Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: From Hinata-sou with Love ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Keitaro found Shinobu waving goodbye at Nina-chan who waved back, but not before giving Keitaro a rather neutral stare. He didn't think much of it… at least she was honest enough to admit his feelings for him earlier. His father once said that you can't please everyone… not even with well baked bread.
After she left though, Keitaro grabbed Shinobu's attention at once, explaining to her the situation. The girl was kind enough to nod at his requests without difficulty. One thing Keitaro noticed about Hinata-sou's tenants was they were close clustered as a family. Odd family, Keitaro had to add in the end. They got two male hating sisters, one flirty older sister, one genius eccentric, and the shy cook for little sisters.
Shinobu knew where the first aid was located, and quickly and efficiently, she got a thermometer, an ice bag, and some tablets. Nodding a bit at her actions, Keitaro briefly entertained the idea of Shinobu being a nurse or something close in the end. It fits her, certainly, being helpful, though her timid ness will be her greatest weakness. He's seen enough of hospitals to know how terrible some patients can be.
Accompanying Shinobu to Motoko's room, he spied a very annoyed looking Narusegawa who was expecting him with some sort of injury. He gave her a rather cheery smile, and she slammed her door with a loud `thump' as Shinobu and Keitaro continued to go to room 302. Knocking first they heard Kitsune's reply then proceeded to go in. Motoko was sleeping with a worried expression on her face.
Like a nurse, Shinobu began to set the ice bag, and took the thermometer and slowly nudged Motoko to awaken. At Keitaro's sight, she became rigid, and in Keitaro's opinion, was about to flail when Shinobu calmed her down.
“Motoko-sempai! Don't move!” Shinobu ordered in a rather strong voice. She stopped moving. “Good… Motoko-sempai, here… drink two of these, and let me get your temperature…”
Motoko nodded, and looked at Keitaro in the eyes, and after drinking her two medicine tablets, she said in a rather weak voice, “Urashima… get out of my room.”
Keitaro nodded, and complied. As he exited, he was joined by Kitsune who was smiling. “You know, that girl's gonna be alright.”
“Why do you say that?” Keitaro asked.
“Cause she's back to her old man hating ways,” Kitsune laughed.
“You make it sound like it's a good thing,” Keitaro replied, smiling.
“And you make it sound like that's a bad thing,” Kitsune countered. She nudged him. “So, how did it feel?”
“How did what feel?”
“Motoko's hair… skin… eyes… you went physically close to her,” Kitsune gave a rather sporting smile. “No one's been that close to her.”
Keitaro chuckled a bit. “Jealous now?”
She took her tongue out. “If I were, I'd never tell you… I'll just show you. And when you find out how I really feel… it's too late to escape.”
Keitaro smirked a bit. “I'd want to see that… but… in all seriousness, though, I felt nothing.” Smirking wider at Kitsune's disbelieved expression, he continued, “What I did back there was the best way I could see what was wrong with her. My hands were rather occupied with the sword and her arm. And… I was more concerned about her well being than how her skin felt.”
“Ooh, caring for her well being now?” Kitsune teased. “When did you guys start going out?”
Keitaro was tempted to roll his eyes. Actually, he might have because suddenly, Kitsune looked at him and growled. Without warning, she suddenly pinned him towards the wall, and like what he did earlier to Motoko, placed her face near his. A soft purr escaped her lips. Smiling, Keitaro said, “You are one very hungry carnivore.”
“I'm a fox, and you're my prey,” she said with a very calm voice, still smiling.
“Good thing predators only come at night to eat,” Keitaro replied with a very pronounced smirk. “And that preys run away from their predators.”
“I'll make you come to me anytime I want to,” she countered huskily.
Keitaro's hand began to explore her body. “Hmmm… if you were a fox… wouldn't you be naked?”
Her grin widened. “Hmmm… You want me naked?”
