Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Into the Future, and Into Space ❯ Join the WASPs. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A few days later…
The newcomers had enough strength to be permitted to get up, but their was just one problem.
Even though we did save them all, the had entered a secret base for the World Security Patrol, and we couldn't let them leave.
Even if they didn't know a thing about what was going on around them, they had been exposed to extreme secret stuff.
Besides… even if we were to let them go, to where. They had been gone for 230 years… things had changed.
The one thing that hit them all very hard was everyone they knew and loved back in the Revolution were all gone.
The Adams'… The Ludington's… The Corbin's… Even President Washington himself had been dead for some time now.
They were in a strange new world so advanced from that of their own, and the least we could do was help them grow accustomed to our time.
One thing for sure… James and Sarah had a feeling that they were both out of jobs as journalists, and their fears were indeed answered when they saw that clip I showed them.
A place that makes more newspapers in a minute than they used to make in 10 years time.
After they had dressed back in their clothes that we handed back to them, cleaner than normal, it was time for introduction.
“I am Commander. Troy Tempest.” Said my Grandfather, “Commander in Chief of the WASPs.”
“This is my Grandson, Captain. Mykan Tempest. He's the one who discovered your icy prison.”
I tipped my cap to them, “Tell us your names, one at a time.” I said.
Moses started from the end of the line. “My name's, Moses!” he said with bravery.
“Major. Samuel Philips!”
“Lady. Elizabeth Philips!”
“Henri Lebreve!”
“James Hiller!”
“Sarah Philips/ Hiller!”
My Grandfather, Troy saluted to them all, “Now as you know we cannot responsibly let you out there into the world.”
“Because… A: You have no idea of what awaits you out there.”
“and B: You have seen things that were top secret, and legally we cannot send you out there even if you swear to secrecy!”
They all cast their eyes downward in shame. “And C: Because we have nowhere to go, and no one to turn to.” Said Henri.
“Not necessarily.” Said Troy. “According to our new bylaws these days… if you've been exposed to such secrets…”
He paused and they all looked tensed.
“… You are obligated to Join us!”
Their eyes widened, and even mine did too. “But… Grandfather, they can't just join the WASPs.” I said.
“They can, and I'm afraid the must, Mykan.” Replied Troy.
“But they have no idea what we do, they have no idea of anything of what's around them now.” I replied.
“I most certainly agree.” Said Samuel, “This world is strange to us, and we have no knowledge of your ways.”
“I still can't even remember what WASP even stands for again.” Said Henri, “Let alone what they do.”
Troy just chuckled. “The… World… Astronaut… Security… Patrol… and all around you out there will be explained to you during your adjustment programs.”
“Adjustment programs?” asked Sarah. “You mean like a schooling session?”
“Pricelessly.” Said Troy.
“First thing… the day after tomorrow in the in the morning we are going to put each of you through a private learning session.”
“Eight hours a day, you will have six hours for in class Future-studies, and two for Astronaut training.”
I approached Sarah and her mother, “Oh, Lady. Philips, and Sarah, for the duration of the training, wearing those dresses is strictly forbidden.”
Both of them put their hands on their hips, “And just what are we supposed to wear?” asked Elizabeth.
“In case you have forgotten… we don't have any other clothes to wear.” Added Sarah.
“Oh, I have already thought of that.” Said Troy, “Mykan… if you please.”
“Yes, Sir.” I said.
I told them all to follow me down the hall, and into a locker room were there were seven little lockers each with their names on the top.
I handed them each a keycard and showed them how to use it. When they opened their lockers, inside were outfits that looked exact to the ones worn throughout the base.
Sarah and Elizabeth were given windbreaker suits like all the women around the base, and the men were given uniforms much like the one I was wearing.
When they all came out from the change rooms, the outfits looked perfect on them, just in their sizes too. For we had studied their measurements while they were knocked out.
Samuel… since he was a qualified Major was already given his ranking back, but was not officially permitted to give orders.
“Come, Come, Darling!” Said Samuel. “Come out from behind there!”
“Oh this is so unladylike.” Elizabeth moaned, “And I do feel utterly ridiculous in this suit.”
“Now, don't be absurd.” Said Samuel, “You look perfect.”
“Perfect?... Perfectly foolish!”
Once they all fell in line, Troy began paced up and down so that each of them would hear what he had to say next.
“These uniforms must be worn at all times, with the fewest of exceptions, and you do have more outfits.”
“Those Keycards will provide you access to your bed chambers and certified rooms.”
He continued on for at least 20 minutes before it all became clear, and they were lead to their bed Chambers.
Four private rooms… One for Moses, one for Henri, One for James and Sarah to share, and the last for Sarah's parents.
They were also told to attend a black-tie gala being held in their honor, and where they would meet their instructors.
Their closets contained more clothing, including formal outfits, and since they didn't know how to use a Telecom yet, we arranged for them to be brushed and groomed well.
As Sarah stared at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel just a little nervous about this all.
“Oh I haven't felt this shaky since our Wedding.” She said to James who fix the bow-tie on his new tux.
“Well Sarah if you really think about it… that was way over 200 years ago.” He said. “But… now that you mention it… I'm a little nervous too.”
“But… even if we don't make it through this. I do and will always love you.”
Sarah's shyness faded into a smile. “Oh, I love you too James!” she said softly.
They shared a soft kiss which was broken by the sounds of Troy's voice over an intercom.
“All Personal report to the playhouse for the gala is about to begin!”
“How does he do that?” asked Sarah.
“Never mind that.” Said James as he extended his hand for hers, “Shall we Milady!” he said with a mock British accent.
Sarah giggled, and they locked arms together, “Of course we shall.” She said sweetly, and they walked off together.