Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

13 - “You are mine… Keitaro.”
“Ah, Urashima-san, good morning.”
Keitaro smiled slightly towards the old woman behind the counter. He bowed his head, returning her greeting.
“Morning oba-san,” he stated warmly.
“Is Motoko-han with you today?” she asked.
“No… not today,” Keitaro replied evasively.
“Hmmm… I'm worried. Have you two had a falling out?” the old woman asked. “It's been two days already since you started living in the inn.”
Yes, it's been two days since the vampire incident. Keitaro frowned slightly as the memory of that day was still fresh on his mind. He forced himself to smile towards the woman.
“She just has something to think about,” he muttered.
“Hmmm,” she shook her head disapprovingly. “It's a young man's job to help a woman. The least you can do is to let her share her pain with you.”
“I'd be happy to, oba-san, really,” Keitaro gave a sad smile. “But… she wouldn't let me near her.”
“You didn't force yourself upon her, now did you?” the old woman asked, glaring towards him.
“Of course not,” Keitaro replied with a disarming smile, raising his hands defensively. “I won't stay alive if I tried.”
The old woman seemed to nod. “Well… I guess the only thing you can do is wait for her to come around, right?”
“Of course.”
“Now that we got that out of the way, how can I help you, Urashima-san?” the old woman asked.
“I need to send a letter to someone,” Keitaro stated, a bit glad the woman was now in her business mode.
“Back at home?”
“No,” he replied, shaking his head. He handed out the envelope towards the woman, who took it without pause. She looked at it for a moment, and back towards Keitaro with a raised eyebrow.
“Kyoto?” she asked.
“Yes, that's for Motoko-san's family,” Keitaro nodded. “It's an update for her older sister is expecting us a few days from now.”
“Urgent?” the old woman asked. “If you want, we can speed send this so it arrives thirty minutes from now instead of using the regular mail service.”
“How long will it arrive using the regular service?”
“About a day from now. So, should I speed send this letter?” the old woman asked.
“No, it's not that urgent,” Keitaro grinned slightly. “How much?”
Keitaro paid the regular rate, and after saying his goodbye's, left the old woman to her own devices. Unbeknownst to him, though, the woman took an envelope opener, and ripped the flap in half, and extracted a two paged letter.
She studied it for a minute, and then moved at the back of her shop, and went towards her fax machine. She grabbed the phone, and dialed a number.
The other line picked it up.
“Good morning…”
“Tsuruko-sama, good morning,” the old woman greeted.
“Ah, oba-san! This is a pleasant surprise.”
“The Urashima man wants to send you a letter,” the old woman stated. “He went for the regular rate, though I believe you might want it immediately.”
“Ah, oba-san, thank you for the head's up. Please send it. I'll open up the fax tone now.”
Keitaro, clueless on what's happening back there, was slowly walking back towards the Inn. He was devoid of emotion. He couldn't really think of anything. He just wanted to go back to his room, lie down, and get some more winks.
He greeted the innkeeper behind the counter, and moved straight up the stairs. He grabbed the keys from his pants pocket, and walked towards room 205 and unlocked the door. He opened it, entered, and removed his slippers before stepping on the matted floor.
The room was simple in design. It had two closets near the wall, a bed in the center. Left of the bed was a side table, which had a drawer. On top of that was a lamp shade, rectangular in shape, which stood up vertically. Inside was a white fluorescent U-tube light, and it was covered by a simple white paper, not unlike ones used on sliding doors.
There were no windows. Opposite side of the wall where the closets were placed was a small door for the bathroom, which was a simple shower, toilet bowl, and a sink.
The whole place was quite minimalist. It was not something Keitaro would hope for as a home, nor did he view it as such. This was the place for him to be until Motoko would calm herself down.
He removed his shirt, and slid down his bed, and looked up in the ceiling. He sighed, and closed his eyes, and his mind wandered towards the time he was ensnared by that young vampire who wanted to make him his pet…
“There are three of them…”
Keitaro ignored the squeezing sensation he felt. The vampire didn't seem too keen in having him share such information, but she didn't dare break his neck. He knew this because she said that she wanted him as a pet, and to have a pet, she'd need him alive.
Vampires are quite the power-tripping species. They could have turned him to one of their own, and have him kept as a pet slave for all eternity… or at least until they get bored with him, but in their minds, what's fun about keeping a vampire pet? Having a human pet is much more fun for them. Much more useful too.
