Juvenile Orion Fan Fiction ❯ The Way It Should Be Eaten ❯ Lesson ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Its the way you're supose to eat it.
Fandom: Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion
Characters: Tuskasa, Itsuki
Prompt: 02. Middles
Word Count: 100
“I just can’t believe you really eat it like that.” Tuskasa scrunched up his face.

“It’s the way your suppose to eat it, Tuskasa. You really need to learn this kind of stuff.” Itsuki said in between licks.

“You just lick off all the white stuff like that?”


“You aren’t making this up are you?”

“Would I lie?”


Itsuki stopped his licking to look up at the boy across form him, “That was cold, my friend. This is an important part of being human.”

“If you say so…” Tuskasa picked up is Oreo, and twisted the top off.