Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: From Hinata-sou with Love ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Keitaro shouted as Haruka fixed his shoulder. She didn't say much ever since she arrived once again in the lab, a moment after he returned. Su said that Haruka had to check on the tenants, made sure they were really safe. And when she was done, she returned, only to see Keitaro's sorry state. She offered to do the first aid while Su focused now on tracking the neko-lycan who just exited the dorm just minutes ago, and arming the bike that Keitaro asked.
“You should be a wrestler,” Haruka stated, bandaging Keitaro's thigh that was stabbed moments ago after disinfecting it. “They pay people to get beaten up.”
“Wrestling's fake,” Keitaro mumbled as he took three painkillers. He grabbed a few more bandages and began to wrap them around his chest. “Besides… you can just tap out in wrestling… those damn sadists wouldn't stop beating the hell out of me even if I begged.” He groaned as he felt a bit more pain before it began to dull thanks to the painkillers.
Haruka finished up with her work, and then smirked at Keitaro. “Alright, Keitaro. Where else did they hurt you? I'll kiss it and make better,” she teased with a lopsided grin. Keitaro just looked at her and chuckled, only for his ribs to groan in soreness, and he winced.
“H, if you knew where they'd hurt me, you wouldn't even say that,” Keitaro held his sides. The pain was almost leaving him now.
“Don't be shy, K2, I'm here to help after all,” Haruka said evenly.
Keitaro just rolled his eyes, and pointed at his groin. Haruka looked at where he was pointing, then glared at Keitaro. She was about to grab her paper fan when Keitaro stopped her, “WHOA! I'm injured here!”
“You're sicker than injured if you think I'll try … whatever… to your… whatever,” Haruka stuttered a bit.
Keitaro rolled his eyes. “You're the one that's sick, here, H. They did a good number on me… they knew where to hurt me.” Patting himself, he checked how the bandages were. They would hold until he got back, then he can relax and probably go to the hospital. Though he knew with his injuries, he wouldn't be doing any managerial or bed-time duties for some time.
Grabbing a bike suit with some padding, he wore it, and checked himself. Movement seemed okay, and he could wear a holster over it for his weapons. Now that he knew who he was fighting, he wasn't going to get caught with his pants down. He looked at the turtle that Mutsumi sent him, and it raised its flipper with another “Myuh.”
Keitaro took it, and looked at it. “Look… it may be uncomfortable for a while, but hang on for a bit, okay?” he asked the turtle, who seemed to nod before he stuffed it in his riding suit. He kept it half-way unzipped for the turtle's air. Grabbing another H&K USP Tactical and loading it with normal silver bullets (one without liquid silver inside) in case he needed them, he put them on his holster along with his own USP with the silver bullets.
“K2, why are you bringing the divine turtle?” Haruka asked. “The barrier it produces is made of mana… and with the anti-mana stone on the neko-lycan, you won't be able to use it.”
“Her,” Keitaro corrected. He still hasn't named the turtle yet, but maybe after tonight, he'll get to christen her. “Besides, don't worry… I'll find a way. That's what we do, right?”
As he was about to walk away, Haruka threw a C shaped cup at him made of hard material. Giving her a questioning glance, Keitaro smirked a bit, and Haruka could only say, “I'd like to have nieces and nephews one day… and you don't count.”
“I'm touched,” Keitaro stated, smiling. “So… what's the mission?”
“Retrieve the stone,” Haruka answered straight.
“What of the thief and infiltrator?” Keitaro asked with a rather cold edge in his voice.
“Normally, we'd say alive because of G's Neko-lycan protection act, but… since they are officially dead already, do what you will,” Haruka smirked at Keitaro. He nodded, and went towards the garage, where Su was fitting his bike. Checking everything on him, he grabbed a helmet to use.
“Here,” Su gave Keitaro a smaller earpiece communicator. “Last one's too big for the helmet to fit.”
“Status of the target?” Keitaro asked.
“Walking slowly… passed a few blocks already…” Su smiled. “She doesn't seem to be in a hurry.”
“Why should she?” Keitaro muttered softly. “To her, I'm being tortured and slowly killed by her sister. She's got the anti-mana stone, and now believes no one can stop her.”