Besides… the third twin… no, triplets. The triplets now fully revealed themselves as Motoko was about to finish one of them off. Keitaro was forced to watch painfully as the second Ayane seemed to have finally recovered from being thrown away like a rag doll, and before he could even warn Motoko, she was kicked hard on the side of the face.
He winced as Motoko was kicked over and over again, the last one strong enough to throw her away.
“Hehe… how does it feel, my little pet, watching your little bitch die?” the vampire holding him down giggled.
He didn't reply.
“Answer me!” she demanded all of the sudden.
Keitaro was about to reply unkindly, hoping to throw her off balance and hopefully buy Motoko some time. He'd also have to insult the triplets to get their attention. It would give the Aoyama warrior the time she needed to make a plan and take a breather… but… if by chance Motoko gets killed…
He'd been bitten painfully by that Ayane once already. He'd rather not experience it again. And that older vampire and her two sisters seemed like sadists, and what's worse than a bite of a vampire are three bites of three vampires at the same time… but Keitaro needed to do this. Their lives were at stake. His mind quickly thought of an abrasive reply, when suddenly, he felt a dark energy wash over them.
The energy was by far stronger than what the four vampires were exuding, and quite different. Monica, that young vampire hugging him down, shivered suddenly, and her mouth hung open.
“W… what was that…?” she muttered silently.
There was a slight cackle. The triplets seemed to look towards the direction of the laugh. Keitaro and Monica included. And what he saw shocked him.
In the middle of dark aura, which was forming a tornado, was Motoko, who was looking back at them with blank eyes. On her hand was the Hina blade, fully unsheathed. She pointed the sword towards the vampires, her teeth gritting together.
“You cowardly dark creatures,” Motoko's voice sounded dead to him. “You think you can just steal away what is mine?”
The triplets were taken aback. Looking at each other, they planned up their next phase of attack, but suddenly, like the wind, Motoko moved without even being noticed by anyone. The next thing Keitaro could make out was the swordswoman seemed to suddenly teleport in between the triplets, and their heads all came off at the same time.
“SISTERS!!” Monica shouted rather loudly that Keitaro felt his ears ring slightly.
Motoko, in a demonic form for the lack of words, seemed to slowly approach them. Keitaro felt his spine tense up automatically with the amount of mana and ki surrounding Motoko. She was scaring him. Each step she took towards him increased the amount of fear he was feeling. He could remotely recall that feeling, during the time he was rescuing Laharl, and that weird creature came in.
If he remembered correctly, it was called a Kugai.
But at that time, he wasn't paying much attention to it as he was towards the Golden Maiden. And the creature wasn't coming on to him while he was helplessly pinned by some vampire either.
“Stay back!!” Monica muttered, holding Keitaro tighter than before. “I'll crush his neck! I swear!”
“You dare place your unworthy hand on my property?!” Motoko demanded with a slight sneer. Her sword shifted, and moved dangerously near Keitaro.
As much as he found the whole thing scary, he was a bit awed and quite flabbergasted by the way Motoko was speaking. Was she referring to him as her property? He might have found it rather provocative and quite endearing if she wasn't swinging that black blade near his face.
“Stay back!!” Monica warned again.
“Unhand him!” Motoko replied with a slight downward swing.
Out from the tip of the sword, as fast as lightning passed through the air, going towards Keitaro's shoulders. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt the sharpness of the wind slice through his skin, and he screamed in agony as he thought his arm was severed.
It wasn't… though Monica wasn't lucky as her arm that was resting on his shoulder was severed, and her screams were much more feral and louder than his. Keitaro scrambled away immediately, still feeling her dead hand around his neck. On his chest, he could feel the blood from the severed arm flowing.
He removed it with haste, and moved hurriedly and placed his back on one of the tree trunks, and sat there, having a clear view of Motoko and the younger vampire. But a few moments later, he suddenly wished he wasn't there to witness what was coming.
“No… please… spare me!” Monica stated, raising her good arm. Her severed arm was regenerating, but even with that, she lost the will to fight.
