Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Rage, Love, and an Honest Proposal ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wolfram entered his room, his stomach dropping down and into his knees. What had he just suggested? He had very obscenely invited Yuri into his room and into his bed that was what he had done. What was he thinking?! The sound of Yuuri clambering up the stairs made his stomach turn pleasant flips and he turned to face the doorway where the other was bent over panting. His black hair was still matted to his head from the rain, and his cheeks still flushed from kissing. The blonde had never seen something so beautiful before in his life, something so sexy.
Then Yuuri suddenly moved forward, taking him into his arms and kissing him so deeply that his knees turned to mush and his stomach was no longer a problem. All doubts flew out the window and he fell into Yuuri's kiss, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. If previously asked about situations like this, wolfram would have said that he wanted talking, he wanted declarations of love, or even just some sort of verbal warning of what they were going to do, but right then, the feel of Yuuri against him, sliding his tongue into his mouth and slowly peeling his nightgown away was just enough for him.
He felt the slightly chilled hands pulling his gown straight down his pale shoulders, and then he heard the barely audible sound of it smacking wetly against the floor. Then he was bare, skin against wet cold cloth. Before he had realized it, his hips jutted forth and wrung a cute little moan out from his lips. To the blonde's surprise, Yuuri picked him up to the best of his ability, which consisted of grabbing him around the waist and heaving him over to the bed and tossing him down atop the soft bed.
“Was that really necessary?” He found himself asking as he glared up at Yuuri from where he lay on the bed. The prince's face lightly flushed from his current state of nakedness.
Yuuri nodded, pulling his clothing off bit by bit, each piece wetly hitting the floor in a sound that made the feeling of anticipation grow even more in the blonde's chest. Green eyes glazed and he turned his face from where he was looking at Yuuri to gaze at a nearby wall. He felt Yuuri laugh as the other climbed over him and kissed his neck.
“What's wrong? Am I no good? Do you not want to?” He asked, a bit worried, afraid of why wolfram wasn't looking at him. Then he started to panic, checking over wolfram, running his hands over the beautiful pale flesh. “Did I hurt you, are you okay? Or am I not that attractive? God wolf….I'm sorry…I really thought that you wanted—“
He was suddenly interrupted by the feeling of lips against his and a leg running over the back of his, as well as the feeling of something hard against his thigh. “You wimp, if I didn't want to do this do you really think I couldn't take you, or that I would just lay back and take it? I want you, so bad I can feel it all over my body and just looking at you makes me weak and needy” he flushed, turning his eyes away from Yuuri's once again. “I just didn't want you to see that part of me and be scared off, or not like it.” He sighed.
The king laughed kissing Wolfram hard once again, drawing his lip into his mouth, and sucking at it softly. “Never…I love every part of you, I want you and I need you so bad it hurts. Wolf, I have wanted to make love to you every since that night, but I have been trying to hold back. If you ask honestly I like it when you glare at me and I have always been thinking just how good it would be to pin you down while you glared at me and just….well…you know.” He cleared his throat and Wolfram chuckled at him, wrapping his legs around Yuuri's waist, urging him to move forward with what he hoped they were going to do.
In a matter of moments the two became an entanglement of limbs and love and lust. Their lips clashed and burned against one another, tasting the sweet nectar of the others hunger. Wolfram had never felt so high, so strong. Even Yuuri felt invincible in his lover's arms, kissing over wolfram's pale flesh, grasping the softness that was his thighs and sides and bottom.
The king's tongue clashed constantly with the soft appendage that was Wolfram's tongue and he nor the other could help but moan in pleasure. Wolfram raked his hands over Yuuri's back, urging him forward to what the blonde did not yet know, forward to fill a part of him that cried out to be filled and completed. When the prince heard the king moan his name, he begged, he begged for Yuuri to cause more friction against his aching flesh, to push forward into that empty part of him.
Yuuri, as confused as he had been before, realized what it was his love was crying for, knowing it deep in his loins he wanted it to. He felt no shame, or embarrassment when his onyx eyes met emerald green, on the other hand he felt himself over flowing with adoration and need. He could feel deep down in his bones the need to be closer to him, the need to spend his life with him and not even Shino could have taken that feeling from him at that moment.
