Mirage Of Blaze Fan Fiction ❯ Games ❯ Games ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Don't own the characters, just using them for pure unadulterated sex. <EG> Credit to the
mirageofblaze yahoo group for translations of the hotel room scene in the second OVA. This
contains some spoilers for the OVA but mostly dialogue.


Stupid challenge, thrown out in the heat of the moment, another way to whittle at Naoe's
preternatural calm. Or maybe it was in response to the looks Naoe cast him, when he didn't think
Takaya was aware of his scrutiny. As if Takaya couldn't feel the heat of those tormented, needing
eyes on him, like the gripping cruel force of Naoe's hands on him when the darkness surged up
to swallow his placid demeanor. Wanting to be wanted, was that it? And part of him wanting the
rejection instead, wanting to push Naoe so hard that he would only hurt him, to prove to him that
it was all he could expect of the people in his life. His father had hurt him, his mother had
abandoned him...why should Naoe be any different?

In any case, he'd lost and he had a forfeit to pay.

He sat on the edge of the hotel room bed, hands knotted tightly together in his lap, all too aware
of Naoe standing by the window. Calm and smug in his victory, probably waiting for Takaya to
invite him over to the bed, lay back and spread his legs like a woman. Let him...let him do the
things he'd threatened to do, those few times Takaya had been able to prick his anger. Take him,
possess him, tear him apart...

Get out of there, is what he should do. Run as far and fast from Naoe as he could. But no matter
how he tried, where he went, events always seemed to act against him and there would be Naoe
again. Tied with a damned perverse red ribbon of fate, bound together in a cycle they were
doomed to repeat for eternity and not remembering why Naoe hated him, what he might have
done to gain that hate or what Naoe had done to him to earn his hate.

A soft exhale of breath and the purposeful tread of shoes on carpeted floor warned him of Naoe's
approach. He swore he could feel the passage of Naoe's fingers through the air before they
touched his cheek, brushed up to thread through dangling dark hair. But it was his whisper that
made Takaya flinch away, not that seeming gentle touch. It was that name, the one he could lace
with such deference and respect, and then hate.


He ducked away from Naoe's hand, squeezing eyes tightly shut and digging nails into his hands
as a traitorous tremor ran through his body. "Don't call me that," he hissed through clenched
teeth. Always that name, that person, and never seeing him! Blaming him for things he couldn't
remember, things that person had done, expecting him to play these twisted little games when he
didn't know the rules. It made him hate Kagetora and that was all messed up, because he was
Kagetora, or so they kept telling him...

"Takaya." Another touch, the placing of fingers beneath his chin to urge it up, and slowly he
opened his eyes, steeling himself for the mad darkness that he would see, the chilling intent to
hurt and punish. But there was none of that in Naoe's eyes and the smile was not smug, merely
wistful and maybe a little sad. Hand slid up to cup his cheek and he wanted to lean into it, rub
against it, to believe that this moment was about tenderness and affection...but it wasn't. It was
about power and control and he'd lost and Naoe had won and now it was time to give up his

He pulled back from Naoe's touch and brought knees up to set feet on the bed, turning silently to
stretch out on it. If he laid still, didn't fight it, didn't fight Naoe, then it would be over all the
sooner. He'd survived it before, hadn't he, rape and humiliation, or at least he'd come through it.
And he'd come through it now too. He'd come through it with a hate for Naoe as bright and
vicious as the one Naoe seemed to bear for him.

The bed creaked under Naoe's weight and he tensed, telling himself not to look, not to remember
again the last time they'd been like this. Naoe saying, I hate you, want to make an end, want to
defeat you, and throwing him down on the bed, stripping him of his shirt, hand down his pants to
pull at flesh that refused to rise. I want to kill you in my embrace, using this body to violate you.
The slide show flashes of memory, of nightmarish figures looming over him, hands and mouths
on him, touching, squeezing, pulling, the burning pain of entry, and only his scream to stop Naoe
from doing the same. But no scream would stop Naoe this time, because Naoe was the winner

Nothing from Naoe, just the looming presence of him, and Takaya had to look, to know. Naoe
bland and impenetrable, no smile, no sign of what he intended to do, nothing from him at all.
Calm before the tsunami, who knew, Naoe himself probably didn't know, and he would lay it at
Kagetora's feet, that he made him mad. "Don't..." Don't hurt me, he wanted to say, but pride
closed his throat, wouldn't let him say the words. Begging only sweetened the victory and he
would not do that.