It didn't do her any good though. Motoko's arm mercilessly came down and sliced the other arm without hesitation. Keitaro winced, moving his eyes away as the vampire screamed in agony. He was about to look again when the vampire continued to scream as Motoko, in her still dead voice, stated:
“Accept your punishment for thinking of being worthy of touching what is not yours!”
Each of her words was accented with faint, yet unmistakable sound of a blade going down again and again. Keitaro's mind was slowly filling up with images of blood and the look of the vampire as she was sliced over and over again. Her screams didn't seem to stop, which meant that Motoko hasn't even touched her neck.
After a moment, silence finally blessed him. He opened his eyes, and looked up. His eyes widened as he saw Motoko's tall form standing over him. Covered in blood. His eyes dared dart away from her and towards the vampire, and his stomach turned.
Monica wasn't dead, but she was drifting there. There were two ways to kill a vampire. One was by simply cutting off their heads. The other was draining all their blood. The latter was impossible to do without causing enough massive damage that the vampire's regeneration powers couldn't cope.
And Motoko did just that.
Monica's arms were severed, as well as what seemed to be her left part of her brain. Her neck was cut too, though only partly. Her stomach was sliced open, and Keitaro didn't even bother to look to see what spilled on the ground from the wound. Her eyes were blankly staring at the air.
She wasn't dead… but… soon, she would be.
Keitaro looked away from the gruesome sight, back towards Motoko who was staring at him. She came close to him. He could feel the blade on his arm. She smirked at him.
She stared at him.
Her eyes were boring to his.
Keitaro sat up, feeling the cold sweat on his back and face. He panted slightly as the after images of his dream were no hurry as it slowly faded from the back of his head. He shook his head.
There was a slight ringing on his head, and it took a moment to realize that it wasn't his head but it was the phone. Keitaro looked at it for a moment, wondering who would call him. Only one person came to mind, and after it rang again, he hurriedly picked it up.
“Motoko?” he asked.
“I'm sorry lover boy, but it's your sister in law!”
The first thing Keitaro did was curse out unintentionally. He had been expecting Motoko, and even though it was more of a foolish hope, he didn't expect the fake saccharine voice of Tsuruko.
“Excuse me? Did you just call me a devil-woman?”
Her voice changed from sugary to dead-panned, annoyed and serious. Keitaro just sighed. He got excited over nothing.
“Sorry about that, Aoyama-san. You caught me in a bad time,” he muttered. Then, his eyes shifted as his mind began to click. “How did you get this number, and how did you know I'd be here?”
She seemed to giggle.
“Let's just say I received your letter. The one you sent this morning.”
His first thought was annoyance at the old woman. And then came realization.
“Were you watching us?” Keitaro asked.
“Of course I was, and still am, Urashima-san. Whatever would I do if you ran away?”
“I wouldn't,” Keitaro muttered angrily.
“Of course not, you're a smart boy.” She giggled again. “And you're lucky you are, because, Urashima-san… in the event you did run from our deal, I will personally come and hunt you down. And I wouldn't want to say what would happen to your grandmother's inn nor your family's reputation when you get me mad.”
Keitaro growled silently. “Won't you're husband get jealous, spending more time with your sister's husband than him?” he asked with a slight contempt. “Or does he fear you because he got the same deal as I did?”
“Now, now, no need to get that personal.” She paused. “Does that mean you fear me, Urashima-san?”
“You tell me what I should feel, `sister-in-law',” he muttered the last word sarcastically. “You not only forced me into a marriage with your sister, but challenged me to a battle, which is quite dangerous for me by the way, just so you can `help' your sister grow up, and to fix her problems found on her head.
“Then, I find out that during our secret training, you're actually keeping tabs on us…”
She cut him. “Ah, Urashima-san, you're looking at it the wrong way. Its not my fault my sister decided to train on a town largely owned by the Aoyama's, is it?”
So that's how Tsuruko seemed to know where he was and how she got the letter so fast… Motoko, that damned idiot.
“Well, if you called me, it means you have a response to my letter, right?” Keitaro asked.
Yes. I'm quite impressed on how you wrote a two page letter to only ask for a four day extension. Was it really necessary to add a fully detailed explanation on you and my sister's confrontation with vampires?”
“I thought it was a rather sufficient way to give valid reasoning to my request,” Keitaro muttered.
“Well, you wasted your time, Urashima-san. One week was quite sufficient time for preparations. It's not my fault you cannot meet the expectations.”
