InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Young Love ❯ Year 3 ( Chapter 5 )

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Year 3
"Inuyasha approaches" Kagura warned. Sesshomaru did not give a response and Rin perked up.
"Sesshomaru" Inuyasha said. He pulled the letter out from where he had set it.
"What is it that you want, half-breed?" Sesshomaru asked coolly.
"I have a letter, for Rin" Inuyasha turned to give Rin but Sesshomaru would not have it.
"Hand me the letter" He demanded, he was not to have his Rin tainted by a letter from the kit.
"It is not for you, brother. It's from my adopted kit to your ward" Inuyasha snapped, walking over to Rin. Sesshomaru was up in a moment, his hand clamped around the wrist of Inuyasha.
"This Sesshomaru will not allow your kit to taint my ward. Leave this palace now, before this Sesshomaru is forced to remove you" He said coldly. He kept the letter, and walked around. Inuyasha had no choice but to leave the castle.
"Milord, please. May I have the letter?" Rin pleaded. But Sesshomaru held onto it tightly.
"This Sesshomaru feels you do not need this letter. This Sesshomaru has read it and it will only cause you pain. The kit has promised himself to another; the demon slayer had a female ningen a few months after you two met and he has decided when she comes of age, he will mate her. This Sesshomaru regrets that the kit chose that decision" Sesshomaru lied; he wanted to protect his ward from a life she was not sure of.
"May I see the letter myself?" questioned Rin.
"This Sesshomaru did not keep the letter" He said swiftly, going off to his office. The letter was locked away in the top drawer of his office desk.
Rin went back to her room to cry. Her crush, the one she was so interested in and spent the last 3 years trying to get to, was no longer into her.
"Rin? Are you alright?" Kagura asked; she had no idea about the letter. All she knew that Rin was heartbroken and Sess was not going to comfort her.
"Go away!" She screamed; knowing it was not appropriate to do that either. Her hair was a hot mess on her head, she had thrown her kimono onto the floor and lay with a thin robe covering her.
"Rin, please. I want to help you" Kagura tried but Rin pushed her away.
"Go away, get away" insisted Rin yelling. Kagura left Rin to cry over the loss of Shippo. She felt like she knew nothing about him. But then again, why wouldn't Sesshomaru allow her to see the letter of it was true? Besides, Sango would not have allowed Shippo to marry him because she was like a sister to Kagome and Kagome is his adopted daughter.
2 more days Rin spent in bed in tears, refusing to eat or leave the bed.
"This Sesshomaru is tired of your tears and your wails. You are to go back to your lessons, dress properly, and continue with life. This kit was not your lover nor your mate, you only lost a friend and that is it. Now get up Rin" He commanded. Rin moved almost automatically, she grabbed the kimono off the floor and had the servants help her straighten it out and re-tie it. Then they helped her untangle her hair and get it back up in the comb. Finally they assisted with some light make-up, and she presented herself for breakfast.
"I am so pleased to see you, I was worried you would not come through" Kagura said softly.
"Thank you for your concern Lady Kagura, I am well" Rin said robotically. She could not tell if Rin really meant it or not.
"Would you like to join me out in the garden? The flowers are in full blossom" Kagura offered but Rin politely declined.
"No thank you Kagura-sama, I have a lot of studies to catch up on" She waited until she was dismissed properly and then went to the library to study.
In Inuyasha's Village
"He didn't let her read it?" Kagome asked.
"Nope, he stopped me from giving it to Rin. I heard her crying as I left. I think he made up some lie or something. He probably told the poor girl that Shippo was dead or marrying another" Inuyasha said.
"Do not tell him that. If he asks, just say Sesshomaru did not allow you on the lands but he took the letter. I cannot allow him to suffer in heart ache for more years to come. I don't understand this strong bond they share but I am not happy" Kagome said.
"I will, I know he's enjoying his new sword. Let him continue practicing and maybe he could fight the bastard for his rights to Rin" Inuyasha said.
"Fight for his rights?" Kagome questioned
"You don't know youkai customs, but if a suitor fights against the father of his intended and proves himself worthy of her, he can claim her as his mate without the father's permission. Unfortunately because of Sesshomaru's strength and powers, no one has challenged him. Shippo wouldn't necessarily have to win, he would just have to prove he has the endurance and abilities to make Sesshomaru slip up" Inuyasha answered.
"Does Shippo know this?" Kagome asked.
"I will tell him all his options after he finishes training. This is not like your time, Kags. Females are usually arranged into a political marriage and forced to obey their father's commands. Rin is no different. Although she isn't a demoness, or Sesshomaru's child, she is under the care and protection of the Western House and has to follow the rules regardless" Inuyasha finally said.
"I wish there some way we could convince him" Kagome thought sadly.
"There isn't, that ice prick isn't going to listen" Inuyasha cut her off from her thoughts.
"Dad, what did Rin say?" Shippo asked, busting in the room with his sword in hand. It looked like a rusted old sword because it was not transformed. Shippo had not learned what to do to make the sword obey him.
"Sesshomaru would not allow me to give her the note; he took it instead. I didn't even speak to her" Inuyasha admitted.
"I must go see her" Shippo said softly but Kagome objected.
"Wait until you complete your training, I don't want him to kill you. I'd have to have to purify Sesshomaru to dust" Kagome said with a laugh, but she honestly didn't find anything fun.
"You cannot completely purify Sesshomaru; it would only make him human for a few days. Our father's blood is very strong" Inuyasha said.
"Whatever the case, he would suffer for killing my son" Kagome could feel her nostrils flare up and anger flood into her.
"Don't worry Mama, I won't fight him until after Rin is enough to be mine" Shippo said; he loved his family and wasn't ready to lose them quite yet. Plus He and Rin had a long ways to go before they could be truly together.