Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ Does Your Chain Hang Low? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sora:Dum duh dum duh!Going to check the mail!Dum duh dum duh!

Kiari:Sora you freakin idiot did you get this letter?

Sora:Baka Kiari didn't you hear singing about me going to check "The Mail?"

Riku:Aint mail boxes just the wierdest?I open it up and it says "You got mail"good lord it's like an email!

Sora:Can I just check my mail?

Mailbox:You got mail!

Sora:Wierd...Yes Holy Goshery bob!Its from "The man"!

Riku:Read it cuase I ran away after mine said "You got mail".

Sora:Ok it says:

Sora,I know that your adventuring days are over...

Riku:Oh sweet Jesus how did he find us?

Kiari:Riku,shut up your mouth...


Letter: You will go to school Monday!


Letter: Yes Monday

Riku: Holly crap it talks AGH!-begins running around in circles-

5 minutes later

Riku: Ok I'm done.So like this Monday?

Letter:I'm a freankin letter I'm not suppose to be talking!

Sora: And yet here we are talking up a storm!

Letter:Sora,shut up your face!Be at the high school Monday...


(The letter is like disapering)Letter:Monday...

Kiari: Well that was awkward...

Sora: Holly craps in the wind sheild!Mondays in three days!

Riku:And we don't even know what school were going too!

Kiari: I'm sure it's just the local one...

Sora:Oh don't worry my dear freinds,I know a great one in Britian.

Kiari: Why the heck would I go to Britian just for some school.That I doubt you couldn't even get into,cause lets face it Sora your not a smart cookie!

Sora: But like two chapters ago you said I was.

Riku:Besides,Britian has good tea.And I've always loved how they talked.

Kiari:Nobody cares what you have to say!

Riku:- Kiari you suck!

Kiari:Riku I'm going to say this ones and try really hard not to say this any more but,Riku,SHUT UP YOUR FACE!

Sora:Ok it looks like were going to Britain!-

Kiari: Oh fine,whats the place called?

Sora: Hogwarts...

Kiari: Sora,you know thats not a REAL place right?Its only from that movie...Whats it called,Harry Potter?Yeah thats it...

Sora: Riku, every think you told me was a lie then?

Riku: Giga gasp!Every thing I heard from Mr.Rodgers is a lie.

Sora: Is that the guy who tried to kill me?

Kiari: You do remember...


Mr.Rodgers: Hello kids today were going to learn about sharing...

Sora: Hi Mr.Rodgers!

Mr.Rodgers: Sharing is important.

Sora:Stupid deaf old man...

Mr.Rodgers:(sounding like Mr.T)What you say about me boy?

He then pulls out a machine gun and starts chasing Sora around with it.

Sora: Holly crap,crap!

Mr.Rodgers: Get back her so I can teach the little children why its fun to kill.

Sora: Oh dear!

Kiairi and Riku are eating Subway sandwitches...

Kiari:Think we sould help him?

Riku: Look my bread looks like a kitty cat!

Kiari:OMG it does!

Sora:Help guys!

Kiari:Look theres its tail!

Riku:Now is it a girl kitty or a boy kitty?

Kiari:I don't know...

End of Flashback

Riku:Yeah we never found out if it was a girl or a boy...

Kiari: It was a cute bread kitty .

Sora: I still have the bruise were he shot me...

Riku:Well then what school do we go to?

Kiari:The local one

Sora: Umm,ok...Then the local one...


Sora: Sooo this is the school?

Riku:Whoa this is something bad!Look that guys smokin!

Sora and Riku pull out there keyblades.

Kiari: -says sarcastically-Stop, don't get involved.

Sora and Riku beat the crap out of the dude.

Kiari: It's only homeroom, and your already beating the crap out of people?

Sora: Well he was a drugy!

Riku: Shush, I hear the walls have ears here!They'll get us!

Sora: The head guy?

Kiari: Sora, he's called the princable...

Sora: Yeah that guy.

Teacher (I'm too lazy to think of a name): Uga booga we got new students!

Kiari: Yep we should have went to Britain...

Riku: Kiari the walls have ears,that means shut up!

Sora: Lala la la...

Teacher: Tell us a little bit about yourselfs.

Sora: Hya laddies and germs,te-he,germs,Ok anywho I'm Sora.I wield the keyblade.(pulls out the keyblade)Shene,sparkle sparkle!

Kids: Ugh shinney!0-0.

Riku: Hello all,I'm Riku R-I-K-U I'm the wielder of the evil keyblade.(pulls out keyblade)see no sparkle...

Kids: No sparkle T-T...Emo...

Riku: No the King just gave it to me!(runs off crying)

Kiari: Waz up?No don't answere that...I'm Kiari,don't talk to me unless directly talkin to.If you do I will kick your butts.And no I'm not goth or emo,anybody who calls me that will also get your butt kicked.

Kids#1: Holly crap!

Teacher: Yesery bob!There are new students!

Riku: That lady scares me.

Kiari: Shush it Riku the walls have ears...

Riku: Duh!

Sora: This place scares me.

Will the kids survive school?Find out in ch.7!