“Yuuri…” that angelic, spoiled, and bossy voice came again, almost a demand in its tone.
“Patience…” he whispered, kissing the prince hotly again, pulling out the stopper of the oil bottle he had acquired from the bedside table. “Wait for me..” he asked, his voice shaking slight, the nervousness causing his hands to begin shaking and his demon self to offer him a bit of encouragement in his mind. The `maou' part of him kept telling him it was simple, that he could do this, and he would please Wolfram like no other man ever could.
Wolfram's thighs were spread open for him, inviting him further in, but to his own regret he had to turn his lover over to better access the part he so needed to allow him to join with his soul mate. He traced oil slick fingers around the pink puckered entrance, feeling it pulse as wolfram moaned. “God wolf….sure you've never done this before?” he teased, and he heard wolfram curse him in that prissy voice full of embarrassment and lust.
The blonde bit down on his kissed bruised bottom lip, fighting back the urges to moan as Yuuri pushed his fingers inside him, stretching him and caressing his thighs as he did so. He had never thought that he would ever beg to be taken, to be entered like a needy girl, but Yuuri brought out parts of him he never knew he had. He wanted to be fucked, to put it bluntly, he wanted Yuuri to push into him and take him until he cried out in ecstasy.
The feeling of the long digits stretching him made him whimper, his voice reaching a whole new pitch in his throat. “Ahh…Yuuri...” he would cry as the king pressed his fingers against a part of him that sent electricity over his skin. After he let out a frustrated sigh he felt lips against his shoulder blades, and a hand caressing the inside of his thigh. So many things happening all at once, so many feelings warring in his head caused the blonde to burst in a flash of pure white light. His body going limp for just a moment until he felt himself flipped over by the warm, slick hands of his love.
“Wolf…god, don't hurt me later but…you really are sinfully sexy. And you came already….” He smiled, kissing wolfram's lips and commenting on how the prince was already ready for another go. Wolfram would later vaguely remember making a comeback before his thighs were spread even further apart and he felt the thick hard staff of his king entering him, and carving its home inside of him.
“AHHH!” he cried in unison with Yuuri, his hands wringing the sheets as Yuuri pushed even farther in to seat himself inside that warm wet orifice that was wolfram's passage. The heat and pressure clung to Yuuri's member, making him want more than anything to pull out and rush back in over and over again. He was gentle however, noting wolfram's discomfort in an instant.
He tried his best to slowly pull out and gently ease back in, but the prince jerked his hips causing the king to moan and impale him. When he was seated again he heard Wolfram moan and plead with him in a way that his only choice was to follow his base hunger and spread the slighter man's thighs farther apart and slam back into him, aiming in the same spot as before. He could feel the tip of his engorged member brushing against something inside the velvety heat of Wolfram. Yuuri wasn't entirely sure but he did know that when he did, the blonde spoiled prince would writhe beneath him and call out in his cute pleasured voice.
Carefully Yuuri rolled his hips, teasing that area to draw out more from his audible lover. Onyx eyes trailed over the flush pale skin of his fiancé, and to the orgasmic face. The sight of Wolfram straining to keep himself in control, moaning and arching to every move he made caused Yuuri to let out a possessive groan. He quickly pulled out and snapped his hips forward with an audible smack. “Mine…” he claimed the blonde's lips passionately, keeping a harsh but loving pace as he pounded into the prince.
“Yuuri….oh Shino help me….yes, more.” He kissed the king in return, his arms wrapping around the double black demon kinds neck to entangle his hands in the soft mane of his lover. His whole body was on fire, screaming with the agony that came with the need to release, but he dared not touch himself. Wolfram wanted to find his first release in the arms of his love, his body succumbing to nothing but the feel of Yuuri moving inside of him. He needed this more than breath itself. “Please Yuuri…My Love…harder!” he pleaded, coming back with a muffled. “I'm not delicate, make love to me like you mean it!' or so that was what Yuuri's mind had thought it was what he said.
The king was certainly not going to deny his lover anything. He would never deny him anything ever again. He quickened his pace, slamming into the prince brutally but his lips and hands remained gentle and loving. He kissed over the blonde's neck, nipping each time his cock reseated itself in the tight warmth. He let his hands play over pert nipples, and supple hips desperately trying to memorize every part of his prince. “God…you are so tight…so beautiful” he found himself mumbling from time to time. They were his mantra and every time he would say each word his lovely blonde would become even louder as those the words were caressing him deeper and deeper.