“If only my lady pleases,” Keitaro replied smoothly. They were about to kiss when suddenly, Naru's door opened, and her head peaked out. Kitsune disentangled herself from Keitaro, now leaning on the opposite wall. Keitaro put his arm back on his side.
“What were you two doing?” Naru asked with a low voice.
“We're playing a staring game, Naru-san,” Keitaro replied, looking her. “Want to join?”
“No, I'm studying,” Naru replied evenly. “And don't make too much noise… for a staring game, you guys are hella noisy.”
Kitsune's grin was ever present until Naru returned her head to the room, and a very ugly frown plastered in her face. “So much for privacy.”
Keitaro just smiled. “You know we were just lucky the first time. If it was any other day, someone would have seen us.”
“Like that would have stopped me,” Kitsune growled a bit. “I'm hot and bothered again.” She stared at Keitaro. “And I'm not going to wait for 30 or so minutes till I get what I want.”
Keitaro smiled, and without warning, dashed away from Kitsune. Surprised by the sudden action, Kitsune found herself frozen for a minute before a small smile appeared on her face. She giggled a bit, and then her smile turned predatorily. “Playing hard to get, Kei-chan?” She slowly followed. Kei-chan… she liked the sound of that. “Well, run all you want… but this fox is going to eat you alive.”
The chase was on... the clash of predator and prey as the predator stalked its prey… it promises to be a battle of epic proportions… well, that's how it was supposed to go, but the hunt ended almost instantaneously when Kitsune passed down a vacant room door, and unknown to her, the door slid open softly, and two hands grabbed her by surprise, dragging her in.
Keitaro was now the one who became a predator, pinning Kitsune to the floor, and kissing her deeply. His shirt was already removed, and now, he was slowly tantalizing her with his tongue, and his fingers running under her shirt. Shock got her there, pinned, but as soon as she recovered, she struck back, using all her strength to turn the tables on Keitaro and pin him to the floor this time.
She removed her shirt, and then kissed Keitaro back, who then turned the tables around her again, and kissed her on her naked chest. She groaned. “Uhh… you're aggressive today Kei-chan.”
“Well, Kitsune… I can't let you have all the fun now, can I?” Keitaro asked, smirking as he slowly kissed her stomach. His hands moved towards where his tongue was earlier, and she moaned as she felt the motion of his fingers. Then she felt the flurry of his kisses as it went lower from her abdomen. She sighed and gave herself up in content. Keitaro was having his way now with her, like last night, but even so she was enjoying it as much.
Looks like my fantasy of a little whip cream will have to wait… she thought with a rather evil smile.
While he began to show her his linguistic skills, a rather strange sound was going on outside. Not that Keitaro minded, and to what he was doing with Kitsune, she didn't also. Though it did get the ire of Naru, who shouted something far away.
An hour later…
Su was there was Keitaro exited the room, clothes a little worse with wear, and she smiled at him. Keitaro, not really knowing what to do, smiled as well. “Su… what are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you to get out,” Su said in a straight manner. She smiled. “I finally got to finish your plan.”
Keitaro paused a bit, and looked at Su. “… That was rather fast.”
Su laughed. “Ah well, you know… having my brains in high school means ultra-boring! Nothing really to do, ya know? So, I thought, yeah, let's be busy! Made my robots go and build the wall while you were busy with two tenants.”
Keitaro flashed a smile at the girl. “I wasn't that busy with Motoko,” he countered.
“Okay, okay… while you were busy with one,” Su bounced up and down as she walked. “So, how's Kitsune?”
“I wonder what you mean by that question,” Keitaro asked back.
Rolling her eyes, Su replied, “When I'm more hormonally ready, you'll know what I mean by `how'. But for now, just asking how she's doing.”
“Kitsune's feeling rather well,” Keitaro raised his eyebrow at Su. “Hormonally ready?”
“I'm still developing,” Su said with a wide smile, and flipped, landing on Keitaro's shoulders. “Carry me to the springs! Go! Go! Go!”
