Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Alexis ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alexis slowly came to consciousness as the sun warmed her face. She moaned and clutched the large pillow against her tighter. Her body was sore and aching like she had run a marathon, then got run over by a truck. Vague images from her dream came back to her, botching a spell and horrible creatures trying to kill her. Too bad that Legolas dude was a dream, he was cute and a half. She could remember how blue his eyes were, the contours of his face, and the fluid way he moved. Hang on, she peeked an eye open, dreading what she would find. She was lying on a large bed under the softest blankets she had eveer felt. Alexis groaned as she pushed the covers off of her, taking note of the long plan gown she had on instead of her usual camisole and pants. "Nice, but not my style." She swung her aching legs to the edge of the bed, then stood. She hissed when her weight settled on her feet, looking down to see them encased in bandages. A quiet knock came through the room. "Yea?" She called tentatively, her voice hoarse.

"Are you awake, arwen en amin?" A soft masculine voice called.
"Unfortunately, I am. Come in." A tall, beautiful man came in and bowed slightly. She noted that this must be a very formal culture she had crashed in on. "No need to bow, it's just me." She hobbled over to him. "Where am I and what did you call me?"
"You are in Mirkwood. Arwen en amin means, 'my lady'. The royal family has been quite worried about you." He held out a steadying hand. "I have been instructed to take you to them as son as you are well enough."

"Woah, whoa whoa. Back up the gravy train here." He gave her a puzzled look at the expression. " Royal family? As in King, Queen, Princess?"
"Prince, arwen en ain, and yes. King Thranduil has been wishing to speak with you since your arrival last night. I believe you had said," He cocked his head slightly as he thought of the strange words. "Kiss my ass, I'm going to bed."

Alexis felt her face flush a bright red as she buried her face in her hands. "I said that to the King?!" She wanted to run back to the forest and be an Orc to kill her. "He's going to behead me, or hang me.... oh Gods."
The man her a puzzled look. "You were quite delerious when you arrived. I'm sure the King holds nothing against you." He gently removed her hands from her face, bending slightly to see her face. "Now get dressed and I will take you to the grand ball."
Alexis took a steadt breath. "I have nothing to wear. My pajamas were ruined I guess, not like they'd be appropriate to meet royalty in. But, I already did."
"There is a dress and slippers over there." He pointed to a deep blue dress with silver trimming and designs along the seams. "I will wait for you outside the door, if you need assistance."

Alex waved a hand in the air. "Thanks, but I can dress myself." She gave the man a grateful look. "Whats your name?"
He bwed slighty again. "I am Sindahis, son of Vorrhos."
"Well, thank you Sindahis. Now skeedaddle so I can get dressed." He nodded slightly and turned to leave.
"Umm, Sindahis?" Her voice was timid.
"Don't take offense to this, but what are you?" Alexis justured toward her hears.
"I am an Elf."
"Oh, okay." She answered weakly as he left the room. "Of course they're Elves. No, my life can't get any stranger." She hobbled over to the dress hanging up, amazed by the beauty of it. It was simple but elegant, and even though Alexis hated dresses she couldn't wait to put it on. She took a quick glance around the room assuring herself she was alone, and slipped the sleeping gown off and pulling the dress over her head. She was amazed at the way it hugged her snugly, like a lovers' embrace. "Yea, like I'd know about that," she rolled her eyes at herself. She tied the thin rope in the pack and put the slppers over her bandaged feet.

Glancing around the room, she found a small table with a brush and two small hair combs made of the finest silver. She whisted lovely, "Damn, talk abut class." Alexis brushed her hair out quickly and then picked up the combs. She turned and saw herself in the full-length mirrir across the room and fasped. "I look like...a girl." Walking slowly toward the mirror, as if any sudden movement would shatter the image and show her the tomboy she really was. The dress did hug her ceves nicely, so nicely that Alexis was surprised that she was mistaken for a man so many times in her reality. She looked at her chest in the mirrow, then glanced down at the slight show of cleavage. "Well, whadda ya know, they've come out of hiding. Hello girls." She snickered to herself. Quickly slipping the combs in her sable hair, fixing it back from her face as the rest fell to the middle of her shoulder blades. "Not my best, but I hope it will do."

She opened the dor to find Sindahis waiting patiently. "Are you ready arwen en amin?" He asked as he offered his arm to her.
"Yea, and it's Alexis, not my lady...or whatever." She smiled as she took the offered arm, amazing at how she could feel the power in it.
Alexis shook her head slightly, smiling to herself. It's hopeless. She looked at the halls she was walking in, soaking in the serenity of it. Everything here flowed together, no hard edges, no harsh colors. She could feel a cla descend over her like she had never felt before. There was always something nagging at her, pushing her to keep as busy as possible all the tme

"We are here." Sindahis spoke quietly. Alexis felt butterflies in her stomach as he reached for the door, indicating that she should stay where she was. He walked into the room a few steps and spoke in a louder voice that she had thought possible. The language he used was lilting and harmoious, reminding her of a birdsong. Sindahis appeared again, motioning her to walk ahead of him. "Go to the center of the room. The King awaits."

Alexis nodded and took a steady breath. Time to remember your p's and q's, girl. Pulling herself up straight, head held high and shoulders back, Alexis hid her discomfort as the best she could and walked into the great hall. Inside there were more Elves that she thought could possibly exist, but all were so beautiful to look at. She shook her head slightly, clearing her thoughts as best as she could. As Alexis walked slowly to the center of the hall, the knowing eyes of Elves on her, she felt like a child just staring at the world. She walked to the center of the room as Sindahis had told her to, gave the deepest curtsy her legs could tolerate and stood straight again. The only sound in the room was the quiet rustle of her skirt. Not knowing if she had done the right thing, she looked in the Kings eyes. If I'm going down, I'm going down proud. The King's regal tone flled the hall with the beautiful language, the only word that made sense to Alexis was her own name.

