Justice League Fan Fiction ❯ The Justice League ❯ Bio ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Justice League Character
Gender: female
Name: Musa
Superhero Name: Muse
Age: 15
Eyes: blue (red when Muse)
Hair: Fiery red. Long with bangs
Date of birth: July 14
Abilities: magic, spells, incantations, enchantments, control of the weather and elements, and levitating
Hobbies: listening to music, dancing, making up new music, and writing.
Fears: loneliness and abandonment
Bio: Lost her mother at a young age. Father would not except her unique abilities, called her a freak of nature, and threw her out onto the streets. Her uncle, who was a scientist, took her in and took care of her. He cared about his niece no matter what she could do. The Justice League took her in after they got rid of the aliens that tried to take over earth. The reason for this was because her uncle was one of the few that didn't survive the attack and had no where else to go or anyone else to turn to. She knows when to be serious and when to have fun. Plus when Flash is picking on somebody, she has a tendency to get him back for them.