InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Young Love ❯ Year 2 ( Chapter 4 )

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Year 2
"Did you complete the homework I assigned to you?" The teacher asked.
"Yes sensei, I finished the essay. May I skip my lessons today, sensei?" Rin asked.
"Sesshomaru-Sama will not be pleased to hear this, Rin" The teacher started but Rin gave him the pleading eyes and he released him outside.
"Alright Rin, complete the scrolls I gave you yesterday and write some calligraphy" The teacher commanded as Rin left the room. She went into her room, closed the door, and let her hair down. During her etiquette courses, she learned that a woman must keep her hair up, wear formal kimonos, and be completely polite.
"Shippo, I am waiting for you" Rin said out loud as she brushed her hair. She was a young 11, but she was preparing herself to be a mate and mother. She completed her motherly classes, getting her education and about to learn how to be a good nurse.
There was a knock at the door; Rin hurried to get the comb from off the dresser and put her hair up as the same as before. She re-tied her sash tight and then answered the door.
"May I come in?" asked Kagura. She maintained her composure, and she opened the door enough to allow her inside.
"I have talked to Sesshomaru about your little friend, Shippo. He is considering talking to you to see him" Kagura said. I did not trust her completely so I remained quiet.
"However he talked to your sensei again about your attendance, and he is not pleased" Kagura said softly.
"I will talk to Sesshomaru-Sama about my attendance, I apologize for my behavior" Rin said slowly, she took her leave from the room to her lord's study. She knocked softly and waited for him to acknowledge her.
"Rin" He said.
"Milord, I am truly sorry for my behavior. I should not miss my lessons but I have not felt up to sitting with sensei" Rin admitted.
"Your lessons are not optional, this Sesshomaru hired a sensei for you to learn the proper training you need to be a good mother. You asked for this training, and yet you do not appear grateful. Shall this Sesshomaru fire the sensei and allow you to go along uneducated" asked Sesshomaru.
"No milord, I like the sensei and I want to continue to learn. Please Lord Sesshomaru, I do not want to go back to life before" Rin pleaded.
"Do not miss another lesson, Rin. This Sesshomaru will not allow you to do this again. Let go of your obsession with the kit, he is no longer a part of your life" He said cruelly, he was not unaware of her feelings for the young demon and he did not approve of her feelings.
"Milord, I do not have an obsession with Shippo. He is merely a friend of mine, and I do miss him" Rin spoke out against him.
"This Sesshomaru has business to attend to" He said shortly, he was not really interested in continuing this. Rin left the room, with tears flooding her eyes. She wanted to see Shippo again, she knew she cared so very much about him and they had made that promise. She hoped he was doing his part; his strength would be necessary to get Sesshomaru to approve of their mating.
In Inuyasha's forest
"Keh, you've gotten better" Inuyasha said, licking the last of the wound on his arm. Shippo had managed not only to block his attack, but to inflict a minor scratch on him.
"Thanks dad, I am ready to wield a sword like yours" Shippo said, puffing his chest out.
"I can talk to old Totosai, that old geezer needs one of my fangs to make it possible. I gotta talk to Kags about it, after the birth of Mayumi she probably won't approve of it" Inuyasha said.
"Approve of what?" Kagome asked, a sleeping Mayumi was in her arms as she walked outside to join the boys.
"Shippo wants a sword, he has learned as much as he can about hand to hand combat, and although he isn't the best, he can't learn much more" Inuyasha said.
"Well, what type of sword? And what powers will he have?" Kagome asked.
"Well I hope to allow Totosai to help me with that. Shippo doesn't need a sword like mine, he needs one more like Sesshomaru but that works off of his fox magic" Inuyasha answered.
"I want to pour my miko powers into his sword, I want some type of barrier or something to help him" Kagome added.
"Keh, he is gonna be alright without one. But I can ask Totosai about it" Inuyasha said, then he ran off to find the old man to get the sword made. Kagome wasn't worried about being left alone; her dormant miko powers were still active inside of her and able to help protect her. Shippo was also strong enough to defend her if it was necessary.
"I'm back Kags, I had to give him a stupid tooth but he said that he can use your miko powers and closeness for Shippo to protect him if necessary. But He needs to practice and get his own power because yours isn't going to be enough to win every battle" Inuyasha insisted.
"When will he come?" Kagome asked nervously.
"When the sword is done in a week, you cannot touch it until after he wields it and it accepts him as its master. Then you can pour powers into it" Inuyasha answered, taking Mayumi from her to put her to bed.
"What's wrong Shippo?" Kagome asked; she rested her hand on his shoulder.
"I haven't seen Rin in two years; I have grown so strong and I want to show her what I've done" Shippo answered.
"Write her a letter, I will have Inuyasha deliver it. I hate to see you suffer this way, honestly Shippo. I know you like the little girl and all but her father will never let you take her. Please stop suffering" Kagome tried but Inuyasha stopped her from trying anymore.
"Let him go Kags, he's a growing boy and he has to deal with these feelings his own way" Inuyasha dragged her back to the hut as Shippo sat outside and wrote his note.
Dear Rin,
It's been too long. I miss you. I never forgot the last day we saw each other. I am now having a sword made for me with Inuyasha's fang and Kagome's miko powers, so that I will be a strong demon. I have also grown a foot, and I am able to do some hand to hand combat. How has your training been going? I can't wait to see you again, I have a lot more training left to do but I will see you soon.
He sealed the letter in an envelope, and then gave it to Kagome. She accepted it silently, knowing she'd have to convince Inuyasha to deliver it in person. He refused to rest until the letter was delivered, he wanted to get an answer but what if she had moved on or something.
"Come on Yasha, this is for our son. We need this! He can't go on pushing himself to the brink of death trying to practice to become strong for a girl who may not even be alive, may be married, or may be dead. It's your brother and I want you to try and talk to him. Remind him he owes us for the care we gave Rin as a child and for Shippo saving her. DO not let him brush you aside. Now go! I will stay here with Mayumi, and Shippo will protect me. I love you" She gave him a kiss on the lips and sent him off with the letter. He tucked it into his outfit and ran off to the Western Palace.