Jeanne D'arc Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Out break Breeze of a Storm ❯ Chapter 3 Trap ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3 Trap
Marching through the desolated wasteland; to a battle that would decide who would win this war. Still each town they passed was the exact same story; either by the English or by the chaos Aeolus had unleashed. They all had an aura of death and devastation; none could do anything though about this situation. It was hard for anyone to look at anything in the towns, and yet they all found themselves unable to stop them from starring.
The villagers looked with tearful eyes; hoping this was relief, but sad to find nothing but marching soldiers. They marched right through; arrogant and distant of the villagers' problems at least on the surface. Villagers missing limbs, burned, scared for the rest of their lives, and all devastated by this war. Children orphaned now, and it was unbearable, and yet they all continued to march.
Sounds, sights, and smells all filled the air letting everyone witness the horror. Children with blackened faces, all wandering the street like zombies. Cries for help and children's' mothers echoed and tugged at heart strings. Streets had piles of rotting corpses every so often, and just the smell was nauseating, but what was more was the number of dead soldiers, and most of them English.
Every so often Jeanne would stop, and offer what little she had to the people that she could no longer bare to see. There were so many asking for so much, and Jeanne wanted to help all of them. Each time Aeolus stopped with her, and supported her and the people with what he was given. He did not need to eat; not with all these desperate people staring at him. His body could survive on nothing, but none off these people could.
Coaxing Jeanne away became harder and harder each time away from each of suffering villagers. There was no jokes from anyone with the devastation that was unleashed. People were homeless and starving to death, and yet they had to march to war. Aeolus wanted to make a joke to lighten the mood, but found that it would be inappropriate considering that he caused this.
The march was long and hard enough without having to bare the sights and sounds coming from the ravaged people. It took days to arrive on the shores of France near a small destroyed village. It was just in the north of France, and it would be the landing zone for all the future English troops according to intelligence. Something was very wrong considering what French intelligence had said.
Reports had stated that there were English soldiers already landing there, and yet there was nothing. It was disconcerting to see nothing, not even any scouts of the English that should be watching these shores. The city behind them would provide ample protection when the attack did begin, but Aeolus decided to use his abilities and clear all the haze away. He wanted answers right away about everything that was going on, and his powers could clear the air once and for all.
Scanning everything for miles away took plenty of concentration; so much that even started to sweat. Jeanne and Liane approached him quietly so not to disturb him watching him sweat despite the cold air. His eyes were clenched shut as he tried to force his ability to spread beyond what was possible. Liane looked to Jeanne hoping that she knew what was going on, but Jeanne was just as clueless, and shook her head in response.
Everything could be sensed for miles and miles away; every blade of grass and living breathing thing. The air providing a network of information that was fed into Aeolus's mind. The amount of information caused more and more sweat to drip down Aeolus's face while he searched the surrounding area. The focus needed and even processing all that information suddenly overwhelmed Aeolus; causing him to drop forward to his hands and knees.
Jeanne rushed in and even Liane who was feet away could hear the heavy breathing coming from Aeolus. Aeolus had just hit his limit and shut down, and just when Jeanne was about to ask he opened his mouth and spoke first. “There is nothing on our shores; nothing but corpses and death! They lied to us; there is no army here yet! There are not even any god damn spies!”
The shouts were followed by Aeolus pounding his fist to the ground out of the pure rage that he felt. This deception by the French commanders was obviously motivation to get everyone to build up a defense much sooner then the English could arrive. Jeanne and everyone else who heard was either confused or angry. Still they were here, and they had to prepare for what was to come and Aeolus regained his composure and took command. “Everyone…! Prepare the defenses up on the hills; if nothing else we have to ready!”
The command snapped everyone into action; the large group quickly following the command. Everyone was moving quickly and the shores were alive with the bustling hive of soldiers working to prepare for a coming assault. The enemy would be here within a few days if Aeolus was correct in his guess, and they would be ready.