“Don't mind if I do,” Keitaro said, and seemed about to dash, but when he took his first step, he was still walking as fast as he was just moments ago. “Of course, I do it slowly.”
“Aw, you're no fun!” Su declared.
Keitaro chuckled, and continued on his way, still at the same speed. “I don't even know how to respond to your `I am still developing' quip. If I didn't know better, you know my little escapades I've had with Kitsune.”
“She didn't bother to keep her voice down,” Su took her tongue out in a silly manner. “Really now… good thing my little robots were working. Naru-Naru would have found out about you guys if they didn't make a racket about in the hotsprings.”
“Heh… you're cleverer than you look,” Keitaro complimented.
“Yeah,” she smiled in a silly manner again. “But still, better looking cleverer than you are.”
“Ouch! You wound me, my dear KU,” Keitaro laughed. “I guess I shouldn't bother about you knowing about me and Kitsune, eh?”
“Of course not. After a few years, it's me you're going to go for,” Su said in a rather final way that got Keitaro to blink a bit.
“Really? I will? Why?”
“Cause I'll grow up to be a beautiful sexy young woman,” Su nodded sagely. “And since we met earlier, we can pretty much by-pass having cold feet, introductions and just get it on with the action!”
Keitaro didn't know whether he was impressed or scared with this girl. She didn't look 15, she looked more like 10 except with the height. She was too light as well. Yet she is telling him she's gonna have a go at him when she's `hormonally ready'. “What if I refuse to take part in the action?” Keitaro asked.
“I'll make you,” Su said simply. Keitaro smiled, and shook his head slightly. The hot springs was already in view, and he was glad. As he was about to open the sliding door to the changing room, he suddenly noticed that the sliding door has been modified. There was now a smaller doorway with a sign saying `Male Dressing Room'. “Nice, eh? So you won't have to change with the girls… of course, doesn't stop any girl from joining…”
Keitaro laughed. Opening the guy's changing room, he looked at the rather narrow but still comfortable room and then proceeded to go outside. In the hot springs, a wall was now erected separating the girls from him. So far, everything looked well. Su seemed to notice his satisfaction because she jumped down from his shoulders and grinned at him.
“Impressive, KU,” Keitaro nodded. “Very impressive.”
“Ah well, it's a simple wall,” Su nodded. “It's quite sturdy but it won't stop Naru or Motoko if they want to get through.”
“And why would they want to get through?” Keitaro asked.
“Who knows,” Su shrugged. She smiled again. “But just in case.” Pausing a bit, Su asked Keitaro the last question she needed answered. “Keitaro… is the spring size alright with ya?”
Keitaro nodded, and looked at Su. “Su, when you grow old, you'll learn that size doesn't matter.”
“But you seem to like bigger sizes…” Su replied with a grin…
Keitaro smirked at her. “Theories such as those are just made of thin walls made of…” he gave a good knock at the wall, and finished his sentence, “plaster. I'm a man of simple tastes."
"Whatever you say..." she replied nonchalantly.
Dinner Table
That night…
“Everyone, I'm going up to bring this to Motoko-sempai,” Shinobu said with a bow, brining a tray of food towards Motoko who was still lying in bed. Everyone nodding, she took her leave, leaving Naru, Su, Kitsune and Keitaro in the table, eating their fill. After a while of silence as Naru now never talked anymore with Keitaro around and now even more silent when she saw the hot springs with a KU Wall, while Su, being her, just concentrated on eating, and Kitsune who never did talk unless something important came up, Keitaro briefly wondered if he was going to say anything.
“Hey, Kitsune,” Su saved him the trouble. “How come you smell like Keitaro?”
Kitsune suddenly choked on her food. “W… wha?”
Keitaro shot a look at Su, who was grinning like mad. Rolling his eyes, Keitaro just kept quiet. Naru though was looking like a bull that saw red. Giving him a loathing glare, he asked, “What?”
“Forget it!” Naru dropped her chopsticks. “I can't stand being around you. I'm eating somewhere else.” With that, she stood up, and left abruptly, taking her bowl with her.
