Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

16 - Mistrust
“It's almost time…”
Those were the first words she said when Keitaro saw her again. The other Keitaro, who was supposedly living inside him, was no where to be found. And as more time passed, it hit him that he wasn't really anywhere he could recognize. The clear skies were now dark with crimson, and the white clouds were gray, turning almost black.
“What is almost time?” he asked.
“I have been expecting this since I let you know of my presence…” the young woman replied. “I am diminishing. My death accelerated when the other you had occupied this body. I had to speed up the process of the merge or else, your body wouldn't be able to handle the stress anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” Keitaro asked, worried.
“Kei-kun… my dear Kei-kun…” she slowly approached him. “The moment you remember me is the moment of my impending destiny.”
Her lips felt warm as it touched his. The deep kiss they shared felt familiar… in a memory faded away to obscurity. Images of himself holding a young woman as he cried freely on her deathly pale skin… her blue hair was messy wet, and her lips, still and not moving, yet almost whispering inaudible words.
“… you…” Keitaro stated. “It… it can't be…”
“Hush… the time for you to remember isn't now,” she whispered sadly. “For now… its time to wake up.”
When Keitaro woke up, he remembered almost nothing of his dream, but he felt the familiar warmth in his chest… a warmth he couldn't place well. He tried to feel it with his hands, but the movement he was able to move his limbs, he then remembered the night before.
Tsuruko. The woman had definitely done him in last night. After she fetched herself a bath robe, she came back to his still immovable body, and without effort, carried him to his room in a quiet fashion. Then, she stripped him, wiped him dry with a towel, and put him to his futon, and covered him with a blanket.
Keitaro could remember all the details because he was still conscious, still trying to move his limbs, but to no avail. She seemed to have noticed his struggle, and told him in a neutral manner that it was useless.
She took no pot shot at him… though he had expected at least one snide comment to rile him up. But she just tucked him in professionally, and without almost any emotion. He couldn't figure her out. One moment she was probably the number one bitch in the world, and the next moment, she acted like a nurse, wiping him so he probably wouldn't get shivers or even a cold.
But even with that, his anger and his goal didn't change. The woman did more damage to Motoko than him with her crazy antics. Last night was probably the worse. Keitaro knew much about physical pain, but emotional pain was something worse that lingers even after time. He knew as much, remembering the pain he had felt when he thought Mutsumi had died. He couldn't imagine how much pain Motoko must have felt.
Keitaro wasn't stupid. He knew that Motoko would be feeling betrayed, jealous and insecure about herself. She always kept comparing herself to her older sister, and held on to him like he was her life… she could never really bring herself to admit her feelings, but he knew well enough to not even ask.
How would he able to get her to be on her element once more?
He growled quietly as he looked towards his bag for his weapons and battle clothes. He dressed up in comfortable sleeveless shirt, and baggy pants. He wore his rubber shoes with it. The grey color was plain and didn't stand out, which was good.
He grabbed a few tightly wrapped plastic balls, each with a different color. There was white and red. When he put a couple at his pockets of his pants, he grabbed hold of the long covered stick, and placed it at his back.
There was a temporary pause, wondering if he should have bought a gun… but the availability of such weapon was very low in this country. In his home world, the U-faction, along with the A and M factions, not to mention the mages were under the support on a very hush-hush department of the Ministry of Japan. Without that support, the only place Keitaro had to go for guns is by the black market mostly run by Yakuza.
Guns would be expensive, and he would barely be able afford a decent handgun with Keitaro's bank money, and that was just the gun; the bullets were at separate price. With the skill of the former heir of the Aoyama Clan, he wondered how a simple handgun would be effective. He couldn't even stab her at the back, even at point blank range!
The woman could also expand her ki in ways to detect presence, and to announce hers. She could feel killing intent, and was quite a martial artist, able to pin him down in seconds without her weapon. A solution would be a long range rifle to be able to kill her from afar… but if he could barely afford a single handgun, how would he be able to get a rifle without doing anything illegal?
That, and the unknown factor as Tsuruko's full skills in question would diminish the use of projectile weapons such as guns. If there is anything his teacher taught him is that the most effective way to kill someone is up close and personal. The most complicated weapon to use is a knife, and the best weapon to have is your head.
Besides, he hated the Yakuza, and if there is a death waiting for Tsuruko, he wanted to see her eyes when it happens.