Su nodded at that, and patted the bike. “Well, I loaded it with bullets, refueled the booster, and even added some more boom in the self-destruct,” Su smiled at the bike. “So, if you can't stop her with this, my guess is no one can.”
“Guess you'll watch over me?” Keitaro asked as he got on the bike, and started the engine. Su walked towards the wall, and pushed a button, making a whole section move upwards, revealing an incline, which Keitaro guessed would allow him to exit the lab.
“Yup… watch you so you won't get unnecessarily hurt,” Su smiled at him.
“Like my own personal guardian angel,” Keitaro smirked.
“More like a waiting bride,” Su took her tongue out at him.
Wearing his helmet, Keitaro had an amused smile on his face. “LETS RIDE!” he shouted, muffled through the helmet, and revved his bike. Shifting it to the first gear, he drove with a loud roar towards the incline, and drove through a long tunnel before he saw the exit where when the outside air hit him, he realized it was just the base of the stairs before Hinata-sou. Shifting to second gear, he smiled as he did a wheelie and raced across the night.
Shinata walked calmly in the deserted road. It was late already; people now sleeping home comfortably… well except that Urashima man. She was expecting her sister to bring him alive at their hideout. As much as she loved her very much, Shinata felt her sister was more of a sadist than she was… not that she minded. Neko-lycans seldom forgive and rarely forgive. For her, one Urashima's the same as the other and the poor chap was just born unlucky to have his great grandfather's face and voice.
As she got to a stoplight, she heard a bike slowly approach her. Looking at the driver, she couldn't see his face, covered in a darkened helmet, and his scent was mixed with fumes of the bike, though she swore she knew the smell. The stoplight was green, so she paused to let the bike passed, so she found nothing wrong as the bike seemed to accelerate. But when it suddenly break in front of her using the front wheel breaks, letting his rear wheel rise, she didn't expect the bike to turn and the rear wheel hitting her hard on the face.
She rolled on the ground, and she saw the driver get a gun out. She cursed, and rolled away as he shot at her. She barely dodged the bullets, and using all her supernatural speed to get away, dashing left to right, she jumped over the fence. Dashing towards a building, she saw a woman grabbing her keys to a Mazda 3 car, and without warning, gently knocked the woman unconscious from behind, grabbed the keys, and began to drive away.
“K2, to your left, two blocks, Mazda 3, grey color…” Su's voice stated clearly in his earpiece. Nodding, Keitaro downshifted and shifted his weight to his left as he turned. He then accelerated without losing any power.
Su was right… the car was right in front of him, ignoring traffic rules all over the place, and he tried to keep up, only for her to accelerate even more. He smiled and shifted to a higher gear and accelerated. When he got close and made sure that there was no one around, he flicked a switched, and his machine guns activated. Feeling the trigger appear on the handlebars, he began to shoot at the car.
Shinata cursed as she felt the rear glass break to pieces. She wasn't too worried about the gun bullets until one passed through her cheeks, and drew her blood. Her eyes widened and ducked cursing as she realized the bullets being fired were silver… not the ones that inject liquid silver in through a silver needle, but silver bullets. She turned to a sharp left, barely missing a lone pedestrian.
Keitaro turned left stopping his shots. He was about to deck the car again into swiss cheese when he realized that the car was going towards a crowded place. Cursing, he hid his machine gun, and grabbed the extra USP he brought, and accelerated towards the car's right side. When he was at the driver's level, he aimed towards Shinata, who saw him coming, suddenly swerved to the right.
Keitaro used his downshifted immediately, barely avoiding the crash. Instead, he aimed towards the rear tire and fired. It flattened immediately. Shinata cursed and accelerated but with one tire blown out, she didn't get much, and the response became sluggish. She went zigzag around the crowd crossing the street, barely hitting anyone, but she still was able to get clear roads, and with a little emergency brake, she was able to slide towards the right, and accelerated again.
Keitaro didn't follow her but immediately turned right, and went zigzag around the cars himself, with Su following him and Shinata, the satellite her eyes. He turned left, and looked at the clearing, and Keitaro spotted the car. He got an idea. Going right, parallel to where the car was traveling, he suddenly activated the bike's self destruct sequence and he accelerated asking Su for the car's position, calculating as he passed intersection to intersection.
“K2, whatcha doing?” Su demanded. “My comp here says you activated the self destruct sequence! It's counting at 20!”