Kitsune sighed, “That girl really hates you,” she stated to Keitaro, and looked at Su. “I don't know why you say I smell like him.”
“Cause I rode Keitaro today, and he smelled like your smell!” Su grabbed another piece of meal.
Keitaro watched with interest as Kitsune looked at Su rather oddly. He then smirked, and added his quip. “Is that so? Then maybe its time I give myself a bath. Naru-san may think of offence if Kitsune and I smell alike.”
“I may go grab a bath myself,” Kitsune smiled at Keitaro. With you, she added the last part in her head. “Maybe you can wash my back?”
Keitaro smiled rather weakly. She still wants to go? He was about to give another quip when suddenly, the lights began to flicker. Su's expression turned from happy-go-lucky to worry. After a few moments, the lights were gone. Naru's voice was suddenly heard, and even if Keitaro didn't hear it, Shinobu too was surprised. Motoko too, if she was awake.
Then, after a few clicks, Su suddenly opened an LED lighting device she got seemingly out of nowhere, and handed it to Keitaro. “Hmmm… this is fun!” Su said. “I'll get more lights and give em to Naru and Shinobu! Blackout! Blackout! Blackout!” And with that, she dashed away from the kitchen, her interest with food seemingly gone.
Kitsune watched a bit of apprehension in the absence of electricity, but then an absolutely evil idea popped in her head. Standing up, she approached Keitaro who raised his eyebrow in question. She straddled in his lap suddenly, and whispered softly in his ear, “Making love in the dark… does that sound enticing?”
Keitaro chuckled, and patted Kitsune in the back. “You are impossible, fox woman. Do you dare to attempt the wrath of the already lit fused Naru-san?”
“Yes… and it would even be more daring if we do it in your room,” Kitsune giggled.
“Didn't the last bite we had of each other satisfy you, my lady?” Keitaro asked with a half-serious, half-joking tone.
“Of course it did,” Kitsune purred a bit. “But it hasn't quenched my thirst of you yet.”
Keitaro smiled rather weirdly as the idea of Kitsune being a fox woman in her heat phase jumped to his head. Except fox women, as far as he knew, were much worse than this. He smiled. Haitani and Shirai didn't know what they are missing fantasizing about supernatural girls… “Hmmm… if my lady pleases…”
Kitsune grinned. Oh she had plans for Keitaro… yes, her Kei-chan. “Hmmm, let me get ready then… would you mind accompanying me to my room for a moment?”
Keitaro nodded, and both left the kitchen. With Kitsune behind him, they were walking in darkness where he felt rather weird suddenly. For a moment, he tried to prod his surroundings, only to feel nothing back. Shrugging a bit, he suddenly pulled back when he felt the absence of Kitsune's touch. Stopping for a moment, he looked back only to see Kitsune walking in a faster pace chasing him. She smirked at him, and purred, “Were you trying to run? You quickened your pace I almost wondered where you gone.”
Keitaro smiled sheepishly. He didn't notice. “Sorry, Kitsune, I think the darkness must have confused me for a moment.”
“Then let's go straight to your room, get you unconfused,” Kitsune smiled.
“Weren't we going to your room?” Keitaro asked.
“But your needs are more important than mine, Keitaro…” she said in a sing song voice, and smirked. “Want me to start removing my clothes here?”
Keitaro blinked. “You're either raving mad, or raving. And I think I love it…” he chuckled. Without an answer then, Kitsune slowly began to strip as they walked. Keitaro's smile slowly began to grow as Kitsune showed no abashment in her nakedness in the dark, and for some reason, it intensified his view of her. When they got to his room, he was already impatient to start already. Pushing her to the wall, he began to kiss her lavishly, and she too began to counter, her fingers trying to remove his shirt.
Kitsune grabbed the LED light that Keitaro was still holding, and turned it off. She then began a series of moves that suddenly engulfed his senses, and for the first time in Keitaro's known history, he began to groan at her movements. This was better than the first they met… and that time, she was at her most ferociousness. This was beyond that.