His door opened, revealing Motoko. Her eyes were red and puffy, looking at him tiredly. He looked back at her.
“Sister is calling us…” she muttered. “To the grounds. Our fight is there. See you there Urashima.”
And she closed the door before Keitaro could even speak. He cursed silently. Before he could even think about Tsuruko, he should have focused on gaining back Motoko.
He wore his arm guards. He hoped he could get some time alone with Motoko during the fight… or else, they would just be handing themselves to Tsuruko.
Keitaro went out towards the grounds, and spotted both Motoko and Tsuruko waiting for him. Both wore the same colored hakama, though unlike before, both tied the shoulder locks to fold the sleeve as so not to get in the way.
“Well, here comes our last character,” Tsuruko declared, smiling. “I hope you had a,” she paused, “pleasant rest, Urashima-kun.”
Motoko visibly went red. Keitaro's eyes narrowed further.
“Now, as you both know, our duel starts now,” the older Aoyama continued, ignoring both. “It's a one day duel. Anything goes, so come at me as you will. Though I prefer if all of us survive, who really knows what can happen in battle, right?”
Keitaro smirked slightly. Well, at least they had an advantage… he was sure Tsuruko would in no way try to kill them… she needed both him and Motoko alive to be married but the same won't go for Keitaro. He wouldn't need her alive… though he could bet that Motoko would stop him if he ever would get that far. If ever.
“Winner by KO, submission… on all participating sides,” Tsuruko declared.
Another advantage. For Tsuruko to win, she'd need to knock or make both of them submit… but it won't be the same for her. If Tsuruko was knocked out, it's over…
“Duel's location is here, on the Aoyama grounds,” Tsuruko smiled sweetly. “Prepare yourself for calling it home, Urashima-kun.”
Keitaro felt an itch in his finger, going for his arm guards. He wondered how she'd look like if they won.
“You have twenty-four hours to defeat me…” she paused. “I suggest you use as much time as you can. WE BEGIN!”
Keitaro readied to his form, and looked towards Motoko. He signaled her to take on one of their forms, when she was nowhere to be found. Keitaro's eyes widened suddenly when he heard her shout…
He took a glance. There she was, charging foolishly towards Tsuruko, who now had her small smile. With a clanging sound, sparks flew as Motoko's sword (he just noticed, and wondered where she got it) hit Tsuruko's sheathed sword. With another strike, the younger Aoyama took a slight step back as the older one blocked it again, the scabbard going against the sharp blade. Tsuruko's foot came out, and hit Motoko squarely in the gut, making her jump back.
That small fight lasted less than two seconds. The speed of the two was unbelievable… Keitaro could barely make out what was going on, but even before Motoko got up, he knew she was losing it. The younger Aoyama charged in again, her defense practically nil, and Tsuruko seemed to just smile, and blocked her attacks effortlessly.
“Hmmm… enraged, powerful… but unbalanced and quite reckless,” Tsuruko commented. Suddenly, her eyes shone. “Is this the level you put yourself into!?”
He saw it. Keitaro saw it. Her transference energy as she switched form, her left foot going back, her right foot sliding slightly forward as her arms realigned themselves, parrying Motoko's sword slightly, and she counter attacked. The sheathed sword would have hit Motoko on the head cleanly, probably knocking her out if it wasn't for Keitaro, who raised his arms, and blocked the strike.
“MOTKO! NOW!” Keitaro shouted as he waited for his partner to strike the open Aoyama when he suddenly felt a strong hit right to his cheek. Keitaro, confused, flew away from his position, landing on his back a few meters away.
It wasn't Tsuruko. The woman still held her sheathed nodachi with both her hands, looking towards his direction with a rather pleasantly surprised face. What hit him in the cheek was a flat palm, probably a backhanded slap, which could only come from one person.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” Keitaro shouted as he wiped his sore cheek, standing up. “MOTOKO!”
The younger Aoyama didn't look at him, her arm still extended from her slap. Slowly, she placed her arm back to the hilt of her sword.
“Get out of the way, Urashima,” she muttered. “You're interfering.”
Keitaro approached her. “Interfering?” he asked, his steps getting heavier as he approached. “We're a team, Aoyama!”
“I don't need you,” Motoko stated. “You'll just get in my way.”
