Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Distasteful Taste ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: Sorry for the wait! I’m in a sappy mood right now. Anyway, I was listening to Tea Drops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift. If anyone ever liked someone who was/is with someone else and has thought/thinks about them, then I recommend this song. Sad, yet hopeful. She wants him happy, even if she kind of isn’t. Sephiroth might be OOC. And a bit like Sesshoumaru, too. And if it seems too fast, it supposed to be like that. That and Kago-chan wouldn’t give in easily.

I don’t know why I keep putting up, if they are the same ages…. every time.

Disclaimer: You already know this, it is clearly stated in the first chapter/prologue.


Distasteful Taste

“Did Cloud tell you that?”

He could easily remember the look on the young Keyblade wielder’s face. Deep ocean eyes giving a sort of glare. The boy -Sora- clearly didn’t trust the so-called darkness of Cloud’s heart.

Sephiroth had left not even five minutes after saying that he would be waiting for Cloud. He had wanted the boy and his odd-looking companions to know that. Who would befriend a talking duck and dog?

Personally, he wouldn’t.

Then again, the one winged man never really had companions. They only go in the way. Why have friends when he could just please himself by making people go to the darkness? He couldn’t find a reason.

Let a sigh come from his mouth, green eyes scanned his surroundings. When he and Cloud had fought and left, they wound up in a different world. Well, two different worlds. Sephiroth in one, Cloud in another.

Silver eyebrows furrowed, where was any life on this planet? The one winged man’s grip on his Masamune tightened a bit. If he weren’t wearing gloves, people would’ve seen his knuckles turn a bit white.

An angry cowl marred the silver-haired man’s face. Sephiroth didn’t get to have his fight with Cloud. His left hand tightened even more on Masamune. He set his jaw, tense and furious.

It showed in his eyes a bit, but not on is face, unless you look at the tense jaw and angry scowl.

His mid-thigh length silver hair fluttered in the wind. The black feathers on his one wing looked to be shivering in anticipation, only, if there was no wind. However there was wind and they weren’t shivering.

Green eyes once again scanned his surroundings. The optical devices could only see trees, trees, and more trees. Although there was an occasional rock or boulder. Birds could be heard chirping around him.

Sephiroth started walking in a direction he felt had life. It wasn’t that he was lonely or anything, he was a tiny bit curious of what type of life lived on this world. Were they educated or idiotic?

The one winged man didn’t want to think about the people, or whatever it was here, as idiotic. Maybe there could be some sort of intelligent life here. However, the silver-haired man didn’t get his hopes up.

His footfalls didn’t really make a sound, only the grass rustling under them was the sound. On other surfaces, such as concrete or stone, you’d be able to hear Sephiroth. But still a bit hard to hear.

The leaves of the trees covered him in a bit of shadow, away from the sun. it was a nice day, if Sephiroth was that sort of person, but I doubt he is. Out of the corners of his eye, he would occasionally see a bird fly here or there.

‘Strange. This forest seems untouched by humans. Usually there would be lots of buildings around and next to one another…. Could this would possibly be larger than normal?’

The anger seeped out of Sephiroth’s expression, his jaw became unclenched and the scowl went away. The grip on his seven foot long sword became normal. Not too tight or too loose.

The wind had died down by now and the only sounds, already, were the grass rustling and the birds.

This place was different than Radiant Garden. Radiant Garden wasn’t really as lively. That and the ground was purple. It was run down from where it was taken over by darkness.

This place had lots of trees, telling Sephiroth that he was in a forest. More wildlife lived here and made itself known. Whatever this world was, people either lived with the wildlife or there wasn’t any people.

Eyebrows furrowed once more. He didn’t really appreciate being the only human on this planet. Yet, at the same time, he didn’t want to be near a whole lot of people. Especially if they never seen a man with a single black wing.

Oh did Sephiroth really did not want to get experimented on.

The thought unconsciously made the one winged man’s skin crawl and a distasteful taste come to his mouth. It made him grimace a really small bit. He silently hoped to meet at least one intelligent person here….

Being alone could do that to someone. Even if they didn’t like company, or people for that matter. Sephiroth’s eyebrow twitched once at the thought that went through his head. Something must be wrong with him.

His footfalls stopped once the one winged man came to a concrete wall a few feet taller than him. Green eyes could barely make out more leaves of a single tree passed the wall. It was larger than the rest.

The wall continued to his right and to his left. However, to the right, it ended about three and a half meters from his person. To the left it continued for quite the feet before ending. Ending must signal a new wall.

If there are walls here, then the life on this world must have intelligence. Sephiroth opted for an easy way to get over the way and jumped. He landed on the top of said wall. Apparently, to him, this must be some sort of shrine or something.

