Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Four Swords Interaction: High School Chaos ❯ English ACC with a nutball ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: English ACC with a Nut ball
By: Asuki2hiroshi
Disclaimer: I own nothing except of Asuki, Koyuki, and Saya, as well as you may know. This chapter is rated T for mild language and mild violence… Either the word is mild or…. something smaller. I don't care about the stupid rating. Just beware, k? K. Miyako, Joey, Hiei, and Kurama also belong to their well-known owners.
“Is Hiei ditching again?” the tall Sheikah teacher asked her class in frustration.
“Yes,” they murmured dully.
“As always, I suppose. Anyways, please welcome our newest student, Rinku Midori. Which school did you come from, lad?”
“Uh… I'd rather not talk about it,” Midori blushed nervously. He did not want to risk being made fun of again in a new class.
“Okay then. Sit where you like,” she nodded in understanding. “My name is Mrs. Impa. Talk to me whenever you'd like to.”
“Thank you,” he bowed, walking slowly closer to the rows of desks.
Koyuki and Kurama smiled with Koyuki waving excitedly to him. “Hiya! Come sit next to me!”
Midori grinned and nodded. He plopped his notebooks and his binder on his new desk and sat down, grateful to have more friends in this class as well as the one prior to it.
“Midori,” Kurama called him with a serious look embedded on his face, “do you see the boy at the very corner with purple hair?”
Midori turned to the very kid his friend described laughing like a maniac at his calculator.
All three heroes had sweat drops. “Yeah?”
“That's Kuroi.”
Midori gasped, not much in shock, but in disbelief; he was a Rinku?! “You've got to be kidding me!!”
“We kid you not; he's one of you five,” Koyuki sighed. “The craziest, I presume.”
Yeah! Crazy enough to dye his HAIR purple! Midori thought bitterly. He's probably just a stupid moron.
“What happened to you during 4th period, math?” Kurama interrogated seriously. His expression was grim.
Midori looked back at him, a confused look on his face. “How did you know something happened during math?!”
“I heard a little bit from Joan. What happened?” he insisted.
Midori's frown deepened. “One of Ganondorf's allies, Vaati, came to warn us about his growing forces.” He grew furious again. “He even said one is on their side and another has a monster plagued in his left eye!”
Koyuki's eyes widened. “That's not good.”
“It looks like Ganondorf was one step ahead of us,” Kurama muttered disappointedly. “The best we can do for now is to keep the plagued Rinku from harm and try to persuade the other to stay with us. It's our only hope.”
“Funny I should mention this,” Koyuki stepped in, “but a premonition tells me that Kuroi is the traitorous Rinku.”
“I believe so as well,” Kurama agreed.
“… How?” Midori asked. “He seems harmless. He's just laughing at his poor calculator!”
Kurama and Koyuki gained sweat drops again.
“But does Aoi or Akai seem traitorous to you?” Kurama stated matter-of-factly.
“…… No.”
Silence. Then Midori asked, “Should I go and talk to him?”
“Unless you have another plan,” Koyuki eyes him with a sarcastic tone in her voice.
Midori blushed. “Of course not. I'll talk to him at lunch.” He stared at the board and found Kuroi's name. “It looks like he has detention, so he'll stay in here, and so will I.”
“Midori, I know you're the new student,” Impa glared at him, arms crossed over her chest, “but I must treat you like my other students. Detention for talking.”
Midori sweat-dropped, whispering to the other 2 heroes, “… Not that I have a choice now, but…”
“Don't worry!” Koyuki patted his back. “Kurama and I will stay with you. Right, Kurama?”
“Yes,” the red head nodded. “I just need to get lunch first.
“See? We're right beside you, every step of the way!” the girl gushed, winking.
Midori smiled. “Thanks guys!”
The bell finally rang, and everyone was a bull, stampeding like animals out the front door. Kurama waited until the dust settled to leave the classroom.”
“Are you going with him Koyuki?” Midori asked, pointing to the door.
She shook her head proudly. “Nope! I brought sandwiches today!” She unzipped her backpack and pulled out a Ziplock bag with 2 sandwiches in them. She turned to Midori, “And you?”
Midori grinned. “Oh! I brought 2 ramen cups today!” He reached into his backpack pouch and pulled one out. “Want some?”
“Just a little, please!” Koyuki smiled as well, rushing over to the computer sitting by the window. “Thanks!”
“No problem!” Midori pulled out a canteen of water and heated it in the microwave for 3 minutes. After that he poured the hot water into the ramen cup and let it sit there for a while to cook the noodles. The aroma lifted and spread across the entire room, unintentionally attracting people closer to him.
Midori took out some chopsticks and sat down and began to eat it gladly. “I'll leave the leftovers for you, okay, Koyuki?”
“Okay! Thanks!”
Soon, the boy felt a hot breath on his hair. He looked up to see Kuroi staring hardly at the steaming ramen cup. After 5 long awkward seconds, Midori asked, “Can I help you with something?”
“What's that?” Kuroi pointed at Midori's meal.
“….. That's a cup,” he replied a little annoyed.
“No, not that!” Kuroi shook his head. “The floating yellow stuff inside the juice… thingy.”