“With your recklessness, even a damn idiot would defeat you!” he exclaimed. “I know your pissed, but this isn't exactly the time, Motoko!” and Keitaro was then suddenly facing the end of a blade. Motoko pointed her weapon towards him, and their eyes locked for a second.
“I will say this again,” she muttered in a cool voice. “Get out of my way.”
“Take that weapon away from my face, Aoyama, unless you want me to stab you with it,” he replied with equal coldness. The two glared to each other, seemingly ready to face off when Tsuruko's voice suddenly cut through the air like a knife.
“I do not wish to interfere, really,” she stated. “But until it's over, I suggest you don't take your eyes off me!”
Keitaro and Motoko noticed Tsuruko dashing towards them on the offense. Both jumped away from each other, evading Tsuruko's charge. The former prepared for an attack, because he knew the best tactics for taking out an opposing team is to first take out the weakest member of the party, and as much as it stung him, he was the weakest link of their team… but she never came.
Keitaro took a quick look at his surroundings, and noticed that Tsuruko was back again with Motoko. He seethed slightly, thinking that she's probably ignoring him because he wasn't much of a threat to her. He put his hand in his pocket, took out a white ball and followed the two sisters.
Motoko blocked an overhead swing, and tried to parry it with a slight twist, only for Tsuruko to sidestep, and take another swing towards her sister.
“Motoko-han… I'm disappointed,” she stated with a slight smile. “You're movements are sloppier than last time. Your swing is so barren it pains me to see you like this…”
Tsuruko twisted her sword, automatically deflecting a stab aimed at her face, pivoted, and with some force, pushed Motoko forward, using her own momentum against hers.
“But… I guess I should not blame you,” the older Aoyama continued. “You have after all, fallen for a man who does not return your feelings.”
“I…” Motoko paused when she blocked a strike. “… do not know what you are… TALKING ABOUT!” and she parried Tsuruko's last strike, and countered. Tsuruko didn't seem to take notice of the attack much, and with amazing agility, blocked, shifted, and attacked Motoko with a solid strike on her back in a second.
The younger Aoyama grumbled as she found herself kissing the ground. She turned, raised her sword, and defended her fallen form, expecting a continuous attack… but Tsuruko just seem to stand there, in a neutral stance. Her eyes seemed to ask her when she was going to stand up.
Quickly finding her footing to regain solid ground, Motoko's lips twitched slightly as Tsuruko just smiled. She charged in again with a stab. It was blocked again.
“Oh, come now, Motoko-chan…” Tsuruko stated calmly. “You really don't think I can't see that you are probably out of your mind right now?” She blocked another strike. “Your head isn't on the battlefield. You are playing shogi against yourself and no matter where you move you are always blocked. It's the Urashima boy… he is your goal.”
“Do not talk things that you do not know!” and she took another swing. It was blocked again.
“You should know, my little sister… how he really feels about this,” Tsuruko stated as she continued to block more strikes. “I mean, aren't you both fighting against me so you would not marry to each other?”
Motoko paused suddenly as the implication set it, and she wondered momentarily what her sister had said. It was true, wasn't it? Keitaro trained with her for only one reason… to beat her sister and to cancel their forced arrangement. Her heart suddenly ached as her stomach seemed to contract terribly at her thoughts that she left herself open.
“You lose,” Tsuruko whispered almost inaudibly as Motoko's static and lowered hands was clear to her. Her sheathed sword flew as fast as the wind towards Motoko's forehead. The younger Aoyama cursed, and realized too late that she couldn't block nor dodge the attack.
Suddenly, Tsuruko's eyes suddenly moved, something taking her focus. She quickly stopped her attack by forwarding her momentum right towards what Motoko could only describe as white stones. The older Aoyama hit the projectiles in their dead centers with one stroke only for it to break and spread out. White powder seemed to explode out of the impact, covering both of them in thick smog.
Rough hands grabbed Motoko, and dragged her away, while Tsuruko simply smiled inside her white surroundings. After a few minutes, she took a swing down, splitting the air around her, dispersing the smog.
“Simple yet effective weapon,” she stated to herself. She looked up, and spotted her bird flying to her. “I hope Keitaro-san wakes dear Motoko-han up… so we can really take this more seriously.” The bird landed on her extended arm. “Are you getting excited about this too? Fly, my friend… and guide me to their destination.”
The bird cawed before flying up in the air.
Keitaro checked behind the small hut he was hiding with for Tsuruko's presence. Besides him was Motoko who just sat there, unmoving. In the white mist of expanding smog, he was able to go in and take Motoko out before she could do anything stupid.
