Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ The Gate ❯ A Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Author's Note: This is going to be based mainly around the anime and the OVA, with new characters born from my imagination.
In pitch black darkness…
Voice: M…
Hikaru: What's that?
Voice: Magic Knights…
Hikaru: I hear…I hear someone calling…Who are you?
Voice: Magic Knights, don't go back…
Hikaru: Don't go back? Don't go back where? What do you mean? Who are you?!
Voice: …don't go back…
Hikaru: WAIT! Come back! Don't go back where?!
(Hikaru is running in a black void, she's reaching out to someone…)
Voice: Hikaru…
Hikaru: …that voice…its…
Voice: …Hikaru
Hikaru:…………………..Lant is? LANTIS!
(Hikaru wakes up from her bed in a sweat. She looks around confused. She then looks at her night stand and from the top drawer takes out an amulet, Lantis' amulet. She looks at for a while and then puts it around her neck and tucks it in her nightgown. She looks back at the night stand only to take a double look at the clock.)
Hikaru: WHA?!?!?! I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!
(There's two girls walking through the street, one of them has long blue hair and the other is blonde. Both of them are wearing the similar uniforms. The uniforms all had the same sailor look to it the only difference were the colors: blue, green, and Hikaru's which was red.)
Umi: I can't believe it has been three years already.
Fuu: Yes, I know what you mean Miss Umi. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were fighting against Lady Debonair.
Umi: And that Hikaru became pillar. I wonder what they're doing right now. I wonder what Clef is doing…but enough about that, what happened to Hikaru?
(From behind them, Hikaru was running along the stone walls of the house, using them as a shortcut to school. She jumps down and does a summersault in the air landing right in front of Umi and Fuu. Turning around with a flushed face and a smile…)
Fuu: …speaking of the devil.
Hikaru: Sorry I'm late you guys!
Umi: Took you long enough.
Umi: *sigh* I wonder what life is going to be like after this year.
Hikaru: What do you mean Umi?
Fuu: Don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind Miss Hikaru. You do remember that this is our last year in high school.
Hikaru: That's right! Time sure does fly!
Umi: Hikaru you have to stop spacing out we have to get ready for entrance exams so we could go to a good University.
Hikaru: I'm sorry Umi, it's just that…
(Hikaru looks down at her chest. Unconsciously she squeezes her amulet and gives a sigh. Umi comes from behind and hugs her.)
Umi: We all miss them.
Fuu: Ferio…I wonder what Ferio is doing right now.
Hikaru: I'm sorry you guys! I'm such an idiot bringing the past in to this right now…but its just that…that dream
Fuu: Its just that what Miss Hikaru?
Hikaru: Its just that…
Fuu: We better hurry if not we're all going to be late for school.
Umi: ok, so we'll meet up at Tokyo Tower after school alright?
Hikaru: wait, don't you have a fencing meeting today Umi?
Umi: it was cancelled, they're doing renovations.
Hikaru: oh ok. See you after school then!
(The girls part ways and they all start heading to their own schools. Hikaru starts to head for Hibiya High. She is greeted by her classmates as she walks in.)
Guy: Morning Hikaru.
Hikaru: Morning Kisho.
Kisho: You ready for our last year in High School?
Hikaru: …I guess.
Kisho: well… that's not the answer I was looking for; do you even know what school you're going to?
Hikaru: well of course I do!
Kisho: well…which one is it?
Hikaru: The one Umi and Fuu are going to. ^_^
Kisho: uh…Hikaru! Have you so much as even looked at any schools?!
Hikaru: well…not really. I always just assumed that me, Umi, and Fuu would all go to the same school.
Kisho: Hikaru you can't just leave others to choose for you. And even then you…
(The sliding door had opened and the teacher was at the door way. Everyone immediately sat down. Class had just started. The class was distributed in rows and columns: 5 rows, 7 columns. Hikaru sat near the window 3 rows from the back. She looks out the window and sees Tokyo Tower.)
Hikaru: What was that dream about? “don't go back”?
Voice: Hi……ka……ru
Hikaru: huh?!
(Hikaru starts to look around frantically but she sees nothing.)
Sensei: Is there something wrong Shidou-san?
Hikaru: eh? Oh no! Nothings wrong.
Sensei: Then please pay attention.
Hikaru: I'm sorry sensei. Who keeps calling me?
(Hikaru calms down and looks at her book. This time she feels like if someone is watching her. For some odd reason her body starts to shiver uncontrollably.)
Hikaru: What's going on? Why am I shivering?
(The entire classroom goes gray. Every one seems to be frozen in time. No one is moving, no one is breathing, and everyone is absolutely still.)
Hikaru: What's happening?!
(Hikaru stands up and keeps looking around. She heads for Kisho's desk and sees that he is not moving. She goes to the teacher and still no response. Without warning the room goes pitch black and everyone disappears.)
Hikaru: …?! It's just like in my dream! But why am I so afraid?
(Hikaru then sees a light from where the classroom window used to be. She walks towards it with caution still shivering with fear.)
Hikaru: …that light…so familiar…so warm…?!