MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Orion ❯ Omega Style! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: Omega Style
Orion's Point Of View
I am finally settling into my new home. Sure, I miss my mom and dad, but what they did not tell me made me decide to stay here with my new friends.
We ran up the steps to the front door of Sci-Labs that Dr. Hikari opened for us.
“Why are you two back here?” he asked
“Papa the particles the scan detected we know what they are,” Netto panted.
I continued, “They are tachyons and neutrinos. The tachyons are fine, the neutrinos, however are not, they are the result of my atomic structure's decay incited by a runaway cascade effect.” It was then that I realized that I was not panting like Netto was.
“I can't help you, all I can do is a prototype neural energy transfer.”
“Like you did for Satio.” I asked.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” He said in a cool voice.
“Papa he already knows about Satio.” Netto said
“How?” he asked
“I'll tell you later. Right now I need to run something by you that could stop my decay.” I said impatiently.
“Go ahead, shoot.”
“Is a Cross Fusion with image data possible?” I asked.
“In theory it's possible, but it's never been attempted before.” He replied after a second of thought, “But it would require a Syncro Chip which are in short supply and a Dimensional Area which we cant supply you with and a power plant for the DA generator.”
“What would you think if I told you I had all three components?” Then I added, “And a power supply big enough to keep it running indefinitely?”
“I'd say you were lying it's not possible to sustain a stable DA indefinitely.” Dr. Hikari said shaking his head adding, “I can't let you just throw your life away.”
“Just let me try please my life literally depends on it!” I pleaded, “If you don't, I… I only have two days left.”
“Fine, give me the device with the data in it an come with me.” I handed him my DST and he pulled something out of his pocket and placed it above the DST pressing a few buttons. He handed the DST back to me, “I'll monitor the progress from the balcony. Just go through that door,” he pointed at a solid door at the end of the hall. “I'll explain what I did once we're ready to begin
“OK, I hope this solves my predicament.” I said walking toward the door at the end of the hall.
The door split open and I entered into a very large room. There were objects that were obviously from larger more complex things just lying on the ground the least damaged thing was a chamber next to a large destroyed tube it was the DA test chamber the, Beastman incident had apparently happened recently. Suddenly the chamber door whooshed open.
“Step inside” a voice said over the intercom.
I looked up to my left and saw Netto as well as Dr. Hikari, who was holding a laptop and typing furiously on it. I looked back at the chamber, and walked into it. A humming started and multi-colored hexagons appeared moving in seemingly random directions but never colliding with each other.
“This DA is too weak to support Cross Fusion but I can use it to monitor what ever happens in there.” He said then added smiling “If you so much as twitch I'll know about it.” He started to type again, “Now an icon should be on the lower screen it'll activate the Syncro-System. Now I have modified the image data that was of Saito I also put weapon programs into it incase this works. The rest I cannot even guess on so I have no grantee you'll live through this.”
“Thanks for letting me at least try.” I smiled, “If this is the last time I see you two good-bye.” I reached down and pressed the new icon on my DST a transparent green interlocking hexagon with the Hikari family seal behind it. Words rushed into my head and I screamed them, “Omega Style! Upload and Execute!”
I felt a warmth wash over me as I was blinded by my reflection on the chamber walls.
Point Of View Change to Dr. Hikari
My laptop was going mad, what ever was happening to Orion it was immense, suddenly I heard a distinct beep and an exotic particle count came up.
“The number of tachyons being emitted is dropping so is the number of neutrinos. He was right!” another window opened this one was a mass reading; it was falling like a rock. I pulled an energy emittion chart up, that was rocketing skywards. As his mass fell while his energy was rising more than twice as fast as it should. His mass was being converted into energy at an impossible rate; within milliseconds, the number was using powers of ten. Suddenly Netto screamed and crumpled in pain, “Netto!” I through the laptop toward a chair but missed and it skidded under three rows of chairs. I went and pulled Netto's head up to my neck when something exploded, three rows away, the laptop I had been holding only moments before I saw the blast ripple the air and tear the chairs out of their foundation like tissue paper some of them were flying with the blast toward Netto and myself
`This is the end' I thought as I closed my eyes and held my son tightly I felt a tear run down my cheek, all the way down to my neck. After a few heartbeats, I opened my eyes and turned toward where the explosion was. A figure in a suit was standing in between us and the explosion had his hands in front of his body with a multi-colored sphere emanating from them. Behind the barrier, there were parts from the chairs moving around in circles with a wave following each of them. The person turned his head enough that I saw his face; it was Orion. There was pain in his blue eyes and on his face but also a look of determination. He turned his head back toward the sphere and started to step back as he did the sphere got larger and the waves less pronounced.
He stepped next to me and offered his hand I grabbed it thinking he was helping me up, “Battle Chip: Area Steal, Execute!” the colors around me inverted and morphed then inverted again we were outside the DA chamber. A blast from the observation deck, the one we just escaped from, ripped through the 5 inch glass an continued toward us picking anything that was on the ground up. Orion braced for a blow and yelled, “Life Aura, Execute!”
A blue field appeared around Netto and myself but Orion was outside of it, the blast hit him and he began to move a little bit but no more than two inches. The blast ended and the field surrounding Netto and myself dissipated.
I looked at Orion; he turned around and gave me a thumb up before he fell onto one knee. The suit he was wearing was mainly golden rod with bright blue strips running down on ether side of him. I helped him up and then grabbed Netto.