Watching Aeolus command everyone with such a commanding voice was troubling for Jeanne. The tension mounting in Aeolus's voice was boiling from all the stress and pressure of being a commander. He hated being deceived, and when this was over the people who did this would pay because this was all for an edge in a war that should have ended. Now he had the responsibility of protecting every last one of the men he had to fight against the English. He could use his abilities, but losing control could mean the death of many more including Jeanne.
With so many people at work there was no point for tem to be here, and Jeanne could do with some time alone with him. She wanted to get him to relax a little before the big battle. If the war was going to last then time for them alone would be short and far between. Now seemed like the last time she might be alone, and she decided to take this chance.
Moments later and Jeanne had grabbed Aeolus's hand and led him up towards the destroyed city. He was taken by surprise, and Jeanne told passing commanders that they were going to scout out the city for potential ambushes. No one would dare argue two of the most important commanders' authority. They were key members; giving them the privilege of going off.
Roger still had not gotten over his feelings of love for Jeanne, and watching her become so devoted to anyone but him was infuriating. He still wanted Jeanne as his, and Liane watched him wondering why she could not take Jeanne's place in his heart. Liane was no where near as strong as Jeanne, but she still should have been able to take her friends place.
When Liane had first heard that Aeolus and Jeanne were becoming an item, her whole heart pounded with excitement. She thought that Roger would give up on Jeanne, but his conviction seemed even stronger. This young red head could just not figure out why things were this way. She would not give up on Roger, not when she was so close to winning his heart. Liane would do anything to capture it; because Roger was her dream guy.
Quickly Liane wiped a tear that had just started to form in her eye, and used her renewed determination to follow the three. Staying well back behind from the others, but still very curious to what would happen next. Roger was staying well back, but close enough that he could over hear Jeanne. His ugly jealous feelings were driving him to points that he should not have gone to.
The conversation was just Jeanne questioning Aeolus's condition and state of mind, but the whole time Roger wanted to trade places. They sat near a blackened fountain; Jeanne quickly moving to rest her head on his shoulders. It was so nice for both of them, and the people watching wanted the same thing with different people. The gentle breeze carrying in the soft salty smell of the ocean, and it was a beautiful smell.
Then the entire city fell silent again; letting everyone nearby reflect on everything that was going on. This was the kind of moment Jeanne enjoyed while she snuggled up close. She thought back on the time she had with Aeolus and what had attracted her to him.
Thinking back on there first meeting it may have been his charm or the fact that he protected her so easily. What ever it was; she became infatuated with Aeolus so quickly. Somehow she had figured him to be her soul mate and she had never felt this way about a man before, at least not to such a strong caliber. It was her first love and she loved every minute of being swept away in it.
Aeolus put his arm around her; their light armor scrapping a little against the others. He felt the same about her and he always thought he had struck it lucky. This prize was better then any he could imagine, and only because she loved him. This beautiful golden blond was only the reward he would desire from now on. It was incentive enough to end the war quickly for the both of them.
Suddenly from underneath the fountain came a mighty explosion sending Jeanne and Aeolus along with the debris. Everyone was taken by surprise when the peace came abruptly to an end. Aeolus tried to reach for Jeanne's hand while she flew away, but he missed her hand by mere inches. Things slowed down with the adrenaline kicking in and taking control till something grabbed Aeolus by the leg.
He was flung down to the crater below by a blurry object; the speed at which he was thrown making it impossible to see. Jeanne hit the ground hard a good distance away, and she had seen Aeolus been violently hurdled to the ground. Liane watched Jeanne get up covered in dirt like noting had happened, and Roger looked amazed to. Liane realized she would have to be that strong too if she was to win his heart.
Finally the pain kicked in and Jeanne nearly collapsed with the pain's crushing agony. She looked up to see the blur was gone and the large fountain too, and Jeanne forced herself to go help Aeolus. She started to limp over just before a new explosion came from the crater, and traveled down a line going just to Jeanne's side. The dust and wind that was kicked up forced Jeanne to cover her eyes, and she was going to make someone pay for this. The dust cleared and Jeanne turned and tried to make out what was at the end, and hoped it was their enemy.