Naoe leaned in and Takaya stared defiantly up at him, resisting the urge to turn his head away
and bury his face in the pillow. He would not give Naoe the satisfaction, he would play the cold
heartless bastard Naoe thought he was...

Naoe's mouth twitched under the strength of his glare and then he was swooping down on
Takaya, hands catching at his shoulders as mouth pressed down on his. Firm at first, so that he
stiffened under the pressure, expecting hands to pull at clothing, mouth to grind against his, but
the mouth against his softened, lips parting to let the coaxing tip of tongue out to play against his
own lips. Hands came up to cup his head as tongue teased and cajoled sealed lips, exhorting them
to part, to allow it inside. Not forcing him and perhaps that was why he let it in, certainly not
because he wanted it.

He tasted of cigarettes and sake, something smooth and sweet, not the rotgut Takaya's father
drank. The flavor of it coated the tongue that slipped past yielding lips, transferring to his own as
it twined slyly around his, giving it a parting flick before it retreated, mouth lifting from his. A
thumb rubbed almost roughly across the fullness of his lower lip and Naoe's mouth was there
again, harder this time, pulling greedily on his. Fear flickered through him, at once chilling and
hot, and he reached up to wrap fingers in the front of Naoe's pristine white dress shirt, pushing
him away as he tore mouth free with a breathless gasp.

Naoe stared at him with smoldering eyes, mouth that had been so warm now a thin flat line, and
he raised himself up, little shivers of trepidation running through him at the dark promise in
Naoe's eyes. Deny me this and I will hurt you, said those eyes. Tiger, Naoe had named him, and
if Naoe was any animal, then it was a wolf, lean, rangy creature slinking around him with fierce
yellow eyes, awaiting the slightest sign of weakness to exploit. A moment's inattention and he
would be on you, teeth sinking into your throat, a vicious growl rumbling out from between
clenched teeth.

Licking his lips, Takaya gave a nervous toss of head to clear hair from his eyes and surrendered
to instinct. He kissed him, a soft, tentative kiss, and Naoe stiffened under the light brush of his
mouth, eyes narrowing to slits and fingers wrapping around Takaya's wrist hard enough to hurt.
Surprise loosened the taut line of his mouth and lips were soft under the daring sweep of his
tongue, mimicking Naoe's actions. Naoe shuddered, eyes closing, and the fingers encircling his
wrist relaxed, falling limply away as Naoe tilted head up into his kiss. Pursuing him before he
could retreat, attempting to take mastery again, to control this, and if he allowed that, at this
moment, then it would go bad very fast. Naoe would take him, without any care for his comfort,
and it would be the old nightmare again and again...

He pressed against Naoe's chest, pushing him back, and said firmly, "No."

Naoe blinked at him, a deceptively languid flutter of lashes that did not hide the flare of anger.
"No?" he repeated softly, and caught at Takaya's wrists in a hard grip. Takaya let him, meeting
stormy eyes with a level gaze, though heart hammered with Naoe's nearness and the urgent
desire to get free of imprisoning hands. He had to keep control, he had to see this as a struggle of
wills, rather than of bodies, if this was to go as he wanted.

The anger faded from Naoe's eyes but there was still suspicion and a hardness there, an
expectation that Takaya would renege on his promise. A light tug at captured wrists and
grudgingly Naoe let him go, eyes narrowing a little. Something more in his eyes than anger,
though, a pain that reminded him again of that hotel room and Naoe pressed up against his body.
Anguish and need thick in his voice, tears shimmering in his eyes, and even in his own anger and
fear it had roused empathy, though it had been quickly dashed by Naoe's actions.

Naoe's tie was a little askew, probably loosened as he'd stood at the window, and he focused on
it, finding it a safer thing than the storm of dark eyes. Easy to concentrate on the knotted tie as he
worked it loose and tugged it out from under folded-down collar, fingers nervously twining the
fine silk between them as eyes ran down white dress shirt to trouser clad lap and a hint of bulge
under the fabric. Blushing he tore his eyes away from Naoe's groin but could not banish the
thought of it from his mind. He didn't really think that he could do it, that he could go so far as to
put his hand down Naoe's pants and...and...touch him down there. Not as brave as you think you
are, huh? jeered his nagging mental voice.