Green optical orbs caught sight of a raven-haired girl wearing a simple pair of jeans and black spaghetti strap shirt. Around her neck, a pink marble twinkled innocently. Power radiated off it immensely.

What was it?


Kagome had awoken up that morning. The jewel-like marble was still in her bra. The miko grinned, her idea was flawless! No one would dare take it from there, that and it invaded her sense of space.

The futuristic miko, then, had taken her time getting up. There was no school. So, she was free for the day, as far as she knew. Stormy blue eyes looked to her left and saw the cat from last night still there.

Smiling, Kagome gave the cat a small scratch behind his ear, enticing a small purr. Stopping, the teenager felt a bit more confident with choosing out clothes, seeing how they are her clothes.

She chose a black spaghetti strap shirt and simple blue jeans. The spaghetti strap was also a camisole, so no need to wear a bra. Buyo watched from his comfortable position on her bed.

The bathroom was free when Kagome entered the hall outside her bedroom. Glancing around herself quickly, the miko dashed into said place. She flicked the light on to the bathroom after closing the door behind her.

Setting her clothes on the counter around the sink, the teenager busied herself with turning on the shower. While waiting for it to get to a decent degrees, Kagome picked out her toothbrush to brush her teeth.

The mint flavor of the toothpaste flooded her taste buds as she bushed her teeth and her tongue to rid of germs and bacteria that caused bad breath. A habit Kagome figured her mother made her have.

Finishing after two minutes, the miko spit the used toothpaste into the sink and turned the knob to the faucet. It washed the paste away and cleaned her toothbrush. The miko decided to wash the excess foam from her mouth in the shower.

Putting her hand under the flow from the showerhead, Kagome found it satisfactory. Thus, she began to strip of her pajamas, making sure the jewel was with her new clothes so she didn’t loose it.

Stepping under the water flow, the teenager washed her face of the foam and of excess naturally produced oil. Sighing in contentment, the miko turned around to get ready to wash her hair.

Wetting it thoroughly, she then, continued using the shampoo and then conditioner when the shampoo was rinsed out. Rinsing her hair a third time, the female teenager grabbed the shower milk on the edge of the tub.

It felt refreshing to the miko. It smelt nice, as well. Japanese Green Tea and Rice shower milk. Rinsing that off when she was done, Kagome got out of the shower and grabbed a towel to towel herself off with.

Her hair was still damp when she put her new, clean clothes on her body after her shower. The Shikon no Tama safely in the camisole. Stepping out of the bathroom after about thirty minutes since entering, Kagome went down stairs.

Her slate eyes caught sight of her mother sitting at the dinner table upon entering the kitchen/dining room. Her shot-haired mother looked up, brown meeting blue. In her hands, was a necklace.

“I’d thought you would like a necklace to put the jewel on, Kagome.”

Kagome smiled and nodded her head. A bit embarrassed, she collected said item from her camisole and held it in her hand. A small laugh came from her mother at her hiding place for the jewel.

Sitting across from her mother, the miko handed the jewel to her. Blue eyes couldn’t really see what the elder woman was doing. Only a few glimpses here and there. But the end product was nice.

It was probably supposed to replicate the necklace the jewel was on when Kikyo guarded it, only Kagome didn’t realize this. But that didn’t stop her form liking it. She did and took the necklace with the jewel on it.

And of course, she put the necklace on.

The miko flashed her mother a smile which was returned. It was passed breakfast time, judging by the time on microwave. Sighing, Kagome was going to heat something up, but decided against it.

Getting up, the teenager walked into the small hallway and outside onto shrine grounds. It was peaceful. Looking around the grounds, Kagome spotted the tree from last night. It gave off such a calming presence.

The miko blinked at the sight of a silver-haired man standing on the wall surrounding the shrine she lived on. Sure he had silver hair and wore leather. But that wasn’t what caught her attention the most.

No, it was the single black wing protruding from the right side of his back.

The miko noticed his green eyes trained on something around her neck, namely the pink marble. Slate eyes widened, before her hands flew up to cover it from his view. Green eyes clashed with blue ones.

His eyes were guarded, cold, but for some reason there was something else in their depths. Kagome couldn’t place it, causing her black eyebrows to furrow themselves on her forehead.

Stormy ocean orbs widened when she noticed the weapon he carried, that and how long said weapon was. He could lop her head off no problem with that! Her powers as a priestess screamed at her to be cautious.

Very cautious.

Swallowing, Kagome squared her shoulders. No way would this jewel fall into any one’s hands but her hands! The Shikon jewel was hers to protect! Not even this angel, a very good looking one, would get his hands on it!

Blushing, the futuristic miko ducked her head in embarrassment and rethought that thought. Sure he was good looking, very good looking, but he wasn’t going to get the jewel from her!

