Legal Drug Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

< Working on this now, since I am sick and can't go in for work at the Teahouse and there is someone mumbling about mathematics in the background, blah, math. Thankfully, there are great bands out thereto drown such things out! I think I did pretty horrible on my last chapter. I'm not really all impressed with it, but I really had now way of introducing (censored) into my fiction. I was thinking about making him the girl in disguise since Shinta can be used as a male's name. I then thought about it and terminated that idea because it would be more dramatic if I have it the way it is now. Hopefully this chapter will be a whole lot better than the last.
~ An enemy…?
What do you know…?
You are just pathetic…
Perhaps, but what light it this…? ~
“Good morning boys! I hope you two area well and res-“ Looking at the old man as he just entered and pausing his sentence as he gaped at us in shock, kind of made me feel relieved. Saved by the old man. Rikuo pushed off from the counter and went to his work with a “humph” as I took the time to adjust myself from what had happened and greeted to old man back.
“Morning Grandpa” He told us to call him grandpa, he said it is much easier and that he could never keep up with us young folk. He smiled at me then cleared his throat preparing for a non-interrupted sentence.
“Today, I want you boys to rake the leaves in the front of the temple and sweep the grounds. Then I want you to pass a rag over the statues to give them a nice polish, after that you can join me in prayer before dinner. Is that fair?”
“Like hell” that is what I would have said, but I smiled and accepted “Sure thing” He is so lucky we are bumming a place to live for the moment.
“Good, Shinta and I will be awaiting our meal” once he finished he passed through the jarred door leaving it to just Rikuo and I alone again.
“What the hell does he think he is doing? Making us work our Asses off?” sigh, “Ah, I suppose we can bare with this until we get progress on this assignment. Hey you are pretty quiet, something the matter? Did an old man scare you” now it is my turn to grin and chuckle at him.” Hehehehehe”
“I saw you”
“Huh?” My grinning stops now, I wonder what he is talking about, saw what?
“You were with that man, who is he?” His voice sounds hurt and he won't even look at me when he speaks, what a jerk!
“What are you talking about?” I look at him with a haughty expression.
“I thought teasing you was so much fun since you are a virgin and all, but I guess my messing with you has done something to you. You obviously love men since I saw you kiss one in the garden.” Idiot is grinning and chuckling again, but…he saw that? Why didn't he confront me right away? Maybe I can play it off as though he saw nothing. Let me try, perhaps that will work out!
“You have a seeing problem Rikuo! I know you do because that one assignment at the all male academy you were wearing your glasses!”
“Hm…” He is thinking. No good! Must try harder!
“We have a lot to do today, lets hurry up and finish breakfast so we can start and finish early!” Quickly hand him the bowl and run to the juice! 3-2-1- GO! I run to the other side of the counter and quickly grab a whole bowl full of oranges and slice them in half hastily so that I can juice them and leave!
The food made it to the table in peace and thankfully, Rikuo's talent in cooking paid off, everything looked presentable.
“Good morning Shinta!” I greeted her with a very welcoming smile, Rikuo too and her grandfather. In return for our salutations, she welcomed us back with her lovely smile and sweet voice with energy that just burned on forever.
“Good morning everyone!!!”
Breakfast went smoothly, everyone was too busy stuffing his or her faces, or listening eagerly to Shinta when she spoke to us about her dream. Shinta said she would gather the dishes and wash them for us. I thank her deeply. And by that I mean I fell to the ground with a smile and tears of joy.
“Very well, come with me boys, I will show you where we keep all the tools and utensils for outdoor use.”
As he led us to the shed, on the way, we passed up the garden; I could not help but blush slightly. I think Rikuo caught on, because he stared at me when I turn to look at him. Shinta is a quick worker, because as soon as we reached the shed located behind the temple, she had joined us prancing over to me with a smile.
“Here you boys go, Kazahaya, I will give you the rake, Make sure you do a good job, or else! And you Rikuo, you follow me back to the temple with the broom; you will sweep along the outside corridors of the temple.” Why did he speak to him in a calm manner?! That old fart!
You know, in a way, I am happy I came here. Now that I think about it and look at this place. It reminds me of my old home, the temple, and the trees; almost equivalent to the ones I would sleep under, a secluded location. It reminds me of where she is…
“Promise we will be together…”
“Ngh…” I flinch at this feeling, a feeling of remorse for not keeping the promise and an infliction of pain.
“Kazzy are you okay?” I feel a soft yank on my shirt and look down at Shinta. I forgot she is still here, I guess she decided to stay.
“Yes, Are you here to keep me company?”