“I think we're clear,” he whispered to her. Motoko just sat there in silence. “Motoko, are you hurt?”
“Why would you care?” Motoko demanded. “You can stop the act, Urashima. We both know the truth.”
Keitaro looked around again. “And what truth is that?” he asked, his eyes searching for Tsuruko.
“You don't care about me. You are just here, using me to have your revenge and so you would not have me hanging around you as your wife,” she replied.
Keitaro paused for a moment, and stole a look. Motoko's head was down, and by the way she shivered, was seemingly trying to hide her tears. Her mumbling was downcast and didn't even have much strength. He sighed.
“I do care,” he replied.
“Oi!” Keitaro placed his index finger around his lips. “Shhh! Shh!”
He took another look around to see if Tsuruko had heard her scream the last bit before kneeling in front of Motoko.
“Yeah, you're right,” he muttered towards her. “This is revenge. She is treating me like a pawn. She is using me to `fix' you, not overly concerned about my opinion and feelings about this whole…” he paused to search for the right word, “fiasco. Yes, fiasco. And yes, you're also right about not wanting you as a wife…”
“See!” she cut him off, looking up. Her eyes were wet, yet angry as it stared back at Keitaro's. “You don't care, do you! You're just using me for your own selfish sake! You…”
She was cut off when Keitaro suddenly slapped her. For the second time, the pain reeled in shock as the memory of under the rain came back to her. Déjà vu. Like in the streets, Keitaro uncharacteristically (in her eyes) acted by having the gall to slap her and cutting her off. And then, she witnessed Keitaro's anger, sadness and pity in his eyes, as his arm suddenly pinned her by the neck.
“Urashima!” Motoko shouted as she tried in vain to push herself back, but she suddenly felt his lips on his. Her curses were muffled as her partner was forcing his way on her, and she suddenly felt going weak. When his lips parted from hers, she found her tongue again.
“What are you...”
And once again, she was cut off when Keitaro's lips touched hers again, but this time, she was able to move more a bit, hitting the man in the back weakly, repeatedly, but in the end, succumbed to the enjoying and lingering feeling of his kiss.
“Are you listening to yourself?” he asked between breathes and he separated from her. “You are right now a disgraced heir, demoted to only as a baby maker for the next generation Are you fine with not holding a sword, learning the ways of the sword, or have you forgotten what is truly at stake here?”
He looked at her seriously.
“Let me remind you then if you have forgotten! We're here to bring you back as the heir of your family School!” he exclaimed. He paused for a moment, his lips frowning. “I never lied to you, Motoko. I do care for you. I like you, alright? You're probably the best company I had for the past few weeks. I like you a lot… I do.” He sighed slightly. “But I won't marry you because we're forced to. If there is any reason to marry, it's because we both decide to. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?”
His sincerity, his eyes, and his lips may have caught her eyes, but his feelings synced with hers. Yes, she agreed with everything he said. It was a fairy-tale that most women, even she, would imagine. Even with her disdain for men who stole her older sister's heart, there were times where she would wish and imagine a prince in a white horse, or with an immaculate sword, taking her hand, where they would fall in love, and live happily ever after.
“If you think I'll forgive you for kissing my sister that easily because you kissed me like that...” she muttered with her last spurt of defiance, but she couldn't even finish before Keitaro spoke.
“It was a trap,” Keitaro muttered. “Your sister forced herself on me.”
Motoko just raised her eyebrows with incredulity.
“Look, you're a warrior, Motoko,” Keitaro stated. “If you knew you were going to face two opponents simultaneously, what's the first thing you do?”
“Eliminate their...”she paused, and her eyes widened, “Teamwork. Take away the trust they have, and you can easily pick out one after the other.”
“Exactly,” he nodded. “Your sister did a good number on us.”
“I... I don't know, Keitaro...” Motoko looked towards him slightly.
“Do you still doubt me after that kiss?” he asked with a slight smile.
“It's because you can kiss like that which makes me doubt you,” Motoko narrowed her eyes, though her lips were cracking its own smile. She suddenly frowned. “You changed Keitaro...”
Keitaro seemed to ignore her last statement, and looked around again. “I can't see your sister. I think she's waiting for us to appear, and hiding her presence somewhere.” He looked at her. “Motoko... are you okay now? Can we finally do what we came to do... partner?”
