Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ You're an alien? ❯ Proulouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
You’re An Alien?

Disclaimer: I don’t own this all characters belong to their resective createours.


Unknown location Planet Vegeta

“Waaaahhhh!” a small baby girl with black hair and eyes is wailing for all she’s worth as two doctors check her power level.

“A power level of two?” the doctor sounded incredulous as if he couldn’t believe a saiyon could be this weak.

“That’s pathetic!” his partner shouted “I expected better of Bardock’s kid! What’s it’s name anyway?”

“Kakkarot.” the first doctor answered “Well you know what this means.”

“It gets sent off with the other low levels.”

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Meanwhil e on planet Kyuubi

“She’s beautiful Kushina.” a spiky blonde haired man said to his wife.

“She sure is Minato.” a red haired woman answered her husband as they stared down at their daughter. “She’ll make a perfect princess.” she whispered softly.

“She sure will.” at that moment a siren went off alerting them to a crisis.

“Go Minato I’ll wait here with Naruto.” Kushina encouraged her husband as she held their new born daughter.

“I’ll be back.” he turned swiftly and left the room.
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Back on planet Vegeta

Little Kakkarot is placed is in a round metal space pod and sent off to earth just as planet Vegeta is blown to dust just before we here Kakkarot’s father Bardock say one last thing “Be safe my daughter.”
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Five hours later planet Kyuubi

“My queen!” a guard came up to Kushina “We must hurry!”

“What why?” Kushina questioned confused.

“The king sent me to get you and your daughter to safety.” he panted.

“Take my daughter send her somewhere safe.” She handed the guard Naruto.

“My queen what about you?” the guard questioned as he gently handled the princess of the kingdom.

“I will fight with my husband.” Kushina answered “Now go!”
“Yes my queen.” the guard then took Naruto to a space pod not unlike the one Kakkarot was sent on earlier “Be safe princess.” the guard said as he watched Naruto speed off.
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Later on earth

Two space pods are seen flying towards an isolated mountain range at high speed by a little old man. This is no ordinary man no this is Son Gohan student of turtle hermit master Roshi. He followed the space pods and found them in a clearing in a forest he walked over to one of them as they opened up only to find two young girls!

“Hm” he picked up the blonde one to find nine fox tails on her behind “How odd.” he commented as he noticed what appeared to be a name stitched to the corner “Naruto huh I like it” he turned towards the black haired baby next and picked her up “Huh I guess you don’t have a name I know I’ll call you Goku!” he then picked up both tailed babies and carried them to his hut “Something tells me this will be interesting I can already tell.”
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A few days later

“Come on Naruto, Goku lets go for a walk.” he put the toddlers in a basket attached to his back and off they went. After about an hour both little girls got bored of sitting still and began to move around in the basket unfortunately they fell out even worse they were over a cliff.

“Naruto, Goku!” Gohan called out in horror as he watched his adopted grandchildren fall off the cliff. He quickly chased them down and breathed a sigh in relief as he saw they were still alive. “Lets get you two home.”

When they got home he got to work bandaging their heads and sat by them everyday for the week they were out. When they woke up they were no longer the hateful babies that refused to eat or play with him and were now incredibly sweet and kind.
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A few years later

“No grandpa you can’t die!” Naruto yelled as she stared at her dying grandfather while her sister just cried silently next to her.

“I’m s-*cough*-sorry but I don’t ha-have much time. Please take care of y-yourselves and take this.” Gohan gave them a strange ball with four stars on it as the light left his eyes.

“G-grand-grandpa? Grandpa!” Naruto and Goku cried in agony and anguish as they buried and mourned their now dead grandfather.
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Okay done! I hope you like I’ve been thinking about this story for awhile now and I just had to write it.