Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbow ❯ Chapter 1: Welcome to Rainbow ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts I, II or CoM
Warnings: …hey, you see any, you tell me…
Riku swore as he rolled through the long, green grass. He came to a stop, head pounding, and his mouth with a funny… feeling in it. Or was it taste? Riku couldn't quite remember, seeing as how food didn't really exist… you just lived off supplementary pills that had every thing a human needs to survive packed into it.
He sat up, licking his lips, and looked around. His breath caught in his throat as he stared at the scenery. It was quite simple, really, with no huge waterfalls or gaping chasms of red rock, but a large field filled with green grass dotted with yellow. Several trees sat positioned along the side of a small stream, their leaves a dark, fresh green, and gently waving lightly in the breeze. Small red and brown feathered creatures - birds, he remembered from when he had been eight and they had bought a simple blue bird in before slaughtering it in front of the children - hopped from branch to branch, chirping cheerily. Then Riku looked up, and his eyes widened. The sky was a huge stretch of blue, dotted with white puffy clouds. It was all so breath-taking.
“Hey, you alright?”
Riku jerked his head around, and came face to face with the coloured boy. Up close Riku could see a light dusting of… oh, what were they called again? Freckles. Yes, he had a light dusting of freckles over his nose. He wore a huge smile, the corners of his eyes crinkled from the grin. Riku blinked, and immediately felt something completely unknown flow over and through him, with a sudden feeling of elation, accompanied by tingling toes and an escalating heartbeat… What was this?
“Um… yes…” He murmured, eyes widening when he heard his voice. It wasn't the same mechanical one he had had before, but it was deeper, better suited to him. The coloured boy laughed at his reaction, and held out a hand.
“Here, let me held you up, yeah?” He smiled. Riku nodded, and took the coloured boy's hand, allowing him to pull him up. Riku stumbled to his feet, almost tripping over. His head went fuzzy, and he felt something lurch in his stomach. He stood there, dazed, before blinking and looking down. He was a whole head taller than the boy, something he had never really experienced before. Everyone grew at the same rate and height in his world. They were all the same weight, too.
After all, you weren't born. No. You were designed in test tube in the factories in district outer section 887YU. You were made in batches. Riku had been No. 1987 created that year, made from batch FB-7. The `ruined' batch. Usually four hundred people were made in these batches, but there had been a problem. The ingrained submission everyone else had hadn't been in that batch. They had a personality. They had seen what was wrong with that world, and they had been killed for it. The majority of the batch had been sent off to the gas showers in district GH7890 to be killed. Only twenty-three had survived, Riku one of them. No. 7858MFB had been from batch FB-7, too, but after being sent to the detention centre they had moved him to the next city, no longer a threat. Those made from FB-7 had hidden what they were, so much so that soon they became the zombies everyone else was, just a little more daring. They all had.
And then the disappearances had started.
First, No. 11234FFB had simply stopped coming to school. A huge search had been started, the government fearing she was up to no good, ruining their perfect world somehow. But no matter how hard they had looked, they hadn't found her. She had named herself Aerith. Everyone from batch FB-7 had secretly named himself or herself. Cloud, Leon, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Naminé, Larxene, Demyx, Zexion, Xemnas, Saix, Marluxia, Vexen, Luxord, Xaldin, Axel, Roxas, Lexeaus, Xigbar, Sephiroth, Zack and Riku.
First Aerith had gone, then Cloud, Leon, Tifa, and Yuffie. Then Roxas and Axel followed by Marluxia, Larxene and Naminé. That was when the government found them. A small pile of bodies, each laying still as still can be and not moving. Dead.
And so the lockdown started. The remaining people from batch FB-7 were placed under strict supervision. Riku's `parents' had been officers, always watching him, making sure he wouldn't take his own life. And then one morning Sephiroth had appeared on his doorstep, Xemnas, Saix, Vexen and the remaining batch with him. Two coloured people had been with them. A girl with bouncy brown hair and green eyes wearing a yellow sundress, and a boy with long brown hair tied back wearing a strange hat.
Riku had been the youngest - next to Roxas and Naminé - and the others had always viewed the two boys as the `Little brothers' and Naminé as the `Little sister'. Everyone was extremely protective of them. So, naturally, they wanted to take Riku with them. He hadn't understood at the time what Sephiroth had been saying. Something about escaping. Something about leaving. About being like the coloured people. And then the police had arrived, and suddenly everyone had dropped dead in front of Riku's eyes, and the coloured boy and girl had disappeared.
He had been left alone.
But now…
“OK then!” The boy announced, spinning on his heel. He turned to the little girl, and said, “We have successfully collected the last soul. Now we can seal off the portal and PAR-TEH! WHOO!”
Riku winced at the boy's loud tone, and glanced at the little girl. She was smiling broadly, and she replied, in a strangely adult voice, “Sora, you're crazy. We have to get him signed in, first. Then we can go home and party”
Sora blinked, and thrust his hand up in the air, pointing to the sky. “Oh, yeah! Hee hee. Where would I be without you, Kairi?”
Kairi rolled her eyes, and started to dig around in the large pockets on either side of her dress. “You'd be at home eating, most likely”. She then withdrew a small box with a small `Aha!'. She looked up at Riku, and held it out. Riku stared at it, and then back at Kairi.
Kairi snorted, and said, “Take it, silly. You wanna see what your soul looks like, right? It's a mirror. Have a look at the new you!”
Riku blinked, and cautiously took the box from her. He opened it, and with a suddenly loud `Boing!' a full body mirror leapt out. Riku shouted and jumped back, dropping the box. Sora giggled, and said, “It won't hurt you, silly. Have a look”
“But… aren't mirrors forbidden? It goes against rule No. 3382NNJ…” Riku murmured. Sora rolled his eyes, and said, “Those stupid things don't apply here. Here”
Suddenly Sora pushed Riku in front of it, and Riku's eyes widened as he stared at his reflection.
He was tall, with broad shoulders and firmly muscled arms. The baggy blue pants he wore were low on his hips, showing a sliver of firm stomach. He had a defined face with high cheekbones, and long silver hair fell down past his shoulders and to his lower back, just brushing his backside. His bangs covered his eyes, which were perhaps the most amazing thing about it. His eyes weren't grey, but a sharp and beautiful contrast of blue and green, surrounded by long black lashes. His skin wasn't didn't have the grey tinge to it anymore, but it was more of a milky white, with a healthy pink flush. The shirt he wore was tight against his developed chest, the zipper so low down you caught a glimpse of his clavicle.
Riku stood, speechless, as Sora smiled, and with leaned forward with his hands behind his back. “You're pretty. Like Sephiroth”
That snapped Riku from his daze, and he suddenly spun around and grabbed Sora's upper arms.
Sephiroth? Sephiroth is here? Brother is here?” He gasped. Sora nodded, and danced out of Riku's hold. “Yep. So's everyone else”
“W--what?” Riku uttered. “You… you mean Nami… and Rox and Axel and Demyx and Zexy and Leon and Cloud… and Xemnas and Saix… Zack… and Aerith and Tifa and Yuffie?”
Sora laughed, a gentle tinkling sound that Riku instantly fell in love with. “Uh huh… you call yourself Riku, right?”
Riku nodded dumbly. Sora grinned, and flung his hands out, gesturing to the grass and trees and sky, and said, “Well, Riku. Welcome to Rainbow. World of Souls”