Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Fan Fiction ❯ Movements ❯ 02 - Anticipation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dimension Terra is known as a dimension where there is high level of sophistication in several branches of magic, including some forms which the Bureau are unfamiliar with and are still studying. Yet, magic in itself is largely unknown to the general population of the dimension, save for the minority magic practitioners. This compounded with the fact that the technological advancements necessary for proper magical control and support are severely lacking make Terra one of the most unpredictable dimensions indirectly under the jurisdiction of the Bureau. According to past records, the magic practitioners of Terra had been known to create several magical artifacts that had later been designated as Class A Logias. Sentient magical dolls, a deck of magical cards which control specific types of magic and a wish-granting “Holy Grail” are just some of those which the Bureau knew of and are keeping track of. It is believed that more could have been in existence without the knowledge of the Bureau. All local operatives are advised to keep an eye out for any possible signs of Logia activities in the region and to report to their direct superiors immediately on confirmation.
Opening of TSAB's classified folder on Terran occurrences
After an amount of hesitation, he finally knocked on the door of Professor Dante. He could already smell the faint scent of lilies wafting from behind the door.
Come in.”
The voice was soft but firm. Despite her old age, the Professor of Element Transmutation (or more popularly known as alchemy) remained surprisingly virile and was still able to command much respect within the academy with her field of knowledge.
Gripping the knob, he looked around to make sure no one was around the corridor before he entered, then shutting the door quickly. The smell of lilies was even stronger inside the room, overwhelming any other possible smells that could have been around. Even if something died, one would still only smell the lilies.
The Professor turned from the device she was looking at, her wrinkled eyes widening at the student who just entered the office. Her dark witching robes swept behind her in contrast to the mass amount of deathly white lilies growing in pots big and small around the room. A smile of gladness crept onto her angular face.
Gabriel, welcome back. Are you safe?”
The voice, kindly, almost grandmotherly but full of anticipation.
Gabriel, the student in question nodded as he reached within his robes and took a small box out. With a small wand in his hand, he traced the sealing symbols on the box carefully. Once completed, the box opened with a soft click, revealing its contents to the Professor.
The Professor took the silver bracelet out from the box and studied it with interest, rubbing its smooth surface in her coarse fingers, sensing the magical potential within.
Good job. Good job.” she murmured, then she opened a drawer in the desk, placing the bracelet inside, alongside all the other assorted magical devices already within, “I think we would almost have enough.”
How is she?” she asked without looking back, returning her attention to the device. The device was in fact a crude but accurate miniature of the city, with every single building and street represented. Little orbs of light, like fireflies floated around the three dimensional map, inside buildings or on the streets.
She's fine...” the blond-haired wizard trainee replied, his facial features frowning in recollection and worry.
He needed to hurry. Just because she looked fine did not meant she actually was. Gabriel could sense that most of the time, she was hiding the pain from him. The quickly disappearing painkillers provided by the doctors also hinted that to him.
Where will my next target be?”
No hurry, no hurry...” the Professor soothed, gazing calmly at the map with satisfaction, “Don't you have class to go to now? I cannot hold my student back from classes, can I?”
You know, I already knew most of the spells they are teaching now,” Gabriel protested. He wanted to hurry, to get the stone created. “You taught me most of them yourself.”
The Professor chuckled, “Did I tell you that you reminded me of someone I once knew in the past? So talented and quick to learn.”
At least once a day.” came the quick reply.
And just as impatient too,” the Professor continued, “Go along. Come back after class. It will be where it will be”
With that, she shooed him out of the room, closing the door and the saturated scent of lilies from Gabriel. With a sigh of frustration, he trudged his way down the long, imposing corridor the school insisted on having, for his first lesson of the day. Advanced magical charms... perhaps.
Most of the time, he would just sleep through the lesson, partly because he already knew more advanced forms of it, mainly because of his lack of sleep from the previous night's nocturnal activities. After the classes end, he would go down to the Professor for the next location and then down to the hospital to visit her. It should soon be time for her to return from that depressing place.
