MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Megaman X: World Crisis ❯ Mysterious Reploids ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: this story is based on the Megaman X Characters who
are owned by Capcom with some fictional characters added to it.
As the doctor emerged from the shadows, fear and unknown
gripped the Maverick Hunters. Ok, before we say anything else,
are you guys friend or foe demanded Zero. Well, if we were the
enemy, you would have been terminated by now isn't that right?
But as you can see, you were not only rescued, but repaired to full
capacity replied the doctor. Ok, good point, but who are you then
asked X. very well, my name is Dr. James Green. And this is the
underground hunter's organization. Underground? You mean this
place is a secret Maverick Hunter's base asked Zero. Yes, that is
correct. We built this place just a little while before Sama became a
world wide threat replied Dr. Green. So, where are we asked X. we
are back in the States, but near your city replied the Dr. Green. So,
how far did you take us asked Zero. Bout 1000 miles, but don't
worry, our group is well prepared. Doc, we need to ask you a
personal question, who was that reploid who saved us asked X. that
is my latest and most powerful design. He's an advanced form of a
reploid replied Dr. Green. Advanced? How so asked Zero. Well, I
have been studying your two scientists a lot, Dr. Light and Dr.
Wily. And I have done tons of research on the design of reploids.
So, recently I got a major breakthrough about how to revolutionize
the design of them replied Dr. Green. But if that's true, why didn't
you try to market the blueprints to the Reploid Factories asked X.
because the government didn't want to change, they were too
comfortable making the current designs because they're cheaper
and bring in more profits. So, that's when I decided to form my
own Maverick Hunter organization replied Dr. Green. Are you
serious? They rejected your ideas just because they could make
more money with their designs? Those greedy creeps! They could
have prevented the terrorist attack on the city said Zero angrily. I
know, but unfortunately, the government cares more about their
profits than the protection of the people and reploids, so, that's
why I help secretly. According to their law, my design is
considered illegal because I'm making reploids without their
consent, but I know this is the right thing to do reply Dr. Green.
Well, Doc, you have our thanks said X. you're welcome X, now
come, you two shall meet my strongest reploids. Dr. Green led X
and Zero to another room where they found the reploid and
another reploid they have never seen before. Doc, we have
completed our mission successfully replied the dark green reploid.
Good work, now, would you two introduce yourselves to our Class
S Hunters asked Dr. Green. It would be my pleasure, my name is
Laser Alloy, I am Class X Hunter and this is my partner, Amber.
Laser Alloy resembled a very strong dark green Maverick Hunter
Warrior. Amber looked a lot like Alia, except she had long red hair
and wore a blue and white outfit. Laser Alloy and Amber shook
hands with X and Zero. Hello, I've heard so much about you two. Is
it really true you both destroyed Sigma for good asked Amber. Yea,
we did, but we also had another Hunter helping us who we haven't
been able to find replied X. oh yes, Axl is his name right asked
Laser Alloy. How do you know so much about us, I feel like you
guys are either rivals or working undercover for Sama said Zero
feeling suspicious. Zero, we are not rivals or spies. We are fighting
against Sama and his terrorist threat. And besides, if we really were
spies, we wouldn't haven't helped you when the Air Force attacked
you replied Laser Alloy. Hmm, I guess not, but maybe you're
setting us up later when our guard is down replied Zero still not
fully convinced. Zero, that's enough, Laser Alloy saved us from
death, we are in his debt. I trust him, you need to quit thinking
everyone you know is gonna turn Maverick on you said X. Zero
lowered his head, sorry, its just, the president betrayed us and now
the whole army is on Sama's side. I mean, who can we turn to for
help. That's why were here Zero. We are going to bring Sama's
reign of terror down Dr. Green. And Zero, you should know that
the president was going to give Sama control even before you tried
to debate with him said Laser Alloy. What? Are you serious? How
could you know that demanded Zero. We have insiders in the
white house. Look at this video file replied Amber. Dr. Green
inserted a disc and showed it on a screen. This is before you arrived
and then after said Laser Alloy It showed the president talking to
one of Sama's agents. So, Mr. President, you give us control of the
country and we'll reward you handsomely. But if you refuse, you
and your people will die. How much will you pay me asked the
president. 1 billion dollars replied the agent. Whoa, yea, sounds
good to me. I'll make the announcement said the president Uh oh,
X and his team are coming, whatever you do, do not let them
persuade you. You know the consequences for rebelling replied the
agent. The video was paused. Zero was clinching his teeth. Are you
kidding me? The president gave control to Sama for a huge bribe?
Arrggh! I swear I will bring him down for this. Hold on, now after
you debated with him, this was recorded. Watch said Dr. Green.
The president was now alone. X and his Hunters are so dumb.
Asking me to defend this city? What nonsense! Who cares about
that now that I'm set for life? 1 billion dollars! I'm so rich said the
president happily. I'll make sure now that Sama gets everything he
wants and then some, even if that means the extermination of the
Maverick Hunters. The video was turned off. Zero was now on a
HIM, I'LL KILL HIM! X grabbed a hold of Zero. Zero, you're losing
it, you can't kill the president. If you do, they'll deactivate you.