The dust cleared, but at the end of the crater was Aeolus lying amongst broken rock and dirt and partly covered in rocks. Jeanne started to breathe in and out violently at the sight of Aeolus bleeding and defeated without even a fight. His light green armor broken and fragmented and falling apart like it was made of glass. Aeolus had a massive indent still on his face, and he started to open his eyes and looked and Jeanne with his deep brown eyes.
One look from Aeolus to Jeanne, and he began to try to get up to fight back. Jeanne watched and took short gasps of air while she tried to move over and help Aeolus. Roger and Liane watched; still to paralyzed with fear to make any move. Aeolus stood up with a great deal of effort; looking like he had no strength to use.
From the crater came another gust of air that brought dust and spread it through the street. Again Jeanne was forced to cover her eyes from the harsh sensation of the dust on her eyes. Then the sound of armor being broken caused Jeanne to fear the worst. The second that Jeanne could see, she gasped to the sight of a red haired woman holding Aeolus up, but with her left hand piercing his chest.
Jeanne immediately hated this woman, but was also incredibly afraid. She was taller and definitely older then Jeanne; this was just so unforgivable that Jeanne would never forget her. Her face with the most sinister expression that went with her blood red eyes was nothing short of something from a nightmare. Her clothes looked nothing like anything Jeanne had ever seen before, and she knew this woman was not from this world.
The red, gold, and black armor showed off her feminine figure, and had a cape that dragged behind her. The weapon behind her back was nothing that Jeanne could make out, but she could see blades. Even this woman's hair was wicked in appearance, but what she said next set Jeanne off in her strange accent. “The mighty weapon of the wind, or perhaps you like to be called and Exia now… I vonder vhy I was expecting a real challenge, but now you vill be mine.”
The accent in her voice was nothing that Jeanne had heard, but she did not care. Jeanne sprang forward while unsheathing her sword with a resounding sound of metal slicing metal. The tip poised to strike this woman down for what she had done, and Jeanne was aiming for the place where this woman's heart should be. No longer was Jeanne feeling pain, only the need to prove her worth and love to Aeolus.
Jeanne ran in ready to kill this woman, but when she neared her target; she vanished into the air. Jeanne stopped when her opponent vanished and took a quick look around for any sign of her. Everything was silent again for another moment before a low feminine laugh came from behind. Jeanne quickly turned just before a click was heard, and she moved her hand down to touch her stomach and Roger jolted upwards.
Bringing her hand up from Jeanne's stomach revealed blood covering Jeanne's gloves, and Jeanne looked up at the red haired woman standing there with a smirk. This woman looked Jeanne over and used her hand that was covered in Aeolus's blood to pick Jeanne up. “You are lucky I have been told to spare your life for now… other vise I would have killed you right here. You are both fools to believe you could stop Rosso the Crimson… I'm not so easily defeated like Shelke or Azul…”
Jeanne looked up to see Aeolus unconsciously laying on the ground behind this woman, but Jeanne was weak from the loss of blood. Rosso span and grabbed Jeanne by the collar of her breastplate. One final twist and she threw Jeanne into the side of a building across the street. Jeanne hit with a massive thump and fell to the ground while coughing up blood; all of the conditions causing her consciousness to flutter in and out.
Rosso turned to go and collect her true prize, and she felt so unhappy with the lack of a fight. All of the surprise had made this to easy to collect the prize, but left her with no challenge. She moved down to pick Aeolus up when she felt a blade tip poke the back of her neck. Roger had his blade ready to kill and began to speak in an angry tone. “You are going to die for what you did to her!”
Liane moved up from her position over to a closer spot so she could hear better, and she watched carefully wanting to run in and protect Roger. Rosso had been caught off guard, but was not about to be defeated so easily, and her tone of voice took on a sly playful tone. “Oh so you love that voman too; to bad she is in love with the alien … if only he were to disappear; you could be with the one you love… or am I wrong?”
