Juvenile Orion Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsuko Ishida - Mind Breaker ❯ Chapter 5

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[Judgment Day PT. 3]"Why not slay yourself upon discovery - " the Eraser began to ask harshly. He was cut off by a series of rude comments from Ren. His angry purple eyes locked onto the sharp green ones of the Eraser, Mitsuko's deep blue ones lost in the midst. She tightened her grip on the shoulders of the Angelic being."I'm sorry, now that we know that Mitsuko Ishida is indeed a Mind Breaker," the teacher told her parents, "we can not allow her to attend school here." Mitsuko lifted her young blue eyes to her teacher. The dark brown eyes glanced down at her, the face paling before looking away, "She is not safe around the other students!!""Because," she began, "that would show weakness." Both men turned their eyes towards her, "Mind Breakers all over the world have fallen to living as cowards. They would rather slit their own throats then face the world and all that it has in it. I didn't want to be like that. I wanted to show everyone that I was stronger then that. But, I guess in the end," she released the Eraser's shoulders and rested her hands in her lap, "I became just like them after all.""You are all cowards - " the Eraser began."Shut up," Ren barked. The Eraser became silent and lifted his defiant green eyes to the shaking Ren, "I could have killed you." Ren's trembling hands curled into tight fists by his side, "I could have painted this rooftop with your blood. But, she stopped me. She chose to save you, yet, you continue to treat her as though she is a monster."Mitsuko lifted her eyes to him, shock written plainly across her face. The Eraser's eyes darkened with anger as Ren went on, "She could have stayed were she was, yet, she stood between you and me. I don't see that as cowardice," Ren lifted his eyes, a strange emotion dancing in their depths, "to me, it shows courage and honor."The Eraser was silent as the Arayashiki continued on, "Thousands of Mind Breakers have remained locked away in Solitude. Had she been any other Mind Breaker, she would have run at the first sign of a Binding Spell. Yet, she remained behind, and not only that, but she risked herself to save me, then you. How do you see such actions as being Cowardice?"The Eraser remained silent for a moment as if in deep thought. His sharp green eyes dropped to rest on Mitsuko's hands as they clutched one another in her lap, the knuckles white and distinctive, "It is how I have always believed." He closed his eyes as if expressing his thoughts and such were a pain to him, "I have always been taught that Factions and Mind Breakers were worthless creatures who deserved nothing more then death by the hands of the Lord's judgment.""You have been taught that, yes," Mitsuko's soft voice entered. She raised her deep blue eyes to the golden haired creature beside her, "But what do you believe?" Both young men rested in silence as they thought about her words. The brilliant green eyes darting in his thoughts, the wild purple ones remaining fixed on the floor."I believe," Ren began, "that Mitsuko Ishida should remain alive. Even if she is a Mind Breaker," his purple eyes softened as he looked up at her, "and hopefully, as my Mind Breaker.""What are my beliefs," the being whispered to himself. His breath came in short and ragged steps, his eyes darting about wildly, "I don't know my beliefs anymore." He glared up at Mitsuko who watched Ren with shock covering her face, "What manor of evil trickery is this that you make me doubt the ways of my Lord?" Mitsuko started and turned her eyes back to the angelic being, "I despise you for what evil notions you hast planted into mine mind," he struggled to his feet, his three good wings flexing wildly, "ye shall pay for these actions, Demon. I shall see to it with mine own hands."Ren took a bold step forward, his tattoos glowing in their faint orange light again, "You do," his fist rose in a threatening manor, "and you'll have to go through me." The angel growled deep in his throat, his angry and wild green eyes drifting from Mitsuko to Ren. He stole one last look at Mitsuko before taking a step back and fading into a faint green light. The outline of his body lingered for a moment then drifted away as the Bind Spell came to an end."Only a Mind Breaker can summon a Binding Spell," Ren warned as he fixed his sleeves and collar, "that means that lunatic belongs to somebody. Kind of makes me wonder who," he glanced down at his sleeve to dust off a few long strands of golden hair with a sneer."Go ahead and do it," Mitsuko replied, her face downcast and her hands clutching themselves once again. Ren lifted his face to her in surprise."What?""Go ahead and kill me," she said with a smooth tone. She was somewhat surprised at how smooth her voice was when Fear seemed to be choking her insides, "I'm a Mind Breaker, go ahead and kill me. It's what you do now, isn't it?" She lifted