Mega Man Fan Fiction ❯ Warmachine ❯ Chapter 11: A Memory Best Left Forgotten ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11: A Memory Best Left Forgotten

The Nordic Research Facility was located far to the north, surrounded by snowy wastelands and icy mountains. The facility itself housed many different projects, all funded by a corporation specializing in Reploid technology and Force Metal refining techniques. The building itself resembled a layered cake, each group of 5 floors growing smaller in size as the structure towered over the fences and private armed guards that protected the facility. Human guards wore thick clothing to protect from the cold while Reploids had been outfitted with the necessary protection from internal damage. Extremely low temperatures are as lethal to Reploids as they are to humans after all and in a surprisingly similar manner. The north side of the structure had been built into the mountain and was used to house the more dangerous experiments so the natural wall helped protect them from the environment, exposure and intruders. Vile watched the building from inside a hover car he and Nana had rented in the nearby city. They didn’t have the clearance to transfer directly into the facility, despite the invitation Nana had been able to get from the infatuated scientist. So they had been forced to drive the last few miles to the remote facility. What few plant life that still survived out here was covered in snow as they had come during one of the colder periods in the region. Vile lowered the binoculars as Nana opened the passenger car door and got out.

“You just stick tight here. I don’t think anything will go wrong. He seemed delighted to hear from me again after so long. I won’t be able to keep a com channel open though. I wasn’t able to create a secure transmission format because I have no idea what kind of security the place has.” She explained to which Vile simply nodded. Nana shut the car door and started walking down the hill towards the main entrance. Vile sighed, looking out the windshield at the snowy landscape. He hoped that Spectrum would show to alleviate some of the boredom.

The instant Nana reached the front gate it opened, allowing her access to the inner courtyard, passed the security fences and patrols. The young scientist immediately approached her.
“Nana! It’s been too long.” He spoke as he hugged the young operator with a wide smile.
“It’s good to see you Nett, you look well.” She replied as she was guided into the facility, out of the cold. Net wasn’t much taller than Nana, making him rather short for a male Reploid. His frame was mostly basic, functional and generic as with many science models. His boots, lower arms and chest were colored dark grey while his upper arms, legs and waist were a much lighter, almost white tint. His eyes were soft brown and his synthetic skin was quite pale. Short black locks of messy hair and a high-tech visor that was currently offline and in an upright position on top of his head finished the ‘nerdy’ look.
“Thank you, life’s been treating me well. I understand in your message you were interested in applying for one of the open positions here?” He asked.
Nana nodded. “This is one of the most advanced research facilities in the world, what better place to work?” She asked rhetorically. “Of course I’d never apply without first investigating a little and as soon as I heard you worked here as a team leader in the Force Metal department, well… I just had to ask for a tour.” She finished as they walked briskly through one of the many hallways of the compound. Work was obviously in full swing as scientists and other members of the staff hurried from post to post, some almost running into one another out of distraction.
“You’re right to do so, a new job is a big step, the better prepared you are, the more successful you’ll be. Sadly I can only show you my department but being a woman from Giga City, I think you’ll appreciate what we’ve accomplished with the Force Metal that made that city great.” Nett replied as he slid his access card through the slot next to a reinforced steel door. The painted lines on the floor and walls now changed color from a neutral grey to a soft green and several signs helped point employees in the correct direction for their designated work stations. Other signs also made it clear that they had now entered the Force Metal department. The pair continued to walk through the halls and Nana was able to look through several glass windows into the various laboratories on that floor.
“Many of our projects are top secret, so I can’t really elaborate on them.” Nett commented but stopped as they passed by one of the R&D labs.
“This is an interesting one.” He commented as he urged Nana to take a closer look. Inside the small laboratory a researcher was monitoring various energy readings and others statistics on his workstation while a basic small debris clearing Mechaniloid rested on a steel table. The mindless drone had been opened and hooked up to a device attached to the head of the table.
“What are they doing?” Nana asked.
“They’re studying the effects of Force Metal on Mechaniloids. You know as well as I do that the unique properties of Force Metal allow it to increase our potential. We’re still quite foggy on how that exactly works and we’re hoping that by engineering ways to make Force Metal increase the capabilities of Mechaniloids we’ll learn more about the internal workings of the process. Kind of like starting from an easy example and working your way up.” Nett explained before moving on. Nana had to admit to herself that it was hard for her not to forget the real reason she was there. Each of these projects were fields of great interest to her. But there were more important things at stake. Nett had said many of the research labs were off limits to guests but for some reason he was guiding her deeper into the compound. She began to suspect he was going to break more than a few rules to show her the more impressive projects they had going on. It made her feel guilty to think that Nett was risking his job for a lie.