Unlike the rest of the students who resided in the boarding facilities provided by the school, Gabriel was allowed to go home after school ended everyday, due to his more unique family situation. Unfortunately, that also meant that he needed to wake early to reach the academy on time. Even with magical aids, traveling across the country still took time. Yawning loudly without the care of the annoyed stares around him, Gabriel made his way reluctantly down to Room 64 of Mediana Magical Academy.
The landing by the plane was just as uncomfortable as when it took off. The queasy feeling combined with the ears popping made it truly unpleasant. Yet on the whole, the plane ride felt worth it, Fate had never managed to admire the view of the sky from truly above despite her experience with magically-aided flight before.
Having past through the customs with the rest of her team, she was faced with the throning crowd of the airport, tourists, locals, employees moving around in a vibrant, moving mass. Though Graham had chosen to stay in his homeland after leaving the bureau, he had still maintained links with Admiral Lindy as her father-in-law. He had volunteered his home as their headquarters for this mission.
In a way, that would make him her grandfather... not. It was not official, Fate reminded herself mentally as she looked towards her mother-hopeful, Admiral Lindy. According to her, his twin familiars, Lizaria and Liselotte had promised to welcome them at the airport and lead them to the prepared headquarters. Fate looked around the premises, her eyes searching for the pair. Though, they had not met since the end of the Tome of Darkness episode, they still kept in touched through video recording and letters with each other, a fond practice dated back from the period of time she was away from Terra and Nanoha.
Feei-too-chaan! Nanoha-chan!” It sounded familiar but definitely not those of the twin familiars they were expecting.
Since they were like the children of Graham and Admiral Lindy was his daughter-in-law, if she agreed to the adoption scheme, won't that make them her aunts-in-law? Fate found herself faced with the prospect of an infinite expansion of her family with just a single signature, not that it was un-welcomed, but rather it felt too sudden and too easy for one who had committed so much wrong in the past...
Feei-too-chaan! Nanoha-chan!” The familiar voice sounded off again with a larger degree of annoyance, followed by approaching footsteps.
Fate-chan...” Fate felt a tug on her sleeves to see a surprised Nanoha pointing towards where the shouts were coming from. She looked towards the direction.
Stunned silence reigned for a moment, interrupted only by running steps and squeaking wheels.
Uhm, Fate? Aren't they your...” Chrono leaned forward and asked softly into her ears.
Fate nodded.
Before them was Arisa, beaming and smirking in her full glory with her hands to her hips, her luggage behind her, despite the wheels, still worn out from all the merciless dragging along the floor. Suzuka, usually the more athletic one followed closely behind, her dark hair now tied into a ponytail trailing behind.
Arisa-chan... Suzuka-chan...” Nanoha said in awe, uncertainty could be detected from her voice. The same could be said for Fate. After all, who would expect friends who would follow them across the globe for the holidays. Fate could not decide if she should be very grateful to have such determined friends by her side, or she should become angry instead, an emotion that was so unfamiliar to her.
Admiral Lindy broke the stalemate between the gang of four. Tidying her shawl, she smiled so warmly and gently towards the 'intruders'. There was an air of resigned amusement in her tone as she knelt slightly to their height level and spoke.
Hello, Arisa-chan. Suzuka-chan. I have heard so much about the both of you. Welcome to England.”
The results were instantaneous. Arisa's satisfied look of victory disappeared as she quickly dusted herself and curtsy, “Good day, ma'am. My name is Arisa Bannings, friend of Nanoha-chan and Fate-chan... uhmm.” She seemed abnormally flustered and at a lost of words.
Suzuka followed behind with her own curtsy, “My name is Tsukimura Suzuka. Pleased to meet you for the first time...”
With a gentle laugh, Admiral Lindy stood up and bowed in return. “Lindy will do,” she said to Arisa, “Please do feel welcome while we wait for our hosts.”
That was when her cellphone rang its melodious tunes of Nana Mizuki's songs. She took the phone out and frowned slightly on looking at the caller's name. “Please pardon me,” she said apologetically as she walked aside to answer the call.