her slightly tearing eyes to him.His face flushed as he glanced away, "I have no idea what you're talking about."Mitsuko leapt to her feet, her hair, which once was placed in a tight bun, was now loose and flowing, a dark cape against her pale skin, "I'm talking about how Factions now seek out and destroy Mind Breakers! I'm a Mind Breaker!! Go ahead and kill me already!!" Her face was now covered in streams of tears. She had never cried in front of someone before - it was a strange feeling to do so now.Ren lowered his face as he placed on hand in its pocket, "Don't you get it, Ishida?" His eyes looked up at hers, emotions written plainly across them, "I don't want to kill you, I never did." Mitsuko felt her knees become weak. What was he saying? "The truth is..." he nervously rubbed the back of his head."The Factions call for a Mind Breaker to be executed upon discovery," Ren blinked up at her in surprise, "do they not?" Her anguish was starting to overwhelm her. Nothing was as it should be anymore. She was discovered by a member of the Arayashiki and the Erasers. They would now know that her entire family were Mind Breakers in hiding and would not kill them. Once and for all, "Is that not what you demand?!"Mitsuko gasped as a sharp pain erupted through her cheek. Her eyes blinked as they realized that they now looked to the side. With a chilling wave of fear, she rested her hand on her face as she turned to look at the furious Ren. His right hand remained curled into a fist by his side as if keeping it from slapping her again, "I am not going to kill you, Mitsuko Ishida. I refuse to kill you because you are my Mind Breaker.""Your...""What you did at the start of this battle. That, Mitsuko Ishida, is what a Mind Breaker is known for. Increasing the powers and emotions of Faction Members. Mitsuko, did you not know the emotions I was feeling when this battle began?" Mitsuko thought back but could only remember the incredible strength and heart rate. With a solemn shake of her head, Ren closed the gap between them, "It was to protect you."Mitsuko's heart erupted into her throat as Ren pressed his lips firmly against hers. Mitsuko allowed herself to relax and enjoy the brief moment that had come to her. When it was over, Ren pulled himself away, "I've known you were a Mind Breaker, Tsuki. I've known all along.""But how - ""Because I know about your whole family." Mitsuko felt fear's icy grip on her again, forcing her heart to still. Ren smiled gently as he brushed a long lock of her hair away, "We all know about you. In fact, we've been watching over all of you.""Watching? But... why?""Because," he released her slowly, the world seeming cold once again, "my great grandfather was a soldier of your great grandmother." Mitsuko blinked in confusion. She had no idea that her great grandmother, Mana Kirihara, had been an accomplished Mind Breaker. And, she realized with a chill, to the leading family of the Arayashiki."My grandfather loved your grandmother. That is why he allowed himself to be Mind Breaked. He did it so he could be near her and protect her with everything he had. It never worked, though. Kirihara-Sama married another soldier. His name was - ""Kaname Kasakabe of the Darklore Faction. Also known as Lord Bael to those of the Darklore," Mitsuko rubbed her arm nervously. Her great grandfather was the source of her blue eyes. She knew more about him than anyone else in her family. Her mother's family never spoke of Mana and Kaname very often, their bodies shuttering whenever they did.A snicker snapped her from her thoughts, "So, I guess that makes you Lady Mitsuko of the Darklore, correct? Usually, the woman joins the faction of the husband if they are not already of the same faction." Mitsuko shook her head, that was far from what happened, "Ah, that's right. He... renounced his place at the head of Darklore, is that right?" She nodded slowly."The Arayashiki have remained diligent about their rules. Except us. We followed the lead of my great grandfather and continued to protect your family - even after his death," Ren turned to look at Mitsuko. The wind raising just enough to tease the ends of his hair, "I've known you for what feels like forever.""You said you would do whatever I asked...""Do you really want me to kill you?""No," a lazy cloud drifted over head. It was a beautiful day."Then what do you want?""I... want... to end..." she lifted her blue eyes to Ren's purple ones, "I want to end this war that is coming back!"Ren smiled gently, the arrogance erased from his eyes, "Then, Mitsuko Ishida, grand daughter of the one who ended the previous Aquarian Age, I, Ren Zhange, grandson of Isshin Shiba of the Arayashiki, will battle with you." The distance between them was closed once again as Ren embraced his master, "And, I will stand with you. Always.""Ren..." her delicate pale hands wrapped around his strong form, "thank you...""You are my master," Ren's lips pressed against her once again, "and the love of my life."[The End, Nyo!]