Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ In The Meantime ❯ Day 8, part 2 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Day 8, Part 2
“Alright, so what are we gonna do?” A'rii asked as she sat, collapsed in Lae's giant bean bag chair, breathing heavily, just as Medy and Lae were. They'd run from the school all the way to Lae's house when they noticed a lot of the girls, some known fan girls, were making their way towards them, and left Kara behind, thinking she was useless now.
“I dunno…” Lae barely said, lying on her back on the floor, also having collapsed when they were finally safe.
“We still have one more day…” Medy responded, lying on Lae's bed.
“I'd say we skip, but we have exams.” Lae said, sitting up now, leaning against the bean bag chair.
“Yeah…after that we'll be fine.” A'rii stated, starting to regain oxygen.
“We…need…body guards…” Medy said, still very much out of breath.
Both Lae and A'rii perked up at the idea, instantly fine.
“Yeah! Get a bunch of people to guard us, just when we're in the halls and stuff!” Lae said, excited.
“They gotta be strong enough to hold off rabid fangirls though.” A'rii stated, thinking
“Yeah…” Lae agreed.
“But who would?” Medy asked.
All three thought for a minute, until A'rii spoke up. “Duh! My dad!”
“What about him?” Lae asked, confused.
“He teaches taekwondo, remember? A lot of his students go to our school!”
“But how are we gonna get them to guard us?” Medy asked, though liking the idea.
“Could just convince them it's for extra credit or something like that…” Lae suggested.
“There ya go.”
“But do you even know which ones are in his class?” Medy asked again.
“He has a list of his students, their age, school, and a ton of other stuff, all in his office over there.”
“How are we gonna get in?” Medy asked again, trying not to forget anything.
“Just get his key from the house.” Lae said, stating the easiest way. “He is home, right?”
“Yeah, and sleeping, but he only sleeps until 1…” A'rii looked over to Lae's alarm clock, which read 12:53pm. “We definitely won't have enough time to get it…”
“When does he go over there?”
“Around 5, so we'd have enough time, but not enough to get the key…”
All three were silent for a minute as they thought again.
“Pick the lock.” Lae said suddenly, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
“Duh! Lae, you're a genius!” A'rii said, hugging Lae's head as she continued to sit on the bean bag chair with Lae on the floor next to her.
“No I'm not.” Lae stated bluntly.
“Well maybe not all the time…” A'rii said, letting go.
“Alright, but do either of you know how to pick a lock?” Medy asked.
“DUH!!!” Lae and A'rii exclaimed in unison.
“Lae's like the greatest lock-picker-person in the world!”
“Shuddup.” A'rii said, punching Lae's shoulder as she stood up and walked over to her dresser. She pulled out the bottom drawer totally and lifted a tab on the wood of the dresser that was previously beneath the drawer. The wood lifted to reveal a compartment that spanned the entire length of the dresser, not just a small area of it. With in the compartment were boxes of different shapes, all precisely fit into the compartment like pieces of a puzzle. Lae pulled out a shallow black box and opened it, revealing different utensils, specifically used to pick locks. Lae paused, staring at them as she remembered and thought of what type of lock was at the taekwondo place, then pulled out a few of the utensils. When she was done, she closed the box again and placed it back into the compartment, closed the compartment itself, and fit the drawer back into the dresser. She stood up again, holding up the utensils proudly, and pocketed them.
Medy stared at the dresser, amazed. “Wow.”
“Yup, I know. A few years ago I was obsessed with locks, especially picking them open, so my dad got that for me, telling me as long as I didn't use it to break into other people's houses, I can keep it.”
“But we're basically gonna be doing that right now.”
“Well, that was a long time ago, and this is for our own safety.” Lae stated.
“Alright, let's go then.” A'rii said, standing up and heading for the door to Lae's room as Medy stood up as well following. Lae ran ahead and into the kitchen, digging through the pantry.
Now what are you doing?” A'rii yelled to her, annoyed.
Lae emerged from the kitchen again, holding a small bag filled with candy bars from last Halloween. “We didn't have lunch yet!” She stated, beaming a smile up at them as they came down the stairs.
“Are those still good?” A'rii asked, a somewhat disgusted look on her face as Medy ran down the stairs and practically attacked the bag in Lae's hand.
“Yeah, they're fine!” Lae said, biting into a Whatchamacallit (it exists, and is delicious. I'm currently eating one XD) and raising an eyebrow at Medy as she devoured a Symphony bar. “Ok, you're either really hungry, or you really like those.”
“Both. And for the irony.” Medy answered through a mouth full as she held up the wrapper and Lae and A'rii laughed, heading out the door.
The candy was totally gone, the bag ditched a while back when they had finally arrived. Lae hurried ahead and positioned the utensils she'd grabbed earlier into the lock, turned them as if turning a key, and the door opened.
“Oh wow.” Medy said in disbelief at the lack of effort in opening the lock.
“Yeah, I know. She's amazing.” A'rii agreed, still in awe even after she'd seen her do that a million times before. All three walked into the dark room, the only light coming from the sun outside. Lae and Medy stood in the middle of the room until A'rii pulled them slightly, leading them to the back, where her dad's office was. Medy found the light and switched it on as A'rii immediately headed for the file cabinet in the far corner of the room and opened the top drawer, looking through the many files. Lae decided to help out and went over to her, opened the very bottom drawer, and did the same. Medy went for the desk drawers.
They searched for about