Motoko nodded.
“Good...” Keitaro muttered. He looked towards her weapon, and recognition came to his eyes. It was the same sword that Motoko in his world had given him, and broke when he tried to use it against a vampire. He felt a slight irritation at the memory.
“What are you doing with that practice sword? Why didn't it break during your battle with Tsuruko?”
The young Aoyama looked at her sword with confusion. After a moment, she caught up with his question, and nodded. “This is a sword that practices ki temperance. I place an exact amount of ki in it, and if I maintain it, I can use this sword as I would normally. You place too much Ki, it becomes brittle and easy to break. Put too little, and it won't be hard enough to withstand attacks and bends. I got so used to it I was able to use this practice sword like a regular one.”
“Useful training tool...” Keitaro muttered and then without delay, he explained his plan.
Motoko listened intently though at the back of her mind though, no matter how much Keitaro seemed to change, she could see his own personality deep inside him, and she found herself thinking that even though he had changed a lot, she didn't mind it one bit.
She liked him a lot better this way.
Keitaro looked around nervously. He unconsciously checked his forearms to see if his guards were still present. The wrapped weapon at his back only moved when he did, and while he not dare use it for now, it could be used as an extra protection cover.
He tried to extend his senses, but for some reason, the whole area began to close around him. He remembered the feeling slightly... it was like the time the vampires invaded his Hinata-sou, so he tried to shake any cobwebs around him. He could finally extend his senses slightly father than before.
He was sure now. Tsuruko was around. He looked around again, trying to feel his surroundings. It wasn't until something fast from his right caught his eye, and the wind shifting slightly around his ears and skin warned him of an incoming attack. He ducked, dodging Tsuruko's sheathed sword, and he countered with a few punches of his own.
Tsuruko moved left and right, dodging his measly attacks, but his eyes were on her legs. They didn't move. He smirked. Seemed that this was the limit. Her form of attack didn't let her step back nor at her sides, but forward. This was the best she can actually do; to dodge when she's in the offensive.
A few more punches, Keitaro gauged her limit. When he could finally see her pattern, he tried to push her even further. Tsuruko began to move slightly sluggishly away from him, and attacked again, but he was ready. He dodged her slashes, and at the same time, attacked her open angles to the limit.
“Hmmm... Urashima-san... you're much better than my sister gives you credit you in her letters,” Tsuruko stated, finally taking a step back. Her form was still on the offensive.
“Thanks,” he muttered back.
“But if you continue to battle like this, you will lose,” she suddenly said. “This isn't how your style is.”
“Save the talk until after battle!” Keitaro charged forward, and attacked again, only to pass her completely. She had dodged by turning to her side, pivoting her foot so she'd appear directly behind him, and attacked towards Keitaro's back.
The sound of metal and metal colliding sounded rather sweet to Keitaro's ears as he could see Motoko's graceful form, blocking her strike.
“Motoko-han... how surprising. Defending your husband this time?” Tsuruko declared with a smile. “Have you resolved your dispute?”
There was no reply as Keitaro attacked this time, and Tsuruko retreated, jumping back, and this time, changing her form once again. By her feet position, and the way she held her sheathed sword, she was now in the defensive. Keitaro looked towards Motoko, and nodded, and the younger Aoyama charged towards her older sister.
Again, metal met metal, but unlike before, Motoko's attacks were swift and true. No matter how well Tsuruko seemed to parry her attacks away, Motoko recovered fast, never overextended her attack, and kept herself calm.
Tsuruko smiled as she continued to defend.
“This is much better, my sister,” she stated. “But is this what you want?” Tsuruko blocked Motoko's continuous attacks. “If you defeat me... you'll lose him.”
Motoko's silence was her reply, and without pause, continued to attack calmly and evenly. Tsuruko smiled more naturally, and continued to block her attacks until she heard a slightly high pitched cry she recognized, and her eyes moved suddenly towards her side. She jumped away, dodging Keitaro's surprise attack on her back.
The young man cursed silently. He had thought he had her. Motoko distracted her well enough, and he was able to sneak in behind her without making his presence known, but somehow, she was able to dodge his attack. But no matter... this was the beginning. He finally got her weakness.
Her offensive form can only dodge but not block, and her defensive form could only block, but not dodge, hence why she could only jump away when he got her from a dead angle.