"You can't do it, can you." Takaya jerked his head up at Naoe's soft challenge, the innate
stubbornness of his contrary nature pricked by the insinuation that he couldn't follow through on
the bet. He could do this, damn it, he'd show Naoe he wasn't frightened of him or anything he
could do to him!

Scowling he jerked roughly at Naoe's shirt, not being very careful as he popped buttons free, and
tugged it open, baring smooth white chest firmly defined by lean muscle. It flummoxed him, the
flat chest, because he wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to do now. If Naoe was a girl,
well, then it would be obvious, but he wasn't, he was a man, and so how was he supposed
to...without having to just touch him down there...?

Tentatively he laid his palm flat against Naoe's chest and the older man flinched a little at the
touch, drawing his breath in sharply. Skin was warm and surprisingly soft under his hand and he
could feel the rising thump-thump of heart hidden beneath skin and bone, leaping up in response
to his touch. A heart to lay in his hand, to cradle gently, tenderly, or to rend into shreds of tissue...
it was a heady power to have. Dig in his nails and wrench it apart and Naoe's heart was gone, his
revenge complete. And Naoe would do nothing to stop him.

Emboldened by this knowledge, he lifted eyes again to Naoe's and the challenge was gone,
leaving only a placid acceptance of what Takaya would choose to do. He could be as cruel and
hurtful as Naoe had been to him. This thing that they'd do would be a weapon to wield against

Too much thinking. Just...do!

He raised himself up and settled gingerly down into Naoe's lap, very much aware of how quickly
the bulge there rose to greet him. He should rub against him, tease him and pay him back...with a
determined grimace he did just that, pressing a little too hard at first and earning a pained hiss
from Naoe. Not so much of his weight, then, and shift a little back and forth...another hiss from
Naoe but not in pain, in surprise, and, yes, that was it, just like that. Enough that Naoe could feel
him and he could feel Naoe, trembling and eager, hands lifting to flutter uncertainly at Takaya's
hips, unsure if they would be allowed the liberty of touching him.

Takaya kissed him, giving his assent with tongue and mouth and the bolder touch of his own
hands. He ran hands slowly down Naoe's torso, feeling the power and strength of him, and let the
clenched hands on his hips guide the motion of their bodies. It should have frightened him, to
feel the hard pressure of Naoe against his buttocks, and it did, a little, but there was an odd thrill
to it, too. Naoe wanted him, as no one had wanted him, and as long as he thought he could have
him, then he would never leave him, never...

He was down on his back, with Naoe over him, and the old fear flared up, yammering for control
of his body and to throw off the one on top of him. It subsided sulkily under the softness of
Naoe's kiss and the gentle soothing stroke of hands up under his shirt, lurking at the edges of his
consciousness. It came up and over his head, blinding him for a few heart-skipping seconds, and
when his head came clear of it, he half expected to see the nightmarish figures of his dreams, to
feel their greedy hands and hear their laughter, but of course it was Naoe, looking only a little
less frightening as he loomed over him, eyes dark and intent.

Naoe's lips parted, starting to form a word, and then closed, hand lifting to grip Takaya's chin as
he went in for another kiss. "Takaya," he breathed into Takaya's mouth. Seeing him, wanting
him, and not Kagetora...it gave Takaya the courage to slip hand down loosened pants and actually
touch him. He was hot and hard down there, very, very ready, and it didn't feel as weird as he'd
thought it would. It was like...like holding his own cock, seeming to jump eagerly at his touch,
letting him know it was ready to play, to get down to business. He thought he could feel a
rumbling purr of pleasure vibrate through it as he stroked hand slowly down its length, a little bit
of liquid seeping out through the tip to run down his fingers. Another stroke and more of it to wet
his hand, to be spread along the shaft. He knew from touching himself just how quick he could
make it go and he squeezed at swollen cock, hand clenching around it to pull harder and faster.

Naoe caught his hand, his own trembling from eagerness and need. "No. I want to be in you," he
said hoarsely, and Takaya shivered at the images it sent through his head. On his back, legs
spread, Naoe between them and lunging up to push that hardness deep into Takaya. A hand on
his shoulder rolled him over onto his stomach, fingers hooking in jeans to pull them down, and
he wanted to kick at Naoe to get free, challenge and promise be damned, but the hands were
gentle, like the kiss placed to the nape of his neck. Two quick tugs and he was naked and
squirming a little on the bed, holding his breath in anticipation of pain.