“I’m not supposed to show you this, it’s all very hush-hush.” Nett whispered as he slid his key card through another slot and punched in a 24 digit code followed by two more swipes of his card, one up, the other down. After verifying the data the thick blast door slowly opened, allowing them entry into one of the labs built deeper into the mountain.
“What are you-?“ Nana was interrupted by a quiet ‘sshh’ from her friend.
“You’ll see, just keep up.” Nett added, clearly enthusiastic about this particular study and anxious to see her reaction. After passing several more secure blast doors they entered a large, dome-shaped room. It was at least 80 meters from one end to the other and high, thick columns erupted from the floor only to pierce through the ceiling again. Electric currents raced through the inside of the columns as they most likely fed power to the instruments in the room. The bottom of the dome’s walls was tiled with terminals, monitors and massive databanks used to process the information gathered from their studies. Tables covered by and cabinets filled with research equipment were scattered through the room and in the center of the room stood a massive super computer, towering over the two as they approached it. The sound of their boots on the cold steel floor echoed through the room for quite some time and the sounds only stopped when they halted in front of the gigantic computer.
“This room… It’s amazing. What on earth are you studying here?” Nana inquired, though she already knew what the answer to that question was going to be.
“Supra Force Metal. The last processed fragment remaining.” Nett answered, apparently not knowing of the government’s fragment or of its theft. “We started the initial studies and testing only a couple of days ago and that alone will take us years. The fragment is inside the computer right now, being analyzed for preliminary data. We’ve already piled up more than we can process before the computer adds more information.” Nett proclaimed with a broad smile before turning to face the pink-haired Reploid who had reached out and picked up some prints-outs of the data from a table.
“I might be able to pull some strings and get your application considered not only for this department but also for this study. I know for a fact we could use your experience on the subject.” Nett suggested. Nana smiled softly at the offer but did not look up from the papers. The readings were all off the charts, as she had expected. The way in which it had changed Redips’ body, how it had changed a skilled Hunter officer into an almost unstoppable killing machine. It was terrifying yet intriguing at the same time. The scientist in her wanted to know more, but the rest of her got a chilling feeling that Supra Force Metal might be something best left a mystery and buried somewhere deep underground, never to be used. She put down the papers and brushed her single white lock of hair aside before looking up at the slightly taller Reploid.
“This is amazing, I’m speechless.” Nana spoke.
“I was like that too when they first told me about the project. And in a lot of ways I still am every time I realize what this could mean. If we can harness this Force Metal and use its properties in a controlled manner and proportion… Well. There would be no limits to what we can accomplish. An inexhaustible energy source, personal energy shields capable of withstanding massive amounts of heat, cold and radiation allowing for study of places we never dared hope we would reach, the production of Reploid central processors capable of thought far beyond what we are capable of now, the ability to produce machines that can research diseases so fast that cures for the most lethal of today’s ailments are synthesized in a matter of days. The possibilities are truly endless.” Nett summarized, shaking his head as he looked up at the machine in awe.
Nana smiled at the man’s passion but there was sadness in her eyes. He was naïve. All his ideas were noble but all those advances would only be used for one thing: causing harm to others in the pursuit for personal gain. Humans had passed on their worst flaw to their creations. Colonel Redips’ insanity had proven it and the Hunter traitors who had helped it only further confirmed it.
“An inexhaustible energy source…” She repeated.
“Hm? Did you say something?” Nett asked.
“Just like some Force Metals can harden and shield materials and normal Reploid frames, is it safe to assume Supra Force Metal can do the same?” She asked Nett. The scientist nodded almost immediately.
“Of course. But like we learned with the incident in Giga City, direct exposure to the powers of Supra Force Metal is lethal to most Reploids. Without further study into ways of actually harnessing it, other Reploids will just end up like Colonel Redips probably would have, even if you hadn’t stopped him when you did.” Nett explained. “Why do you ask? You have an idea?” He asked, wondering if the genius operator already had theories brewing in her head.
Nana shook her head however. “No, I was just wondering.” She replied. There was no way to make absolutely sure but it was a good bet that whoever stole the Supra Force Metal knew it would be lethal to use directly on a Reploid. It was much more likely they’d need it for a weapon of some sorts. Something that required an energy source so massive it would become bulky, unwieldy and easily discovered. But with a fragment of Supra Force Metal there would no longer be a need for it to be so large or contain a power plant-sized generator. And there wouldn’t be a need for materials and components that can withstand the massive pressure and recoil of such a weapon because the Force Metal would reinforce the entire device. She suppressed a shiver at the thoughts she was having and instead bit her lower lip nervously. Nett was about to speak up when the entire structure suddenly trembled.
“What is that?! An earthquake?!” Nett asked as he grabbed hold of a nearby table to prevent from falling over.
“No! Listen! Explosions!” Nana shouted back over incredibly loud explosions coming from above them.

