InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yours and Mine ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all the rest aren't mine. To bad, cause then I'd be rich.

*blah*= thoughts


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"Renmaru, please don't run."

"Hai, Okasan. Okasan, where are we going?"

"To see your Uncle Souta."

Renmaru Higurashi squealed with glee and jumped up and down happily, her thick silver ponytails dancing in time. Her mother smiled fondly and gave the small girl a push out the door. Renmaru ran out to the sidewalk and turned back to her mother.

"Come on!"

"Just a moment."

Her mother locked the door and followed her enthusiastic daughter down the road. Kagome Higurashi lived a quiet life; at least the first 15 years of it anyway. On her fifteenth birthday she was accidentally dragged into a magical well in her family's temple and was transported 500 years into the past, into the Sengoku Jidai-Warring States Era.

For 6 years, Kagome's life was a lot less quiet as she crossed back and forth between the two worlds, piecing together the shards of the powerful Shikon jewel. The jewel had been trapped inside her body and had popped out when she first landed in feudal Japan. Kagome herself was responsible for it getting broken, but she had help in finding the shards.

It wasn't easy. Demons and humans alike attempted to thwart Kagome and her friends at every turn as they searched the island nation for jewel shards. Once the jewel was completed, it had returned to her body and Kagome came home to stay.

She briefly attended a two year finishing school to compensate for all the schooling that she had missed while traveling in the past. She had nearly finished her first year when Renmaru was born, so Kagome put school on hold and got a job as tour guide at the Tokyo Natural History museum. The money wasn't great, but it was enough to allow her to rent a small two bedroom flat for the two of them. Last year, Renmaru was old enough to attend kindergarten and Kagome returned to school herself on the weekends. Her little brother Souta had agreed to look after Renmaru while she was having class.

Now, Kagome took her daughter's hand as they waited at the corner to cross the street. Several people passing by gave the small girl long looks , but finally one woman was brave enough to complement Kagome on her daughter's hair. Kagome accepted the compliment and the Higurashi duo crossed the street, Kagome smiling slightly to herself.

She was used to people giving Renmaru odd looks. And why not? She had inherited her father's silver hair and piercing gold eyes, but thankfully, she had her mother's sweet, accommodating personality.

Renmaru bounced along happily, drawing more odd looks, but she was oblivious. Souta was her second favorite person in the world and she loved spending her Saturdays with the college student.

"Okasan?" Bounce, bounce.

"Yes, dear?" Kagome allowed her arm to relax a bit as the child continued jumping so as not to pull a muscle.

"Will uncle Souta play games with me today?"

"I hope so. I also packed your homework, and I want it done when I come and get you."

Renmaru stopped jumping and groaned. "OH! Do I have to?"

"Well," Kagome tilted her head and pretended to consider it. "The only thing you really have to do is die, but people who like dinner want to do their homework."

Renmaru made a face. "Okay."

As they arrived at Souta's apartment, Renmaru's good humour returned and she skipped up to the door and excitedly rang the bell. Kagome had let her run ahead a little, but as she got close to the door, she sensed something she had not felt in 7 years; a demon. She was about to grab her daughter and run away when Souta opened the door and smiled at them.

"Konichiwa neechan, Ren-chibi."

Renmaru jumped into Souta's arms and Kagome smiled halfheartedly and took a surreptitious glance around the area before following her little brother and child into the apartment.

*What was that? Who was that?*

"-Kagome, I have a guest."

"Oh?" She was distracted, still feeling the demon and only half heard him.

"Hai. He's a classmate of mine at college. He's been helping me study for the history mid-term. Come and meet him."

They rounded the corner and Kagome's stomach dove to the floor. His hair was black, his eyes were brown and all his markings were gone, but there was no mistake. Kagome tried to swallow, but her throat wasn't working. Renmaru stood by her father's side, chatting happily, totally unaware of the significance of the situation.

Souta was introducing them, but with the blood pounding in her ears, she couldn't hear him.

"I'm going home tomorrow," Kagome looked at her watch and chuckled softly. "Excuse me; I'll be going home today; in a few hours."

"Do you have to?"

"Hmm, no, but I want to. I don't belong here. I miss my family. I miss lazy afternoon baths whenever I want them. I miss TV."


She laughed again and turned her head to kiss away his question. "Never mind, you'll own one yourself if you live long enough."

He humped. "I am immortal."

"Unless you get purified into a human by a miko or another demon kills you."

"Of course. But as I foresee none of those things happening to me, I am immortal."

Kagome rolled over and brushed her fingers through his silver hair. "I'm going to miss you."

"I just hate the thought of having to wait 500 years for you."

"And for me, it will be but an eye blink."

"That's hardly fair."

She used the strands she held captive to pull his head down for another kiss. "But few things are. Our time is short; make love to once more before I leave."

"I should refuse," he murmured, running his tongue slowly over her bottom lip .

"That would be true torture." Kagome slid her hands from his hair to the well defined muscles of his chest and across his abs.

"Besides, who would you be torturing-you or me?"

He raised his head from her breast and she raised her hands to urge him back.

"A good question, but more suited to a different time."

"Agreed." She pushed him down on his back and tossed the sheet covering their entwined legs aside. "I want to see you."

It took a second to realize her little brother had stopped talking and that the man had stood up. Flustered, Kagome bowed, if nothing else, to avoid eye contact, praying that her face wasn't red.

"Nice to meet you."

Amusement flashed in his eyes as he bowed back. "I believe the pleasure is mine, Ms. Higurashi." He looked back at Renmaru and Kagome got the impression he was trying to see past the spell that disguised and suppressed her child's youking markings.

"You have a beautiful daughter; such unusual colouring."

"I get that a lot."

He smirked. "How old is she?"

"I'm 6 and I am in the first grade," Renmaru announced, beaming proudly.

He looked back at Kagome. "Only 6?"

"Yes," Renmaru nodded sagely and Kagome finally remembered how to swallow.

"Hmm." He resumed his seat, but only to gather the scattered books and papers that bespoke many hours at study.

"Souta, we'll finish this later."

"Oh, it's okay. Ren-chibi is a good kid; you don't have to go." Souta assured him and again Renmaru beamed at the praise.

"Yes, please stay," she begged. "I'm going to do my homework, then play with Uncle Souta and you can play too."

He smiled slightly and part of Kagome's brain marveled to his unearthly beauty.

"No, thank you , chibi. I have to get to Kendo practice anyway. Nice meeting you," he tossed over his shoulder as he went to the door. Renmaru followed.

"Bye!" she chirped happily, earning another slight smile and he was gone. Kagome took her first deep breath and forcefully banished the images in her mind, though her insides stayed tense as she gave Souta last minute instructions regarding the child's home work and her lunch, then she to departed.

Outside, Kagome put her head in her hands and took a shuddering breath. *Kami-sama why has he survived until now? Why now? Why couldn't I have just a few more years of peace?*