As the king came closer to his climax he speed up, nearly slipping out occasional which garnered him a distressed cry from his lover leaving Yuuri to soothe him with a kiss. He, in the end, shifted positions to pull the blonde onto his lap, caressing his sides and letting the spoilt prince ride him. “Oh god Wolf…that's it…you doing so damn well. Just a bit more.” He supplied, nibbling the blonde's ear, and whispering to him all the things he knew would have to drive wolfram mad with arousal.
“Y-Yuuri…” he whimpered, fighting back the tears of pleasure as he roughly pulled his hips up and down over the kings rock hard member. He wanted to lose control, the feeling of being so close nearly tipping over the edge driving him insane. It was painful but not enough to make him want to stop, it was the kind of pain that annoyed someone and made them wanted to declare the world's unfairness. Wolfram loved it, revealed in it but he couldn't stop the whimpers of frustration.
Sensing that frustration the king slowly trailed his hands from wolfram's thighs to his hips, grinding up into him until he could go no further. “AHHHH!” he heard his lover scream, his mouth forming the perfect cute `O' with his lovely pouty lips. Yuuri pulled him closer and told him to wrap his arms around him. He needed to feel their heat melding together, to know this was a person he loved he was shoving onto his arousal. Yuuri grasped the other's hips hard enough to bruise as he rocked them, slamming Wolfram down over his hard cock then grinding it into him and into that soft, sweet spot that made the blonde cry out.
He was addicted to the smell of their sex, the feel of wolfram's skin and the way the blonde called his name. Wolfram himself found he loved Yuuri's control the most. He loved how Yuuri would know, even if this was their first time, he would know exactly where he could touch him to send him crying out. He loved the way Yuuri felt sliding in and out of him, and the way the innocent king's voice sounded husky when he told him he loved him.
Wolfram knew they were both nearly there, and his body screamed in protest but his body was slowly losing heat and energy and pooling in his groin so fast he knew that he couldn't stand much longer. He whimpered, clinging to his lover and softly wishing to himself it could last. He didn't need anything else, just Yuuri there holding him and moving inside of him. He whispered this hotly into the king's ear as he thought it. “Yuuri, I love you….you feel so good inside of me. Please stay with me…love me, come inside so…ah…I never have to be without you.” Wolfram breathed into the king's ear, barely managing the soft spoken words. He continued, declaring his love, his need, and anything else he could process through his sex fogged mind.
Yuuri however, found himself nearly coming just from the sound of his lover's voice. It was then that he truly realized he could never be without Wolfram; he could only have this with him. He pulled Wolfram back, pushing hard into him as he kissed him deeply. Suddenly, like a cord, the boys snapped, releasing the evidence of their pleasure and love on and into one another. Yuuri came calling Wolfram's name, and kissing him ever deeper as his lover came over their chests. It was a attentive kiss, full of all the pent up lust and love. Their tongues battled lazily for affection in a way that neither would win. When the king finally pulled away, Wolfram smiled up at him.
The blonde ran a hand over Yuuri's cheek. “I don't think I'll be able to stand tomorrow….but that was amazing. It was worth the wait.” He flushed and shifted, feeling Yuuri still releasing inside, and shifting in their movements. “Hmm, I have to say that I am so glad you came to me Yuuri…can I really be with you forever?” he sighed, kissing the king softly on the lips before Yuuri gave him a goofy grin.
“Of course, and I'll be with you forever. We still have a beautiful daughter to conceive and well….if you continue to look so beautiful and keep saying my name the way you just did then I think there will be a lot more of our children running around.” He grinned suggestively which earned him a good smack to the shoulder. “But at least you inability to walk is all because of my wonderful sexual technique” Yuuri grinned. He was so close to leaning in and stealing his love away into another make out session when the two heard a rather loud noise come from across the hall.
“Nessa!” Wolfram gasped; giving a small sound of discomfort as his love finally slipped from his opening. “I have to go see if she is ok.” He said worriedly. The sound was far too loud to be the child knocking things over in her sleep.