“Those are ramen noodles,” Midori explained, grabbing some and pulling them out with his chopsticks, kicking up steam. “Want some?”
Kuroi shook his head again. “No.”
“Are you sure?” Midori blinked dumbfounded. He was sure Kuroi came to ask him if he could have a bite.
“Yes,” was his blunt reply.
Once he said that, Midori heard a loud deafening growl emitted from Kuroi's stomach. He laughed in amusement.
“I can hear your stomach growling,” he replied, lifting the cup. “Are you sure you don't want some?”
“I said so, didn't I?” Kuroi asked rudely.
His stomach disagreed though, and it didn't cease to let Midori know.
“Come on! At least try some!” he urged lightly, smiling.
“I said no!” Kuroi barked. His eyes were flaming with anger, but that didn't hide his hunger, nor did it stop Midori's determination to feed him.
“Please?” Midori smiled sincerely.
Kuroi's tough appearance faltered dramatically. A huge blush spread across his entire face. “Er… Fine! I'll have it!!” He snatched the cup away brutally and the chopsticks in Midori's hand fell to the floor.
“… Sorry,” Kuroi mumbled flatly.
“It's okay!” Midori said enthusiastically.
Kuroi stared at the cup and sniffed the aroma. He drooled and his stomach rumbled again. He picked up the chopsticks on the floor, blew on them and dunked them into the cup. With reluctant hesitation, he pulled out a handful of noodles and popped them straight into his mouth.
While Kuroi was chewing, Midori chuckled to himself. He may be a nut ball, but he's sure naïve! No one can resist how delicious ramen is!
Kuroi's eyes widened. “Th… This is great! Oh my GOSH!!” He practically stuffed his mouth with the noodles. “Thanks dude!!”
Midori laughed. “No problem!”
“What's your name?” Kuroi asked pleasantly. He was not as rude as he was a minute ago.
“Rinku Midori! And you?”
“Rinku Kuroi, but everyone calls me Kage,” he laughed.
“Well, it's very nice to meet you, Kage,” Midori replied respectfully.
“Back at ya!” Kage (or Kuroi; I prefer Kage) snapped his fingers, eating more noodles.
“Anyways, who do you usually hang out with for lunch?” Midori sat in his seat politely, listening intently with dread in his heart.
“Do you know Ganondorf Dragmire?” Kage asked.
“Well, I hang out with him and his group,” Kage nodded.
Midori thought to himself, poor guy… He's TOO naïve… Then he spoke up again. “I know he's friends with Vaati. I saw him in 4th period today.”
Kage beamed. “Cool! Which class do you have for 4th period?”
“I have Geometry for 4th. That's where my friends and I saw him.” Midori tried to hide his feelings of remorse for the boy.
“Yup. That's when he said he saw you.”
Midori was silent for a minute. He had nothing else to say.
Kage looked down at the ramen cup and a feeling of guilt aroused in his throat. “Hey! Aren't you gonna eat?”
“Not anymore. I'm not hungry.”
Kage frowned. “Are you sure?”
Another eerie moment of silence passed, leaving Kage feeling more awkward than ever.
“Ganondorf… He's tough, isn't he? I mean in the nature of strength.”
Kage jumped startled at Midori's sudden words. “Um, yeah… How do you know? Besides the obvious, of course—”
“He shoved me down earlier at P.E., my 3rd period.”
Kage flinched in guilt again. “Oh… Well, did he hurt you a lot?”
Midori wanted to scream, “No duh, Sherlock Holmes!! He made me shed blood! What are ya, an ass?!” Instead, he shook his head and whispered, “No. A little blood here and there on my elbows and knees and that's all… nothing more.”
Midori's optimistic spirit was gone, Kage realized, as soon as Ganondorf Dragmire made his way into their conversation.
“Do you have something against Ganondorf?” Kage asked, setting the ramen cup down.
Midori did not make any gesture, but simply mumbled, “Yes, actually.”
Immediately Kage's guard rose to its peak. “Well? What's your problem?!”
“Ganondorf is powerful and ambitious, and I like that. He is a force to be reckoned with, which is great.”
Kage arched an eyebrow. “… And?”
Midori sighed, “But he's using his strengths for evil purposes. That is very dangerous, considering you, the other 3 Rinkus and I hold a strange power capable of defeating him.”
Kage growled, “End this crap! That's not true!!”
Midori grew even more serious, glaring coldly at him, “AND that he could make such a fool of you. He's USING you to do his evil bidding, yet you are so blind that you cannot see it. You're not his ally. You're his puppet.”
“Lies!!” Kage slammed his fists on the table. “You cannot fool me! I won't let you!!”
Midori did not even flinch. “I am stating the truth. It's up to you now to depend on the road to take. Either you believe me or you don't. It's your choice.”
Kage's anger eased a bit. But he was still in defensive mode as he muttered, “But how do you if I am his puppet or not?”
“It's the usual tactic of an antagonist. They blind their puppets and pawns with false statements and rewards into believing that they are allies and don't even know that they are just used for the plan. After the plan is done, the antagonist either casts off his pawns or kills them.” Midori squeezed his hands together. “… And I don't want you to get hurt over that.”