“Motoko... continue! Don't let her recover!” he shouted, and he ducked away again as Motoko charged in after her sister. Again, Tsuruko parried the attacks, but Keitaro sneaked away again, looking for the right time to strike. He went for her right this time, and again, she barely dodged his attack by jumping away, but like earlier, she showed an opening. Motoko spotted it, and without apprehension, attacked it.
Tsusurko was still able to cover and block it, but the attack left her severely unbalanced, and Keitaro charged this time, and attacked a new opening; her legs. Aiming low, he hit her hard and got her to fall.
Breaking her fall, Tsuruko flipped backwards, but before she could even recover fully, she once again met with Motoko's ki attack.
Hyakka RyÅran!” Motoko declared, and using her ki, she enveloped the air around her, and directed it towards Tsuruko. Flower petals appeared out of nowhere, and flew from the air to a straight line, and sliced its way towards the enemy. The older Aoyama's eyes narrowed, and unleashing her own ki, she released it upon the attack, and everything exploded outwards.
Keitaro was momentarily off balanced as the shockwave hit him, but when everything settled, he moved directly towards Motoko's unmoving form. She looked at the wall of smoke where her older sister had stood earlier.
“Did you get her?” he asked.
“I do not know, Keitaro...” Motoko replied, her hand slightly shaking.
“What's wrong?” he asked, taking notice, and before he knew it, he could feel himself shivering. A cold sweep of air seemed to penetrate his back, making him shake unconsciously.
The smoke finally cleared, and Tsuruko stood there, relatively unharmed. Her sword was now unsheathed, and her breathing was calm once again. Her smile was gone, replaced by unreadable lips, and her eyes were closed slightly. As she took a deep breathe, they opened, staring at the both of her attackers.
“Very good!” she commented, and then smiled. “Very good. You found out about my weakness, my two forms. As a martial artist and warrior, I commend you and you both earned my respect. But...” Her legs moved, and her arms moved again, going to her offensive form. “... it will take more than that to defeat me.”
“Keitaro....” Motoko called slightly, her voice shivering.
“Don't worry,” Keitaro muttered. “She is just scaring us. She's using her offensive form again. I'll try to attack, you cover me, and then we switch...”
Tsuruko suddenly changed her form. Her shining sword moved in the air in a circular motion, and went back to its position. She took deep breathes, and then, went back again to her offensive form.
“Come at me...” she stated, her smile gone.
Keitaro nodded, and charged, with Motoko following him behind. His first thought was to get the first attack through... force her to dodge first so they both would find their opening... but suddenly, she blocked his attack by tapping his offending extended arm with the side of her blade, changing its direction, and she moved in suddenly, turning her sword downwards, and let her sword hilt come up and hit Keitaro squarely in the jaw.
Keitaro flew, dazed. His vision was doubled, and a few moments later, he felt something or someone landing on top of him. He cursed, and shook his head, trying to shake away his dizziness, and when he finally came to, he could see Motoko right beside him, holding her head with her free hand.
What the hell happened? Tsuruko seemed to have used her sword to deflect his attack, and at the same time, attack. And she didn't even pause to throw Motoko back at him (he assumed it was Motoko who landed on top of him). He stood up steadily, and looked towards Tsuruko who just looked at him, waiting for him.
“What was that...” he muttered softly. He thought he said it in a way that no one would hear them, but he was surprised when someone replied.
SeikÅ«ken...” Tsuruko smiled. She moved her sword slightly again, forming a circle around her. “Urashima-san, in martial arts, ones adaptability is the key to one's success. You may have found my rather glaring weakness, but it doesn't mean I got by with just that.”
Her sword slashed downwards, pointing towards him.
“I shall now show you now how I carry the Aoyama name,” she stated. “I shall show you my skill as the former heir of this family!”
And with that, she charged towards him.
To Be Continued
Tsuruko is more than she seemed as she comes back at them with full force forcing the two challengers to retreat. How can they take back their momentum? Next, Heir of the Black Sword.
AU: I am so sorry. I really am. I shouldn't be making anymore promises, really... this time, I blame StarCraft. Yes, I found myself playing the missions of both the original and Brood War again and again. I improved my playing as a Zerg and Protoss player...
But thanks to this time-off, I was able to formulate my next K2 story. ^_^ This time, it will definitely feature the return of MT of the O-faction... she'll even have a few of her own leading chapters.
Ja ne!