He ignored her, and began to continue to calculate. He knew he was now way ahead of her, and when he felt the timing was right, he swerved towards left and stopped his bike.
“KU, tell me when the car is two blocks away!” Keitaro said.
“Roger… passing three… alright, it passed two!” Su stated. “15 seconds Keitaro till the bike goes boom! What are you doing?”
Keitaro didn't reply, and activated the jet booster. His whole bike suddenly began to vibrate and shake almost uncontrollably, and in less than a second, he went from 0 to almost 90 in 2 seconds. Still accelerating, he heard Su seemingly shout with glee as she watched Keitaro's bike shoot towards the unknowing Mazda.
The bike was counting 10 seconds when he saw the Mazda. He grabbed his watch, pressed the button, revealing the grappling hook, and aimed it to the nearest light post seconds before impact. The line extended, and pulled him up as the bike crashed into the car.
Shinata's eyes suddenly widened when she saw Keitaro's bike coming at her at 210 or so kilometers per hour. She didn't even have time to blink as the bike hit her side with an ugly sound of metal clashing metal. The car tipped over by the speed and acceleration of the bike that it twice rolled on the concrete, entering a park grounds. Shinata's eyes widened when she heard the bike counting down.
5… 4… 3… 2… have a nice day.
An explosion so loud it put the car in flames, inside out. The bike itself was totaled… some of its pieces flying in the air. Just a few meters away from the burning car, Keitaro removed his helmet, and smirked at the burning sight. “Burn, baby, burn,” he muttered coldly.
Then to his surprise, the burning car door was kicked open, and inside, out came a much burnt and very feral looking Shinata who was staring at him coldly. Her clothes were burnt completely, revealing a very naked neko-lycan, the stone of dreams attached to some sort of necklace which Keitaro guessed to be the original holding place of the stone.
Seeing his face, she growled. “You got balls following me after what I did to you!”
“Yeah, too bad your sister couldn't take those away,” Keitaro raised his gun at her. “I told you both… the world's going to know you died giving me a foot job. I did your sister… now, I'm doing you.”
Shinata's breath stopped. “… what do you mean?”
“You're sister is waiting for you in hell,” Keitaro muttered coldly. He pulled the trigger.
But that soon as he did, Shinata suddenly vanished from his view, and something hard hit his nose. Keitaro screamed as he fell back, dropping his gun, his nose bloodied. He felt another attack coming and dodged, and began to move away from her. After dodging another attack, he countered with a strong elbow to her gut. He thought it may have affected her, but when his attack hit, it felt like he just tried to hit a brick wall.
Keitaro's eyes widened when he saw the look on Shinata's face. She was glowing now, her ki beginning to show itself. Her eyes though… they looked at him and promised death. He took a step back momentarily, and turned around and began to run.
She roared at him. Fur began to sprout from her body, covering her breasts and crotch area. Her hands and feet grew claws. The stone of dreams was still around her neck. Her body then became more muscular, and her eyes became even more feral. Her teeth became even sharper. “You can run… but you cannot hide!!” she roared. She disappeared from view.
Keitaro felt and heard the running neko-lycan behind him, and her roar sent chills down his spine. He cursed. He wasted time talking to her. He should have just shot her when she was still in a state of disbelief. Now she's mad… really mad.
His back was suddenly swiped with sharp claws, and he shouted a bit in surprise, tripping. Falling on his back, he didn't have time to feel the ground because something forced him up, and grabbed his hand.
He saw Shinata, now fully embracing her savage side as she stared at his eyes with a feral grin. Her teeth showed how sharp they were at him, and he swallowed. He suddenly felt her fist ram towards his stomach in a force so strong, he thought her fist just passed through his guts. That almost put him unconscious, but she grabbed his neck, and kissed him again. Reviving him, she then twisted his arm, and placed his shoulder in a tree, and kicked at it.
Keitaro shouted as the shoulder that his aunt just fixed dislocated again. He was grabbed again by the neck and forced him to face her, and she gave him an uppercut so strong that he felt his jaw burst. Again, she kissed him, tasting the blood in his mouth with her tongue, reviving him, to feel more pain.