Kage was silent. He still couldn't fully trust Midori, but he now doubted his own `alliance' with Ganondorf.
I wanted to try to persuade you into breaking away, Kage,” Midori slowly rose to his feet, “but it's up to you to break up whichever side you choose. Your life depends on your choice — the choice between darkness and light.”
The classroom door swung open and Kurama with Hiei behind him walked in.
“Hiya, guys!” Koyuki beamed, running up to them. “Hey Hiei! What are you doing here?”
Kurama grinned. “I found him roaming around campus, and I told him that you were here, so…”
“Kurama,” Hiei growled in his `I'd-watch-your-mouth-if-I-were-you,' voice.
“Oh Hiei! Thanks for coming to see me!” Koyuki gave him a bear hug, letting the man blush. Kurama secretly gave them a small smile.
“Hello guys,” Midori came up to the trio with Kage behind him.
“Hi Midori! Hiei, this is Midori. He's one of the Rinkus we were talking about!” Koyuki replied joyously.
“Hi there!” Midori waved politely.
Hiei gave him a small “hmph.”
He could care less, Midori assumed.
“Who's that behind you?” Hiei asked huskily.
Midori turned and jumped, startled. He had no idea that Kage stood almost 2 inches away from him.
“Oh! This is Rinku Kuroi, but everybody calls him Kage.”
All Kage did was give the trio the `peace' sign with his fingers. Other than that he was silent.
Kurama frowned. “What happened Midori?” he asked quietly, “Did you talk to him?”
Midori's smile faded as well. “Yes, and we were right. He did admit his allegiance to Ganondorf. He is the Rinku plotted against us.”
“I thought so,” he mumbled. “But he looks pretty guilty if you ask me.”
Midori gazed at Kage. Kurama was right. Kage's mood was now pretty much destroyed.
“Hey Kage!!” Midori grinned. “Here's your calculator!”
Kage beamed and took it from Midori's hand, laughing like a maniac again.
“Weirdo,” Hiei muttered silently.
The bell rang for the end of lunch.
“Oh! I'd better get to class before I get lost in the sea of people! Bye!!” Midori picked up his backpack and binder and raced out of the classroom like a bullet.
“M-Midori!! Wait for me!!” Kage cried helplessly. But it was too late. He was already gone.
Koyuki: Are you really trying to piss us off, Claudia? `Cuz you're succeeding.
Me: Ahahahaha!! Why thank you! That's my point! Anyways, where's Midori?
Kage: I gave him a swirly.
Me: you WHAT?!?!?!
Kurama: Oh no… Please, please tell me that the toilet was clean!
Kage: *grinning* you wish.
Kurama: *silent* ……………..
Hiei: You stupid little gremlin. You can make the most random of things so foolish…
Kage: DAS MAH JOB!!! *laughs like a maniac*
Midori: *sobbing* EW EW EW EW EW!!!! *continues to cry* I'M A MESS!!
Everyone: ……… Noticeable.
Hiei: You're such a newbie.
Midori: *sob* … AS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER…!!!!
`When the pain eased a little bit, he glanced up to see Kage, Akai, and Aoi staring at each other.
“Whoops! Sorry!” Midori laughed nervously. “Kage, this is Akai. Akai, this is Aoi and Aoi, this is Kage!”
“Hey there!” Kage grinned.
“Hi!” Akai chimed like a bell.
“Yo,” Aoi gestured the peace sign towards them.
“Hey! I remember you!” Kage pointed to Aoi.
“Really? Oh, that's right! You and I went to the same elementary school, didn't we? I remember you now!” Aoi smiled even bigger.
“Happy reunion!” Akai cheered happily.
Midori smiled proudly. 4 of the 5 Rinkus are united perfectly. 2 even remember each other from childhood! That was magnificent.
All they need is the last one…
The door swung open and slammed into the wall in a flash. A very angry blond boy with eyes as pale as ice glared evilly to the teacher.
“You're late,” the teacher grumbled. “All the back seats are taken. Now sit in one of the front seats before I mark you absent.
The boy narrowed his eyes testily as he slammed the door shut. No one dared to make a sound as they feared he would bite their heads off. Even Midori admitted to himself that he feared this boy; chills ran down his spine. This kid may be his grim reaper.
The boy walked speedily and sat at the last seat in the front row towards the wall. Midori noticed the blonde's hair covering his left eye like a thick blanket.
Can it be…? Midori thought in awe, the last Rinku?!
Nah, it's just a stupid circumstance. Just an idiotic coincidence… still…
Midori turned to his friends to see all of their eyes on the boy. “Um, who's he?”
“My old friend I used to hang out with!!” Kage whispered in shock. “Boy, he's changed!”
“Beats me,” Akai shrugged. “He's always sitting in the back when I come to class, but for some reason, he's late today. I wonder why.”
Aoi was silent. He glared evilly and suspiciously towards the kid as if he were stalking his prey.
“… Aoi?” Midori called him
“Who is he?” he looked up towards Aoi, who grew silent again.
“… Nothing… Nothing but trouble…” `
Chapter 6: Crossroads- A New Era of Hell