They had already been on the floor, rolling, trying to get the better of each other. Kitsune wasn't going to let him get her, and he loved trying to make her try. After a moment, she finally got the better of him, and she began to kiss him like an animal, biting his lips and licking his neck. He shivered.
A knock on the door stopped both Keitaro and Kitsune on their… tongues. Setting her aside gently, Keitaro walked towards the door and slid it slightly open. In the darkness, he could only see the silhouette of Naru, and not her face. He paused a bit, wondering if the darkness was covering his room to give the illusion that he was alone. “Naru-san… what do you -”
He didn't finish as Naru suddenly kissed him. Backing away, he felt Kitsune behind him, and both sandwiched him in between, kissing him; Naru her lips to his, and Kitsune, her lips at his back and neck. Their hands moving all over him, and he could feel their nakedness on his skin. His mind blanked as the pleasure flooded in, and he tried to fight back with his own kisses, only to be slowly pinned and ensnared by their actions.
So… this is how it feels like with two women, Keitaro thought. He wanted to voice his opinion but Kitsune and Naru were not giving him the pleasure of it. Slowly, he felt his pants being removed by two pair of hands. How am I supposed to give two women what they want at the same time? he thought with a touch of worry. He didn't want to just receive, he was a giver. But that thought seemed to vanish as well as they began to move their lips around his body.
A sudden movement and noise above the room of Keitaro, but he closed his eyes to ignored it. Wood scraping wood, and more movements… but he ignored it again. It wasn't until he heard Naru's voice did his eyes open.
“What's with all the damn… oh my God…”
There was another Naru, her head peeking at his ceiling, her hair following gravity. The other Naru seemed to mumble incoherently, and fell down, hitting her head on his floor, and slumping unconscious. Keitaro looked at the Naru at the floor, and then looked at the Naru who was naked, kissing him earlier, now staring at him with a rather cold smile.
“Don't mind her… enjoy us… we'll give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams…” the Naru and Kitsune behind him said.
“Sorry, but I prefer the originals,” Keitaro muttered as he cleared his head and blocked out his emotions for a second to deliver a hard punch at the ribs of Naru in front of him. She groaned, her hands stopping from touching him. With a swift motion, he elbowed Kitsune behind him, used his body to shift position to push her away with his shoulders, and gave her a hard kick in the stomach that let the Kitsune behind him fly away.
Grabbing the Naru in front of him, he shifted his feet and threw her over his shoulder towards the Kitsune he just kicked. Both shouted as they hit each other, and muttered in curses. Without wasted time, Keitaro rolled in the floor, and went for his pillow, and grabbed his gun underneath it, and aimed at Naru, and then his eyes shifted towards Kitsune a bit. They were still in the ground, staring at him through the shadows, still.
“Do you always keep your gun under your pillow?” the Naru clone asked.
“Dad always told me the importance of safe sex,” Keitaro stated evenly before he shot them both in the heads without much thought. The two clones fell, their legs giving way, and crumpled to the ground. Sighing, he walked towards Naru who fell on her head. She was breathing, and she didn't seem to have any serious injury. Keitaro smiled a bit. That was good. He'd have no explanation if she were to be paralyzed or injured grievously in his room. Motoko would take that as an act of attack, and would slice him in half.
A soft rustle behind him got Keitaro to raise his gun again, to see the two clones standing up, and smiling at him. Keitaro's mouth formed a shocked grimace. In their hands now, their nails were sharp, and when they grinned at him, he almost blanched. Sharp fangs… along with nails and immunity with his bullets; he could only think of one supernatural race with those properties.
“Vampires,” he cursed.
Now what?
To Be Continued…
Vampire assault on Hinata-sou… stakes now higher as Keitaro doesn't have the necessary ammunition against them, and a risk that there's more of them in the Inn. Next, showdown with vampires… and truth slowly revealed.