“It's not about meeting the expectations,” he gritted his teeth. “We were just unexpectedly attacked, and while normally, I wouldn't ask for a time extension for something so trivial, I got injured and that will set me back.”
“The way you described it, it was a ki cut to the shoulder. It will take a day or two to heal… it won't set you back that much.”
Keitaro took a deep breathe, his free hand touching the bridge of his nose. This woman knew how to drive him towards the wall, and for the past few days, with the accumulating problems, he was really getting the short end of the stick, and it was pissing him off.
“Won't you consider, please?” he asked as a last attempt.
“No, Urashima-san. I won't consider.”
There was a moment of silence in which Keitaro's eyes, unbeknownst to him, were slowly narrowing in a deadly glare directed towards the ground. His free hand, from the bridge of his nose, was on his side, balled to a hard fist. His lips twitched angrily.
“You're a real piece of work aren't you?” he muttered darkly.
“Yes I'm a real bitch, aren't I? That's what you wanted to call me right?”
The tone of Tsuruko became dark as well, but Keitaro didn't care. He felt too angry to care. He had it up to here with that woman.
“That's right,” he replied. “You are one sick, twisted psychopathic woman. I can call you a lot of names, but I know it won't even be worthy enough to describe how many screws have been lost from your head.”
“Huuu… such a dangerous way you speak. If I hadn't known better, Urashima-san, you seem to have the intent to kill me.”
Keitaro growled.
“But I don't blame you, Urashima-san… after all, this is a big inconvenience for you, isn't it? Especially between you and that woman… what was her name again? Ah, yes… Narusegawa-san.”
His head suddenly craned up a moment. Something was up.
“And who else… ah, yes. Konno-san, Maehara-san, Otohime-san, and Su-san. What a happy place your grandmother's inn might be for a virile young male, surrounded by young women. I can imagine the disaster that would happen if somehow news leaks out about your little escapades.”
“I wonder how people will react knowing that these girls are living under a male landlord? Of course, if you know how to twist your facts a little, I can make it so that you are actually juvenile, abusive, violent, and irresponsible. Another twist there, I can add a spice of controversy, ranging from sex scandals to blackmail.
Keitaro gritted his teeth. “Like anyone will actually believe that kind of bullshit.”
“Oh, Urashima-san, you won't believe how many people would actually listen to a concerned older sister stating over the poor state of the dormitory where her younger sister resides in. Coupled by the Aoyama name, I am willing to wager that many people will back up on my claims.”
“Then do it,” he stated. “I dare you.”
“I'm surprised that you are very arrogant to the point you're losing common sense, Urashima-san. I hold all the cards right now. Do you really want to dare play my hand? Are you willing to risk your future? Because if you believe that I'm going to hold back on my word because of pity, then you are sadly mistaken. You're nothing more than a means to an end. I don't care what happens to you… I wouldn't care if you're some noble human being, or plain evil. The only reason why I am wasting my time with you is because my sister chose you.
“In any other day, if we ever met, I'd have just given you a small smile, but wouldn't bat an eyelash if I hear you were killed, murdered, maimed, or burned. You are nothing… but a pawn in this game. You either do what I tell you to, or suffer my wrath.”
Keitaro sighed silently. The woman's a brick wall, and what bothered him more was she had him at the palm of her hand. For a slight moment, he wanted to throw the phone out, escape… but even if he did, he was sure the bitch would keep her word and come after him. She could start using his friends and tenants as leverage as well… and while Narusegawa can, harshly he thought in anger, rot in hell, he wouldn't forgive himself if Mu-chan and Kitsune got involved.
Even if he wasn't in his world, Keitaro couldn't bring himself to run from her or to anyone else. Tactical retreats, he can take, but an all out run is inexcusable for him. Besides… he wanted her dead or beaten. Both if he could.
He went along. For now.
“What do you want, Tsuruko-san?” he asked. Calmly.
“Now that's better. And I don't need anything dear boy… I have all I need.”
“You want something, Tsuruko-san,” he insisted. “Or else you wouldn't start threatening me with exposing my `escapades' to the media. You insist on not giving me an allotted time to heal, which wasn't even much. You need something from me, don't you?”
“Well… there is one thing I want from you.”
“What is it?”
“Your heart.”