She was going to kill him… slowly and very painfully. Keitaro's mind could only process that thought as the pain was once again entering his system. Keitaro, focusing on his good arm, began to go towards the necklace where the stone was placed, ignoring the pain as she began to punch his ribs and gut to pieces. She got her licks in before finally, Keitaro, with all his strength, pulled the necklace and threw it away from them, unnoticed by Shinata, who was going to throw one punishing punch to his face.
The punch he was about to receive was suddenly blocked by a magic field. Shinata's eyes widened, and felt her own body break as the momentum shifted against her, effectively breaking her own arm. She roared loudly as she backed away from him, holding her broken arm. Keitaro turned around, placed his dislocated shoulder on the tree trunk, and hit it hard once. He screamed as he felt his shoulder connect.
Cursing out loud, trying to block the pain, he raised his extra gun at her, and was about to shoot when it was swiped away. Shinata was using her left arm now that her right arm was useless, and swiped towards Keitaro, only for her attack to be blocked again by a magical barrier. He then kicked her hard, and with all his remaining strength, he closed the distance on her and began to fight dirty.
Grabbing her arms, he began to give her headbutts so strong that his forehead was cut, then, releasing her arms, he began to jab his finger knuckles at her ribs, armpit, and her own nose. She growled in pain and annoyance, swiped at him again, only for him to duck, and he grabbed her tail, and yanked really hard.
She screamed, and turned around to swipe at him only for her attack to be dodged, and when Keitaro was behind her, he jumped on her back, and took the silver wire of his watch, wrapped it around her neck, and began to pull.
Shinata's roar was even louder as the silver came in contact with her skin. It burned through it like it was some sort of sharp wire as he began to garrote her. She tried valiantly to throw him off, only for Keitaro to tighten the hold. After a while, she finally got down to her knees, and with a final groan, fell face-ward to the floor.
Keitaro didn't stop pulling the chord until after a few moments where she stopped moving completely. Taking a few breathes for break, he began to stand up. He cursed as he still felt the pain on his body. Standing up after a moment, he went towards where he lost his first gun, and picked it up.
Behind him, Shinata shifted her body silently, crawling towards the second gun that Keitaro lost, she aimed at his back. The bullet inside the chamber looked at it saw the cylinder aiming at Keitaro's back, who suddenly turned around and shot at it.
The gun flew away from her hands, and Keitaro's aim now went towards the neko-lycan who slumped down, defeated. Walking towards her, Keitaro unzipped his coat, he grabbed the turtle that was still alive, apparently not hit with Shinata's barrage of punches at him. The turtle gave another soft `Myuh' before flying away in the air and landing on Keitaro's head.
Shinata began to laugh. “Divine Turtle of the Otohime's, eh? Is that why you took the stone away? And here I thought you were just desperate.” She unconsciously began to touch her neck.
Keitaro didn't reply, his face cold and icy as he aimed the gun at her face. She took a look at him, and then laughed again, weakly.
“You really do look like him… the face I see now is the face of Gendou. Do it, Mr. Urashima…” she said rather weakly. “Kill me. Like you did to my sister. Do what your grandfather will do.”
Keitaro's finger began to move, but it didn't pull the trigger. Still not lowering his aim, he said in a very even voice, “My mission is to bring the stone back. Your fate is mines to decide… and I'm tired of this.”
Lowering his gun, he began to walk towards where he threw the stone. Taking it, he spoke to Su. “Got the stone. Mission's over. Call the clean-up crew…”
“Gotcha…” Su's voice came clear. “Hey, K2s… how about that Neko-lycan?”
Keitaro turned around to see Shinata who was slumped on the ground, too tired to move. “She's been defeated…” he slowly felt tired, and checking out his bandages, he saw that his wounds have reopened. He leaned on a tree trunk, and slid down, sitting on the dirt. He placed the stone inside his bike suit, and looked in the sky. “KU… I'm done in a bad way… I am going to need help… so… please… hurry.”
With that, Keitaro lost consciousness, his hand still clutching the stone inside his bike suit.
A week has passed; Keitaro opened his eyes for the first time since his mission. First thing he saw was the rooftop of the Inn. Second was the face of Haruka who seemed to be satisfied with his awakening. Sitting up, Keitaro looked and saw that Kitsune, Su, Shinobu, Naru and Motoko were in his room, looking at him.
“S… sempai?” Shinobu asked first.