Even if he were to try to woo her, Kagome would somehow steel herself against it.

Right and a snowball will melt in the winter while staying intact in Hell.

Bringing her eyes up to meet his, she realized something. The one winged angel was walking towards her! Taking a step back, the miko wouldn’t be afraid to run if he tried to take the Shikon no Tama.


Now to Sephiroth, this was a bit amusing. First the girl is curious, curious at his wing, then protective and a tad worried while covering that jewel. They go from that to frightened, to cautious, determined, and finally embarrassed.

Odd human she was. He was here for answers. Hopping off of the concrete wall, the one winged man started to walk over to her at a leisure pace. At least his curiosity on what or who lives here is satisfied.

Caution stayed in her eyes as he approached. She used her head around him, though, and for some reason he liked that.

‘At least she isn’t dumb, so life he must be somewhat intelligent.’

After a few seconds, the silver-haired man came to a stop about ten feet from Kagome, not that he knew her name. The raven-haired teenager’s finger gave a slight twitch. As did her eyebrow.


Kagome swallowed thickly, trying to find her voice. It had packed up and left on her as the man approached. Noting how he stopped about ten feet from her person, she was three feet from the Head-Lopping zone.

‘I bet he can clear those three feet before I even have a chance to run, though. Better not do anything to anger him…. Riiiight. And I’ll be the future Easter bunny. As if that’ll happen.’

Unfortunately for her, Kagome’s mind dragged her voice back and against the screaming half of it, the other half made her speak.

“W-what do you want here?”

She tried to sound strong and demanding. Really! She did! However, being in the presence of a silver-haired, one winged man, who literally demands respect with the air around him mad it difficult on the poor priestess.

Green eyes staring at her remained unfazed by her question. Almost as if he answered some self questions or something. The man’s optical devices narrowed a bit, visible enough for Kagome.

“What world am I on?”

World?! Was this man psycho? There were the nine in the solar system. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mrs, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Black eyebrows furrowed, okay so Pluto was demoted from being a planet.

She had done a report on Pluto in fifth grade and had gotten a B plus on it, too!

Okay, back to hot loony ten feet in front of her.


Simple answer for a simply stupid question.

Green eyes locked onto her slate ones. They narrowed a few millimeters as they kept her gaze. The man’s orbs were calculating. Cold, and guarded. Something about him made Kagome shiver.

It wasn’t a pleasant shiver, but more of a warning shiver. Her awareness as a priestess helped her when around someone potentially threatening.

“Oh? Then what about life here?”

‘Okay… what’s with the weird questions? A normal person doesn’t ask these types of questions, but then again, he isn’t exactly normal material.’

“Yeah… life here has…uh advanced technology from the caveman time and since medieval times.”


“Uh… we have cars, computers, TVs, working bathroom appliances, and schools.”

Blue eyes noted a contemplating look appear in green ones.

Only, her curiosity made her disrupt it.

“C-can I ask you something?”

Cool clover orbs locked with Kagome’s. she took this as an affirmative.

“Are you some type of a-angel?”

“What made you think that?”

Kagome pouted, ignoring this warning in the back of her mind.

“Well you don’t feel like a normal human, that and your one black wing make you stand out.”

Slate eyes widened and hands flew up to cover her mouth right after the sentence left her mouth.

A silver eyebrow rose at the miko.

‘Baka! Now he knows you aren’t a normal human! At least he would have left you alone when he figured you were a normal human. Why me?’

“You don’t seem normal yourself.”

Stormy orbs met light jade.

He wanted an answer, even if his question came out as a statement.

“I-I’m a miko, or priestess, in simpler terms.”

‘A priestess. No wonder pure energy rolled off of her, although she isn’t all powerful. Just enough to defend herself. She could be of use to me…’

A black gloved hand shot out and gripped her left wrist.

Sephiroth turned back the way he came. Yes, this priestess could come in handy to him. All she would need is a little convincing.

“Hey! Where are you taking me?!”

If only she could keep her mouth shut long enough for him to think properly.

“Are you listening to me?!”

Casting a sideways glare at the miko, Sephiroth wrapped his right arm around her waist. It enticed a squeak out of her. As well as a blush. His black wing raised up a bit. A light surrounded the one winged man and priestess.

A symbol appeared above them, a little higher than the concrete wall.

A few lights came down, only to dissipate almost as quickly.

When the did finally disappear, both Sephiroth and Kagome were gone.

Although, a couple of black feathers were where the two were.


S.N.: It’s not perfect on how Sephiroth travels, but in KH I watched him fight Sephiroth in a tournament so many times its kind of lodged in my mind. That and I remember how he entered in KH II for the first time. So I’m going off that. R&R. n.n;