The instant the first explosion echoed through the mountains Vile opened the car door and got out of the vehicle to look for the source of the deafening noise. The Research Facility was in complete chaos. Several powerful bombs had been set off in most of the upper sections of the building as well as the courtyard. Many Reploids and staff members were covered under fallen debris and soon alarms began sounding and security switched over to full alert. Search and Rescue Mechaniloids poured from their hangars to provide aid to any injured and to put out the fires that had broken out all over the compound.
“What is going on?!” Vile shouted out loud as the flames reflected on his visor. This was definitely not the way Spectrum operated. It could be the giant Onslaught’s handiwork but Vile just couldn’t see anyone sending that walking tank to steal anything. Vile placed the palm of his hand against the side of his helmet, activating an unsecure communications channel to Nana.
“Nana, what the hell is going on down there?!” He shouted. The only answer he received was static however, angering the Renegade further, which he took out on the car. After punching a hole in the passenger door he turned his attention back to the building against the mountain face. The security detail was on high alert and was mostly likely under orders to shoot any unauthorized personnel on sight. They’d probably blame him for the bombings but he had to get to Nana. Activating his jet boots he took off for the structure.

The deeper sections of the facility began switching to auto-lockdown and the impenetrable blast doors began closing, locking Nana and Nett in.
“We can’t stay in here! If the fires spread to here we’ll be burned alive!” Nana stated.
“No, whoever is attacking is out there and most likely after what’s in here! This room is completely sealed. Nothing gets in or out, certainly not a few fires.” Nett reassured her. He then slammed his fist into one of the tables and clenched his teeth. “This is exactly why we’d hired him. He’s supposed to prevent incidents like this before they even happen. Grr, damn washed-up hero!” Nett cursed.
Nana tried to contact Vile outside but was as unsuccessful in setting up a stable link as her partner. She quickly turned her attention to one of the terminals and brought up the security feed from the cameras in the hallway outside.
“Why aren’t there any security patrols out there? If this is a likely place the assailant would come, shouldn’t there be armed guards on their way here?” Nana asked, looking up at Nett.
“I- I don’t know. I’m guessing they’re chasing down the attacker already, they know what they’re doing!” Nett replied. The scientist was rapidly losing his nerve and starting to panic.
The female operator looked at the monitor in worry, dearly hoping he was right. She never thought she’d ever wish for Vile to be nearby.

