Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Organization Bedtime Lullabies ❯ Black Ice Remedy ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Centered around his love of ice and experimentation, this has got to be one twisted lullaby to sing to a child. Shame Vexen, shame on you. You've probably traumatized the little tot.)
Black Ice Remedy (Vexen's Lullaby)
I've a potion here for you, to cure late night fever.
It looks like tar and tastes like blood,
And it'll turn you ice cold, now and forever.
First your through with tighten and slow your breath.
A lack of oxygen, you'll fall unconscious,
You mind just seconds away from death.
Your body will grow rigid and stiff in cold slumber.
Suspended in space, your face won't age,
Time as you know it has been torn asunder.
No matter what I do to you, you won't ever stir,
Now is my chance for testing,
My product unsure.
If you rouse when the remedy's run through,
You'll wake a different creature,
A monster born anew.
I've a potion here for you, to cure late night fever.
It looks like tar and tastes like blood,
And it'll turn you ice cold, now and forever.
Your heart and blood has now stopped, but still you walk
Now forever a Nobody,
The good you will stalk.