Keitaro didn't know if he heard her right. He took the phone away from his ear for a moment, looking at it confusedly. “Excuse me?”
She giggled.
It might have sounded wrong…”
“It did sound wrong. Were you asking me to love you?”
“No, no silly boy. I want you to unconditionally submit to me and to my sister. When you and Motoko lose --
“If we lose…” Keitaro cut her.
“Oh, whatever you like. If you lose, I know you're not the kind who'd just easily settle down with my sister, nor will you act like the support she'll need. A man who would dare call me a psychopathic woman with a few screws lose has a large pride, and that kind of man hates to lose.
“If you lose, I want you to unconditionally take my sister as your wife, unconditionally take her as you have fallen in love with her. You will drop the Urashima name, and adopt the Aoyama name. Your children will be Aoyamas, and thus subjected by the rules and regulations of the clan.
“In short… I don't want you to put a temper tantrum, and whine when you lose.”
She seemed to giggle at the last part. That giggle incensed him.
“If I promise to… would you give me the extension I asked for?” he asked.
“Four days for your complete submission to my terms and towards my sister? It's a deal even I cannot resist. You have four more days. Use them well, Urashima-san.
She hung the phone, and the line went dead. Keitaro himself was unmoving for a few minutes, and after being unfrozen from his temporary state of stasis, brought the arm of the phone back to its cradle. He felt rather sick, as his mind contemplated on what he just did. He sighed.
“I need a damned drink…” he cursed silently. He looked towards his watch, and cursed again as he realized it was too early to even contemplate on a drink.
“Damn this world… damn Aoyamas… stupid samurais…” he muttered without pause as he slid back to the bed, and wrapped a pillow around his head. He didn't feel like doing anything for that day, and lost his appetite for lunch.
He did what he could only feel like doing.
He fell asleep.
“Keitaro…” Motoko's voice sounded on the edge as her seemingly dead eyes looked at him with joy. “My Keitaro… are you hurt?”
“I… I'm fine,” Keitaro replied dumbly as he kept his eye on the black blade which Motoko was still holding. “Motoko… you can let go of the blade now. It's over…”
But she didn't listen as she got on her knees, and brought her face closer to his. Before he could even move or think, she kissed him deeply yet forcefully on the lips.
“Umph!” Keitaro groaned in surprise as his head was forced back on the tree trunk. He tried to move his good arm towards Motoko, push her away, but she didn't budge. Her tongue lashed with his. He could taste the copper flavor of the blood around her; he could feel her free hand roaming on his chest.
She suddenly took hold of his shirt, and painfully ripped it from his body, while still keeping the kiss. Again, Keitaro tried to free himself, only to feel Motoko's body close in on his, pinning him down completely.
She raised her head. She grinned at him.
“We have all the time in the world,” she stated in a sort of deathly bliss. Without warning, she began to remove her top, exposing her bindings. She seemed to giggle. “This won't do… how silly of me…” and she stabbed the sword on the ground right beside them, and with her two hands, slowly begun to undo the bandages.
“Motoko, stop it,” Keitaro muttered with a bit more strength, his good arm stopped and held up one of her hands. “What's going on? What are you doing?”
“I am doing what I supposed to have done a long time ago…” she stated. “Now, my little Keitaro… let go so I can remove this restricting bandage.”
“No, Motoko,” he stated seriously. “Stop this… you're not being yourself.”
Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. A nasty frown appeared on her lips, and before Keitaro could do anything, he suddenly grunted as an electrical impulse went to his brain, translating as pain.
His eyes went towards the source of his suffering… his wounded shoulder. Motoko's free hand was there, squeezing it hard, and then harder. He shouted.
“AGGHHH!! Stop it Moto… ARGH!!”
“Do not dare talk back to me in that tone! You are mine!” she exclaimed as she squeezed more. “I will do whatever I want to you. You have no right to refuse!”
She kissed him again, but this time, it was not as enjoyable as the last one. It was more like being eaten than given a kiss. Keitaro groaned as she squeezed his bad shoulder again. Her free hand was feeling him on his thigh, going for his pants.
Through the pain, Keitaro tried to push Motoko away with his free hand, only for that to be slapped away, and suddenly, to his surprise he felt a hard hit across his face.
“Such a disobedient property,” Motoko growled. She squeezed his shoulder again. “Keep still, or I'll slice your arm off.”