It was exactly like the Renegade had predicted. The security forces were authorized to use lethal suppressive force and seeing as how Vile, one of the worlds most wanted, was speeding through their checkpoints armed to the teeth, they quickly made him their primary target. He was going to have to fight his way through. Luckily the directions inside of the compound were crystal-clear and abundant. Finding his way to the Supra Force Metal lab would be easy, provided he survived the army of private guards the research corporation had hired. It didn’t take long for the guards to mount a defensive formation against Vile. They took cover behind parked vehicles and rubble, opening fire from that relative safety. Energy blasts raced passed the Renegade, forcing him to take evasive action. The explosions had badly damaged the entrance to the facility so the security detail had been unable to properly shut it off. Flying low, Vile approached the defensive line of the guards. He didn’t have time to dispatch them so he hoped to simply rush right passed their makeshift barricade. He fired several shots from his shoulder cannon, aimed for the two Reploids unfortunate enough to be right in his path. The leftmost wasn’t even able to cry out as his head was blasted apart. The Reploid on the right received a plasma shot to his chest, a blast that rend the plates and inner circuits apart like paper. With the way clear Vile switched over to his dash boots to give him a singular boost through the broken blast door. He easily passed under the semi-opened shutter before it collapsed entirely from damage. The small unit of guards waiting for him up ahead was caught completely by surprise due to the speed with which he’d entered the structure. Using his metal boots to skid across the ground, Vile braked to lose that speed rapidly. He still used the remaining momentum to knock a guard aside with a powerful bash of his fists. A second guard was also caught in his warpath as Vile passed him by, but not before gripping his neck and swinging the Reploid into his sergeant violently. A quick dash to his left allowed Vile to effectively avoid being pelted by the buster fire from the only two guards still upright. A grenade from the ex-Hunter’s knee reduced them to scrap metal however, catching the sergeant and knocked-out guard in the same explosion.

Many of the hallways had sustained heavy structural damage near the front of the facility due to their proximity to the blasts so Vile lost quite a lot of time by being forced to take detours around collapsed corridors. When he finally did reach the main corridor for the Force Metal department he narrowly dodged the incoming energy shots from a team of guards by taking cover behind a thick, concrete column. The unit was using similar cover and had been waiting for him on the other end of the corridor. Vile almost growled in anger and frustration at the lack of progress and began readying the rocket pack on his left shoulder. Bracing himself he peeked around the corner, instantly picking out his targets and memorizing their locations. As if it was nothing more than instinct he burst forth from cover and fired the prepared explosives. Before another shot could be fired each missile hit home and finished off the entire team in a swift and blindingly fast attack. Satisfied by his handiwork, Vile pressed onward, vaulting over the semi-broken column the guards had been using for cover.

