Kagaku Ninja-Tai Gatchaman Fan Fiction ❯ Jinpei's New Pet ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I dont own any of the characters in the story but I wouldn't mind having a few of them. It's a bit old but I thought it would find a nice home here.

Jinpei's New Pet

Another explosion rocked the Gallactor mech and sent half of its body falling to the sea below.

"Everyone off, NOW!" Ken shouted as he dove for the hole Jun had just blown in the ships side.

Once airborn he started yelling into his communicator.

"Jinpei! Jinpei are you all right?"

There was silence for a moment and then a shaking voice answered.

"Yes, just tell Sis to warn me before she sets the bombs off next time. It almost got me with the mech."

"Alright. As soon as Ryu picks us up we'll get you."

Jinpei laughs to himself. "Don't worry, Ken, I think I just found a ride. I'll meet you on shore."

"Don't bring home another seal."

"I won't, big brother."

Later the God Phoenix sits on shore while Ken, Joe, Jun, and Ryu stand at the waters edge looking across the bay.

"I hope he's alright," Jun whispered anxiously "We've been waiting over an hour."

"You know the kid, he's probably just playing with a bunch of whales" Joe laughed.

Suddenly Ryu spoke up, "Uh, guys. What's that?" He pointed toward toward a large unnatural swell coming toward them rapidly.

"Ken. You don't suppose it's another Gallactor mech do you?"

"No, the Gallactor aren't smart enough to attack us with two ships so close together."

Then there was a violent eruption out of the bay and water sprayed down on them, temporarily blinding them. When they could see again Jinpei was grinning down at them from atop the head of a giant lizard.

"How do you like my new pet, eveyone?"


Great, Ken thought, we just 'had' to be over Tokyo Bay when the mech went down. How am I going to tell Dr. Nambu that Jinpei's new pet is Godzilla?