“Alright then, let's go.” I smile and she latches on to my hand. She is so little; it makes me kind of giggle as I hold her hand, so fragile…like her
“Kazzy, you look sad, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry” Oh, she is crying, I am spoiling her good mood; she just being around me is being ruined. I'm such a mess. I kneel down and wipe her tears away. She really is fragile and innocent, kind too. I stay kneeled down and smile gently to her as I rub my right hand on top of her head.
“You did nothing wrong Shinta, it's me. You just, remind me of someone, someone who was very special to me. You do not have to cry anymore now.”
“Oh…was she pretty?” I have to giggle at this comment. They way she said that, just like a kid would question something if they were very curious.
“Yes, she was very beautiful…” I pause. “C'mon, lets go clean.”
At that moment, I just felt like a ball of multi-colored yarn, so many emotions. How can a man be this emotional? I mind as well get a sex change and brand myself, woman! I wonder what Rikuo and that old man are up to now? Oh well, I shall rake! And rake with joy! Wow that was very stupid to say, at least I have Shinta! I turn my head to look at her and I already see her jumping into the piled up leaves I have scattered around. I would be mad, but she is too cute. WHOOSH!!! Okay now I am mad, she just jumped in the pile I just made and looking around, all the leaves are everywhere. Just smile, just smile, you can do it. I grit my teeth and smile, yes, smile heheheheh…eh!
“Sorry! Kazzy, I'll help you clean it all up!”
“No, no, it's okay, just go play around somewhere away from the piles, eheheheheh”
“Okie dokie!”
I finally finish about after two more hours of re-raking everything back into a pile and placing them in bags specially made to harbor leaves. I estimate that it is around five o'clock since the sun is starting to go down in the west. Shinta already left a long time ago to go play somewhere else, probably where the old man is and Rikuo. She really doesn't have that many friends. A leaf danced swiftly in front of me so I caught it. I decided to talk a little side journey and walked to the temple and touched the pedestal of the moon shrine. A bolt of lighting flashed in my head as I picked up a vision.
It is nighttime, a full moon and everything seems so calm. The only things moving so far are just the tree branches in the breeze. Wait! I see someone. A very small person. Whoa! They just transformed into a full-grown person. The person is a female. She runs into the temple and stands in front of a moon shrine. She looks like she is searching for something. Wait! Was there ever an orb on the pedestal? She touches the only colored part of my vision, the cerulean blue orb. Something is happening, a cloud of mist…a person arose out. She is weeping and then-
Damn! My vision ended! Too soon. I bet this has something to do with the assignment. I need to report this to Rikuo later. I need to get back to the living quarters of the temple so I can help with preparations for dinner tonight. I think we should have stir-fried rice with pork and a side of pickled cabbage.
I walked back to where everyone is and pondered on my way there about the vision. I see Rikuo, I should tell him. It took little effort to inform him of my vision. He too thinks it is pretty hard evidence. Also, he found it weird for someone to transform from little to big. I look at Shinta and ponder more.
“Do you think it was Shinta?” Rikuo looks at her and makes a moment of silence.
“Maybe. This is no ordinary place, I can tell you that. Shinta's grandfather stayed with me the entire time I was cleaning. From what he was telling me, this used to be a very busy place in the past, people who did make pilgrimages would stop by here in this village if known and would come to worship in this temple. But since we are in a new day and age, things do change.”
This is pretty hard stuff, another dim clue. I bite my lip out of confusion and place my hand on my chin. “I see”
“Don't think too hard Kazahaya, you might shatter.hehehe” He walked off. Grr…. JERK! Hm… this is the first time after a while that he has not made fun of me and he didn't even take a long time of teasing me and grinning at me like so. I resume the usual Rikuo position and expression mocking him. Hmm… It must be from the lack of seeing each other, or he really knows about what happened and is upset with me.
Like walking into a loop whole, we end up in the kitchen again the next morning. This time, Shinta's grandfather accompanies us. This makes things a lot better for me; Rikuo seems so much tenser. Last night after dinner, Rikuo just blew me off and went to bed! It was a first! I was so happy, hehehehe! But…it's so weird, he also usually tends to wake me up and proceed with a joke, but none. Oh well! I am fine with it. He is finally realizing not to treat me like a kid anymore!
“Boys, I must speak to you about something.”
“It is about Shinta. She is not who she seems to be.”
Oh and we end it there! I wish I could post artwork for this fan fiction. I did some watercolor paintings of the images and characters of this fiction. I love to draw and have been doing it for almost seven years now. I am pretty confident in this chapter! I kind of feel relieved ^ ^; I feel like lately I have been off track, but now I have all my thoughts gathered and I promise this will be a good shoujo. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READS AND ESPECIALLY TO THOSE WHO REVIEW!!!! I get confidence from you guys. Much love, your lovely author.
Li <3