“Agh…! Let go of me!” Keitaro muttered moving his body through the pain, and was able to raise a knee to put a wedge between him and Motoko. But it was no use as he was hit over and over again with her open palm. Keitaro could feel the stinging cut of his lip, and the hits took out his spirit.
She forcefully lowered his knee, and kept her position as close to him as possible. She laughed cruelly and licked his bleeding lip, and bit it rather painfully afterwards.
“Its no use, my Keitaro… no use…”
She grinned at him.
“You are mine, Keitaro… you are mine… you are all mine…”
“No… I'm not…” Keitaro growled. He grabbed her neck. “I'm not yours!”
Keitaro sat up again, holding his head, feeling the slight coldness on his damp back. He cursed as the memory of that day still continued to haunt him. He shook his head.
He had been having those dreams since yesterday, and it was one of the few reasons he's been feeling sleepy for the whole day. He kept waking up last night in random times, and Keitaro couldn't get enough sleep he needed.
Yawning awake, he rubbed the sleepiness of his eyes, and the sweat off his forehead. He looked at his watch, and sighed. It was already evening. Sleeping around like this was going to mess his internal clock.
He shook his head again, and stood up. He grabbed his discarded shirt, and checked his pants for his wallet. Inside was a respectable amount of cash, so he wouldn't need to withdraw from Keitaro's account again for a while.
Wearing his shoes, he exited the room and locked the door behind him. He greeted the innkeeper as exited the building, and breathed the cold night air. He yawned again and stretched his arms up, and scratched a spot behind his neck. His stomach grumbled silently, begging for some nutrition as he had skipped lunch altogether.
He smiled weakly, and walked towards the nearest restaurant. It was one of the few restaurants that Motoko showed him during the training. It mainly served ramen, but it also served buns, rice toppings and other meals. It was a staple that filled Keitaro decently, and was quite cheap too.
He was greeted by the owner's teen daughter outside, and he smiled in return.
“Good evening,” he said cheerfully.
“Evening, Urashima-san!” the girl replied. “Are you going to eat here too?”
“Yeah…” Too? What was the girl talking about?
“Then come in!” she smiled. “Enjoy the food!”
“Thanks,” Keitaro mumbled as he raised his hand to move the flap away from his face as he entered. “Evening.”
“A, Urashima-san!” the owner waved. “Whatcha need?”
“Well…” Keitaro was about order when in the corner of his eye, he caught another eye. He did a double-take when he saw a person with long luxurious black hair, porcelain skin, and red and white hakama looking back at him with equal surprise.
“Motoko…” he whispered inaudibly.
She looked away from him, her chopsticks dropping on the ground.
Keitaro smiled slightly, and shrugged. “I'm sorry, I'm not hungry actually. I'll be back later,” he said towards the owner.
“Uh… okay…”
Keitaro ignored the surprised daughter as he went out of the restaurant. He walked automatically back to his hotel room. He hadn't gotten far though when he heard the unmistakable sound of patting footsteps coming from behind him. He stopped, and slightly turned to see who it was.
He was surprised.
“Keitaro…!” Motoko stated, breathing slightly. “Wait…”
He turned, and faced her.
“C… can we talk?” she asked.
“Sure,” he readily replied. “Let's talk.”
To Be Continued…
I can't believe I actually wrote this chapter this fast… considering the fact it took me a month or so to do the last one. And this one took less than a week to make. ^_^;; I don't know… it's a bit different from the last one (one being more of conversation than narrative). I hope the quality's still the same, though my friend told me it's fine and good.
Anyways, those interested, these are the new anime's I've been watching.
Kaze no Stigma (a good example of the misunderstood hero facing against all odds) :P
Kindaichi Case Files (too few episodes fansubbed… damn, and it's very interesting too…)
You are Under Arrest Season 1 (a fave from my younger days…)
PLANETES (its interesting)
Scrapped Princess (also interesting)
I'm going to get Sumomo mo Momomo mo. I hear the male is an unappreciative love interest, but knowing the leading lady copies the Kamen Rider's poses as she does her martial arts move hooked me. XD
Anyways… when's the next chapter? Who knows again. Though here's a bonus for those still reading… it will be the last part of the training `arc'. After that, it's the face off against Tsuruko. Enjoy guys, and later!