Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of the Old Forest ❯ Roverandom ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Series: Lord of the Rings
Character: Tom Bombadil
Crossover: Roverandom
Prompt: 10. Moon
Rating: G
Warnings: None 
Disclaimer: I own neither LotR nor Roverandom
It was night in the Old Forest. The insects chirped a lullaby that even relaxed Old Man Willow, whose branches dangled sleepily just above the ground. The cool night breeze swept through the trees as Tom Bombadil made his way home, flowers for Goldberry in his hand. A whisper on the wind drew his attention and he grinned. With no further warning, a seagull swooped down to land before him. "Good evening, Tom," the bird declared.
Tom gave the creature a slight bow. "And to you, Mew," he replied. He watched as the bird produced a number of letters from a little bag. He graciously accepted them and sifted through the envelopes as best he could with only one hand. "Ah!" he cried. "Old Psamathos, Artaxerxes, and the Man-in-the-Moon have written me. This is most interesting." He turned to Mew and gave another bow. "Thank you, friend. Do deliver my greetings to them."
With those words, the seagull once more took flight, soaring upwards toward the Moon. Tom watched him for a moment before stuffing the letters into a pocket and continuing home, flowers in his hand.