Zero pushed X down. Outta my way X! Nobody is gonna stop me
from doing this. Zero, please, think rationally. You will be no
better than Sama if you pull this off said Laser Alloy, I can't and
won't let you. Zero realizing everyone would restrain him if he
tried to flee sat down dejected. I'm sorry, its just I thought the
government was on our side, I mean, we served them faithfully and
did the jobs we were given. What did we do to deserve this? Zero,
an evil person or reploid will do anything for money, even betray
the very people that stood by him replied Dr. Green. I guess so, ok,
I won't kill any human. But I want him prosecuted for selling us
out for money said Zero. Don't worry, when we finally destroy
Sama's group. The president will be going to jail for a very long
time due to embezzlement replied Laser Alloy. Now then, I do
believe you two have some insider info bout Sama's HQ said Dr.
Green. Yes, we found the coordinates to where Sama is hiding, and
we also found out that its underground and can only be entered
using a secret password replied Laser Alloy. Our detectors found it
full of nuclear bombs, rockets, missiles and biological weapons
that would make the humans deadly ill if released said Amber.
Well then, what are we waiting for, let's get Sama said Zero. Hold
on, we just can't go barging in there, remember the Air Force?
They'll be looking for us. We have to use deception to get by them
replied X. yea, ok, sure. Whatever it takes. We have to stop Sama
said Zero. Fine by me, ok Hunters, let's move out ordered Laser
Alloy. Wait, that's my position said X. I know, but I am a higher
class Hunter than you X, and this is our base don't forget replied
Laser Alloy. Hey, X is our leader, you may outrank him, but he's
still the commander of our group demanded Zero. Very well, we'll
compromise, I'll lead my troops and X can lead his. But we must be
working together if we're gonna beat Sama. Deal said Laser Alloy
negotiating. Sounds good to me, let's do it replied X. As the
Maverick Hunters came out from underground HQ, X's transmitter
went off. Hang on, this is X. X, are you guys ok? When we tried to
contact you, we got a dead signal said Alia. Its ok Alia, we were
almost destroyed by the Air Force, but we got some unexpected
help and got repaired replied X. really? That's great? Who was it
asked Alia. It was a group of an underground Maverick Hunters
who helped us out replied Zero. Awesome, I'd like to meet em
sometime, but I guess now is not a good time said Alia. Yea,
anyway, our new Maverick Hunter friend Laser Alloy is gonna get
us in the Sama's HQ. we're gonna bust open this operation wide
open replied X. well, good luck to you, oh by the way, your armors
are almost done, just gotta do another couple of repairs and they'll
be ready to go said Douglas. Awesome, well, we can't use em now,
but we'll be ready for em next mission. All right then, we're going
back to find Sama's HQ said X. X, you've already been there twice,
you've had major opposition, are you sure this a good idea asked
Alia. We have no choice, Sama must be stopped no matter what,
don't worry, we got more help this time and we will put an end to
his evil plans replied X. well, good luck to you guys, keep us
informed said Alia. 10-4. so, what's the plan asked Zero. I gotta a jet
for us; its state of the art replied Laser Alloy. Great, but how are we
gonna get past security asked Zero. Easy, I've duplicated the radar
code as of an Air Force Jet. We borrowed one and they detected us,
how are we gonna fool them asked X. simple, I have an insider in
the Air Force who will keep them preoccupied until we landed
replied Laser Alloy. Sounds good to me, let's go said Zero. Oh just
in case they do detect us again, this jet has onboard defenses, such
as missiles, magnets and smoke screens said Laser Alloy. Ok, let's
do it ordered X. the Maverick Hunters boarded Laser Alloy's jet
and headed once again to the Middle East. This time, the Maverick
Hunters made it to the Middle East without any trouble. Wow, that
was easy. You really do your homework said Zero amazed. Yep,
you gotta outsmart those who are the enemy to win the battle, now
let's find Sama's HQ. X, Zero, Laser Alloy and Amber began
walking around scouting as had been before the Air Force attacked.
1 hr later, there were still no clues to be found. Great, how are we
gonna find Sama is this stupid desert said Zero irritated. Sama has
really hidden his fortress well. But I have an idea. Lets…. uh oh,
JQuada member, duck shouted Laser Alloy. The Maverick Hunters
hid behind a sand dune as a member of Sama's group walked by.
Then, all of a sudden he stopped. What's he doing pondered X.
then he shouted a code: moonJallah! Suddenly, the ground
rumbled and opened up to reveal a staircase. The JQuada member
walked in. so that's where they hide out said Zero. C'mon guys, we
gotta get in there before the hole closes again said Laser Alloy. The
Maverick Hunters ran in, beating the door before it closed.
Ok team; let's put a stop to Sama's reign of terror for good said X.
As the Maverick Hunters enter Sama's HQ, what trials await them?
Will they able to stop Sama's group for good? Will they finally bring world peace? And does Sama know anything about where Axl is?
Find in Chapter 6.