inuyasha's old girlfriend!?'

She began to tremble uncontrollably, but not even able to realize it as she was clouded in her own shock. And it wasn't just because of the kiss; of what Inuyasha had said directly to the girl. "A girl, nothing more" was what he had called Kagome. She couldn't believe it. After all of the time they had spent together, she thought he really thought of her as a good friend. But she could see she was wrong.

And he gave in to Kikyo's kiss without a word. Kagome wasn't disgusted at what she saw. She wasn't angry. She was just shocked out of her mind. Her head began to shake from side to side in disbelief, wishing that she never even saw nor heard anything. Kagome wanted to run. She wanted to run far away and never have to look back. She didn't know why, though. But her legs began to automatically move, trying to send her far away. With tears that deathly threatened to fall down her paled cheeks, Kagome spun around and ran away, dropping the cookies she made into the dirt.

- - - - - - - - -

Inuyasha's ears twitched as he heard the sound of running feet and the sound of something falling into the ground. He also detected the faint scent of tears. His eyes perked over Kikyo's head to see someone running away. He could see that it was Kagome.

Quickly, so he could go after her, he placed his hands on Kikyo's shoulders, pushing her away from him. He didn't even say anything; he only gave her an angry though hurt look as he ran past her and towards the direction at which he saw the girl run.

He stopped when he caught the aroma of fresh cookies. He looked down on the ground next to a tree and saw a plate of cookies that had been dropped to the ground. The plate didn't land too gracefully and a couple cookies fell off of it. He picked one up, examining it. It had his face on it, in a more childlike cartoon style. He knew that Kagome must've made them. He looked up, still holding the treat in his hands.

He did not look angry, shocked, curious, or confused. Only sad.

- - - - - - - - - -

Kagome ran home up the stairs and into her room, plopping down on the bed and snuggling her head deeply into the pillow, sobbing into it.

She couldn't understand why this bothered her so much. She kept asking herself all kinds of questions of which she had no idea in the world of how to answer. How come Inuyasha was dating someone like Miss Ikijigoku? Why did he call her "just a girl?" And why did she kiss him and he didn't oppose it one bit?

The girl couldn't explain it, but it just hurt her so bad, her emotional pain seemed to have all of the possible answers she would need at the moment. But she wondered something else:

Why is she feeling like this? About just a student of her's and his ex-girlfriend?

Kagome didn't want to think about it anymore. She only closed her tear-flodded eyes and gripped her pillow, falling asleep and hoping the entire situation was just a bad dream.


To be honest, I felt absolutely, positively disgusted while writing this chapter. I mean, of all of the visuals to get when you're reading something, why this?? I still question myself as to why I wrote something like this. But I just want to make the story more matter how angry, sad, or nauceous it makes me.