Roger's ears perked up, and he could not believe his ears. This offer could give him what he wanted, but it was not right, and Liane was watching so intently. Rosso waited for a few seconds before beginning to talk again. “It is what you vant correct… all you have to do is lower your sword so that I can take this person you hate sooo much. Then you can do what ever you want with that girl, I do not care… but I was left with no order to kill her.”
Seconds passed with nothing but silence filling the air, and Liane wanted Roger to make the right choice. Then she shook her head; he would make the right choice because he was like that. Roger just had to, but then he just started to lower his sword till he sheathed his sword at his side, and Liane could not believe what she saw and neither could Jeanne.
Jeanne was just barely conscious enough to watch the whole even, and the whole time she was praying Roger was not doing this. Rosso turned and smiled with a devilish grin; “you really are a despicable person… you love her and yet you would destroy her first real love with the one she truly loves for your own gain; ah ha ha ha ah… I think even I'm starting to like you… I thought you were another boring good person, but I'm so happy to see that I'm wrong.”
“Shut up; I'm not like you… I love Jeanne more then anything, and she is the only person I will ever love! She does not belong with that… that thing; so get rid of him.”
Behind her back; Rosso started moving her blade into a good position to strike, and Liane started to move out of her hiding place. She knew what Rosso was about to do, and Liane ran forward on pure instinct just wanting to protect Roger from death. This was what Jeanne would do, and she would protect him even at the cost of her life. Rosso was already getting ready, and spoke in forceful voice filled with frustration from still being caught off guard. “You are a fool; you should have killed me when you had the chance!”
The whole thing happened to fast for Roger's mind to process what had happened, and he fell to the hard cold ground. Quickly he turned and looked up to see what had pushed him, but his heart was not ready for the sight. Liane had saved him, and pushed from the blade, but she had suffered the consequences.
The long blade had pierced the middle of her chest, and Liane was stunned at the sensation of her heart no longer beating. This pain was too incredible to bare, and she let loose a horrifying scream. Roger could not accept this, and when Rosso pulled her blade out from Liane's heart; he rushed over to grab her before she could hit the ground. Liane looked up to Roger who already crying, and his hand was trying to brush the loose hair from Liane's face and Liane found just enough strength to speak. “Roger… I just wanted… I just wanted you to love me; the way… the way you love Jeanne. But I guess I never could be her, I just hope you are happy…”
Rosso was interested in this development, and could not help but let out small chuckles to the situation. She walked over and picked up Aeolus up off the ground, and laughed down at Roger with the near dead Liane in his arms. “I must thank you for all your aid, and not only did you allow the one woman who truly loved you to die… but that girl you cared about so much saw the whole thing, and she will never forgive you for giving up her love! I cannot believe this turned out to be so… delightful…”
Roger turned to see Jeanne barely awake, but watching him with her nearly shut eyes. However tears were clearly coming down her face, and there was nothing that could ease the pain in Roger's heart. Jeanne turned her head; this betrayal making Jeanne hate Roger with her entire heart, and Jeanne could not help but turn away in disgust.
Rosso got in one last laugh at the situation before disappearing with her speed, and taking her prize with her. It was dead silence at first, but despite all of the injuries Jeanne had, she rose up off the ground and started to move towards camp with tears coming from her eyes. Roger started to speak, but only got a few words before Jeanne yelled at him with a good portion of her strength. “Don't even talk to me; you could have saved him, but you didn't, and now Liane is hurt because of you… I just can't believe you did this to me… I thought I could trust you, but I was so wrong…”
Jeanne started moving away as fast as her bruised body would let her, and Roger wanted to follow but could not. Liane was still dying in his arms, and he had finally awakened to her feelings. If Liane would die then Roger would never forgive his mistake. He had one option, and he reached deep down to the darkest part of his soul till he found what he needed.
Roger shouted to the sky and let loose a wave of dark energy that covered Liane's body. The wound was sealed with the power of darkness, and fully healed in seconds. Roger pulled Liane up and put her head on his shoulder, and whispered into her ear. “I'm so sorry Liane; I should have realized your feelings… just please hold on; because I want to tell you… how sorry I am; please I cannot bare to lose you to.”