The Elves in the hall burst into applause so suddenly Alexis jumped involuntarily. She looked around her in awe. If I thought ther neutral expressions were a beauty, their smiles are heaven. The applause died down when the King rose from his seat.

"Lady Alexis, you look as timid as a feild mouse, ready to bolt." His was kind, almost fatherly. "And yet you can face an Org rading party without flinching, so I am told."

"My apologies Majesty," She curtsied slightly. "It's just that I find this attention...disconcerting." She stated shyly.

He looked at her carefully. "Surely, you do not fear us?"
"Gods no! I've never felt safer." Alexis steeled her courage ad plunged on before the King could speak again. "Your Majesty, it has been brought to my attention that my arrival last night I was rather rude in our meeting." Her lergs couldn't bear another cursty, so she stood tall as she spoke. "For this, you have my most humble and sincere apologies."

"Your apology, while unnecessary, is accepted young Alexis."
She raised a brow at that. "Unnecessary?"
he smiled at her. "I am more than willing to over look that, rather abrasive, incident in the light of you fighting a battle that is not yours, savng my son in the process."

Alexis was beyond confused. When had she even met his son, the Prince when she had only met.. Legolas! Fighting the urge to pass out, her eyes slowly drifted to the King's side, where Legolas stood. Clad in pure whires and deep blues in place of the browns and greens of their previous meeting, he looked ever inch a Prince. Alexis wavered slightly as the full implications of her entire predicament finally sank in.

The enxt thing she knew Sindahis was at her side, ushering her out of the hall. He half carried her back to the room, inquiring about her health. She brushed off his concern, telling him she was tired and nothing more.

As soon as she was alone in the room, Alexis sank to the floor and wept.

* * *

She didn't know how long she had cried, but Alexis swore she had turned herself inside out with her sobs. She now sat numbly on the bed, her mind conjuring images of home. Cruising down the highway with her little sister and best friend, windows down and the stereo blaring; laughing herself to tears with her roomate; her mom annoying her about how she should stop dying her hair, trading insults with her dad as they watched action movies in the basement; all night movie marathons and pig-outs on pizza and wine coolers in the summer. With each memory, Alexis felt more and more out of place in this world of beauty and pease. How can they possibly grasp what is is to struggle? Have they ever suffeered the way we have? Do they know racism, prejudice and hate? She was exhausted but her mind kept whirlng...drownng out everything else.

* * *

Legolas approached the door to Alexis's room, Sindahis at the door. The elf gave a slight bow as his Prince inquired about her health. "She has wept a great length, and she has been silent for some time now. I believe that she has exhausted herself."

"It would not surprise me." Legolas said as he gently knocked on the door. "Arwenamin Alexis?" No answer came. He opened the doo slowly, giving her warning that he was coming in. "Alexis?" He found her sitting at the foot of her bed, staring blankly at the floor, the redness in her eyes a testament to her tears. Legolas crouched before her, looking into her eyes as a hand reached out to gently push away the hair that had fallen into her face. She finally registered someone else was in the room as her eyes fixed on his, kindness and concern radiating from them. "Surely it is not so bad here that you feel you must lock yourself away?"

"I'm sorry." She whispered, fresh tears welling in her eyes. "I'm just so...lost. I don't belong here."
Legolas sat next to her, trying his best to ease her distress. "We will help you all we can to return you to your home." He stroked her back as she leaned into him, struggling to compose herself. He smiled when he heard her stomach growl. "In the mean time, would you care to join us for lunch?"
Alexis laughed. "If I don't, my stomach just may implode." He stood and offered her his hand. She took his, surprised at the warmth of it as it traveled up her arm and spread through her chest. He fucked her hand to his arm, his hand remaining over hers. Tanalizing smells his her nose and her mouth began to water. They walked through an open doorway as Legolas removed her hand from his arm. Still clapsping her hand he put his other hand on her back, gently guding her. Before her stretched a large horseshoe shaped table, Elves sitting on both sides and the middle laden with delicious spelling foods. He pulled a chair out for her and she sat awkwardly, unused to such gallant behavior. Legolas sat next to her and glasses of colorful liquid were placed before him. She leaned over and stated lowly so nobody else could hear, "Wow, you guys sure know how to put on a spread."
"Thank you, young Alexis." The King leaned over to smile at her. Alexis looked at him wide-eyed, sure she had been quiet enough for him not to over hear.
Sensing her confusion Legolas leaned close to her ear, his breath a warm caress. "Elves have excellent hearing." Sure enough, she looked around the table and Elves ten seats away had heard what she said.
Blushing to her toes Alexis mumbled an apology and silently cursed herself.
"No need for apologies." Legolas smiled at her, and she swore she had never blushed so hard in her life. She turned back to the plate that had been set before her, and began to taste the assortment of food. Alexis began to eat with reckless abandon, not caring with she was drawing curious looks...the food was good and she was famished! As she was about to ask for more, another place was set before her and she wolfed it down as quickly as the first. When she was finished she leaned back in her chair, covering her mouth as she made sure she didn't have anything suck in her teeth. A few of the Elves were stilling giving her curious looks, and she looked at them and shrugged. "What? Never seen a girl eat before?"
King Thranduil once again leaned ver. "Did you even taste what you ate, child?"
Alexis nodded eagerly. "Yes I did, and it was the best meal I've had in forever. Thank you."
"Tell me," the Elf from across her spoke up. "How did you breath when you ate so fast?"
"What can I say?" Alexis gave an impish look. "Multitasking, it's a talent."

Silence fell over the room as all eyes turned toward her. Nobdy knew who started laughing, but the hall was filled with the laughter of Elves and a human girl.