“Yeah…?” Keitaro muttered weakly, closing his eyes a bit, adjusting towards the light.
“He's okay!” Su suddenly declared, making a thumbs-up. Haruka smirked, while Kitsune giggled a bit. Naru didn't do anything, but she didn't sneer or frown, just watched him with neutral interest. Motoko seemed to be cured by her sickness, and apparently, nodded, and left the room.
Keitaro watched as Naru followed suit, and looked at the others with a questioning glance. Kitsune smiled. “Ignore them, handsome, they just came here as an obligation. So, how are ya feeling?”
“Yeah, sempai… how are you?” Shinobu asked softly. “You were asleep for almost a week.”
“I was?” Keitaro asked, looking at Haruka who nodded. “Well… no wonder I feel really well. Like a good night's sleep.”
Haruka then clapped her hand softly. “Alright, you guys go, I got something to talk to with my nephew.”
Su nodded, and left the premises at once. Shinobu followed suit, bowing as she exited, and Kitsune looked at Keitaro, and whispered in his ear, “You had a week of rest… so don't be surprised if I'll screw you silly soon.” She smiled as Keitaro seemed to react to that and smiled at her, and whispered in her ear.
“You are a fox woman…” he said.
“More than you know,” Kitsune winked, and left the room, sashaying a bit. Keitaro watched her with a small smirk in his face, and then looked at Haruka who seemed to be enjoying the ceiling. Keitaro laughed when he remembered Laharl doing the same thing in Kyoto.
“Is it me, or do you guys keep intentionally being blind at my… escapades?” Keitaro asked with a small smile.
“Would you rather want me to reveal your actions to everyone?” Haruka asked with a small frown.
“You won't anyways,” Keitaro responded at once. “You're not the type to spill secrets. You're the type that spills guts.” Haruka was about to grab her paper fan when Keitaro added, “And beautiful too.”
She groaned, and hid her fan. “One day… I'll by-pass that. Dress up and walk with me to the Tea House.”
After a few minutes…
Keitaro walked with his aunt down the stairs towards the Tea house. Not wanting to waste time, he made sure no one was around before he spoke. “So… what happened after I conked out?”
“Police and firemen were there as support, though we were able to make a story and pull a few strings to prevent your arrest for suspicion,” Haruka replied. “They found you unconscious, with the turtle on your head. You were hospitalized but we pulled a few strings to get you out and transferred to HQ, where we called a mage healer to get you prompted. He said you were very injured and quite lucky to even survive without permanent damage.”
“Where's Tama-chan?” Keitaro asked.
“Who?” Haruka replied.
“The turtle… I decided on the name,” Keitaro stated. Haruka gave him a look that got him to ask, “What?”
“Nothing… just… odd. The turtle's flying around the hot springs,” Haruka replied. Thinking for a moment about the name, Haruka asked, “Tama… Ball… of protection right?”
“Something like that,” Keitaro replied. “How about the tenants? Do they now know everything?”
“No… They all think you were hit by a car accidentally. I had used a sleeping gas to Shinobu to force her asleep, and Motoko was too sick to remember anything. Mitsune was already unconscious, and believes she fell asleep,” Haruka smirked. “Naru thinks she dreamt of seeing her double kissing you. It led to interesting actions the time you were still unconscious.”
“Don't want to know,” Keitaro stated. “How about Shinata?”
“Never found her,” Haruka opened the tea house, and let him in. “I'm not going to ask why you decided not to kill her, though its your choice, and you may have created a problem for yourself. G wants to talk to you about it.”
Locking the door, Haruka pushed a hidden button to reveal a big screen in one side of the wall of the tea house, and the screen flickered, and revealed Hina.
“Good morning,” Keitaro greeted his grandmother.
“Morning, K2. Sorry for not visiting you, but I had some things to take care of,” Hina stated evenly. “For the past week, I've reviewed the notes and files that KU and H sent me. As much as I am impressed by your accomplishments, I felt there are things that need to be fixed.”
Keitaro frowned a moment. Fix?
“I've asked Laharl to come to the Inn three days from now, where he will begin training and expanding your fighting abilities,” Hina stated. “As a U-agent, K2, you have the license to kill not be killed. Last week's beating you got almost took you completely out of commission. I'd not want that to repeat.” Hina paused. “As you fully aware, the Inn itself has its own special properties, and Laharl has many enemies. I will give you a mission: As you are trained, you are to protect Laharl by all means necessary. Are we clear on that?”