Yuuri brought a hand to his arm and laid the prince out on the bed. “Hey, stay, you don't need to be up and walking around right now. You're sore, right? So let me go check on our daughter.” He smiled and kissed his forehead, pulling a pair of lose pants from wolfram's dresser. “Well at least I know we can wear about the same size clothes.” he chuckled and told his love to stay put as he gently closed the door to the blonde's room.
The king smiled to himself, thinking about how much excitement awaited them in their future, and just how much he had finally realized he loved the man spread out on the bed. He pushed those thoughts quickly aside though when he heard another hard `Thump!' come from his daughter's room. He didn't know what was going on but he did know that if ANYONE was attempting to hurt his daughter he was going to tear them a new one. He had his family together and he wasn't about to risk it again.
Quietly he opened the little girl's bedroom door, turning a lantern to a dark shape by her bed side. He prepared to strike but stopped himself when the light caught the other's face. He had black eyes, and messy black hair. It was all over when he saw the man smile. “Who--?” he had began to ask, the taller stronger form and angled face throwing him for a moment. It was then he realized just who had his daughter in his arms.
“Oh! Hi there Yuuri! Thanks for taking care of her, she looks like she was never without love.” He smiled down to the sleeping form in his arms and the back to Yuuri. “Well, shouldn't you already know who I am, I mean…come on I haven't changed that much.” The man grinned and looked on to him expectantly.
Then it had all pieced together. “You're ME? You're Yuuri…well I'm Yuuri, but you're Older more bigger Yuuri.” he said a bit dazed and confused for a moment, blinking at the taller form of himself. Later he would look on to the things he had said and wonder where his mind and grammar were in those moments
“Well I am older after all. A bit older than I would have liked but it can't be helped. You think I look different, wait until you see Wolf.” He grinned, throwing the present Yuuri for a loop as he recognized it to be his lecherous grin. “After he gave birth he got these luscious round wide hi-“ he had started but an impatient voice called from the balcony.
“YUURI! Come on…the portal won't last long, are you going to take forever to get our daughter or do I have to come in there and assist you with that too?!” Came the bossy, demanding voice that Yuuri knew and love. Still it shocked him to hear it in such force.
The older Yuuri gave an embarrassed chuckle and looked to his younger self. “And he hasn't really changed much in the personality department, and thankfully that is his pregnant personality.” He saw the look on Yuuri's face and tossed something at the younger man.
Yuuri caught it and looked down to see a beautiful emerald rose encrusted ring. He felt its soft weight in his hand before turning his gaze back to the other. “What's this?”
“Well you see…I never could find the perfect ring for Wolfram when I went shopping and when I found that one I discovered there were only two like it in the whole universe and something told me that I had to get both. So, I figured it must be because I would need to give it to you, to save you from having to go shopping.” He held their daughter close as the younger one just stared.
“But, how? I mean…if you can give me this to save me from shopping then how will I ever get it. I mean there is a paradox there right? I had to go shopping to give past me the ring and if I don't go shopping after you give me….” He trailed off his brain hurting just from trying to process all of the events.
“Don't strain yourself. Just go with it. It isn't time travel or anything like that going on here. What happened here is Yuuri and Wolfram's love. So treat Wolfram right or it'll make me look bad and…I know all about what would have happened so thanks little me for keeping me with my family. Gotta go!” he said as he heard Wolfram calling again. Then just like that he was gone, leaving Yuuri confused but strangely happy. It had worked, it was all fixed and he and Wolfram could go home now.
Now he just had to get back to his lover and tell him the news…well without revealing too much.
A/N: Hi hi, well I guess this is as good as it gets. Sorry about the long wait guys and I know you have heard that before but I had a very special person to me pass away and on top of that I started working like crazy so I am sorry for the long wait. I wrote part of this weeks ago and the last half I wrote in like an hour or two. I am sorry to all you GwenxGun fans. I promise I'll get back to you soon just give me a bit longer. This story is almost at a close and I am pretty sure that wolfram and Yuuri will return home in the next chapter…maybe *grin* Well, for now we'll see what happens and I hope you liked this little dose of yuuram smut *is so out of practice* Please review…I could so use them!