Following the signs it didn’t take him long to find the Supra Force Metal lab but as he reached the last corner he had to turn he heard voices from around the corner. They didn’t belong to guards planning the defense of the place however. Vile pressed his back against the wall and looked around the corner.
“All you need is the key card! Please don’t hurt me!” A guard was begging for his life, his right hand clutching the stump where his left arm had once been. Vile’s red eye looked to his right briefly, spotting dispatched guards displaying similar injuries. They were saber wounds, but didn’t resemble Spectrum style. He returned his attention to the pleading guard.
“Relax. You’re getting worked up over nothing. This is all just business right? You’re a guard on a payroll, I’m a merc on a payroll. It’s the way things go in our line of work. Sorry.” The voice was calm and patronizingly friendly. The second Reploid was standing in front of the guard who had dropped down to the floor, his back to the wall and his eyes cast upward in fear. The other one was definitely no employee of the corporation. The armored parts of his body were colored a dark blue while his shoulders, hands, feet and pelvis were silver. The rest of his body was jet black with gold details on his armor while a red visor covered his eyes. A heavy helmet protected his head but apart from the see-through visor it left his face open. Long white-blue hair cascaded from the back of the helmet and his right hand slowly transformed into a buster.
“Please, n-!” The guard was ruthlessly terminated by the point-blank buster shot. Vile had seen enough to know that this was the Reploid behind the bombings. The Renegade walked out onto the hallway, his shoulder cannon ready to open fire while he readied the Vulcans in his fingertips.
“You’re responsible for all of this aren’t you? You part of the Revenants?” Vile asked. The tall Reploid was startled by the newcomer and turned to face him. His expression of surprise quickly changed back into a charming smile, baring perfect white teeth.
“Revenants?” The Reploid chuckled, placing one hand in his side while aiming his buster upward nonchalantly. “Nah. They’re all too hot-headed for my tastes. I work alone. Lets me get the job done the way I like it. Bombings aren’t really my style but it was the only way I could get in easily. Wait… You mean you don’t know who I am?” He asked.
“Am I supposed to?” Vile asked, crossing his arms confidently.
“Hehehe… You should. I just happen to be the greatest bounty hunter slash mercenary in the world. The name is Dynamo.” He introduced, adding a slight bow for effect.
“Never heard of you. But I’m guessing you’ve been hired to steal the Supra Force Metal?”
Dynamo was genuinely shocked by the other Reploid’s ignorance. “You wha? You serious? I only pulled off the biggest hijack in history. I was the one who took control of the Eurasia Colony.” He explained, referring to the catastrophe that resulted in the Sigma Virus being spread across the globe as well as having the colony crash into the earth, resulting in the death of hundreds of millions of people and Reploids.
“Humph. Makes you even crazier than I am.” Vile replied, losing his patience with the braggart in front of him.
Dynamo sighed and shook his head while reaching around to his back with his left hand. “But yes, you’re right. I am here for the Supra Force Metal. And I was hired by the same Reploid who has the Revenants on the payroll. I’m guessing he needed my expertise for this little task.”
“More like a new face would draw less attention. You put a lot of stock in your skills. Care to see if they match up to mine?” Vile asked, uncrossing his arms to take aim with his vulcans and cannon.
Dynamo grinned as his left hand gripped a steel saber grip attached to the back of his belt. Drawing the weapon he activated it, a violet energy stream bursting from both ends of the grip. Dynamo flurried the weapon briefly for show. “Now I know who you are. The helmet, the cannon, the attitude. You’re Vile. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fight you. Sigma had mentioned you once you know.” Dynamo stated.
“We’re not exactly on good terms so I couldn’t care less.” Vile shot back, finding it insulting to be mentioned in the same sentence as that insane demagogue.
“Too bad, we could have used you during the Eurasia Incident. But then again, you’re always so angry and rash. You need to keep your cool at all times, take it easy. If you let the fight and the circumstances get to you, you’ll lose perspective. I’ll gladly prove my point… while taking you up on your offer!” Dynamo smiled brightly as he rapidly rotated his left hand, the double-bladed saber spinning rapidly like an energy shield. Using the saber as a projectile he threw it at Vile, hoping to slice him apart. The Renegade’s reflexes were too good however as he ducked under the attack. Vile had only just straightened and readied himself to fire when he heard a familiar buzzing sound of an energy saber from behind him. Dynamo’s violet weapon worked like a boomerang and cut a deep gash in Vile’s right arm as it passed by on a return trajectory back to its owner. Dynamo grabbed hold of the weapon and continued to rotate it rapidly while Vile took aim.

“Take this!” He shouted as he opened fire. An endless spray of bullets spewed forth from his fingertips while his shoulder cannon fired powerful plasma shots in much slower succession. Each projectile was blocked by Dynamo’s saber shield however and once the mercenary had approached close enough to the Ex-Hunter he began slashing for Vile in a rapid flurry of elegant strikes. The Renegade was forced to halt his attack to dodge the lethal slashes. The violet saber effortlessly made deep gashes in the walls and floor, cutting through several pipes as Vile continually took steps backwards to avoid the attacks. Once he saw an opening Vile bashed his fist into Dynamo’s face, sending the taller Reploid stumbling back. Vile gripped his shoulder cannon tightly and fired a powerful blast of energy that he had been charging. Dynamo saw the attack coming however and jumped over Vile, the ceiling of the corridor not low enough to hamper the Reploid’s acrobatics. The blast reduced a pile of crates in the far end of the hallway to rubble and Vile turned around to once again face Dynamo. The mercenary had reactivated his buster and fired several blue energy shots. After travelling a certain distance each of the shots split up into multiple, smaller and less powerful spheres of energy.
“Split shots!” Vile identified as he quickly took cover behind a column, the wide spread of shots adding plenty of scorch marks to the floor, ceiling and walls of the hallway.
“Pretty good. Your reputation isn’t undeserved, that’s for sure. But like I said, you’re way too hotheaded. You’re like a berserker. I just have to pummel you hard enough to make you understand you’re fighting an uphill battle.” Dynamo stated before opening fire again, keeping Vile pinned while he closed the distance, one step at a time.