And not really ready for the touch of cool, slick fingers that slipped between his buttocks. They
circled the rosette of his opening, stroking tip of finger over it when he tensed against their
intrusion. Naoe's chest pressed against his back and mouth nuzzled at Takaya's ear, the swipe of
tongue strangely, disturbingly hot. Tongue and teeth working at earlobe as fingers rubbed,
coaxing him to open just a little, and then Naoe's hand was on him. This time body didn't mind
at all responding to the skillful caress of Naoe's hand and a soft sigh escaped him as Naoe set
mouth against his pulse, scraping it with his teeth.

Fingertip pushed inside him, taking advantage of his lapse, and the breath hitched in his chest,
part of him very adamantly not wanting anything to do with this, and another part thinking
wonderingly that it just felt a little...weird. It twisted in him, pushing a little deeper, and yet it
didn't hurt. And maybe it was possible that he could do this, that he could follow through on it
without freaking out...

More pushed into him, and deeper, twisting and stretching in him, like they sought something.
Oh, they found it, a spot inside him that made his stomach tighten and knees go weak. Rub and
rub, pushing a little deeper and then pulling back only to slide back into place, and heat surged
through him, toes curling with the painful pleasure of thrusting fingers. Was this how it was
supposed to feel, then, or was he not supposed to feel this? He shouldn't enjoy this, he should be
laying back to allow Naoe his pleasure, pay off the debt, and not biting at his lip to keep back a
moan as fingers twisted in him. He shouldn't be quivering like an eager virgin about to receive
her first man and certainly he shouldn't be pushing back in pursuit of exiting fingers.

Something other than fingers to press into him and again there was the blind surge of panic, the
memory of others that had taken him like this. Breeching him as Naoe did and he whimpered,
clawing at sheets, tensing to throw him off before he could seat himself fully. Naoe stroked his
hips, whispering soft calming words into his ear, words of love or comfort, he didn't know what.
All he knew was the increasing pressure of the cock working into him, slow and patient in its
execution. Not tearing into him but allowing him to adjust, to become accustomed to it, to feel
again the thrill piercing fingers had given him.

Naoe guided his hips up and, oh, he felt it again. Cock thicker and less comfortable than the
fingers but it glided knowingly right over that spot, flared head seeming to nuzzle at it and caress
it before it pushed as deep into him as it could go. Dragged back and he thought he could feel
every ridge and line in rigid shaft as it was pulled back along the walls of his passage, making
muscles clench and body shiver with the rippling pleasure of it.

In and out, a slow, steady rhythm made to focus all the body's attention back there, taking him,
filling him, his body thrumming with the pleasure of it, and only right to put a hand on his cock,
feel his own swollen erection. Naoe laid a hand over his and even though he was being so
intimately claimed by him, it still felt odd to have someone else's hand on his cock, guiding his
fingers up and down the shaft, imitating the quickening motion of Naoe inside him.

Naoe shuddered against him and was done in a flooding burst of wetness, trickling out down one
leg as he exited him. The sensation of it his explosion and the sliding exit was enough to send
Takaya over, thrusting up into the clasp of their joined hands and spilling out over their fingers.

And as easily as he'd been swept up in the heat of it, he came crashing down. He was sticky back
there, on the front too, and Naoe was pressed too tightly against him, arms clenching too hard.
Restraining him and he didn't like it at all, didn't like this lingering web of languidness
encircling his body. Wrong to have felt this, to have enjoyed this, and he wanted free of Naoe
now. He'd paid his debt and they were even and this was not going to happen again.

A sharp elbow to the side and Naoe released him, Takaya all but tumbling off the bed in his haste
to get away from him. Trousers here and shirt there, grasped by trembling hands, and then he was
in the bathroom, with the door shut and locked against Naoe's intrusion. Not that it would really
stop him, if he wanted in, but it gave the illusion of security and he was more than happy to settle
for it.

Standing at the mirror, staring into flushed features shrouded by tumbled hair, he could see there
the flash he'd gotten of Naoe's expression, before his hasty exit. Sorrow turning satisfaction
bitter, making it entirely unclear as to who was the real winner here in their game.
