Nabari No Ou Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifices ❯ The begining of it all ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sitting at the heated table in the middle of the small room drinking tea had to be the most boring thing that Yokohama had ever done. But there she was, her legs tucked under the heated blanket as she held the ceramic cup in her hands, her palm pressed against the bottom, the other wrapped around the middle as she took a sip of the warm, calming liquid and pulled it away from her lips, sighing before setting it down with a small clink on the wooden table. She sat back, her jaw length blonde hair caressing the soft tan skin of her cheeks as she closed her eyes, hiding the platinum bronze irises from view beneath creamy skin, her hands folded in her lap. Her body was clothed in a red tanktop, covered by a black cloak, with buckles going horizontally across her chest and down to her mid abdomen. She wore black pants as well, and her boots sat at the door, neatly off to the side. Her companion that sat across from her at the table, looked at her seemingly calm face, but he knew that beneath that mask, her thoughts were going a mile a minute. He knew he shouldn't ask, but something was nagging at the back of his mind.

" Yokohama-san ?" he asked hesitantly. The girl before him opened her eyes, revealing the flashing bronze irises.

" Yes, Konosuke-san ?" she answered, her tone calm and aloof. Fidgiting, the man shifted before glancing up uncomfotably. The young female always managed to make him feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was because her whole body radiated a calm and cool demenor, or the way her very prescence commanded respect and to be obeyed if she gave out an order. He had not yet seen her fight, but from what he heard from the others, it sent a shiver down his spine every time he thought of watching her fight another ninja. Working up his courage, Konosuke looked at the tan skinned female.

" Is something wrong ?" he asked and Yokohama looked at the young male. He was several years young that she, and a rather timid thing. Yokohama frowned, being timid and hesitant got you nowhere in the world of Nabari. She learned that the hard way.

' No,'she thought. She wouldn't remember the past, no now. After a few moments of silence, Yokohama decided to answer.

" Yes." she answered and Konosuke about leapt from his seated position when she held up a hand, palm up, a sign for him to sit back down and be quiet. " I was not finished talking, Konosuke-san." she said, and glanced at him in amusement as a slight blush wormed over his pale features. " I mean, Seiryuu-san has not come back with the scouting report yet, and he should have come back an hour ago." she said. A worried expression came into Konosuke's purple eyes.

" Do you think he ran into some other ninjas ? Should we go look for him ?" he blurted, his hands on the table as he leaned over it.

" Relax, Konosuke-san. I'm sure Seiryuu-san is fine." answered Yokohama, taking another sip of her tea. " If he does not return soon, we shall go out and look for him." Konosuke seemed to relax at the blonde female's words, and he sat back down. Both sat in silence for a while until Yokohama's eyes snapped open again, as they had closed oncemore, and they narrowed. Konosuke, noticing the female's sudden movements, narrowed his eyes as well.

" What is it ?" he asked in a hushed whisper. Yokohama's platinum bronze gaze slid over to him.

" Silence. Can you feel that Ki ?" she asked and Konosuke closed his eyes, concentrating before picking up on an unfamiliar Ki. He opened ihs eyes again and looked over to Yokohama as she nodded and put her finger to her lips, a sign for him to be quiet as she rose from her seat silently, pulling on her gloves and drawing a kunai from a pouch wrapped around her waist. Jars of liquids and powders hung on there, various poisons and herbs inside them. Slinking towards the door and hiding her Ki, Yokohama pressed her back to the wall, her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as the unfamiliar Ki approached, along with other Ki's. Konosuke watched in silence, his eyes shining in amazement. As as shadowed figure approached, Yokohama reached for the door, sliding it open before moving quickly, pressing the sharpened blade of the kunai to the soft flesh of a throat before looking up into dark blue eyes.