Wow,” Arisa whispered in awe to Fate, “Lindy-san is your admiral? She's really beautiful and friendly and kind of cool too...”
For a while, Fate felt pride swelling in her. Of course, Admiral Lindy was all that and more. Fate looked towards Admiral Lindy with admiration and pride. She was the perfect woman to her. Strong, beautiful, kind, gentle and more. She was really glad to have met such a kind soul. Someday, she hope to be like her. To have the chance to live with her had been a blessing on her life. Then there was the adoption to become her daughter...
It had to be too good to be true. Fate had always thought Precia to be her mother, even after everything, Precia, even when she told her in her face that she did not and never would love her, was still Fate's mother.
Even now.
She remembered a kind Precia once. A strong, beautiful, kind, gentle Precia. Those memories that have been inserted in her during her creation belonged to her origins, Alicia. The true daughter of Precia Testarossa. Yet, they felt real, were real but they did not rightfully belong to her-
Admiral Lindy, in a way, reminded her of the old Precia in her memories. It was a chance to have a real family again. Just like that dream she had back then while trapped in the Tome of Darkness but it was still too good to be true. Did she deserve such happiness?
Reality jolted her back. It was too good to be true. There was also the other matter at hand, despite the happy reunion between all the friends. Arisa and Suzuka had already joined their group as though they had always been part of it. Suzuka chatting cheerfully with Amy and Nanoha while Arisa looking around and observing everyone with evident interest.
Arisa-chan... why are you here?”
Because you two are here,” came the thoughtless reply, the replier peering curiously at Arf's behind, causing much annoyance and discomfort to the familiar.
But this is not Japan and we are on a...” Fate lowered her voice, conscious that she was in a public place, “mission. It could be dangerous for you and Suzuka-chan...”
Arisa stopped her observation and turned towards Fate, there was a look of confidence and expectancy on her, “We're friends, right? I am sure that between those missions, there will be time we can spend together, enjoy ourselves for the holiday.”
We won't get in your way,” Suzuka added, having overheard the conversation. She grabbed Fate's hand and looked directly into her eyes with a look of pure sincerity and hope.
We promise,” she added with a quick stern glance towards Arisa.
Yes, ma'am,.” Arisa answered somewhat half-heartedly before launching into another wave of conversation with Nanoha.
There was nothing that she can do about that girl, Fate shook her head and smiled silently in resignation. Once she decided on something, there was no way she would give up. In a way, that was why they were friends; the impulsive girl never gave up on their friendship no matter what.
At that point, Admiral Lindy finished her conversation with the caller on the cellphone and rejoined the group. A worried frown clouded her beautiful facial features as she clapped her hands to gather their attention.
Change of plans, we are heading to the local hospital,” she announced, “Graham will be meeting us there instead.”
Question, Lindy-san,” Nanoha raised her hand, “Why?”
A look of anxiety washed across her face while she bit her lower lips. Then Admiral Lindy answered.
Because Graham have been attacked by our target.”
Gabriel walked out of the depressing building with his hands tucked in his pockets. He hated the place. The chemical smell. The white walls. Those thoughtfully polite staff. Most of all, he hated what that place symbolized.
And that she had been living there for the past few weeks. At least it was almost time for her return.
They had a good talk just now. Talk about everyday things, his studies and stuffs like that. He was not really paying attention; his attention was drawn towards the new bottle of painkillers beside the bed.
He needed to hurry. He had been helpless in the past but at least, now, he had something to do. A wild desperate hope, but hope nevertheless. It was better than doing nothing and letting fate take its course.
Gabriel felt for the small piece of paper that the Professor had given him inside his pocket. His target for the night had been written on it. It was that place again, the house he had accidentally destroyed. Perhaps the Professor expected him to search the grounds to find anything of value that might be left behind. At least it should be an easy job this time; there might not even be fighting this time.
Pulling his cap down, the mage strode past the group of foreigners entering the building and made his way back to the apartment. He had to prepare himself for tonight's target, just in case. It was only a matter of hours before night fall.