Nana was watching the security feed from the cameras outside in the hallway. She bit her lower lip at the fierce battle and clenched her hands into fists.
“What’s going on out there? Who are they?” Nett asked.
“Vile and Dynamo.” Nana replied, her eyes glued to the screen as she couldn’t believe she was rooting for Vile to win and get them out of trouble.
“Oh. Wait, who?! Are you serious?! They’re both after the Supra Force Metal?!” Nett exclaimed, realizing that two of the most dangerous Mavericks in the world were using his department for a playground.
“Just Dynamo.” Nana answered, not caring what Nett would be able to deduce from her knowing that.
“How do you know that?” He asked, looking at Nana in surprise. The female operator just shook her head. She was too engrossed with the fight outside to be bothered with giving her friend an explanation.
“Come on Vile…” She whispered.

Vile grunted as an energy shot hit the side of his cover, small debris scattering from the impact. *Come on… Throw your toy. You know you want to.* Vile thought and sure enough, once Dynamo was satisfied with the shortened distance between them he began spinning his double-bladed saber before throwing the weapon down the corridor. With its current trajectory it would cut cleanly through the column Vile was hiding behind, taking the Reploid with it of course. The instant the saber left Dynamo’s hand, Vile appeared from cover and dashed under the spinning blade. He knocked his elbow into the hilt as it passed overhead, sending the weapon spinning out of control and knocking it against a wall so it wouldn’t return.
“What?!” Dynamo raised his arms in the hopes of putting up a proper defense but it was futile. Vile closed the distance rapidly and with his usual merciless ferocity he struck with several blows of his fists. After two punches Dynamo’s guard was forced open and a third hit him square in his face. Vile’s steel heel dug into his opponent’s gut next, causing Dynamo to double over.
“Just shut up!” Vile shouted before connecting a powerful punch to Dynamo’s dropped chin, sending the mercenary flying. The Renegade hadn’t expected Dynamo to be as sturdy as he was however. The mercenary somersaulted in mid-air to recover and landed in a crouched position, almost losing his balance as the entire room was spinning. “You’re insane…” He muttered before raising his buster. He didn’t get a shot in however as Vile fired several shots from his shoulder cannon to damage Dynamo’s upper body. The talkative Reploid’s right hand started glowing however as he recalled his saber. Fortunately for Vile he only got a cut across the side of his helmet but it proved enough distraction for Dynamo to grip the hilt of the flying saber and firing several split shots. The energy blasts pelted Vile’s armor and another lethal slash from Dynamo added a deep gash across Vile’s chest. Now it was Vile’s turn to get sent airborne as Dynamo flexibly kicked upwards hard. Before hitting the ground the Ex-Hunter kick-started his jet boots, allowing him to recover. His left knee opened and his entire green and gold frame crackled with blue lightning as he fired an orb of electricity down to the ground. As the orb impacted with the steel floor it burst into arcing bolts of lightning that travelled rapidly across the tiles. Dynamo cried out in pain as he felt the shocks creep up his legs.
“I can’t move!” He exclaimed as his legs had stopped responding, as if frozen to the ground.
“This ends now!” Vile shouted angrily as he took aim and opened fire with several missiles. The explosives never reached their target as a barrage of energy shots from Dynamo’s buster made quick work of them.
A slight beeping noise alerted Dynamo to something and the Reploid narrowed his eyes. “Looks like I don’t have the time to end this fair and square so…” Dynamo smiled brightly as he took out a powerful explosive, most likely the same kind he had used in the bombings earlier. He clicked a small button in the middle of the rectangular device. “Remember. Stay cool.” Dynamo laughed as he hurled the device at Vile and it attached itself to the wall.
“Damnit!” Vile cursed as he quickly dived back to the ground. The massive explosion caused the entire section of the corridor to collapse and Dynamo was forced to protect himself by spinning his saber, cutting up any chunks of debris that headed his way. As the dust cleared the mercenary was pleased to see only rubble. Even if Vile had survived the explosion he’d be forced to take quite a detour or dig a way through. Either way, Dynamo was rid of the nuisance. The white-haired Reploid was pleased to find that he had regained use of his legs and he straightened himself with a deep groan. He needed to hurry if he wanted to get paid so he quickly ran for one of the blast doors that separated him from the Supra Force Metal lab. Using the key card he had gotten from one of the guards he started bypassing the lockdown.