Keitaro's eyes narrowed. All means necessary was rarely a term used in his business. It was an extreme way of saying `do, or die trying'. “Clear, G. Loud and clear.”
“Good. Now, as for repayment, I cannot give you monetary means as a reward. The mission you partook was silent, and completely off the record,” Hina stated. “You killed a neko-lycan, and if found out, you can be put to death by my laws. So instead, I've arranged another kind of reward… call it a gift. This ensures your safety.”
“Thank you, G,” Keitaro said.
“Good. Now, I must go,” Hina stated. “Take care of yourself then.” The screen flickered and it went black. Keitaro looked at Haruka, who nodded. And with that, he left the tea house to finish some business he wished to attend.
Hinata-sou Rooftop…
Motoko sliced a falling leaf in half as she continued to practice her strokes. Her mind was cleared from everything that had happened. She pushed last week's embarrassing loss away from her mind, and continued to practice. It wasn't long though when she felt the male's presence climb up the stairs, and she readied herself.
“Aoyama-san,” Keitaro called neutrally.
Turning around, Motoko saw Keitaro carrying the sword that she gave him last week. “Challenging me, Urashima? Or a continuation of last week's… fiasco?”
Without a word, he unsheathed his sword, and gave her a rather cold stare. Motoko's tongue was lost, as she saw the blade shattered. He sheathed it again, and threw the sword at her feet. “A practice sword, Aoyama-san,” he said evenly yet icily. “You challenge me to a duel and give me a practice sword. Is this how Aoyama's uphold their honor?”
Motoko sputtered, and held her own sword down. “I… I didn't know…”
“Didn't know I'd notice, or use it for practice? What was the plan, Aoyama-san?” Keitaro's voice grew colder. “Duel me until you cut my sword in half, and call my defeat? Is that how you wanted it?”
“NO!” Motoko shouted, sheathing her own sword. Grabbing the sword Keitaro threw at her feet, she unsheathed it to see the blade. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, and decided to bow at him. “I… I apologize, Urashima,” she stated. “It was not my intention. I swear to that!”
“I will not take your word on that until I feel your actions will show that your words truly mean as you say,” Keitaro replied evenly. “Until then, Motoko-san, I suggest you avoid confronting me for the moment. You are more civil than Naru-san, but in my opinion, more dangerous to my health than her.”
Saying that, he turned around and left the flustered Motoko in the roof, and sighed walking downstairs. Walking towards the male's dressing room, and started to remove his clothes, and grabbing a towel. He needed a bath to relax. His body seemed fixed as a fiddle, but in his mind, he was still wincing at phantom pains he felt that long night.
When he opened the door to his part of the springs, he suddenly felt the pain return as he saw Shinata in front of him. Unconsciously, he went for his hip where he usually put his gun, only to feel nothing. He cursed silently.
“Mr. Urashima,” Shinata looked at him in the eyes.
“What do you want?” Keitaro demanded.
“I am not here for you, but my sister,” Shinata replied. “Didn't your supervisor tell you of my visit?”
“No…” Keitaro admitted. “Why she'd not arrest you is beyond me.”
“I just want my sister's body,” Shinata closed her eyes. Opening them, she walked to him in a steady pace. Keitaro didn't bother to back a step, and stood still. They came face to face at each other. “Since I'm not here to attack or anything, I've been given a temporary pass until I get her. I'll be burying her with my parents' grave.”
“Sounds splendid,” Keitaro stated evenly.
Shinata looked at him, then without warning, grabbed behind his head and gave him a full kiss. Keitaro didn't even have time to push her away until he felt her tongue on his mouth, and after a few seconds, let go. Her eyes coldly glared at him. Her smile became evil. “With that kiss, I swear an oath. On my blood, I will kill you, Mr. Urashima.”
Keitaro's spine shivered as she said that line, and watched her walk away from him, exiting the springs through the male's dressing quarters. After minutes, he felt a small trickle of fear in his throat, going down on his stomach and spreading around his body.
Without a word, he went to his side of the spring, and slid down. He looked up in the sky.
He just felt that his life just got more complicated than it was.
The End