InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yours and Mine ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all the rest aren't mine. To bad, cause then I'd be rich.

*blah*= thoughts

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Kagome winced at the name and slowly placed the knife into the sink. She frowned down at the utensil momentarily, the squared her shoulders and marched determinedly to the door. Shippo was still standing in the doorway. He hadn't replaced the wards and his long tail was puffed out and swishing back and forth stiffly. Sesshomaru, on the other hand, was the picture of calm, standing arms crossed, legs slightly apart; he was planted.

"I need to speak with Kagome."

"Why?" Shippo demanded coldly.

Sesshomaru's brown eyes narrowed slightly and he looked over at Kagome, who was still standing behind the younger demon.

"Miko," he was ignoring the fox. "We need to talk."

She paled slightly. *Even after all this time, he's still so cold.*

Kagome started to back away and return to the kitchen, then shook herself, *Am I going to allow this arrogant jerk to intimidate me in my own home?*

She came up and stood directly behind Shippo and frowned at the tall demon.

"Why are you here?"

"Because you ran away from me 500 years ago and took something precious that belongs to me."

"What?" Growling with annoyance, Kagome pushed Shippo back into the house and Sesshomaru further away from the door, slamming it shut behind her and stepping out into the hall.

"I have nothing of yours." She hissed.

"Liar," He smiled charmingly and she ignored the flutter in her stomach that slight upturn of his mouth stirred. "Our child. I saw her this morning and I have few questions. For starters, how is she a full demon and not a hanyou or a human?"

"She is a human, baka."

He smiled again. "No, she's not. I can smell her demon blood. And I can smell the magic in the wards that you've put on her to repress it. Where are they? Is it her necklace or the bracelet?"

Kagome smiled thinly. "Neither." He waited, but she didn't go on.

"Hmm. Does she know what she is?"

"Yes; she's a very happy well adjusted HUMAN child. She goes to school, she has friends and a bright, promising future."

"Fine, be obstinate." Sesshomaru was getting annoyed again. *How does this small woman manage to rile me up so quickly?"*

"If what you say is true, then there's no reason why I can't test her and see if what you say is true. Because if you are lying to me, miko-"

"Obstinate?!" she cut him off. "Just who the hell do you think you are? I am no green, wet behind the ears little brat, Sesshomaru. Get that through your thick skull right now. I will not be talked down to."

He smirked. "You are irrelevant and compared to me; you are a wet behind the ears little brat. I'm 1500 years old."

"So were the Afghan Buddha's. What's your point."

"We were talking about the child."

"I'm sorry, you mean you were. After all, I'm irrelevant so I can't talk at length about anything."

"Stop it! I want to see my daughter-"

"STOP!" Kagome held up her hands. "She is my daughter, and therefore my responsibility. You are not her father, so fuck off!"

Sesshomaru listened to her heartbeat, trying to tell if she was lying, but because she was annoyed, her pulse was up anyway. She smelled of chalk, crayons, Shippo, coffee and anger.

"Kagome, even if Inuyasha was her father, she's still my heir; after his death, all his passions reverted to me; his lands, his mates," he paused. "His children."

Kagome sniffed dismissively, but he wasn't finished.

"But I can't smell him anywhere. When you came to me that night, you came a virgin."

She winced. "You're being crude."

"But you cannot escape the truth." He grabbed her hand without thinking, and her pinkish-purple energy flashed across his hand, trying to purify him, leaving behind the smell of burning flesh. He hissed and let go.

"I want to see her." He repeated.


Kagome was about to brush past him and maybe singe him again, when Renmaru yanked open the door and glared out at her mother.

"Okasan, I'm hungry. Are the sam'iches for me and Shippo?"

"For Shippo and I?" Kagome corrected her automatically.

"For Shippo and I." Renmaru repeated dutifully. Kagome nodded.

"Yes, they are."

"Okay!" Then the child noticed Sesshomaru who was watching her quite intently. "Hello Uncle Souta's friend." She shut the door and her mother turned back to the tall demon lord.

"It's her hair ties," his voice was low with awe. "You put the magic in her hair ties."


"Please you have to let me train her. She can't grow up not knowing what she is or how to control it."

He fervently hoped changing track and begging,- * a demon lord begging! Look what I have been reduced to!*- nicely might help.

"Please leave." Kagome suddenly felt very small and very tired. She had been wired all day, and now she just felt drained; it was too much, too soon.

"Kagome, repression will only work for so long. Eventually, it will come out-her true form; and she won't know what to do or how to control her urge to kill."

Kagome put her hands over her ears; a childish gesture, but she wanted him to stop talking and leave.

"Go away, Sesshomaru!"

He sighed. There was no point going on now; she wouldn't hear him anyway and he hated wasting his breath.

"When it happens, I will have to kill her. Or Shippo will. A youkin with no training or control is no good to anyone. Even Inuyasha had more control that she will."

"Stop it! You don't know anything!"

He turned away. *This isn't over and I'm not giving up. I need to call Jaken.*

Kagome made certain that he wasn't coming back before she went back into the apartment, locking the door tightly. She glanced into the livingroom, but didn't see the two younger demons. She made her way to the kitchen, feeling like she had lead weights on her feet. She stood in front of the refrigerator for a moment, then leaned foreword, pressing her forehead against the cool surface of the appliance.

*He's wrong. He just wants to take her away but I won't let him! Renmaru is mine and mine alone.*

"Okasan, look! Shippo showed me - I can turn into a puppy!"

Kagome spun around and looked in horror at the white `puppy' the size of an Irish wolfhound bouncing excitedly in the kitchen doorway and fainted.


Thanks for the reviews folks! Keep reviewing and I'll keep writing.