Nana gasped as the massive explosion destroyed the camera she’d been using to keep track of what was going on out there. She pressed her hands against her chest and took a step back.
“No… Vile…” She whispered before being interrupted by Nett.
“He’s coming this way. I can’t let him steal the Supra Force Metal. Who knows what that madman wants it for!” The scientist proclaimed as he reached under one of the tables and pulled out a buster pistol.
“Don’t be a fool Nett! You don’t stand a chance. He’s going to kill you!” Nana urged as she turned to face her friend.
“You of all people should understand what’ll happen when this fragment falls into the wrong hands! It’ll be Giga City all over again. What if they use it to make a bomb? What if they set that bomb off in the middle of Central City?! Do you know how many people will die?!” He shouted. The sound of one of the last blast doors opening echoed eerily through the room and Nett raised the pistol, aiming for the final door to be opened.
“This isn’t worth dying for! You’re not a soldier Nett, you’re a scientist. You’ll be able to help find out where they’d take it; you’ll be able to prevent them from misusing the fragment!” Nana reasoned, hoping she got through to him. She didn’t want to see Nett harmed, it’s the last thing she wanted to happen.
Their discussion was interrupted by the sound of an energy stream cutting through the final blast door like a blow torch through metal. The violet saber of Dynamo cut an X-shaped pattern in the door and a solid kick of his blue right boot knocked the four pieces from their secure place. “You should listen to your lady friend, tough guy.” The mercenary added as he walked into the room and began making his way over to the pair.
“S-Stay back!” Nett threatened. His hands shook violently however, even if he had been able to pull the trigger he’d surely miss.
“Dynamo… What are you doing here? Was killing all those people on the colony… The poor people in South City not enough?” Nana asked, staring at the Maverick with vicious eyes.
“It was a job like any other. I did what I had to to get paid.” Dynamo justified as he continued to approach them.
“You monster. What does he want with it? Is it a weapon?” Nana asked.
“I don’t know. I learned a long time ago that in my line of work you better not ask too many questions.” He replied.
“Don’t take a single step closer! I will fire this weapon!” Nett threatened, his voice showing more resolve than before as he stepped in between Dynamo and Nana. The mercenary was quite clearly unfazed as he didn’t slow down. Once he had walked up to Nett close enough he nonchalantly swiped his saber once, cutting off most of the barrel of the buster pistol. Nett gasped in surprise and stuttered speechlessly.
“Tut tut.” Dynamo grinned as he wagged his index finger at Nett before kicking the scientist hard, knocking him into a table. The piece of furniture collapsed and research equipment tumbled to the floor around the injured Reploid. “And now for you. I don’t particularly enjoy harming beautiful women, but if you don’t get out of my way I might have to suck it up.” Dynamo threatened, looking down at the much shorter Nana.
The pink-haired Reploid showed her uncanny resolve however and did not take a single step. Instead she spread her arms in defiance. “I refuse to just let you take it. Nett’s right. It’s better to try and fail than to just sit idly by and watch you steal what doesn’t belong to you.” She stated.
Dynamo sighed but then shrugged. “So be it than, you brought this on yourself.” He added before raising his saber, ready to deal a lethal blow. Before he could bring the blade down on the defenseless operator however something crashed into Dynamo hard. The enormously powerful impact sent the Reploid flying across the entire room and into one of the power columns. The tower didn’t crumble but the impact had most definitely not been a good experience for the mercenary. Groaning in pain, Dynamo crawled to his knees and looked back at the center of the room to hopefully find the source of the attack. “There’s going to be hell to pay for whoever did that to me!” He shouted, apparently angered for a change.
Nana had closed her eyes in fear but as her execution seemed to be stalled she opened them and looked up at the massive Reploid that stood before her.
“Attacking a defenseless lady. You have no honor! I’m going to bring you to justice murderer, if it’s the last thing I do!”
“Y-you!” Nana’s eyes showed her happiness at the sight of the Reploid she knew all too well.